|| Chapter 37 ||

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All's well that ends well, or so one could say.

Your group as well as the former division one knights that had been held captive managed to get out of the Tree of Beginning safely. There was no sign of Catherine; She really was gone for good. No trace was left of her herself, but something she owned. The Old Balls containing her Pokémon.

Even though you didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, you still took the grey objects with yourselves. There were many things you didn't know about her and various things she talked about which you would have to investigate further. Not to mention that she as well as her Pokémon committed a severe crime for which the royal advisor's Pokémon would have to pay the price.

The Mudsdale you had left to wait before entering the Tree of Beginning were still grazing at the same spot despite all of what happened. On your way to them you also happened to run into the three legendary titans Regirock, Regice and Registeel which were much more amicable than when you had your first meeting with them. The trio even apologized to you, telling Lucario that they were only trying to protect Mew and their home.

Not much after that, you all made your way back to Grona, more precisely the royal palace. Everyone rid on their Mudsdale, meaning that you shared your equine creature with one of the senior knights. A sympathetic green haired male who was the youngest amongst the knights that went missing. A 33-year old gentleman who went by the name of Sir Aqiff.

What you didn't expect at all was the state of things at Grona's castle. Fotula was the only one who was there to greet you at the entrance gates when you arrived. She also filled you in on things once you all made your way inside. The interiors of the palace were damaged and occasionally you would see unconscious guards lying around the floor like it was normal.

She also said that Camilla had left to get to Rota on her own once Doni asked where was, only making him feel more nervous. Another thing you got very worried about was Loraine. You could barely believe what Fotula told your group. "She was in critical condition not too long ago?!"

"Yes, Myron was very upset about the matter. But thankfully we were able to find a doctor. I have you to thank, Sir Kai." Fotula said, aiming her awfully polite comment at the dark skinned male who walked hand in hand with Yuma next to you, Aaron and Rouen. "Me?"

"Mhm, we thought about Mrs. Aramina who we wouldn't have met if it hadn't been for you. Also, I want to thank you in the name of all of us for the Arcanine you entrusted us with. It was crucial." The ravenette continued talking courteously which almost made Kai feel awkward. "I'm glad I was of help, I guess?"

"Where is Loraine now?" You asked, genuinely worried about the rich girl. From all what you had heard, Loraine played quite the important role in this fight, so it was only fair to be concerned about her well-being. "She is still resting, I'm leading you to her room."

"What about Luntian?" Rouen added, not minding that he wasn't giving the royal the respectfulness he should have. Not necessarily because the person himself wasn't here, but for more personal reasons actually. One could almost call it a grudge. "The situation is complicated... since prince Luntian was technically the one who brought Loraine in her current state. He had been knocked out unconscious by Myron some time ago, but he's awake again."

"You all go on ahead." Fotula said, looking at you and the younger bunch of knights explicitly before she turned to face the seniors. "Sirs, please follow me. I'm sure you must be tired and hungry." And just like that, the ravenette took off with former division one. Just when had she become so talkative and responsible? It was quite the change of pace, but a nice one.

"We're coming in." You announced after knocking on the door twice before entering, the others following close behind. The room was large, but it still felt a bit crowded giving the presence of various individuals. There were two beds and several chairs; Loraine lied seemingly unconscious in one of the fancy beds while most of the others sat on the chairs they had placed around the resting female. Most of the others being Luntian, Adam and Matilda Aono. Myron as well was seated on one of the chairs, only that he was much closer to Loraine, in a position in which he could comfortably hold her hand. Liliana was here as well and so were the doctor they had contacted and Aramina.

"Y-Y/N! I'm so g-glad you all are s-safe!" Liliana exclaimed happily, immediately running towards you and actually tackling you into a hug. Of course, you were the only one she did that with. The others were males of course. Although she did make an effort at embracing Yuma as well since she had been worried sick about him. "We're just as relieved that you're fine too."

You then glanced over at the bed in which lied the patient and decided to walk up to her and the rest, Aaron following you as well. You placed a hand on Myron's shoulder, immediately getting his attention by interrupting his thoughts.

It's as if he had been so focused that the white haired boy didn't even notice you entering the room. "I heard what happened to Loraine, I'm really sorry... but are you okay?"

Since you were the person closest to Myron right here and now - given the fact that your parents were dating -, he couldn't restrain himself from being blunt. Not with words but with actions; The male got on his feet in a quick movement and immediately wrapped his arms around you, burying his neck in the crook of your neck. You were a bit surprised at first, but smiled in the end, patting Myron's head gently. Even if he was a male and older than you, he must have been really scared. This was also a good opportunity to finally start acting like siblings.

Aaron who stood next to the two of you mentally scolded himself for getting jealous in this situation. He kept telling himself that you two were only brother and sister. Despite his efforts, he was constantly reminded of that one time when you told him that Myron once tried to kiss you. Just when he was about to try saying something supportive to his future brother in-law, Loraine started to wake up. "W-Where..?"

"Loraine!" Myron once again was the first one to jump in joy, immediately going to hug her. The blonde was a bit surprised at the sudden gesture, but she felt relieved the moment she sensed the white haired male's body warmth. "Little sister..." Luntian as well stepped somewhat closer to his now conscious younger sibling, wanting to embrace her too, but he froze the moment he was met with an icy glare. Of course, what was he expecting? He was the one who did all those horrible thing to her which ended up almost killing her.

Loraine was aware that Luntian had been under mind-control at that time and even though she would usually leave someone with guilty feelings be, she didn't feel like doing that right now. Not after everything that happened. Her attitude was the least everyone needed right now and the female was aware of it herself. "So? Are you gonna hug me or not, you despicable brother?"

Even though at first glance it would have seemed like an insult or something even worse, Loraine was actually giving the blond permission or even requesting him to do that gesture. The young prince was more than happy to do as she asked, not only because he had thought that she would never forgive him for his actions, but also since he couldn't even remember the last time he had his little sister in his arms.

"Oh Loraine, our dear girl..!" What was most shocking was what Matilda Aono, Loraine's mother, exclaimed before she and her husband hugged their daughter as well. Loraine froze in her position at the extremely out of character gesture coming from her parents, but once realization struck her, streams of tears flowed down her cheeks. Finally, that one moment she had been craving for all her life; Acknowledgement of her parents.

"Oh man, I'm gonna start crying again at this rate." You commented, gaining a small giggle from Aaron who wrapped his arms around you, pulling you somewhat closer. You wiped your eyes just in case even if there were currently no tears to get rid of. Aaron then placed a soft kiss on your head: "It's quite heartwarming, isn't it?"

And so, there had been only love and affection exposed in this room. Everyone talked with either Loraine or with you and the others who had returned from the Tree of Beginning. It had been decided that you would go back to Rota once you would all regain your strength; tomorrow morning probably. Rouen also said that you would take care of things such as reports and reviews once you would get back to your home kingdom as well, he wanted you all to rest up today.

"Okay, it's nice that everyone is getting along, but I want to sleep now, peasants, so kindly piss off if you would." Loraine blurted out at some point, pretty much telling you all to get out of her room and let her have some peace. She asked Myron if he could stay with her some more on which the boy agreed of course, but he went to get her some food first. Everyone else left the room, some eventually splitting so that they could continue discussing matters. You were honestly very tired - you couldn't wait to hop into a bed. You turned around to face Aaron and asked him if he was going to go back to your rooms as well. "I need to use the restroom first. You go on ahead, I'm sure Doni won't mind sharing a room with our Lucario instead of me."

"Alright, I'll see you there." You replied, accompanied by a soft chuckle before you started making your way to the rooms prince Luntian had offered you when you first got to Grona. Just as you were leaving, you unintentionally caught a glimpse of Loraine's room and who was still inside beside her before the door leading to it got closed: The prince and Rouen.

Loraine pretended to sleep when in reality she only had her eyes closed and was eavesdropping on her brother's and Rouen's following conversation. "I know I said we would take care of important matters somewhen later, but there is something that has been bothering me for quite some time." Rouen stated, making direct eye-contact with the blond royal.

Luntian threw a glance at Loraine and once he was certain she was asleep - or at least he thought she was - he gave the man with the eyepatch a response: "Sure, what is it?" The raven haired man crossed his arms in front of his chest before clearing his throat. "Your royal advisor. Just how did she know so much about us? Especially about Kai and how I lost my eye. I thought we agreed on keeping it a secret just between the three of us."

"I-I know and I swear I never told her about it!" Luntian replied somewhat nervously. Rouen wasn't convinced since how he had pointed out, he, Kai and Luntian were the only ones who knew how things went down eight years ago. But then the blond prince added something that lessened his suspicions: "Or at least I think I didn't... After all that you told me, Catherine might have used her brainwashing techniques to get all that intel. Now I know that she was capable of that..."

The man with the eye-patch allowed a heavy sigh to escape his lips. "Never mind, we'll get back to this some other time. For now, you should start worrying about how to make it up to Rota for all that you and your kingdom have caused us." Rouen added strictly if not even coldly before approaching the door. "Until then, your highness." Those were his last words before he left the room."

Luntian brought one of his palms up to his forehead as he as well let a sigh roll off his lips. He was slightly startled once he heard a female voice from behind him: "What exactly was that about?" Grona's prince turned around only to be greeted by the sight of his younger sister staring at him in a sitting position with her arms crossed. "Y-You were awake?"

"Obviously." Loraine retorted bluntly, rolling her eyes. "I'm just as curious as he is. Why did that tramp know so much? Actually, no, let me rephrase my question. What exactly is your relationship with Sir Rouen?"

A moment of silence filled the room before Luntian tried to avoid the subject: "You said you were awake, right? You must have heard when Rouen said that it was supposed to stay a secret." Loraine didn't have the motivation to argue, so she simply exerted plan B: "Oh really? So you're saying that you can't trust your beloved little sister after all you've done?"

Loraine was aware that she was making the blond feel guilty again, but that was in fact her intention. I mean, it just wouldn't be Loraine if she wouldn't use such methods when needed. "You're right, I'm sorry. I'll tell you, but not everything."

"I met Rouen  eight years ago when late Sir Silvio was still king. I was a mere knight back then, and Rouen and his division came to Grona for work. It was then that our kingdom tried to make negotiations for the first time in ages, even centuries." Luntian said, never once looking at his younger sister as he told the story. "Some things happened and I ended up raising my sword at Rouen. I'm the reason he lost his eye."

"You mean, you gouged it out?!" Loraine liked to use exaggerated expressions, but that didn't mean that she wasn't surprised. Sure, she had despised her older brother for as long as she could remember, but not necessarily because he was a bad person. At least she thought he wasn't, so when he told her that he injured someone voluntarily, it was almost hard to believe. "Can you not put it that way..?" The blond shot her a small, apparently guilty glance.

"Alright, you were the one who gouged his eye out, but why does that peasant, Kai, get blamed for it? I mean, your crappy advisor wouldn't shut up about it." Loraine asked next, staring at her sibling with a warning glare. He hesitated at first before speaking up: "I don't know what you heard, but they might be saying that because Kai was the one I actually raised my sword on. Rouen simply got in the way."

"Why would you do that-..?" Before the rich girl could pry any more, two consecutive knocks were to be heard before the door to their room was opened. It was Myron; He had brought something warm to eat as well as a bowl of fruits and something to drink. "Can I come in?"

"Yes, I was just about to leave in fact." Luntian replied, not saying anything else concerning the incident to his sister. Myron couldn't restrain himself from glaring at the blond prince coldly. It was still because of what he had done to Loraine. He knew perfectly well that Luntian was being mind-controlled at that time, but he really couldn't forgive him despite that.

Loraine was slightly pissed at Luntian for having just left like that, but that only had to mean that there was something bigger he was hiding. She was going to find out about it sooner or later, but for now she wanted to finally rest and give up on further drama. She flashed Myron a playful smirk since she wanted to act as natural and not awkward around him as possible: "Finally, I was starving."

"I'm sorry." The white haired boy said simply, placing the serving trey on the commode before sitting next to Loraine on the edge of the bed. The female made a slightly confused face once she saw Myron lean his one hand next to where she sat, not knowing where he was going with this gesture. She assumed it was just his weird way of leaning his body weight like that, but she was proven wrong once the male leaned down and pecked her lips.

"Y-You do know we're not together anymore, right? We're just friends now, you're not supposed to do that kind of thing with friends." Loraine said once she placed the palm of her hand on Myron's lips and pushed his face back, soon hiding her own red one with her arm. "Just friends?"

"W-Well, Lady and peasant if you want it more accurately." The blonde added quickly, feeling embarrassed for some reason.

Her reaction only made Myron chuckle genuinely. Even though she pouted and made an upset expression on the exterior, Loraine was happy Myron was still willing to hang out with her even if that meant they had to do it as just friends.

"Well then, Lady, I didn't mean to cross my boundaries. It has just become a habit, that's all." Myron faked politeness as he took the serving tray and placed it on his own lap, soon taking a hold of the bowl containing the soup as well.

"You totally did that on purpose." The rich girl rolled her eyes seemingly in annoyance even though she wasn't necessarily displeased. "By the way, when have you become so funny?" She added sarcastically, referring to how he addressed her as 'Lady' once she voiced their apparent current relationship. "What do you mean?"

"Hold it, what are you planning to do with that?" Loraine completely ignored Myron's question as she pointed her index finger at the spoon the white haired boy held in his right hand. She was well aware that he was nearing it to her mouth, but that wasn't what she meant. "Oh you're right, it's still hot." - That wasn't what she meant either.

Loraine ended up staring at Myron as the male blowed over the filled spoon, observing his face as he did that gesture. It was something she did unconsciously, but she ended up staring at the boy's light eyelashes, the moles near his chin, until her crystal blue eyes landed on his slightly pursed lips. Myron ended up noticing her intense look, but didn't comment on it and simply continued doing his thing: "Alright then, say 'Ah'."

"This is so embarrassing..." Loraine muttered under her breath before actually doing as the male said and opening her mouth wide. That was the start of how Myron ended up feeding her the whole soup and even the peeled fruits. Occasionally the rich girl would have said she could eat on her own, but that was as far as her denial went.

Once she had eaten up properly, the white haired male placed the serving tray back on the commode next to the bed and proceeded to look at Loraine silently. For a bit he didn't know what to say or how to start up a 'normal' conversation. But the blonde involuntarily started one instead. She did that by taking a hold of one of her golden strands of hair: "Ugh look at me... my hair is all over the place... so ugly."

"It's not ugly." Myron blurted out immediately, used to always trying to make others feel positive about themselves. Loraine looked at him with a bored expression: "Yeah you're right. It's horrendous, not ugly." The female said. She wasn't trying to get any pity or talk bad about herself, she was just annoyed that so much of her hair had been pulled and so damaged. Same with her skin; She had always been taking good care of it, and now it was so unsightly.

"Say Myron, do you know how to cut hair?"

* * *

Taking a long, warm bath after all of what happened sure was refreshing. You had to be careful not to fall asleep though. Right now you were in Aaron's room in this castle which he originally shared with Doni. The blond said he was willing to trade with you and share the room with both Lucario if you agreed on arranging a "hot situation" with Camilla once they would meet again. In the heat of the moment, you couldn't decline, so you should start mentally preparing yourself soon.

You had already slipped out of your knight attire and put on one of the night gowns the palace provided. All that was left to do was wait for Aaron, and that's exactly what you did while lying on your back on the rather comfortable bed while staring up at the ceiling. The room was barely lit, so you were once again worried you would drift to sleep at some point, but that didn't happen because the door to your room soon opened.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Aaron immediately said upon entering the dim room, soon making his way to the commode. "Don't worry about it." You replied reflexively, getting a  toothy grin of the dark blue haired knight. He then proceeded to strip until he was left in only his underwear. Even though there was barely something that illuminated the chamber, you could clearly see his well-built body. The slightly ripped abs of his must have been the result of intense training in these last few days, weeks eventually.

Aaron then joined you on the bed, covering the both of you with blankets as soon as he could so that you wouldn't get cold. Not that it would even be possible by having him lie next to you. He wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you closer to him. So close that your head ended up leaning against his bare chest. "It sure feels like it's been long since we've last been able to relax like this."

"it really does..." You mumbled, wanting to snuggle up to Aaron more, but just a moment or so before you were able to do that the dark blue haired male pulled away from you slightly, so that he could look you in the eyes properly. After that, the male placed his warm hand on your cheek, his temperature radiating from it as he slowly drew circles on your face with his thumb. "Uhm... I know that really wasn't the time for those kind of thoughts, but..."

"When you saved me at the Tree of Beginning... The thing you did felt really amazing." You thought you misheard the male. Given his usual gentlemanly behavior, you would have never thought those words would leave his mouth. "H-Huh? W-Where is all this coming from?"

"Well... I wanted to ask if we could do it again." Aaron said silently, practically whispering as he inched his face closer to yours. You could feel your cheeks burn up as the pace of your heartbeat quickened. "D-Don't ask, it's embarrassing when you put it so bluntly..." You mumbled, not rejecting the male even when you felt the tip of his nose come in contact with your own.

You closed your eyes and leaned forward as well, your lips gently touching Aaron's at first. Usually it would be him to make the first move, so when you didn't feel anything budging you blushed even harder, realizing he was teasing you a bit. You internally scolded yourself for being so shy all of a sudden and proceeded to give Aaron's lips small pecks, pulling your face back a little in-between all of them.

That process continued until you became conscious of the knight's lips synching up with your own. As your lips lowered on Aaron's, you felt his hands go to your hips, thumbs running circles over your bare skin. You couldn't help but arch your back at the sensation. The male's fingertips felt cold for some reason, even though they had been so warm when they rested on your face. In that moment explicitly you became awfully aware that despite being kind and gentle all the time, Aaron was still a man. And even though he wouldn't openly show it like Doni would for example, Aaron probably has urges and longings, just like everyone else.

You squeezed your eyes shut as those thoughts managed to fill your mind, momentarily intimidating you. But even when Aaron's hands rested on your lower body, you could sense that he was being as gentle and caring as ever. Dismissing your prior thoughts, you eased up a little and let the dark blue haired knight take the lead. What were you even worried about? The person you loved was holding and cherishing you, so there was nothing to freak out about.

Slow and sensual, your lips continued moving upwards and downwards in a developed rhythm until Aaron stilled his own to drag his tongue over your lips, feeling you relax yours in order to let him pry your lips open. Kissing had always made you lose your breath, but this was practically in a whole other league.

You would have even forgotten to breathe if you didn't feel Aaron's other hand caressing your cheek. You got reminded to do just that then, so you exhaled through your nose, your gesture heating the skin of Aaron's cheek. Then you inhaled again before resuming to taste the inside of Aaron's mouth with your tongue.

Your tongues danced gracefully, Aaron's slightly wider one engulfing yours as the color of your cheeks started to match the one of the tips of your ears and shoulders. Arousal gathering in your groin, you were suddenly flipped on your back.

That was when the dark blue haired male pulled away for the first time in a while, a thin string of saliva snapping the moment enough distance separated his lips from yours. Aaron was practically hovering over your smaller figure as you lied there, panting quite heavily. Your eyes locked with his steel blue ones, you almost getting lost in them. A small glimmer of light managed to make its way on his orbs, rendering his gaze even more seductive.

After a good amount of time that seemed to pass ever so slowly, you tangled your arms around Aaron's neck, pulling him down closer to you again. Once he was in reach, you started planting kisses along his neck, occasionally nibbling on one spot in particular which happened to be near his collar bone. Silent gasps coming from the indigo haired male filled the room until he put a stop to them as he leaned his lips next to your ear. "Y-Y/N, I don't think I'll be able to hold back if we go on..."

His voice alone was enough to send shivers down your spine, so let's not even mention your reaction to what that voice actually expressed. Having mixed feelings over the decision of either stopping there or not, Aaron started nibbling your earlobe, causing you to quiver beneath him. His words kept echoing in your mind until you blurted something out of your own: "I... I l-love you..."

Since the first time you said it was too silent and interrupted by your own gasp, you attempted to say it again, this time nearing your lips to Aaron's ear. "I love you, Aaron." Your voice came off as a rather hoarse whisper which stirred up something inside Aaron.

"I love you too, Y/N." His reply was so tender, it was as if he had become a completely different person for a moment. Then again, that wasn't the case at all. Aaron was still Aaron, no matter what.


A/N: Well... I tried a different writing-style for this kiss scene... Was it, well, awkward?^^ I'm almost embarrassed actually lmao x3

+ Also, stay tuned for Rouen's backstory, it will most probably be featured in the next few chapters!~ ;3

I will have a few really important tests starting next week, so I don't know if I'll be able to update on time ^^. Hope you understand!~ :3

Thank you for Reading!

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