|| Chapter 14.5 ||

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It wasn't exactly the most usual morning at the Kenji household: It was already quite late in the morning of the same Wednesday, and Yasen was still in bed. He would usually already be at work at this time, especially now that he had been promoted to lieutenant.

He and Myron shared a room, so when the younger was trying to sneak around in order to grab his necessary things before heading to the castle, it was to be expected that Yasen ended up awake even though the noise was minimal. "S-Sorry, did I wake you?"

The older brother simply groaned as he attempted to open his eyes. He held his arms out, signalling Myron to get closer. The purple eyed male was a bit hesitant at first, but stepped closer to the bed his sibling lied on, only to get caught by him and pulled down next to him. "I can't, I'll be late for work!"

"How come you're still here?" The younger asked and let himself get pet by Yasen. The red eyed young man ran his fingers through his little brother's soft hair and kissed the boy on the forehead before pecking him several more times on his cheeks. "I took a day off."

"Can I?" Yasen asked the younger, his lips not much away from his little brother's. Yasen's affection towards his little brother was nothing new, it was just odd that he was asking for permission when he usually just went and did what he desired. But it had been a while since he last kissed his little brother on the lips. Myron nodded slightly and let the older peck his lips.

"Are you excited for today?" The red eyed male questioned and pulled his face away a little, just so he could lock gazes with the younger who was a bit dumbfounded. He tilted his head to the side and waited for his big brother to explain: "You forgot already? We're meeting dad's new lover, Mrs. L/N!"

"L/N-... You don't mean..?" Myron's eyelids suddenly flew wider at the mention of that similar last name. Their father had told the brothers the day before that they would all be visiting this certain woman's place today, but it was the first time the purple eyed boy had heard the actual name of her - or well, last name.

Yasen nodded as his soft lips stretched into a smile. "That's right.~ Mrs. L/N is Y/N's mother!~" The red eyed young man hummed and actually sat up from his comfortable position. His sibling soon imitated him, wearing an unreadable expression on his face.

"I-I don't think I can go today..." The younger male mumbled, avoiding his brother's scarlet red orbs while also twiddling his fingers. Yasen flashed him a confused look. "How come?"

"I have to work until late today, my superior is taking me to the port, so..." Myron replied, still not having looked into the older male's eyes. Part of what he said was true, but he had actually asked if he was allowed to leave early today for the purpose of this evening's meeting, but upon learning that it was Y/N's mother, he wasn't so confident anymore.

"That's too bad... But there'll surely be more opportunities to get to know her, so don't worry!" Yasen said and wrapped his strong arms around his siblings slightly smaller figure. "You said you'll be late, right? I held you up long enough, so you better get going." He added before placing a light kiss on the purple eyed boy's slightly parted lips.

Myron didn't reject any of the affection given to him, but had to make his way out of the room into the living room where he was greeted by the sight of his father drinking his morning coffee. They exchanged greetings, not much more since the older man knew that his son was already running a bit late.

He felt a bit bad for not intending on visiting his dad's new lover, and also for having in plan to go visit someone else instead this evening. Just as the purple eyed male was about to leave, his father cleared his throat and approached him in the entryway. "When are you coming back tonight?"

"I-I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll make it for the meeting with Mrs. L/N..." Myron said almost hurriedly while hiding his face with his white bangs. He does that a lot when he feels flustered or when he tries to hide something. A gesture Devon didn't miss and knew all too well.

"You're visiting Isabella instead, aren't you?" The golden eyed male said, raising a brow as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. The younger was caught off guard and lost his composure. "N-No, I..."

"How did you figure it out?" The purple eyed boy lowered his head, staring at the floor as a guilty feeling arose in his body. A sigh escaped his father's lips before the man brought his hand to Myron's white hair and ruffled it while smiling.

"Come on, who do you take me for? You're my son, of course I'd know." Devon stated and made the younger look back up at him. Myron felt bad for his mother because his father had now found a new person to love. He knew that it was an unnecessary feeling, since Isabella had betrayed him a long time ago, but he couldn't help it. What was worse was that Devon saw right through him.

"Please don't tell Yasen..." The purple eyed male said after slipping into his boots, flashing his father a last look. The man nodded, knowing just as well that his older son was excited to meet Mrs. L/N and that knowing Myron neglected that meeting to go see his biological mother instead would make him very upset.

After Devon promised not to mention anything of what they had just discussed to Yasen, the younger took off and was finally able to head to work.

* * *

The day had gone by rather well for most of the princess candidates, but certainly not for Loraine. The talk of Queen Rin had been weighing her mind all day long. She wasn't even able to spend her time doing what she enjoyed most: painting.

The blonde had finally reached her rather grand house before entering without knocking or announcing anything. She didn't even bother taking off her shoes or jacket. The blue eyed girl immediately headed to the kitchen where her parents were seated at the dining table, completely ignoring her existence while they continued discussing what seemed to be their plans for Sunday.

"Mother, father, is it true that you requested to be escorted by the royal knights?! To the Grona kingdom?!" The blonde yelled, slamming both her fists on the wooden table, gaining unmotivated looks from the mentioned pair which stayed silent. "What are you two plotting?!"

"I don't see why we need your approval in this, if that's what you're trying to achieve." Matilda looked at her daughter with a disgusted expression. "And how dare you raise your voice at us?"

"You would pretend you didn't hear me if I-..." The crystal blue eyed female furrowed her brows, glaring at the older woman before getting cut off by her father who also slammed his hand on the table in order to gain silence. And it worked.

"Luntian became the new prince of Grona and achieved great things, unlike you." Adam said strictly, his gaze as intimidating as his voice. "I think even someone with your intelligence is capable of understanding that that can mean only one logical thing for us."

"If we move to Grona, we will be king and queen of that kingdom, and that is exactly what we are going to do." The blond man announced, not bothering to take a look at how her daughter's facial expressions drastically changed.

"What?! And it didn't cross your minds to talk about this to me?!" Loraine was getting angrier after every statement her parents made. Matilda sighed and brought her palm to her forehead, shaking her head. "I don't want to go to Grona! What about everything I've been working for here?!"

"You? Who said you were going to stay there with us?" Her father seemed to hold back a snort. That was the last Loraine was going to take. Her bottom lip started trembling and no words left her mouth as she stared at her parents in disbelief.

She was used to being neglected by them to a certain extent, but this was too much even for them. "Will you go to your room now? You're being an eyesore." The blonde woman said this time, her expression still the same.

Loraine walked to her room in an almost lifeless manner and shut her door, locking it immediately after. Her Dustox was sleeping in its usual corner while her Glaceon sat on the blonde's bed, looking at her owner the moment she first stepped inside the room.

The young female made her way to the same bed and sat down at the edge of it, staring forward. She didn't know what to say, how to act or even react to the news.

The crystal blue Pokémon started emitting sad cries while rubbing her head against Loraine's lap. She did that multiple more times until the girl took the small effort and looked down at her. "W-What are you looking at me like that for? I'm not hurt!"

"Why would I be?" The blonde forced a smile on her face, but the tears forming and leaving her eyes contradicted that fake grin. Loraine brought her hands to her face and started sobbing uncontrollably, even though she was trying so hard not to be weak and cry.

Glaceon was very sad seeing her owner so down and felt useless for not being able to do anything for her. The least she thought she could do was climb onto the girls lap and cuddle against her fragile body which resulted in her hugging her beloved Pokémon while crying. The cries she let escape from her lips were loud enough for her parents in the kitchen to hear, but no one expected them to care.

* * *

Loraine seemed to be the only one having a horrible time at her home, because Myron was leading a pleasant talk with his mother, Isabella, and Yasen was currently at your house, chatting with you and what he hoped to be his future stepmother.

The white haired young man had just told a funny thing that occurred at his workplace not too long ago, trying to get on your mother's good side and was satisfied when he heard the woman laugh genuinely. You and even Devon couldn't hold back a chuckle.

It felt as if you all talked for hours until M/N suggested that you and Yasen could go to her room and lead 'youngster talks' or how she liked to call those. You and the red eyed male had nothing against it, so you led the older to your mother's bedroom, since your own was empty, and closed the door.

The room was just as you remembered it: Small and comfy. It had a large bed, a closet, a slightly bigger commode and that was mostly it. Pictures and a vase with flowers exposed on the commode were the only decorations that stood out a bit.

Yasen didn't want to be rude and sit on the bed, so he insisted that you'd take seats on the floor, and so you did. It wasn't uncomfortable, so no one complained. "I would have never thought that your parents were divorced." The red eyed young man commented, looking around a bit.

He hadn't been told by anyone about your father's situation, so he was surprised when he heard the truth from you. "Well, that isn't exactly the case. My dad passed away a long time ago, so..."

"I'm so sorry, Y/N! That was so insensitive of me!" The white haired male immediately panicked and threw himself onto you, squeezing you into a hug. Everyone would feel guilty after saying something like that, but there was no way of knowing about such a thing. You also told the male that, and he apparently calmed down after distancing himself from you a bit again.

"What about your parents?" You asked, locking eyes with the older. You formulated that question that way because you didn't know if the situation was the same as yours or not, so you preferred being cautious.

"They're divorced." Yasen said expressing how much he was unsatisfied with Isabella with his eyes. Since you were bound to become close, he figured that it wouldn't hurt to share the truth with you, since you did the same with him. "You see, that woman did a horrible thing to our father... She was in an affair."

"That's horrible!" You were planning on keeping what you said to yourself, but it just slipped out. How could someone even think about doing such a thing after being married to a person for so long? Yasen was 23 years old if you weren't mistaken, so Devon and his ex-wife must have been together for over twenty years! To end such a long relationship because of something like that...

"Your mother is such a wonderful person, I'm so glad dad met her." The red eyed young man flashed you a toothy smile before his expression changed to a somewhat guilty-looking one. "I have to apologize on my little brother's behalf though."

You tilted your head to the side, not able to make the connection with Myron and what he had to do with your mother. Yasen could tell you were confused, so he added: "I'm pretty sure he went to meet that woman instead of coming here... I just hate how she influences him."

Even though Devon kept his promise and didn't tell his older son anything about Myron's intention, Yasen knew the moment his brother mentioned the port that he was lying. He had a pretty good relationship with a certain knight of the first division, Rouen Seiran, who was on duty with Myron and the superior he mentioned. Rouen had told him that his little brother was going to leave first today, so when Myron said he needed to stay longer, it was obviously a lie.

"That's why I don't approve of his relationship with that rich girl." The red eyed male added, surprising you a bit at the sudden mention of Loraine. "What do you mean?" You asked, making the male conscious of his own, probably uninteresting rants. He hesitated at first, but decided to tell you since he had taken a liking to you from the first moment he saw you: "You see, I get the feeling that Myron doesn't actually love Loraine."

"I think he sees that woman in her. It's probably some sort of sense of responsibility that makes him take care of her so lovingly." The white haired male added. "I'm pretty sure he isn't aware of it himself, I just hope he'll notice before it's too late."


A/N: This book made it on the 1st spot in the Pokémon category?!?! Thank you so much guys! <3 <3 <3

Myron Kenji:

Yasen Kenji:

Loraine Aono:

Thank you for Reading!

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