|| Chapter 3 ||

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"I'm beat!" You exclaimed after a deep sigh left your lips. It had gotten evening, and your first, rather tough training session with Sir Aaron was over.

"I am too, to be honest." The dark blue haired male said, panting slightly. Today you had mainly focused on close-range combat techniques and self defense without being armed, and it was really intense.

"I was waiting for the moment of this being over." Sir Aaron's Lucario said, not even bothering to you give you a glance. Apparently, he and your Lucario had done their own training, they probably specialized their moves and such.

"I only needed your comment to complete my day." You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes in annoyance. You were sure that in his previous life, Lucario must have been a salty person. Maybe someone like Tsukishima Kei, not that you knew who that was.

"This is everything for today. Would you like me to walk you home?" Sir Aaron said as the two of you and both your Lucario were slowly getting back to the entrance gates of the Cameran training grounds. "I'm sure Doni would be willing to too if you preferred him."

"It's alright, I can go by myself." You declined nicely, smiling at the male who has only been kind to you all day. "And why would I prefer Doni anyway?" You added with a small laugh, causing the other to chuckle lightly.

"Then I will see you tomorrow at the same time." Sir Aaron said, holding his hand out, since that seemed to be an appropriate way to say goodbye for now. "Of course, Sir." You grinned and shook the young man's hand.

You started walking home along with your Lucario who walked next to you on your left. It didn't take you long until you noticed someone walking behind you quite closely, so you turned around reflexively, only to see none other than the white haired royal guard apprentice.

He saw that you noticed him, but continued looking to the side. You slowed your pace down a bit until you two practically walked next to each other. The silence was suffocating, and even though you didn't particularly like him, you tried starting a conversation, since he had been exceptionally nice to you today. "Uhm... So, how was your day?"

"It was alright." Myron replied awkwardly. "And yours?"

* * *

"You said you didn't know where I live, right? Now you do." You said as the three of you had arrived in front of the house you shared with Camilla. Despite being a bit uncomfortable with each other, the two of you managed to chat a little until you got here. "Get home safely."

"Thank you. Goodnight." Myron replied with few words and continued walking his own way. The door to your house opened creepily, revealing Camilla who seemed quite shook. "Y/N, I think I'm hallucinating!"

"Hello to you too, Camilla." You laughed and entered along with Lucario. Camilla and you stood in the kitchen, and you listened to her rants for a bit. "Did I see that correctly? I mean, that was Myron, wasn't it?!"

"Weird, right? He returned the wallet I dropped at the restaurant. We even talked." You chuckled, amused by your best friend's reactions. "But forget about him, Y/N! How did the meeting go?"

"Sir Aaron and I pretty much trained close combat the whole day, he's really nice." You said and smiled unconsciously until you mentioned the next part where you frowned. "But his Lucario? He's such a pain! Like, what did I do wrong to him?"

Camilla chuckled at how dramatically you explained her the details. "Oh, and I saw your prince charming." You added with a smirk, referring to Doni.

"He's not my prince charming." The caramel haired female countered calmly, only making your smirk grow. "Oh yeah? Then why do you know who I'm talking about?" After all, you didn't mention any names to her except Aaron's and Myron's.

Camilla blushed embarrassed on which you laughed lightly. "Okay, okay, I'm done teasing you." You said, and both of you ended up taking a seat at the dining table. "How was your day? Anything new?"

"There is actually." Your best friend said confidently before she started telling you further details. "So, I was hanging out at my Mom's library, and guess who I saw there? Mrs. Jenny, Queen Rin's personal servant!"

"She was distributing flyers announcing some sort of contest, and hung some up at my Mom's library where people would see them." The female continued. "We talked a little, and she told me about this contest. It's actually something pretty big! The winner of it is going to be the new princess apprentice! Can you believe it?"

"For real? They're really doing something like that again?" You asked surprised. In the past when Queen Rin's mother was the ruler of this kingdom, she held the same contest, but no one resulted victorious. She was a very strict woman, and said that none of the contestants were worthy of becoming a royal. Ever since then, those contests weren't held anymore.

"I know, right? I'm totally participating!" Camilla said excitedly. "I already turned in my application, well, I personally gave it to Mrs. Jenny. I even got an invitation to the castle for tomorrow."

"That's awesome, Camilla. I'm sure you can pull it off!" You said, encouraging the female who flashed you a smile before her face changed to a more concerned one.

"It's not going to be easy. We received a list of the contestants." Your best friend explained. "There'll be ten of us competing, and Loraine Aono is one of us."

Back at the academy, Loraine always had the best grades despite being so annoying and always playing around with boys. She was born in a wealthy family, so she could afford home tutors which helped her a lot in her studies.

"Grades won't matter when you're a princess. And I know for a fact that you're better at practical exams than her, everyone does." You reassured her. Camilla was very thankful for those encouraging words. "Alright.~ I'll go take a quick shower."

"I'll prepare us dinner.~" Camilla hummed and watched as you entered the bathroom before she got to work. You were certain that Camilla would make a great wife in the future, if not the best.

* * *

The next morning came quickly. You and Camilla as well as both of your Pokémon were making your ways to the Cameran palace. You had your meeting with Sir Aaron and she had hers with the queen. Your best friend dressed nicely while you sticked with casual clothes.

Camilla followed you to the gates leading to the training grounds where a guard was stationed as well as the familiar white haired apprentice. Camilla immediately recognized him and quickly whispered to you: "Isn't that Myron?! Do you think he's gonna be nice again?"

You giggled silently and whispered that you would find out. "Good morning." You said, looking at Myron and attempting to make eye contact with him, failing at it though. The white haired male stayed silent, probably ignoring both of you. But then again, what were you expecting.

"Tsk, Jerk." Camilla muttered and you two passed through the gates. Once the caramel haired female wasn't paying attention, you heard Myron answer with a silent "G-Good morning."

Before you could even wonder about it, Doni Salvatore came waving at you two excitedly, showering both of you with endless compliments."Hello, Sweeties.~"

"Camilla, you look stunning.~" The blond added, getting down on one knee and taking her hand, placing a kiss on it just like he had done the first time you met. You felt like you somehow ended being the third wheel in this situation.

"Thank you. You look quite handsome yourself, Doni." Camilla said, grinning at the taller knight. Neither you nor him were expecting Camilla to flirt back, but you could clearly see that it made Doni very happy, resulting in him continuing to flirt.

"Oh please, get a room." You could hear Sir Aaron's Lucario say once it had joined your little group. Never in a million years did you see this coming. His sassiness almost left you speechless.

"Wow, there's actually something we can agree on." You chuckled, making the mostly blue Pokémon blush embarrassed. "I do not believe so." Lucre said, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he tried defending his so-called pride. Let's say he didn't exactly succeed.

"I'll walk Camilla to the main gates, so I'll be seeing you later, Y/N.~" Doni said, feeling like he needed to make sure he told you that. And so, he, your best friend and her Pokémon left you and the two Lucario alone.

"So, where's Sir Aaron?" You asked, curious since he and his Pokémon would usually show up together. The three of you started walking to the spot where you had trained yesterday.

"It's master Aaron! How many times do I need to tell you?!" Lucario growled genuinely irritated.

"Do you have some sort of Master issues?! Because you sure sound like you do!" You said, blushing nervously since Lucario really wouldn't drop this. You saw his owner approach you two, so you tried acting as natural as you could after having said something rather inappropriate. "G-Good morning, Sir Aaron!"

"Morning, Y/N. And please don't call me Sir, Aaron is enough too." The dark blue haired knight said, smiling as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. "You and Doni are on a first name basis too, right? I'll get jealous if you give him special treatment."

You blushed lightly, and were about to reassure the young man if it weren't for his Pokémon talking before you: "Don't worry master, you still have me by your side. You don't need to get jealous over something as trivial as that."

Your eyebrow twitched at what was supposed to be Lucario's comforting short speech, but you quickly cleared your throat. "It's like he said, there's no need to get jealous,... Aaron."

Aaron flashed you a radiant smile, and you could have sworn to see him blush even if it was only slightly. The dark blue haired male then ruffled your hair, just like his blond friend had done the day before, causing you to feel embarrassed again.

"This sickens me." Lucario commented, face palming as he looked away from the two of you.

"Okay then. Today we're going to focus on aura control, and after that, you'll be getting your knight uniform." Aaron explained after he had pulled his hand back. Aura control was one of Sir Aaron's specialties; You had read about that in books. And that was also the reason he was called the Aura Guardian.

Each and every person possesses an aura which is also the one belonging to any random Pokémon. In second grade, everyone would get inspected by another aura expert. Back then the young man who inspected you was called Rouen Seiran. You haven't heard from him ever since.

Thanks to this individual aura, it is either easier or harder to manipulate the sacred weapons which are known for having the soul of a Pokémon sealed inside them. Coincidentally or not, You happen to have Lucario Spirit aura which is the same as every Lucario's and even Sir Aaron's.

"You might know that there are several methods of using aura. The ones you'll need to master are the simple manipulation technique, the transferring technique and the locating technique." The dark blue haired male explained. "Do you already know how to use any of the methods I mentioned?"

"Well, I know how to simply manipulate and control my aura, more or less." You said a bit unsurely as well as modestly. "But I don't know how the transferring method works. Could you teach me that?"

"Would you look at her." Lucario growled, glaring at you for no good reason. "You can't wait to do it with my master, can you?"

"Excuse me?!" You exclaimed, your face instantly heating up. After all, what Lucario just said sounded as if he was implying that you were planning on sleeping with Sir Aaron. "What are you even talking about?!"

"W-Wait! Y/N, you have the wrong idea! Please let me explain." Aaron stuttered nervously and was very embarrassed himself. "I'm listening." You pouted, glaring at Lucario from the corner of your eye.

"You see, if you want to transfer your aura to another person, you need to make direct contact with them. Of course, it works faster if both people have the same aura type." The dark blue haired knight explained calmly. "In other words-..."

"In other words, you have to do indecent things with my master, and I am absolutely not going to allow that!" Lucario cut his master off, warning you quite excitedly.

"I-Indecent things?!" You gasped, your eyelids wide open as your face rose bright red. So this did have to do with something sexual after all?! "O-On the battle fronts, i-in the open? I-In front of everyone?!"

"N-No! Lucario, what are you saying?! Y/N, i-it's not what you're thinking!" Aaron stuttered nervously, hiding his face with his arm since it was as red as yours by now.

"I was only trying to explain it to her for you, master." Lucario replied monotonously, but was mentally enjoying this situation very much. "C-Can you please explain what it actually is?" You asked after having recovered a bit.

"There are two ways of transferring aura to another person." The dark blue haired male started after having cleared his throat. "And one of them includes intertwining fingers with the other party. If you wear aura gloves while doing that, then the process gets sped up."

"And you call this indecent?! What's your deal?!" You exclaimed, frowning at Aaron's mainly blue Pokémon. He seemed to be smirking? "I was not referring to this method."

"Then what's the second one about?" You asked, turning around to face Aaron again who seemed to be hiding his slightly red face again. "I-I'll explain that one another time."

"For now, you should try out the intertwining method with Lucario." The dark blue haired male said, clearing his throat. "I'll go get your uniform in the meantime."

"H-Hold on, master! You mean I'll have to hold hands with this brat?!" Lucario exclaimed. But he wasn't the only one who wasn't exactly happy about this next exercise.


A/N: Do you like this version better? Like, the re-written? 'cause I certainly do xD

Aura Gloves:

Sir Aaron's knight attire:

Thank you for Reading!

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