|| Chapter 26 ||

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Catherine had finally left you all in peace, for today at least, but the mood had completely been ruined. "You guys can go on ahead, Doni and I will stay to finish the letter." Camilla was the one who spoke up first, finally breaking the suffocating silence.

"Are you sure, Lady Camilla?" Liliana asked, not certain if the caramel haired female was only being considerate towards everyone else. Then again, she and the blond knight were doing all the work, so there wasn't really any use for the rest of you here. "Yeah don't worry about it. Actually, shouldn't someone check on Kai and Rouen?"

"I could do it. I think I know where they are." You suggested, having a pretty good idea of the two's whereabouts. After hearing Kai's story about his past, you doubted they had good connections with the people of Grona, so the only plausible thing they could have done in his situation was to go ask Aramina for help. Going to go look for them also seemed like a good opportunity to get Catherine out of your head.

"I think it's better if Liliana and I go check on them. You should stay here with Sir Aaron." Fotula spoke, looking at you with an expressionless face. Even though there was barely any emotion on it, she meant well; She wanted you and Aaron to spend more time together and get closer. No one was stupid, and no one included her. She had a rough idea of what Catherine was trying to do, and there was no way she was allowing that to happen.

"I don't know Fotula... The place isn't exactly something Liliana will feel comfortable with." You said unsurely. After all, Aramina was a prostitute even if she was a very kind person and lived in the red light district which is full of corrupted people. Not exactly the best place for a girl who is afraid of the touch of men.

"Y-You shouldn't worry about me! You have helped me many times, so let me do you a favor for once!" The silver haired female exclaimed both shyly yet somewhat excitedly. It's not like you were trying to make her feel indebted, but if she was willing to, then why should you oppose to it. "Alright then, but be careful."

After agreeing that it should be those two princess candidates to go look for the knights, you told Fotula the directions to Aramina's apartment and which locations she should avoid if possible. You had your doubts leaving those two go by themselves, but then again, Fotula was rather skilled, especially in combat.

"We will be off, then." The ravenette informed the rest of you before leaving the balcony with Liliana. Loraine took Myron's hand, told the rest of you that they were heading back to their rooms in the rare case you'd need them and left as well.

"I think I'll go get some rest in my room too..." Aaron said unsurely. His puzzled expression that somehow showed a little bit of exhaustion in it reminded you of the way Catherine was being overly touchy-feely with him, and even went as far to touch him in inappropriate places in the open.

This wasn't exactly why Fotula offered to go look for Rouen and Kai in your place, but it's not like you could force the dark blue haired knight to stay with you against his will. In the end, you let him go ahead and surprisingly were soon approached by both your and his Lucario. "Brat, may I have a word with you?"

"I guess?" It sounded more like a question than anything else. It was sort of out of character for the male Pokémon to be wanting to bond with you. "Let us go talk somewhere else." The mostly blue creature added, leading you away from Doni and Camilla. It was also rather strange that he was being polite all of a sudden.

And so, the two at the table were left alone to write their letter. "I really don't like Catherine." Camilla commented as she neared to the end of what they needed to mention in words on the paper. A heavy sigh left Doni's lips before he had to agree with the younger: "Believe me, I don't either."

"I mean, what's her deal? You don't think she still likes Aaron, do you?" The chestnut brown eyed female questioned, raising her head just a little, so that she was able to properly look at Doni with a slightly worried expression. The male shook his head even though he wasn't quite sure himself. "I hope she doesn't, but it is possible..."

"Anyway, let's send the letter and get this over with." Camilla groaned, stretching her arms as soon as she had written the last, necessary word with the black ink. But before the girl could stand up, the blond stopped her, suggesting something he hoped would raise her spirits: "Say, young Miss Denzi, how would you like to write another letter? This time addressed to your family."

"We can really do that?" The caramel haired female looked at the taller with sparkling eyes. Her parents, especially her mother, had been worried for her ever since she announced that she needed to leave to Grona for a good amount of time due to a mission. So when Doni offered the option to write them something, it made her really happy.

"Of course we can! I mean, we were the ones who did all the work while the others just went and ditched us." The blue eyed knight explained rather dramatically, causing the princess candidate to giggle cutely. His cheeks were soon tinted a light red color as he shuffled closer to Camilla. Ever since he had talked to her about his problem, he felt much more at ease around her. He could be himself without having to fear anything. "Let's do it then.~"

And so, the two ended up writing an additional letter for the Denzi family back in Rota before they put both into separate bottle-shaped containers and attached them onto Aaron's Pidgeot which flew away in direction of your home kingdom as soon as it was told to do so.

* * *

"So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked the mostly blue Pokémon that walked next to you as you three made your way down one of the many corridors in the palace. One you were sure led to your rooms.

"It's about my master. And that... other woman." Lucario started, his voice getting more silent and harsher towards the end. You didn't know why you weren't expecting the conversation to not be about Aaron. That thought didn't affect your focus on what the creature had to say though.

"I know I have always been against you being with my master, but... I have a favor to ask of you." Even though he hated to admit defeat to you, Lucario continued and waited for some sort of response from you which in your case was a simple nod if we don't count the small smirk on your face. "I would rather have you with my master than that royal advisor, so..."

"Please show that woman her place." You couldn't believe those words actually left the aura Pokémon's mouth. The smirk on your face turned into a wide and bright grin in a matter of seconds as your hand soon found itself on Lucario's head, patting it as if to ensure him that you weren't going to fail him. "Don't worry about that! I plan on doing that anyway."

"Is that so..." The Pokémon mumbled, still not completely convinced if this really was the right choice. He glanced over to your Lucario who flashed him a proud smile. The male creature quickly averted his gaze upon seeing the female's gesture. "A-Actually, there is one more thing."

"I have a really bad feeling whenever the royal advisor is around." Lucario said, his expression much more serious now. You groaned at his words; Catherine managed to make even Pokémon feel uneasy. "You're not the only one. Everyone doesn't like her."

"That's not the kind of bad feeling I'm talking about." The mostly blue creature shook his head at your reply, not intending that kind of thing indeed. He thought about it harder in silence after having been asked what else it was by you. "The negative aura she emits... It's very familiar. Maybe that woman isn't only after my master..."

"Perhaps she has darker ulterior motives... She could be very dangerous, so please be cautious." Lucario added, glancing at you with genuine concern in both his eyes and voice. You knew he wasn't joking and you also took his words of warning seriously, but the Lucario looking out for you? That just sounded sort of unrealistic, so you started to tease the Pokémon to get him back to his usual, stingy self:

"What is this I hear? You're worried about me? I didn't know you were such a sweetheart!~"

* * *

Catherine had just returned to her room, humming triumphantly as she closed the door. It was quite spacious and very luxurious to be the royal advisor's; It was almost as fancy as prince Luntian's bedroom.

The red haired female was greeted by one of her Pokémon; A monkey-like creature with a three-fingered hand at the end of its tail. Most of its fur was purple while the skin of its face, inner ears, belly, feet, and the tip of its tail was beige. The longer cowlick on the Pokémon's head indicated it to be a female.

Catherine patted the purple creature which had by then already jumped in her arms. The red haired female headed straight for her desk and took a seat, grabbing a paper and quill pen before placing her monkey-like Pokémon in front of herself. The joyful creature tilted her head a little to the side, the cheeky smile on the Pokémon's face hiding her curiosity.

"You're wondering what I'm doing? Oh.~ You won't believe what kind of great idea I just had." Catherine hummed, her tone innocent while her face, especially smirk was very malicious. The young advisor started writing 'Dear Doni, dear first knight division' on the paper she had pulled out of her drawer. "We are going to write a formal letter for our beloved Rota friends.~"

Her purple creature jumped up and down, using the three-fingered hand on its tail to do the bouncing as she emitted happy cries. The red-head continued writing at a rather fast speed, occasionally glancing at her adorable Pokémon. "Of course, you will have to help me for the final touch.~"

Once the female wrote most of the important parts, she took a break, placing her quill pen down as she stretched her body similarly to how Camilla had done it earlier today. "Then there's that maid to worry about too... Can't forget to check on her. Isn't that right, you cutie?~"

* * *

Aaron's Lucario told you that he was going to take a walk around the palace with your Pokémon, so you were left to wait in front of the door of your and Camilla's shared bedroom. There was something you were urging to do after having been frustrated by Catherine to an extreme extent today, but you needed Doni to agree to do something for you first.

He and your best friend sure were taking their sweet time; It had been a good fifteen minutes of waiting on your feet while doing nothing but hum tunes and songs. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of those two walking towards you together, laughing and blushing at each other like the cute couple they were. Or the cute couple they should become soon at least. "Oh Y/N! Waiting for someone?"

"Well, I was hoping I could borrow Doni for a bit." You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck a little sheepishly. The caramel haired girl was a little curious, but she didn't question anything and simply parted from the blond knight, promising him they'd continue talking about whatever topic later or another time.

"Have you finally realized your feelings for me and are ready to confess?~" Doni hummed in a flirtatious way, slamming his right hand next to you and pinning you against the wall in the process while running his other hand through his silky hair. You rolled your eyes but played his silly game, bringing the back of your hand to your forehead rather dramatically. "H-How did you know?~"

Doni snorted and needed a moment to recuperate from his laughter. This might have been the first time you actually went along with his jests and just that was capable of making him feel like you had gotten somewhat closer as friends. "Jokes aside now. How come you wanted to see me? Probably because of my handsome face, right?"

"You wish. I actually need your help for something." You took a few steps away from the wall behind you after Doni removed his hand from next to you and gave you some space again. "A favor, huh... Matchmaking perhaps?" Even though the blond was joking, he wasn't much far off the truth. "Something like that..."

"What?! For real?" The knight almost choked of how surprised he was. You didn't know why he was being dramatic about it though, you were a girl just like every other female, and had your girly troubles too. "Alright, what do you need me to do?"

"I would like you to... uhm... switch roommates with me for tonight." Your cheeks had gotten red, but you managed to voice your request without stuttering. Even if you had to avoid Doni's gaze to do that. "Oh boy, you wanna do the nasty already?" The blond wiggled his brows at you, making you even more flustered than you already were. "I-It's not like that! I just... I just want to-..."

"Spare me the excuses.~ I'll agree to your terms, but under one condition." Raising his index finger, the young man gestured you to come closer as if he wanted to whisper what he meant in your ear. "I want you to tell me all the juicy details afterwards.~"

"Y-You're unbelievable! I can't believe I'm trusting you with my Camilla..." You attempted to hide your flushed face behind your hands, mumbling the last part of what you said. Doni chuckled at your shy reaction and ruffled your hair before leaving to your room, wishing you luck as a good friend would.

You stood in front of the dark blue haired knight's door a few more minutes to make sure to summon up all the courage you had for what you were going to do next. After getting jealous by Catherine's actions today, you decided you would initiate something more intimate with Aaron this time. Until now, it had always been him to start things like hugs and kisses, so you wanted to take the 'lead' too.

You pulled down the door handle and entered the room. The lights were off, but you could clearly see that Aaron was already in his bed and under the covers. Assuming you were Doni, the male didn't bother looking up or moving from his position. "Doni? You're pretty late... Just don't turn the lights on..."

You remained quiet and approached the resting male after closing the door behind you properly. You took silent yet rather fast steps until you found yourself in front of the knight's bed. It was rather hard to see in this barely lit room, but you managed to climb onto the bed just fine. Of course, you had made sure you changed into your nightwear before having waited for Doni, so you wouldn't be on clean covers with dirty clothes.

Crawling your way up, you caused Aaron to notice that something was off with the way the mattress shifted. This wasn't how his best friend got into bed last night. The dark blue haired young man slowly but surely sat up, rubbing his eyes before completely opening them and being greeted by a surprising view:

You were already on top of him, your face not too much away from his as your hands rested on each sides of his body in order to support your weight. Your hair wasn't tied for once, and it hung down next to your face, doing a good job at hiding your blush. The lack of light also prevented the knight to notice your rosy cheeks, but the silence in the room made you fear that it would allow him to hear your quick heartbeat. "Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm assaulting you, obviously." You retorted, a bit embarrassed of your own way of putting things. A small pout was unavoidable. Aaron had his back against the wall, and before he could say anything, you inched your face even closer to his. Your lips were only small distances apart from each other, but that already almost exhausted you.

It took you a lot of courage to do this, especially because Aaron was the first person you were doing these sorts of intimate things with. But you had hesitated enough already: You tilted your head slowly and leaned forward, finally closing the gap that was separating your lips. It might have only been your impression, but were his a little chapped? Nevertheless they felt extremely soft when they brushed against yours.

Aaron was caught by surprise and needed a moment to process with everything, and by the time he had, your lips had already been separated from his. But that didn't mean it was the end of what you were doing: You bent down to his neck where you started planting a series of quick, rather teasing pecks all the way down to his unclothed chest.

You didn't stop there, instead you kept leaving small kisses until you reached the lowest part of the knight's rather well built abdomen. While exposing all the body parts you had kissed from the blankets, Aaron gripped the sheets with both his hands, not certain if he could simply sit and watch much longer.

You didn't plan on doing much more than kissing the young man, so you stopped before you were able to move your face even lower. The memory of Catherine touching Aaron in that private area so casually today made you furious and very jealous. You didn't like to act possessive, but you were really irritated by her actions.

While all sorts of thoughts filled your mind, you placed your one hand on Aaron's chest, soon sliding it down to his abdomen while feeling his every muscle there. Your gentle touch was driving the male impatient, and that led to him bringing his own hand to the back of your head and pulling you to himself, connecting your lips together with a kiss.

For now he was simply moving his lips against yours in a pleasant pace, but even that made you notice and remember how good he actually was at kissing. Unlike you - who had your first kiss with him - he must have done this with someone before. What if that someone was Catherine? Even though it was unlikely due to her living in Grona for a long time now, your jealousy blinded you from whatever truth you were unaware of.

Even though it was already enough when Aaron held and kissed you so lovingly, you had a subconscious wish to let everyone know he belonged together with you and not the likes of that royal advisor. It's as if you wanted to put a mark on him. Which when you thought about it wasn't completely impossible.

You pulled away a little, opening your eyes which you had been keeping closed during the kiss. The dark blue haired male's eyelids also fluttered open in a slow motion as he stared at you with somewhat lustful eyes. You on the other hand were focusing your gaze on his bare upper body. Your orbs had locked with a nice spot between his collarbone and neck. One that wasn't too visible, but not invisible either.

Your slightly parted lips soon found their way to that area as you began kissing it softly at first before you used more than just your lips to suck on it. Aaron's silent gasp was an indicator that he was feeling pleasure, and so you continued until you thought a kiss mark would become visible soon.

Leaving the area where the skin was slowly turning darker alone for now, you raised your head a little and greeted Aaron's lips with your own, reconnecting them again. Last time and the first time the two of you kissed, the knight was quick to use his tongue. You were and still are quite unexperienced at this - kissing in general - so back then it was him who took complete lead.

You wanted to try initiating a french kiss this time, and so you let your wet muscle slip through between your top and bottom lip, allowing it to collide with Aaron's lips at first until the male parted them and let it inside. His tongue sought for contact with yours and was quickly satisfied.

Whenever your wet muscles touched or the kiss got more deep you would start feeling like you had Butterfree in your stomach. Aaron running his fingers through your hair, ruffling it up a bit gave you the impression you could melt at any given moment.

Even though you were breathing through your nose, the kiss had gotten so heated that you were out of breath regardless. Due to your lack of oxygen, you were the first one to take apart your lips. Your breathing was rapid, but just as fast at slowing down once your eyes found their way to Aaron's light blue orbs.

The dark haired male properly wrapped his arms around you now, pulling your whole body closer to his to the point where there was no distance between them at all. He rested his hands on your back where the nightgown you wore didn't cover your warm skin. After bringing his face to the crook of your neck, he decided to voice his thoughts. "You... surprised me a little."

"I-I'm not going to apologize for that." You retorted rather childishly, causing the male to giggle a little as he distanced his face in order to get a good look at your still flushed one. He stroked your cheek and placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "You don't need to. It was a nice surprise."

"But say, are you still angry at me?" Aaron asked in a way too gentle voice. It echoed inside your mind for longer than it should have. You put your hand on top of the male's that was resting on your left cheek and pouted a little. "Do I look like I'm angry?"

"Well, I had my doubts when you suddenly did this." The dark haired young man grinned sheepishly, indicating with the index finger of his free hand to the spot on his neck where you had left a kiss mark.

You were a little embarrassed by him pointing out what you had done out of jealousy, so you leaned forward and hugged the knight. He once again happily wrapped his one arm around you and started drawing circles on your bare back with his fingers. "It's just that... I didn't like the way Catherine touched you today..."

"So she was jealous? That's... cute." Aaron thought to himself while smiling faintly, soon cupping your chin and making you look him in the eyes. He kissed you on the lips softly before returning to your prior position, the warm embrace. "I didn't feel anything when she did. It's only special when you do it."


A/N: I'm not an expert at writing limey things, so I hope this chapter's Sir Aaron x Reader scene was bearable^^

What could Catherine be up to, I wonder... ;-;

I didn't mention the names of Catherine's Pokémon on purpose for various reasons... You'll find out soon enough :3 (BUT SOME OF YOU ALREADY FIGURED OUT WHAT SHE MIGHT BE UP TO SO THAT DOESNT REALLY MAKE A DIFFERENCE)

Thank you for Reading!

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