|| Chapter 10.5 ||

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"Morty, get your lazy ass out of bed!" Doni was slowly waking up to Falkner calling out to his lover in another room. It was quite common for the blond to be woken up like this almost every morning, only that it was usually his mother, Merlina, who yelled at her husband.

The blond knight stretched in his bed before standing up, almost falling on his face in the process. He grabbed his clothes and exited his room before walking to the bathroom and getting ready there. He washed his face properly before staring into the mirror, sighing at his bed hair. After a rather long while of fixing it until he was satisfied, the male went to join the older men in the living room.

Morty sat at the table on what was usually Merlina's seat, looking half dead while he ate a slice of bread with butter along with his favourite: Green tea. Falkner had just finished preparing his own breakfast and seated himself across his lover, where Alessandro, Doni's father, usually sat. "Morning, Doni."

Doni greeted the two, hugging his favourite uncle before joining the two at the table. Even though the blue eyed knight considered Morty his uncle, he was actually his mother's cousin. Neither of his parents had any siblings, or at least none they were close with.

"It's already Saturday, huh. You're going back this evening, right?" Doni asked and reached for a piece of bread as well, soon spreading a bit of the Rawst berry jam on it. Falkner shoved a cup of milk to the younger and nodded. "Yeah, I wish we could have stayed longer."

"I'm pretty okay with going back today. I don't want to run into Merlina when she comes back from her 'honeymoon'." Morty groaned, talking while he still had his mouth full on which he got scolded by his lover. A light chuckle escaped Doni's lips. He knew that even though his uncle says all those things, he really treasures his female cousin a lot. It's just that the woman had a habit of teasing him a lot when they were children, since he was younger than her by a few years.

"I'm sorry that I won't be able to be here to see you two off." The blond said and had finished eating his small breakfast, standing up from his seat as he brought the dirty dishes to the sink. "I forgot to ask, are you gonna go back through Puleuna?"

"That's right. It's much easier and faster like that." Falkner replied and watched as the younger went to put on his knight coat and boots. Puleuna kingdom didn't only have good relationships with several kingdoms in the Alola region, but in kingdoms of almost all regions. The only exception that was known to the public were kingdoms in Almia.

Once Doni was ready to go, he walked up to the other two again, hugging Falkner tightly and wished him a safe trip before going to Morty and doing the same. And so, the knight left his house and made his way to the Cameran palace.

"So, Y/N won't be there today..." The blue eyed young man thought to himself before sighing, wondering what he could do to pass time, since he had no missions currently. "Aaron isn't here yet either... maybe I'll play with some girls? Yeah probably."

Doni hummed a song called "We will meet again" he had heard a band sing on a yearly festival until he reached the main gates of the castle, spotting a quite familiar white haired guard stationed there, alone today.

He exchanged a brief greeting with the purple eyed boy and directly headed for the training grounds where he had left his common Heracross yesterday. He had become good friends with Camilla's Lopunny who stayed at the castle, and he wanted to remain here at all costs as well, so his owner allowed it.

He spotted his beetle Pokémon as well as the Lopunny he was hanging out with, but his attention was soon gained by a female voice calling out orders to her Pokémon: "Noivern, use Dragon Pulse!"

The male turned his head in the direction he heard the young woman and recognized Liliana who was training with her partner. The bat-like Pokémon was shooting Dragon Pulses all over the sky, careful that he wouldn't disturb the others.

Doni's lips curled into a smirk before he approached the distracted silver haired girl, almost startling her when he greeted the female: "Liliana! Working hard?" The girl's face automatically turned a darker shade of red, and she herself got more flustered. "S-Sir Doni, good m-morning! I am just t-training my Pokémon a little."

"I see. Would you mind if I join you?" The blond asked, walking even closer to the female until they were just a few steps apart. Liliana instinctively held her shoulders with her hands, covering her chest with her arms in the process while also stepping back in order to keep a certain distance from the knight. "I-I don't mind as long as y-you don't come too close."

"Don't be shy.~" Doni hummed, grinning widely as he attempted wrapping one of his arms around the younger's waist, failing at it since Liliana was good at slipping away even without making contact with him. "I-I am not shy!"

"Yes you are. You don't need to be overwhelmed by my good looks." The blond chuckled, gaining puffed cheeks from the female. "You seem quite confident about your appearance. I-I admit that you are handsome, b-but I do not have that kind of interest in you."

"That's such a shame. But that isn't necessary in order to play around a bit, is it?" Doni smirked and had almost cornered the silver haired female against a tree. He had slammed his one hand next to her, performing a perfect kabedon. He wasn't planning on doing anything more than leaning his face slightly forward in order to tease the younger a bit, but it seemed like he wasn't able to do that either:

Liliana had shut her eyes in fear, and the moment Doni wanted to move, he froze feeling something sharp against the nape of his neck. "Don't even try it, Sir. I am not going to tolerate anyone who harasses Liliana, no matter who or what they are. You are no exception."

The cold voice as well as as the tip of the blade made shivers travel across his body, immediately causing him to raise both of his hands defensively. "Whoa hey there. I didn't see you, Fotula." The blue eyed knight said, letting his arms fall next to his sides as soon as he felt the raven haired girl pull away her weapon.

He slowly turned around only to face the expressionless young woman who was tackled into a hug by Liliana. He was very impressed to the point that it was actually scary how silently Fotula had managed to sneak up behind him. The male glanced down at what she was holding, only to notice that it was a common-stage form sacred weapon: A Natu kunai.

The object disappeared as soon as the ravenette noticed the male's blue orbs fixated on it, causing him to snap out of his daze. "I'm sorry. I was just messing around." Doni said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I would appreciate if you could 'mess around' with someone else, then." Fotula retorted, not fazed at all as she spoke in her usual monotonous voice. The blue eyed male was almost intimidated by her coldness, but it was just the way she was.

"I'll see you around then." The blond said and waved before leaving the two hugging females. He sighed in relief once he entered the castle, walking through the corridors. "Guess I'll need to change my plans-..."

He almost snorted when he was greeted by the sight of someone carrying that big of a pile of books that it covered their face. Even though that was the case, he knew exactly who was hiding behind it.

"Careful there." Doni said, stopping the caramel haired girl before she could bump into him, smiling at the slightly shorter female from the side of the stack. Camilla was a little surprised to see the knight here, but she was thankful for his gesture:

The blue eyed young man took a bit more than half of the books and ensured the girl he would help her carry them. She told him that she was headed for her room, and that's where the two went. Once inside, they placed down the piles on the floor. "Thanks a lot."

"How about you let me treat you to lunch? That'd be the same as thanking me." Doni said, placing an arm around the shorter as they walked trough the corridor. Camilla stopped in her tracks in front of one of the many exits and smirked up at the male. "Aren't you supposed to work? Like, missions and those kind of things?"

"Then I just officially gave myself the mission to be your bodyguard for today." The blond hummed, smirking back. It was quickly replaced by a tender smile after he watched Camilla laugh at his attempts of flirting. "You're terrible at this!"

"Guess it can't be helped.~" The caramel haired girl hummed, taking Doni by his arm as she led him outside and to the main gates where they once again saw Myron doing his job. "But a drink will be enough, breakfasts at the castle are quite extravagant, so I'm not that hungry yet."

"Then let's drop by at a bar." The blue eyed male said, slipping his arm away from the girl's grip and wrapping it around her again instead. On the way to the small shop, Doni asked the female how the contest was going and if she was getting along with the other candidates.

The two were still talking even when they got themselves seats inside the bar which the knight had mentioned. "I'll go get our drinks. What would you like?" He said, pulling out a chair for the caramel haired girl before helping her sit.

"A Rawst berry moomoo-milkshake please." The chestnut brown eyed female grinned, gaining a smile from the knight before he headed for the counter. He didn't expect her to order a moomoo-milkshake, but it made her even cuter somehow.

There were two other guys who were sitting at the table next to Camilla's who seemed to be ogling her and talking among themselves. The language they spoke wasn't english though, and even if she would have tried, Camilla couldn't have understood them.

"Guarda un po in là. La ragazza vicino a noi." One male said to the other who replied, glancing at the caramel haired girl from the corner of his eye. "Niente male. Pensi che è da sola?"

"Chi se ne frega? Andiamo a parlarle." The first one retorted and both of them got up from their seats, approaching Camilla who wasn't initially paying attention to those two. "Ciao bella.~"

"Uhm hello?" The female said unsurely, locking eyes with one of the two who were now blocking her view. Even though she didn't speak it, she knew that 'ciao' was Italian, so she tried making herself understandable in english. "Can I help you?"

Before they could even answer, Doni returned, placed the two drinks on the table before grabbing both of the young men by their shoulders, causing them to stumble back slightly. "Salve cari.~"

"Spiacente, ma lei è la mia ragazza. Quindi potete smammare, cretini." Doni said, smiling at the two before giving them a push. Camilla didn't know the reason, since the knight seemed to have said something polite by the way he grinned, but the two strangers looked intimidated and left to somewhere.

"What did they want?" She asked once the blond sat down across her. He smiled innocently and sipped what also seemed to be a Rawst berry moomoo-milkshake. "They asked where the bathrooms are."

"I see. I totally forgot that you speak Italian!" Camilla grinned, tasting her drink as well before she started up a new conversation with the male. She was oblivious to the two guys' actual goal, and there was no way Doni would have told her that they actually wanted to invite her and do naughty things. Then there was that one small detail that he had referred to Camilla as his girlfriend, but that was just so the guys would have left.

* * *

Doni and Camilla had just returned back from their date and were currently about to enter the palace from the training grounds, but before they could, they were greeted by two rather familiar Pokémon.

"Momo and Lucario? What are they doing here?" The blond asked himself aloud, soon getting cuddles from his pink beetle-Pokémon while the caramel haired girl simply watched in awe. She was surprised to see a Heracross of that color, just like everyone else was up until now. "Y/N's here? But isn't today her day off?"

Your Lucario nodded and pointed her paw in a certain direction, then gestured the two humans to follow her instead. Camilla and Doni did just that, and were led in front of Aaron's room. The caramel haired girl spoke up first: "She's in there?"

Lucario shook his head yes again and stepped to the side in order to allow the blond to open the door, both he and the female peeking inside only to find you lying on Aaron's bed, sleeping while you held his pillow tight and close to yourself.

"Would you look at her.~ She's a bigger perv than I am." Doni whispered, making the shorter giggle silently as the two exchanged glances. "Let's not wake her."

"I wish Aaron were here, I'm pretty sure he'd love to see this." The blue eyed knight laughed lightly after having closed the door again. That's when he and Camilla decided they would wait for Aaron's arrival outside and make sure he would get to his room first thing here.

* * *

"There he is!" Camilla called out, she and the blond standing up from the grass they had been sitting on. They had waited outside near the main gates for more than an hour, but time flew so drastically that they didn't even notice how late it had gotten. "Aaron!"

"Hey guys-..." The dark blue haired male wanted to greet them as enthusiastically, but was cut off by his best friend's rambles. "Yeah we missed you too and everything, but you really need to go to your room!"

"Did something happen?" Aaron asked somewhat worried, his Lucario frowning. Both of them were put more or less at ease by what Camilla said next: "There's a surprise for you."

"But I need to report to the queen. Besides, I'm not exactly alone." The dark blue haired young man said sheepishly, gesturing behind him where several officers along with unknown Pokémon were catching up to him.

"Don't worry about that, we'll take care of it." Doni reassured his best friend, grinning in unison with the caramel haired girl. Lucario opposed to the idea, but Aaron had gotten really curious about this 'surprise' that was apparently waiting in his room. "Thanks. I'll hurry back, then."

"I doubt that." Doni muttered once Aaron and his Pokémon disappeared inside the palace, Camilla chuckling sweetly again. As much as he wanted to spend more time alone with her, the blond took responsibility to take care of what the other knight started.

"Camilla... thank you for today. It was really fun." He said, taking the female's hand. The chestnut brown eyed girl flashed the taller a smile, not pulling her hand away. "I really got to enjoy myself. Let's go on missions more often."

The blond felt like he could melt in the spot, but still managed to raise the Camilla's small hand to his lips and place a kiss on it. He caressed her cheek after that and left without saying anything else.

He was so happy. He had been expecting to somehow get rejected, pushed away or told "You're fine with anyone? Then it doesn't have to be me." like he was in the past. The fact that Camilla put up with his plays and flirtatiousness made him feel warm inside. Maybe Camilla wasn't like all of the other girls he messes around with-...

But as soon as he noticed he was possibly getting ahead of himself, he cleared his head, and the smile on his face vanished almost immediately too.

"What am I thinking? She is the same as the other girls. Nothing more, nothing less. Period." He kept mentally saying that to himself for the next while. He was most certainly not going to make the same mistake twice.


A/N: I myself ship Doni and Camilla pretty hard, it's kinda hilarious xD There'll be some more character development between the two (compared to the first version), so be prepared ^3^

This has nothing to do with this story BUT HOLY CRAP BTS' 'FAKE LOVE' IS FRIGGIN AMAZING *Q*

Doni Salvatore:

Falkner Hayato:

Morty Matsuba:

Dragon Pulse:

Natu weapon (Common-stage form):

Thank you for Reading!

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