|| Chapter 35 ||

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"Her aura is a mythical category one. Catherine possesses the aura of Mew." Rouen stated, not believing the information he was delivering himself. Everyone's eyes went wide and soon the silence was replaced by Catherine's evil laughter. Of all 809 Pokémon in this world, Catherine's aura had to be Mew's. Mew, the Pokémon whose DNA combined the genetic composition of all existing Pokémon species; the single ancestor of all other Pokémon.

"How are we supposed to beat something like that?!" Kai voiced the whole group's thoughts, everyone soon managing to somehow get back on their feet. How indeed. Was it even possible? One thing was sure though; All of you would need to team up in order to fight the royal advisor, and the best shot you all had was using your sacred weapons.

You looked over to Aaron and threw a glance in his direction. Due to him being a kind person by nature, you were afraid that he still wasn't able to accept the fact that Catherine was now their enemy, but you were mistaken, thankfully. He was just as aware as the others and you, and he was more than ready to cooperate.

Guessing you had all thought of the same thing, Rouen announced your next course of action; "Let's do this everyone! Let's put our auras to use and take her down!" A moment or so after saying that, everyone summoned their most powerful weapons: "Sacred summon!..."

"...Lucario aura!" You and Aaron called out at the same time, the weapon in question appearing in your grasp. Rouen had called upon his Missingo weapon and Kai held his Darkrai scythe. "There is no plan for now! Let's attack and see what will happen!" Rouen who was already the vice-captain of the first knight division shifted into leader-mode and was the first one to try striking Catherine directly.

"Foolish thing to do, really." The red haired female snorted, raising her right arm only slightly. She created another one of those currents of aura, only that this one was smaller and concentrated in only one direction; Towards Rouen's body. It didn't take more than two seconds before he was thrown back against another wall yet again. A series of coughs escaped his mouth when he felt the impact, resulting in Kai slowly losing his temper: "Rouen! Why you-..."

He gripped his scythe properly and charged at Catherine. The red-head attempted to throw the same attack at the dark skinned knight as well but failed. Kai dodged the first attack by moving out of her range, and countered the second one by using his own aura. After all, he as well possessed a mythical one, even if it wasn't considered as powerful as Catherine's.

"I see you have Darkrai aura... Well at least taking you out won't be boring.~" The royal advisor hummed, ready to brace herself from Kai's attack. The brunet swung his weapon at her, but similar to when she had protected herself from you, Catherine gripped the blade with both of her bare hands. And again Kai was able to sense that strange power, the one that wasn't aura.

While he was keeping Catherine busy, you and Aaron decided to sneak up on her from behind. You both swung your swords at her, aiming for non-vital spots of course, but were stopped before the attacks could hit her; Catherine first kicked Aaron's sword away, then him, and moved out of the way in order to deflect Kai's attack on to you. Both you and the dark skinned knight were able to stop just in time, or else you could have gotten very hurt, but that only gave the red-head an opportunity to counterattack.

All of you were tossed out of the way like it was nothing. "This is even harder than I thought." Rouen commented, wiping a small amount of blood from his lips. His gesture scared Kai more than anything right now. He immediately and involuntarily thought of the worst scenario possible even though the eye-patched man had only bitten his lip when he was thrown against the wall. "I have an idea though."

"We're all ears!" You exclaimed while also running towards Catherine at full speed, dodging what you could of those wind-like aura attacks. Aaron and Kai tried to get a hit on her again as well, but none of you succeeded. "We'll need our Pokémon for it to work. That and a distraction, something to get us some more time." You were expecting Rouen to voice his idea, but instead he contacted you telepathically which was an even better idea.

"Nice try, Mr. Eyepatch, but if you thought you would have an advantage by communicating with each other mentally, then I'm afraid you were wrong!~" Catherine grinned, clearly having heard what Rouen had tried to share with you three only. She pretended to not have been prepared for your next attack, only to send you flying across the place with her overpowered might. Kai and Aaron were next, only that Kai received a rather deep cut before being served to one of the pillars.

As much as you didn't want to admit it, you were getting nowhere and the situation became more hopeless by each passing second. Your comrades and you were hurt and getting exhausted, losing both physical and mental strength while Catherine did basically nothing but still had you all wrapped around her little finger. Another malicious laugh was to be heard before Aaron spoke in a more risen tone: "Why are you doing this Catherine?! Weren't we supposed to be friends?!"

For a second you thought the red-head's expression softened as you stood up, barely able to maintain proper balance. "You were never a friend to me, Aaron." Catherine stated bluntly, her words being the cause of Aaron's eyes fluttering wide open. You jerked your head in his direction, knowing - or perhaps even sensing the betrayal he must be feeling. But for better of for worse, you all were jumping to conclusions; Catherine wasn't done talking yet: "You have and always will mean much more to me. I love you."

You didn't know what to say, think or even feel. One thing was for sure though, her declaration certainly irritated you after all she had done to you and your squad. Aaron also felt perplexed, having no clue to how to answer to Catherine's bold confession. Thoughts like 'How can she say that after all she's done here' also ran through the dark blue haired knight's head, and he couldn't help but shake himself out of confusion. The only thing he came up with was; "T-Then why..?!" Wouldn't a person in love do anything to keep the other safe? That's what Aaron thought at least, so he failed to comprehend Catherine and her feelings.

"When you love someone, you'd do anything for that person, isn't that right Aaron?" The royal advisor spoke in an almost frightening warm tone, and yet her words felt very distant at the same time. "You see, I am the same. And sadly for you, there is a person I love more than you, Aaron." She continued, getting on the last of the male Lucario's nerves. He couldn't care less of what she thought of his master. What angered him was how she was showering him with this disturbing affection.

"And that person is my father." Catherine said, unfazed by everyone's glares. For some odd reason, you were expecting to hear the name of a man she loved romantically, so you were slightly surprised to hear something like that from a seemingly heartless person. "What I'm doing here isn't anything personal with any of you. It's vengeance for what has been done to my father."

"Y-Your father? But how are we connected to him?! You can't blame us for something we haven't done!" Stress was probably getting the best of Aaron, that was most likely the reason why he sounded so desperate when he exclaimed that. While the two of them were talking and you were busy actually paying attention to what the red-head had to say, Rouen signaled Kai to unnoticeably make his way over to him for a reason yet unknown.

A small sigh escaped Catherine's soft lips: "I thought at least you of all people would remember." The female then made a slightly longer pause as she glared at Aaron's Lucario explicitly, a gesture you, the Pokémon and the other creatures as well as Aaron failed to understand. But after another small exposure, things became clear for one part of the group: "Marcus Fletcher. Does that name ring any bells? It should because that was my father's name."

"You don't mean-... that Marcus..?" Aaron was almost at a loss of words. How had he forgotten? Marcus was a very known man, but not positively. He was late Queen Letitia's royal advisor back in Rota ages ago. He was the man who got easily swayed by money and power and wanted to surpass even the mightiest of kings by becoming the emperor of all four kingdoms. But most importantly, Marcus Fletcher was the man who mistreated Lucario in the past, causing his trauma and trust issues.

You had heard of him as well - even if only slightly - due to entries in several history books, but you were oblivious to the last fact. Aaron and your Lucario weren't, and the female Pokémon immediately rushed to the male of her same species, wanting to be his support since his master had to worry for himself as well at the moment.

"My father was betrayed by his closest friend, - that trashy king of Kinola, Damos - by that old hag Letitia and the whole Rota kingdom!" Catherine started getting more emotional, venting her anger out in the form of words and unconsciously created streams of aura. "Damos knew that my father was stronger than him - than everyone - and that's why he got rid of him. There are special humans such as myself, my father and many others like us who posses great power apart from aura. Regular people couldn't understand our powers, and as you must already know, people become afraid of things they don't comprehend, wanting to get rid of them."

"My father did not deserve to die..." The red-head lowered her head, gritting her teeth angrily. But she was quick to raise her head again, flashing you and Aaron who by now stood closer to each other the coldest of glares. "But as great as my powers may be, they don't allow me to turn back time. But that's alright. Because I'm going to focus on the future; I will fulfill what my father couldn't. I will take over all four kingdoms - Rota, Grona, Kinola and Puleuna - and become empress."

"You will do no such thing." Aaron's Lucario spoke right after Catherine had concluded her speech, shocking everyone in the room by being so bold. He stared at the red-head fiercely, his teeth gritted and fists clenched. He had so much anger and frustration bottled up inside him, he was barely able to keep it to himself. At least until he transformed those negative emotions into a massive aura sphere and threw it at Catherine. "No wonder you are such garbage. Being rotten must run in the family!"

The sphere raced all the way to the royal advisor at an extremely high speed, so high that she was momentarily shocked. She recuperated quickly though - as expected - and dodged the attack by jumping to the side while infusing the great power she spoke of earlier into her feet and legs. She thought she had saved herself, but heck was she wrong; She walked right into Rouen's carefully planned trap.

Vines had emerged from the ground - some spiky, some not - and had wrapped themselves around Catherine's body that in that precise moment happened to be in midair. The plants tightened their grip on the royal advisor, immobilizing her for good; Whenever she tried to destroy one with either her aura or brute strength, new vines appeared and tied her up. That sudden action was quite out of the blue, and when your eyes followed the vines to their point of origin, they landed on a Tangrowth that was controlling those plants.

You wondered where it had come from so suddenly, but given Rouen's strategizing abilities, it wasn't that big of a surprise. The Pokémon controlling the vines and currently holding Catherine still wasn't a plant-type Tangrowth but Rouen's normal-type Ditto who had transformed into the larger creature. While you were all busy talking with and listening to Catherine's motives, the eye-patched man had slipped his Ditto out of his Old Ball and had managed to tell Kai about his plan. In fact, the dark skinned male's part of the job had yet to be fulfilled; "Now, Kai!"

"On it." The brunet stated monotonously, already charging at the currently powerless royal advisor while holding another one of his most potent sacred weapons; A common-stage Charizard weapon in the form of a massive sword. He was just moments away from stabbing the female in her chest and ending things here and now, but you weren't expecting her to go down so easily, were you?

Just before the blade made contact with her body, Catherine snapped her fingers and quickly announced something that made Kai freeze in his position: "Hold it right there unless you want the kid to die!"

At first none of you understood the meaning behind Catherine's apparent threat, but seconds later, a Kadabra appeared next to her and the vines. It appeared so suddenly thanks to its teleportation skills, but it certainly didn't show up alone. "K-Kai! M-Mister Rouen! I-It hurts so m-much!"

It was none other than the innocent orphan boy - Yuma. Of all possible things to do, Catherine had kidnapped the child, planning all along to use him as hostage for this exact purpose. While Yuma showed your division a painful sight of uncontrollable sobbing and streaming down of tears, Catherine erupted in almost hysterical laughter. "This kid is just like you - pathetic and miserable!"

"But as I can see, he seems to mean a lot to you, huh Mr. Manwhore?" The red-head chuckled, having recovered from her prior outburst. Kai furrowed his brows and distanced the sword from Catherine's body just slightly. Who could blame him after all? You still couldn't believe how far the royal advisor was taking things. "Let's make a deal.~ Release me at once and the orphan lives. Refuse and he goes-..."

As a demonstration of her seriousness, Yuma suddenly started screaming. Catherine was doing something to him, none of you knew what, but you knew that it had to stop. "Okay! Stop!" Kai yelled in panic. The dark skinned male started sweating and panting lightly. He couldn't be able to live with himself if-... "I thought you'd say that.~ After all, this would be the third person to get hurt because of you, wouldn't it?~"

"You-..." You didn't even have fitting words to describe her with. Just like you were forced to agree, Rouen released Catherine from the vines and the red-head actually kept her word and stopped hurting Yuma. "Well done.~ Now step back and drop all your weapons. I don't want any Pokémon interfering this time either." Catherine made herself pretty clear. The others let their sacred weapons dissolve into thin air while you placed down the sword of steel you had been given by the red haired female herself. "If you even take the smallest of steps, know that I won't hesitate killing him."

Aside from Yuma's sobs, silence filled the room and no one dared to even breathe too loudly. You would have had her if only she didn't rely on such cowardly methods. Catherine then called back her Kadabra, walking up behind Yuma herself. Kai tensed up the moment the red haired woman wrapped her arms around the orphan boy from behind. "When I first borrowed this filthy orphan, I couldn't help but think about all sorts of things to do to him. He reminded me of how disgusting you were eight years ago, Mr. Manwhore. Of course I'm not saying you're not disgusting anymore - obviously you still are."

"But~ I'm not the kind of person who finds pleasure in physical interaction. I enjoy psychological entertainment much more.~" The red-head hummed before skipping in front of Yuma. "Mr. Manwhore is the one you got most attached to, isn't he, orphan boy? You're in luck then.~ Now you can watch him die from up close!~" After humming that to a mere child it was obvious that Yuma was going to start having a mental breakdown, the first symptom being the horrified expression on his face.

Catherine then took slow steps towards Kai, summoning the same scared weapon he had tried to use to defeat her. She had no worries now; The royal advisor had turned you all submissive and obedient; Her victory was assured. "Would you look at that.~ I'll use your best weapon to end you. I really love this concept!~" She giggled, stopping in her tracks once she was close enough. She still had to look up in order to meet Kai's cold glare and that irritated her: "Get on your knees."

Without any sense of pride, Kai kneeled down almost immediately just like he had been told to. Catherine then positioned the sword so that it was only inches away from Kai's chest. "You truly are a disgrace." Were the final words the red-head had for Kai before she was about to shove the blade into the dark skinned knight's body. Yes, was about.

"N-No... D-Don't take K-Kai away from m-me!" Yuma was the one who suddenly started screaming, getting pretty much all of the attention. A desperate voice wasn't the only thing that was produced by him; A sudden stream of wind-like aura - similar to Catherine's prior one - emanated from the orphan's body and surrounded everything in a matter of seconds.

The surprises just wouldn't end today: Everyone had been frozen in their position quite literally. It was no exaggeration to say that time had partly stopped, because it actually had. The only ones able to move right now were Yuma who was still trembling in fear and Kai who had been ready to give his life for him. You others couldn't move, but you could see everything happening as if it were in normal speed.

Kai realized what had happened as well and distanced himself from the evil red-head. Yuma who was finally capable of grasping the fact that his beloved hero didn't get hurt finally broke out in tears - tears of joy this time - before he started running towards the brunet. "K-Kai! K-Kai...!"

The dark skinned knight expected Yuma with spread arms before hugging the poor child tightly. "I-I was really s-scared!" Yuma continued to bawl his eyes out, sniffing uncontrollably. A small smile made its way onto Kai's usually expressionless face before he brought his one hand to the orphan's head and patted it reassuringly: "It's over now. Everything will be alright again."

While observing the two, you couldn't help but wonder how it had even come to this. Rouen explained it to both you and Aaron though, since it seemed like the time-freezing occurrence didn't prevent the man with the eyepatch to reach out to you telepathically. He said that what happened was the result of Yuma's aura evolving to a more powerful state. After all, the boy possessed Celebi aura which also belonged to the mythical Time Travel Pokémon.

"Please get back. And don't look." Kai told Yuma in a gentle voice, one you would hear rarely from him. The orphan boy nodded, wiping the last of his tears from his face before hurrying to the man with the eyepatch whose body had also been frozen in time. After insuring that Yuma was far away enough and not watching, Kai picked up one of the swords made out of steel from the ground and approached Catherine again. This time he didn't hesitate, he had no need to. This time, the deed was done:

Kai stabbed Catherine in her lower torso, and in that precise moment time started to pass normally again. A loud gasp escaped the royal advisor's mouth, and soon blood did as well. She fell on her knees, it being quite ironic since she had firstly ordered Kai to get in that same position.

You stumbled a bit forward as consequence to this short time-freeze process and so did Aaron and Rouen. The man with the eyepatch hugged Yuma as not only a gesture of reassurance but also to prevent the child from seeing his idol take someone's life. You on the other hand had almost no choice but to watch, and honestly, you were a bit scared of Kai in his current state. Not precisely because he was stabbing someone, but because his expression seemed so indifferent. Of course you knew that he must have been feeling horrible as well though.

"You truly are a disgrace to us." Catherine managed to cough, Kai being the only one who heard what she had said. She inhaled deeply and didn't even manage to exhale; instead she coughed even more furiously. It was the end of the line for her this time.

You couldn't imagine how Aaron was feeling. Today had to be toughest on him. Not knowing what else to do, you turned around to face him and asked the obvious yet stupid question. "Aaron... are you... alright?" His gaze travelled from Catherine to the ground and then to you. He couldn't express himself with words at the moment, and couldn't stop himself from falling into your arms.

You closed your eyes as a gesture of compassion and wrapped both your arms around the knight, patting his head comfortingly if one could say so. You could feel his body tremble slightly which only reminded you of the prior scenario; Aaron's state when you all lost Doni. And now this too... Hasn't he suffered enough already?

Kai finally pulled the sword out of Catherine's body and wiped the blood off it by shaking it roughly. But the red-head didn't want to leave just like that obviously, her last words hinting her intentions:

"This might be the end for me, but I'm taking you all down with me." 



Although as much as everyone dislikes Catherine, I'm pretty proud of her. As a villain that is of course^^ I'm pretty satisfied with how she turned out :3

Charizard weapon (Common-stage form):

Thank you for Reading!

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