Chapter 1

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We had met in freshman year, Cassidy and I. We became friends, and did almost everything together. I was pretty much friend-zoned, but I didn't mind. The fact that I got to look at her beautiful face every day was all I needed. I didn't push her into being my girlfriend or flirt with her, well I did sometimes flirt with her. I would do anything for her, and I swear I would never hurt her.


I slammed my fist on the table. As the flashbacks of our memories kept surfacing into my thoughts. I had no idea where she was, who took her, and how it all started.

"Sir, we need you to calm yourself down. One more question, alright? Who were enemies, or who would ever want to hurt Cassidy? The first person that pops into your head please." The black female police officer asked.

I had been in this interrogation room for hours, not sure whether it was in the late hours of the night of the early morning. I had no idea who would want to hurt Cas, her father was in prison and her ex-boyfriend Phillip was in California on Juvenile Detention from the Justice Center. Yet they both had abused Cassidy in more than one way. She was safe here, admired by all, loved and protected by me.

"Sir? I need you to answer the question."

I looked up from my depth in thought. I sighed,"I'm sorry, I have no idea. But please check the names Phillip Charleston and Derek Scott. Those are the only people I know of that would want to hurt her. Can I please go now?" I've given you all the information I have."

She scribbled down the names and nodded as the security guard in the corner stood and escorted me out of the building after collecting my valuables.

I hopped into my rusted old car and headed home. I opened the front door and smelt lasagna cooking in the oven. I see my mom rush to the end of the hallway that connects to the living room.

"Oh my goodness, Jason! I thought they had you too!" She said.

She ran and gave me a huge motherly hug. I hung my head, as tears fell from my eyes. My mother looked up at me after she let go.

"Jassy, what's wrong?" She asked.

I sniffed and blurted out," they have her mom! They took Cassidy! And I can't do anything! I don't know where she is! I don't even know what son f a bitch would do this!! I can't lose her! Not again mom! I just... She's just the love of my life, and yet the one hour I leave her side, She's gone!"

I collapsed onto the floor, crying into my mother's stomach. I fell her warm hand starts to rub my back, and her lips start to say "shhh" like she would do when I was little.

I easily calmed to this action, as it always makes me feel safe from the shadows of evil. I looked up at her, tears had filled her eyes, she had a faint smile, reminding me it would all be okay.

"Oh Jas, Cassidy is such a great fighter and a great thinker. She'll send a sign, we will get her back. If her love is as strong for you as yours is for her, she won't stop fighting until she can reach you and never let go. Go upstairs and rest, I'll bring you up super once it's ready."

I walked up the stairs and jumped back first onto my bed. My eyes felt heavy, as a memory resurfaced to my head.

It was the first day of freshman year. New school, new environment, new people. I jumped out of my mother's car, ignoring her love you's and kiss-blowing. I walked through the main doors. I instantly saw the jocks, the cheerleaders, and the nerds, playing chess in the corner.

I walk up to the sign that says "New students, Welcome! Please go to the office for your schedule!"

I walk into the office and am greeted by a secretary who looked like she never exercised in her life. She hands me my schedule and tells me to have a great day.

I nodded while glancing at my schedule. I turn around still looking down when it hit something, someone. I look up rubbing my head as her books fall onto my toe. I wince in pain but don't shout.

"Keep cool, keep your cool!" I keep telling myself. I bend down and retrieve her books from the floor. I hand them to her as she rubs her head with her other hand.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking at where I was going. I'm sorry!" She said.

I smirked,"Oh no, it was my fault. I wasn't looking at where I was going. No need to apologize for something you didn't do!"

She smiled. Wow, what a beautiful smile. And her green eyes, they matched perfectly with her dark brown hair.

The moment drifts on, longer than what it should have.

I hold out my hand," Jason."

She gives me a confused look,"Oh! Cassidy!"

We continue to shake hands for a moment when the bell rings.

"Well Cassidy, it was my pleasure to accidentally bump heads with you!"

She smiles and blushes as her eyes gleam. "And to you as well, Jason. "

We part ways and I head for my homeroom. I smile and do a little fist pump.

"Score!" I say to myself.

I suddenly stop. There is a sound, like a bullet. Several at a time. There is a bright light and I come close to it.

I jump awake. My mother is by my bedroom door holding a plate of lasagna and a piece of bread.

"Honey please eat before going to bed."

I nodded and got up to get the plate. I'm smiling so widely you could say I looked like a mentally insane person. I sit down after my mom leaves the room.

The first day I met Cassidy, I knew she was mine.

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