|| Chapter 12 ||

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It was now Monday, the morning after the so-called welcoming party which in the end was more of a drinking party than anything. You were just waking up into your strangely warm bed and could already feel your head hurting.

"I knew I shouldn't have drank... I can't remember a thing..." You mumbled to yourself and decided you should finally open your eyes, only for them to flutter even wider. Your face quickly heated up and got very red while you were incapable of saying anything in the brief moment of shock: "Okay don't panic. Aaron is just peacefully sleeping in my bed. Next to me. Shirtless! Nothing weird about that!"

"Wait-... I didn't do anything stupid while I was drunk, did I?! No-no-no... please no..." You turned around quickly, your back now facing Aaron's as you silently freaked out. You soon noticed that the knight beside you started shifting around a little and even heard muffled noises coming from him. "Did he wake up?!"

You froze in your position, feeling Aaron's gaze fixated on you. He didn't see your face from how you lied, so he could have thought that you were still sleeping. But he wasn't an easy one to fool to begin with: "Y/N, are you awake?"

You tensed up a little at the dark haired male's voice: It was quite hoarse in the morning. Aaron let a small sigh escape his lips before smiling. "I can sort of tell because the tips of your ears are bright red."

You rolled around and faced the shirtless young man without uttering a word and nodded embarrassedly. It was silent for quite a while after that, since the situation was a little if not completely awkward. The male knight then decided to speak up first, asking the obvious question: "Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

"N-No not really." You replied truthfully and sat up, nervously staring down at your lap. "W-We didn't do anything weird, right?" After you had stuttered that, Aaron sat up as well, but at the edge of the bed.

The male rubbed the back of his neck while smiling sheepishly before he shook his head. "We didn't. I think?" You got flustered over the knight's answer and buried your face in your palms. Aaron ended up chuckling at your reaction and ruffled your hair. "We should probably start getting ready, we need to head to the castle."

"You're right." You said and cleared your throat, the color of your face turning back to its normal one. You slipped out of the covers and saw that you were still wearing the shirt and pants you always wear when you work. Aaron had his usual trousers as well, the only thing missing was his shirt. Maybe he just felt hot or uncomfortable and took it off? You forced yourself to think that either one of those were the cases.

"Sorry for intruding by the way. I sort of just put my clothes on your chair." The knight said and both of you got up completely. He even started making your bed. You shook your head and went to grab his clothes for him. "N-No, I'm the one who should apologize. I caused you trouble-..."

Before you were able to finish your sentence, you heard loud knocks coming from your front door. You instinctively panicked since you had a man at your house who had just slept over and the person outside could be your mother for all you knew. The sudden wave of stress caused you to feel your headache for a moment and you stumbled.

"I'll be right there!" You said, took a hold of Aaron's shirt you were reaching for a moment ago and hurried out of your room, taking the cloth with you. You didn't hear the knight call out a faint 'wait' since you had rushed off without thinking and the male didn't have anything to dress himself with.

You reached the door and opened it with one fast swing, only to be greeted by another surprise. "M-Myron? What are you doing here?" You asked genuinely confused, staring at the taller with wide eyes. Staring a little too much maybe, since Myron soon hid his slightly red face with his white bangs. You had noticed him doing that quite a lot actually and started to think that it was some sort of habit.

The purple eyed boy found the courage to look at you even if it wasn't necessarily in your eyes and replied: "W-Well, I was on my way to the castle... and since, well, I just thought we could-..."

"Y/N, my shirt." Aaron suddenly appeared behind you wearing a way too casual expression to be shirtless in another girl's house and answering the door like that. He noticed that your guest was Myron and flashed him a suspicious look.

The white haired guard on the other hand was surprised to see him here, and furrowed his brows, clicking his tongue before he gritted his teeth for a moment. You were oblivious to their small exchange since you were too busy being flustered over different things. "A-Aaron! R-Right, sorry, but you could have just waited!"

You then shoved the shirt you held into the male's hands and turned around to face Myron again. You were about to tell the purple eyed male that it was all a misunderstanding: "I-It's not what you think-..."

"It's exactly what it looks like." The knight next to you said instead, sassily fixing his buttons after having slipped into his beige shirt. You instinctively jerked your face into his direction, it now being very red again. "T-That's not true!"

But before you could clear everything up, the white haired young man sighed and stepped away slowly. "I see. Sorry I interrupted you, I'll be heading out first then." And with that, the guard walked away, leaving the two of you in silence. It only lasted a second or two though: "What was that for?"

"I thought he was bothering you, since you guys don't get along well. You said so yourself, right?" The dark blue haired male said and looked at you directly in the eyes without hesitating one bit. You sighed, your face still flushed as you closed the door and got inside again. "He wasn't bothering or anything... no need to be so wary of him, he might not be such a bad person after all."

"Is that so?" You could have imagined it, but you had the feeling that Aaron's voice had gotten somewhat harsher for a moment. The two of you were in your room again and almost fully dressed as you added a part that put the knight at peace again: "Thanks for worrying though..."

* * *

"You guys are late! Wait, did you come together?" Doni was there to greet Aaron and you at the entrance gates of the Cameran palace as soon as you arrived. He immediately started teasing his best friend, wiggling brows at him, whistling and other such things until the blond decided it was your turn:

"So, how are you doing, Miss 'Aaron is seriously unfair'?~" The light blue eyed knight hummed, smirking at you as he swung an arm around you while the three of you made your ways to the training grounds.

"Did I say those things?" You mumbled, hiding your face as soon as Doni nodded excitedly, laughing almost hysterically. "You were seriously amazing! I need to get you drunk more often!"

"You shouldn't. Y/N got a headache because of us." Aaron said warningly on which the blond pouted. There was no need for him to be so protective over you, but for some reason you had the impression that it wasn't such a bad feeling. Being cared about that is.

"I'm assuming you already went to see the queen?" Aaron asked his best friend after escaping another of his rants. The blond nodded and slipped his arm away from you. "Yeah. She said we should focus on getting the Mudsdale to obey us. She even said that the princess candidates will drop by and we'll need to practice together with them."

"But we'll have to do that in the evening, not now." Doni added and the three of you soon reached the training grounds. It was the first time you saw other knights use the same training grounds as you, so you couldn't help but stare at the other men during their training.

"Did the queen mention anything about the sacred weapons?" Aaron said which attracted your attention again, causing you to turn your head back to the two males. The light blue eyed knight next to him shook his head. "Why would she?"

"I just thought we should teach Y/N how to use them before the grand mission." The dark haired knight said and glanced over at you. The thought of you being capable of wielding a sacred weapon sounded so exciting, you grew a little impatient. "That would be great!"

"Yeah why not." Doni agreed as well, entertained by your enthusiastic response. "I'll go get our Pokémon then." And with that, the blond left, heading for where he thought the creatures were currently. He eventually stopped in his tracks to talk to a few other knights as well.

"We already looked at how one should manipulate aura correctly, remember?" Aaron said and led you to a Pokémon battle field where there was more dry ground than grass. "The same technique is required if you want to master a sacred weapon."

You nodded and listened carefully to what the knight told you. "Just like me, you have Lucario aura which facilitates things once again. I'll teach you how to master a common-stage Lucario weapon first. It's the easiest one with our aura, obviously."

"First of all, you'll need to focus. Your inner aura will activate automatically once you start doing so." Aaron said and got into what you assumed was the most practical stance for this sort of exercise. "Then, you just need to say: 'Sacred summon; Lucario aura'. It's easier if you stretch both of your hands in front of you, or if you raise them above your head."

"I'll demonstrate." The dark haired male said and put both of his hands in front of himself, juts like he had mentioned earlier. He then closed his eyes and focused. He did tell you that ones aura would activate upon concentrating this much, but you didn't expect for it to become visible: Light blue aura surrounded the knight, and seemed to be similar to wind. The young man pronounced: "Sacred summon; Lucario aura."

And just like that, aura started to merge into a weapon. A second or two later, the sword was completely formed and in Aaron's right hand. The male opened his eyes in order to look at you, and show you his sacred weapon. The blade was mostly blue, the sharpest parts of it were black though, and the handle had the same color of the fur a Lucario has on its chest.

"A-Amazing." You stuttered, fascinated by what you had just witnessed. Were you really capable of pulling something this awesome off? The dark haired knight flashed you a smile as his cheeks slightly reddened before continuing. "Summoning a weapon isn't particularly hard, controlling it is more difficult."

"If you lose too much focus or get greatly distracted, the sacred weapon will just dissolve itself." He explained, not letting said-thing happen. "You can control it, and turn it back into aura once you master it. You'll just need to say: 'Aura; Release'."

"Want to try it yourself now?" Aaron asked and let his weapon disappear into thin air, since the words he said in order to explain to you must have worked on his sword as well. You gulped insecurely, but nodded in the end. You'd never master this if you weren't going to try.

You spread your legs a little more so that you were in the same stance Aaron was just moments ago and put your hands in front of yourself just like he had done too. The next part was the focusing, so you shut your eyes and concentrated. Because of that, you once again felt the stinging pain in your head, caused by yesterdays alcohol. It really was unpractical, but aura started to surround you as well, even if it wasn't much.

"Sacred summon; Lucario aura!" You mumbled, getting louder by the end. You opened your eyes to check and were amazed to see that aura was actually becoming an also sword-shaped weapon. But that short moment you were in awe, you forgot to focus and lost control, which resulted in the weapon dissolving itself before it even properly formed.

"You almost got it!" Aaron seemed to be impressed for some reason. You weren't aware of it, but that was a really good start for someone who had tried to summon a sacred weapon for the first time. "Why don't you try again? I'm sure it'll work this time."

You attempted multiple more times and were able to control your aura until it completely merged into the same weapon the dark haired knight showed you at the beginning. Just like he had said, it was much more difficult to keep the sword that way for a longer period of time.

Doni had made it back to you by the time you still trained. His Heracross, Momo, your Lucario and Aaron's followed close behind him. "Master! I was so worried about you!" The male and mostly blue Pokémon rushed to is owner, interrupting your training session.

"Why did you not return to the castle last night?! I thought we agreed that you wouldn't do anything foolish!" Lucario exclaimed after having taken Aaron's hands in his paws, shaking them nervously before he turned around and glared at you.

"I didn't do anything like that! And besides, we never agreed that I was supposed to come back to the palace!" The dark haired knight defended himself. He could feel his face get redder as the two continued their argument. "Well, master, we never agreed that you should spend the night over at the brat's place either!"

"Lucario's pretty amusing, don't you think?" Doni leaned near your ear in order to whisper, so that the mentioned Pokémon wouldn't get mad at him too. Your Lucario stood close enough to the two of you to hear, and nodded in agreement while you were left questioning what exactly entertained those two.

* * *

After Lucario had decided to quiet down for a bit, you continued with your training until it was noon and time to change the program. You had improved a lot, but you hadn't mastered the weapon completely yet.

Doni and Aaron went to take the three Mudsdale while you were left to wait for the four princess candidates to arrive. Camilla, Loraine, Fotula and Liliana soon did and approached you. Your caramel haired best friend teased you for yesterday's event too, just like Doni had done previously today, but was very happy that you could finally spend some time on castle grounds.

Loraine of course, needed to ruin the pleasant atmosphere by throwing snarky comments at all of you others. You were the first one she tried insulting by saying: "Wow, you still haven't given up? I'm surprised, Ms. Knight."

The two young men had returned with the equine creatures. You were honestly glad you would continue right away, because if not, then you and Loraine would probably end up fighting for the rest of the day.

"Alright, beautiful ladies.~ First of all, we're really thrilled to train with you all by our sides-..." Doni started but was soon interrupted by Fotula who wore the same emotionless expression as always. "With all due respect, I don't mean to be rude, Sir Doni, but could you get straight to the point?"

"Exactly." Loraine added while crossing her arms in front of her chest, causing the blond knight to pout. A sigh escaped his lips before he cleared his throat and continued. "Fine, fine, no need to bully me like that."

"I'm sure you already know that we knights are going to practice riding on those Pokémon, Mudsdsale, while also guaranteeing the safety of one of you princess candidates who will be sitting behind us." The blue eyed young man explained, glancing at everyone occasionally. "For this exercise we'll also be removing the saddles. We'll leave the bridles though."

Aaron was the one who continued the explanation. "Queen Rin made the pairs, so we won't be accepting any complaints. Since there is four of you and only three Mudsdale, you will be taking turns."

"The pairs are: Lady Liliana and Lady Camilla with Doni, Lady Loraine with Y/N and Lady Fotula with me." The dark haired knight added, causing you and the blonde female to frown lightly. You said nothing, but she immediately lamented even though she was asked not to. "Me? With that peasant? Sir, you must be joking."

While Aaron talked things out with the rich girl, Fotula approached you silently. "Y/N, could I ask a favor of you?" Her voice was monotone, yet quiet and you nodded, pretty sure it had something to do with the pairs as well, and you weren't mistaken: "I know this is how queen Rin decided things, but I wanted to ask you if it was possible for Liliana to train with you instead of Sir Doni."

You were a little surprised, since you were expecting her to ask if she could be assigned to someone else, so when she mentioned Liliana you got a little confused. As if the raven haired girl read your thoughts, she added: "There is a good reason behind that, I assure you, but it is something I shouldn't freely tell others without Liliana's permission."

"I-I see. It's alright, I'm sure Doni will understand too." You ensured the female. Fotula then sighed in relief and flashed you one of those rare yet heartwarming smiles of hers. She then bowed gratefully before walking back to the Mudsdale which had a blue string in its mane.

You on the other hand went to Doni and explained the situation to him. He pretended to be upset, since that meant one lady less, but he was completely understanding about the whole thing. You informed Liliana as well who up until now looked as if she'd seen a ghost. Her face lit up the second you mentioned that she'd be training with you as well, and followed you like a little Ducklett.

Loraine had lost the argument and was 'forced' to work with you. You soon mounted the Mudsdale not exactly the way you had learned it yesterday but still successfully, and Aaron attempted to help Loraine get up and behind you. The blonde rejected his assistance, saying she was perfectly capable of doing it on her own.

Liliana was going to wait for her turn, and you watched how the others got on their equine Pokémon. You were a bit jealous, since they all seemed to get along or cooperate with each other which wasn't the case with you and your current partner.

"Hold on tight, around my waist if possible. My Mudsdale still isn't completely used to me." You forced yourself to act nice with the blue eyed girl which judging by her response probably was an unnecessary gesture: "Don't tell me what to do! Like I'm going to wrap my arms around a peasant like you!"

"Look, I don't like this either, but how about you just shut up and cooperate so we can get this over with." You turned your head around a bit and furrowed your brows at the female. The blonde clicked her tongue before turning away, mumbling a "That's what I was planning to do anyway." Training like this with Loraine and later Liliana was pretty much how you spent the rest of the day.


A/N: Honestly, I'm pretty excited for the 'grand-mission' part (Which will happen in a few chapters xD)

By the way, I'm looking for people who've watched Psycho-Pass... you don't happen to know that Anime, do you? :3

Lucario weapon (Common-stage form):

Thank you for Reading!

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