|| Chapter 40 ||

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Tuesday had finally arrived and the opportunity to return to your home and family along with it. During the first Round-Table Conference yesterday, you all had decided that it was time everyone returned to their families - especially the knights that had ventured inside the Tree of Beginning and almost got killed there. Of course, that didn't mean that the ex-princess candidates and Myron had less right to go home.

And so, it was a day-off for everyone today. Camilla went home in hope to see her mother, but was going to be happily surprised to find her father at home as well. Doni's reunion with his parents was most probably going to be the most heated and loud one, but that was only to be expected in the Salvatore household.

Liliana and Fotula decided to spend the day together, perhaps take a walk through the village or go eat something since the families of both girls lived in either Puleuna or Kinola. It was a given that Kai intended on spending his free time with Rouen - and expectedly or not, those two were going to act as Yuma's family today and all go to Rouen's house. Loraine's parents and brother stayed in Grona, so she had no one to go to which resulted in her deciding to spend the day here at the castle and help Queen Rin and Mrs. Jenny with the paperwork and festival preparations.

You and Myron had decided to go home together, since both of you would be visiting the same people. The white-haired boy had told you to meet him at the entrance gates of the Cameran palace after lunch, so that you could walk together. And so here you were, already waiting for ten minutes which to you appeared to be much longer.

"Y/N! Waiting for someone?" A gentle voice was what shook you out of your thoughts as you slowly raised your head in order to meet the gaze of the person that very voice belonged to. Of course, you wouldn't have needed to even look in order to guess, after all, it belonged to a very special person who was always accompanied by a grumpy Pokémon. "Aaron!"

You couldn't hold back the urge of throwing yourself in the dark blue-haired knight's arms as soon as he had approached you. Wrapping his strong arms around your smaller figure, Aaron leaned his chin against your head while caressing your hair. You on the other hand had your face buried in the crook of his neck, unconsciously wanting to stay like this for much longer. Those would have been ten minutes you wouldn't have minded waiting.

As you were being embraced by the man you loved and while your cheeks rose redder by every moment that passed, you couldn't help but think that you would be able to interact with Aaron like this more often, given the fact that the two of you were dating - since longer than just recently - and that you were finally back in Rota, your home, where everything felt much safer and had a less tense feel to it.

Lucario who stood next to his master with his arms crossed couldn't do much more than to simply stare at the two of you in silence. As much as he wanted to trash-talk you, that would have meant that he would have needed to interrupt the moment which was just as precious to Aaron as it was to you, so the blue Pokémon restrained himself from delivering any sort of commentary. He also kept his mouth shut because he had actually started respecting you ever since the incident in Grona - but of course, his pride would never allow him to tell you that face to face.

During times like these he really wished that you could let your own Lucario out of her Old Ball more often, so that she could at least keep him some company, just like you and his master were doing it to one another. Lucario also wished that he wouldn't have the ability to hear Aaron's thoughts in situations like these, since they all sounded too lovey-dovey in the Pokémon's opinion.

Fearing that he would have to endure this romantic atmosphere for much longer, Lucario was almost relieved when he heard a certain individual who by then had made it to the entrance gates as well as clear their throat. That gesture was enough to snap both you and your boyfriend back to reality and make both of you pull away from each other only slightly, enough so that you could identify the person that had just interrupted. "So you decided to finally show up."

"... so grateful that you showed up." You couldn't help but overhear Lucario's rather snarky mutter, shooting him a playful glare. Your attention was gained by Myron not too much later: "I'm sorry, I didn't know I was interrupting something." The white-haired boy had become much more comfortable around you and Aaron, because in the past occasions he would have been stiff and felt awkward since he had had the impression of being in love with you. But just as mentioned, it was only an impression.

Despite all that and it being clear that Myron loved you only as his sister, Aaron still couldn't get quite over the fact that this boy had once tried to kiss you in his absence. He told himself numerous times before that Myron was simply confused and that all that was ancient history, so Aaron at least made the effort to try not to act suspicious or overprotective when he was around. "Oh, so you were waiting for Myron?"

"Yeah, we wanted to walk home together. Since you know, our parents are dating." Myron basically replied for you, having noticed the slight hint of jealousy that was well-hidden in Aaron's voice.

It might have gone unnoticed by you, but Myron being a male and having went through and once felt the same emotions could clearly sniff out that small detail.

"Speaking of, were you planning on going home too, Aaron?" You asked - after all, the knight had mentioned wanting to see his parents, but he didn't include too many details as he didn't know the exact plans himself when he told you about it. Aaron brought his hand to the back of his head, rubbing it sheepishly. "Well, yes in a way. My parents won't be home until later this evening though, so I'll only be able to meet them then. Since everyone except Loraine left the castle, I figured I should as well."

"Hold on, so you're saying you'll be alone until your parents come back?" You questioned, not particularly worried since your boyfriend was eighteen years old after all, and a very capable knight. The reason behind your reaction wasn't worry, it was simply that you didn't want Aaron to spend the day by himself.

"Excuse you, but my master isn't alone. I will make him company." Lucario stated quite offended, causing you to snort silently and apologize since it wasn't your intention to be rude. Then again, Lucario has always been rude to you, so you took back your apology and replaced it with an insult instead: "I'm not sure if I'd feel comforted by that, honestly."

"You insolent-..." Before Lucario could finish his started series of growls, Aaron cut him off by ruffling the fur on his head as a gesture of comfort - and so that he wouldn't be mean to you. You grinned at the way the Pokémon seemed to have been instantly tamed by his master's mere touch, even finding Lucario's soft side a bit cute.

"I have an idea; Why don't you come with Myron and me? That way you won't have to be alone - or well, with just Lucario." You suggested, not even realizing the other meaning of what you just had said at first. Once you noticed Aaron's slightly flushed face, you became aware of it too, and his comment made you feel even more embarrassed. "I don't really mind, but will it be alright to bring me along? I mean, meeting your parents..."

"Is the Sir Aaron, Aura Guardian of Rota, actually hesitating? It will be fine. Yasen'll be there too if that makes you feel any better." It was an odd thing to hear Myron insisting for your boyfriend to come, and even stranger to hear such a cocky remark coming from him after he had been so insecure lately. Aaron was just as surprised as you were, and since even the white-haired boy told him so, he decided it really wouldn't be that bad: "Alright then, thank you."

That was how the three of you and Lucario made your way to your house. Thankfully the walk wasn't silent, both because you were always coming up with new conversation topics as well as the fact that many residents were outside too, promenading through the village just as you were.

You eventually got to the front door of your house, and you could tell that Aaron was still a little nervous even though you and Myron had tried to lessen the tension for him. While the white-haired guard placed his hand on the door handle, you grabbed your lovers with your own, squeezing it faintly as a gesture of reassurance. The indigo-haired male's lips curled into a small smile as the door to your house was completely opened: "We're home! And we brought a guest."

"Myron!~ I missed  you!~" Obviously, Yasen was the first one to rush to the entryway, immediately greeting his little brother with a bone-crushing hug. Myron wasn't embarrassed when the other Kenji showed his love for him like this in front of you because he had already gotten used to it, but he couldn't help but blush a little since Aaron was seeing the scene too - not to mention his Lucario.

"I missed you too, Y/N, of course-... Oh Aaron, you're here too?" The white haired lieutenant was about to embrace you as passionately as he did his younger brother but barely stopped himself when he saw the male standing next to you, slight surprise taking over him for a moment. Instead of his priorly planned gesture, Yasen had to satisfy himself with only ruffling your hair as a greeting. By then, your mother and Devon had come to welcome you as well: "Welcome home, both of you. Oh and hello to you too...?"

"Dad, Mrs. L/N, this is Aaron Yamadera, the best knight in Rota - maybe you know him by the name 'Aura Guardian'. Oh and he's also Y/N's boyfriend." Myron selfishly blabbered out, making both you and Aaron blush in embarrassment while surprising Yasen and your parents at his rather bold announcement. "M-Myron!"

"So this is the boy Y/N's been talking about lately! I had no idea it was you." Your mother chuckled, embarrassing you even further by mentioning that you had talked about Aaron a few times in his absence. By the way she put things, it almost seemed like she knew Aaron from somewhere already. You corrected yourself once the conversation resumed; They really had met before:

"It's nice to formally meet you, Ma'am." The indigo-haired knight bowed a little as a gesture of respect, doing the same to Devon before shaking his hand. Lucario introduced himself too, surprising both Mr. Kenji and your mother since they had been unaware of the fact that there were Pokémon out there who spoke human language.

Having known Aaron for a longer time, Yasen reacted quite dramatically on the fact that he was now his future stepsister's boyfriend - his attitude reminded you a bit of Doni, actually: "Hah, I knew from the first time I saw you two at the port that you'd end up being an item! Aren't my matchmaking skills amazing?"

"Yes, and it would be nice if you could use those amazing matchmaking skills on yourself, son." Devon retorted to his first son's excited outburst with a closed-eye smile which was actually meant to mock Yasen for being 23 years old and still not being married - not even having a girlfriend.

The male whined at his father for being so mean to him while Lucario couldn't help but smirk at the exchange: "I like this man."

"Now, now, let's not stay in the entryway." Your mother got everyone's attention by clapping her hands together, showing you and the others where to leave your coats and shoes. "Would you like something to drink, Aaron? Or perhaps a snack?"

"I'm alright, thank you for the kind offer." Aaron replied rather modestly. Since you had become very close with him - you were lovers after all - it wasn't everyday that you would see this very polite side of him, so it was a bit refreshing. "Don't be shy, dear! Make yourself at home and allow me to treat you to the freshly baked cookies I made."

"I suppose I won't refuse that, then." The dark blue-haired knight gave in after seeing your mother's bright and genuine smile, it reminding him of your own. And so, the whole family as well as Aaron and his Lucario took seats at the kitchen table.

You noticed that the mainly blue Pokémon seemed to be feeling slightly out of place, so you released your own Lucario from her Old Ball, allowing her to hang out with you all as well. Even though he might have been trying to hide it, the male Lucario's face immediately lit up at the company of the female of his same species, even if it was barely noticeable.

"Right, you two seem to know each other already?" You turned to Aaron who was sitting right beside you, referring to how he and your mother greeted each other earlier. The woman giggled as she served the mentioned snacks, her lover helping her distribute tea. Aaron nodded before explaining things a bit better: "Well, I see your mother more times a week, every time I shop for bread and other pastries at the bakery."

"Yes, he's one of the nicest customers who shop there. It's hard to find such polite boys his age now." Your mother stated once she was done handing out the plates and cookies, causing Aaron's face to flush a little: "Thank you, I'm flattered."

Everyone kept talking to each other, wanting to warm up to your boyfriend as much as they could from only chatting and eating together one day. Yasen was the one who brought up the next subject which not coincidentally was related to the two of you again: "Since you two are today's hot topic, why don't you tell us how you guys even met?"

You and Aaron exchanged glances, the male nodding as if to tell you that he would take care of this. He turned his attention back to the others at the table and began recounting what he had been asked to: "We began as pretty much strangers when Y/N was assigned as apprentice to our division. I was asked to supervise her and teach her the necessary things that are needed in our line of work."

"But with the passing of time, I grew to love your daughter. I plan continuing to treasure her, so you mustn't worry." The indigo-haired knight announced, smiling at your mother and at Devon warmly as he placed his hand on top of yours, his words and actions causing you to blush furiously. Your mother as well as Mr. Kenji were proud of you and very supportive of your relationship with Aaron which they showed by practically giving you two their blessings.

"Man, you two are so lovey-dovey!~ I'm a bit jealous." Yasen groaned, sinking in his seat as he leaned his head back, not ready for his father's verbal attack: "Well, son, you wouldn't be jealous if you had a lover of your own."

"Dad, please, can we not?" The red-eyed male groaned once again, gaining a series of laughter out of everyone. As the talks went on, Aaron's gaze involuntarily travelled across him to where Myron was seated and couldn't help but notice that he seemed to be rather infelicitous despite the joyful atmosphere.

Was he bothered by Aaron after all? Perhaps he shouldn't have come - Thoughts like those filled the dark blue-haired knight's mind when in reality Myron was actually thinking about something almost completely different while wearing a focused face.

* * *

"Thank you so much for your hospitality and the snacks, I had a great time. But I should be going now." Aaron said, aiming those words mostly at your mother and Devon as he slowly stood up from the couch which everyone had moved to after eating the cookies. Your mother immediately replied to him with a bright smile: "You are always welcome here, so make sure to drop by whenever you feel like it."

"I'll walk him out then." You announced, imitating Aaron's gesture as you slowly led him to the entryway where he had left his coat and boots. The male Lucario said goodbye to yours before following his master. Those two had a very good time as well, despite the male Pokémon's personality. Yasen spying on the two of you from a corner wasn't exactly worth mentioning, but that happened as well.

"Thanks for bringing me along today, it was really nice." The indigo-haired knight said gratefully as he swung his blue coat over his shoulders, soon slipping into his footwear as well. Since he had been formal with your mother and her lover, the habit had stayed and he couldn't avoid being unnecessarily polite to you as well. You grinned at the male, telling him it had been a pleasure.

"I guess we'll see each other at the castle tomorrow." You said somewhat more silently once Aaron was properly dressed and practically ready to go. He nodded even though it seemed like he wanted to say something else in addition. A short moment of silence accompanied you, along with Lucario crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Aaron then brought his right hand to your cheek, cupping it gently as he neared it to his own in a slow motion. You closed your eyes reflexively and your heart started thumping louder, cheeks reddening slightly. Closing his eyes as well, Aaron united his lips with your slightly parted ones which led to a not too heated kiss, yet one filled with the same amount of passion and feelings.

The gesture didn't last for too long, given that the others were in the living room close by, resulting in the two of you pulling away from each other ever so slowly, gazing into each others eyes with longing. For some reason you found it hard to part even though you would see each other again very soon - Not to forget that you almost spent whole days with the knight due to work.

Aaron once again said goodbye to you and was about to walk out the door when he froze in his position, his back facing you. Lucario didn't quite follow his master's actions, but neither did he question them. Aaron turned his head over his shoulder, giving you a rather shy look at that: "Would you maybe like to come to my house as well?"

The question was quite sudden, so for a moment or two, you didn't know how to answer and simply blinked until the realization that Aaron might have been wanting you to meet his parents as well. A sudden wave of nervousness washed over you - now knowing how your lover must have felt when you proposed the idea - but you weren't against it: "C-Can I really?"

"I mean, you've met my father already and practically saved his life, but I'm pretty sure my mother would love to meet you as well." The indigo-haired male said, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head while giving you a timid look. "Besides, father has been asking me when I would bring you home properly - He seems very fond of you."

"R-Really? Wow, I'm a little embarrassed." The sudden awkwardness between the two of you was causing your cheeks to flush a bight red color while the pace of your heart quickened. "I'd be more than happy to come, then. Just let me tell my parents-..." The moment you turned around in order to rush back into the living room and inform your mother and Devon about your leaving, you spotted a certain white-head peeking from a corner.

You and Yasen exchanged clumsy looks - you wondering why he was even spying on your and Aaron and him grinning at you as if he had just heard your whole conversation and saw that little affectionate scene earlier. Which he obviously did by the way. The older Kenji then sticked his hand out, showing you with a thumbs-up gesture that he was going to take care of the thing with your parents while you should get going.

Despite the almost awkward situation, you flashed Yasen a toothy grin, whispering a 'thanks' before calling your Lucario to come as well. You slipped back into your boots and put your coat on, soon exiting your house with both aura Pokémon and Aaron. Now the knight seemed to be feeling more at ease. "I'm glad you decided to come, but was it really alright?"

"It will be fine. Yasen said he'd take care of things." You hummed innocently, remembering one of Doni's many relationship advises as you got closer to Aaron while the two of you walked, linking your arm with his. The male appreciated the gesture, especially since it was you who initiated it and it almost seemed like he leaned your head a little against you.

"Yasen, huh... He seemed to be getting bullied by Mr. Devon quite a bit." The indigo-haired knight chuckled at the memory of poor Yasen having heard pretty much the same thing at least three times today. You giggled at that too: "Yeah apparently it's a big deal that he still hasn't got a wife at his age. Well, it is a bit understandable though, he's 23."

"Yasen once told me that he tried dating a few girls, but they would always end up dumping him because he'd rant about his adorable little brother endlessly." You told, remembering that one particular time when Devon was first introduced to you. The white-haired officer and you had gotten to know each other some better that day, and ended up having conversations like the mentioned one. "Really? That's pretty harsh."

* * *

And so, after quite a while of walking, the two of you along with your aura Pokémon had arrived in front of the Yamadera household. Now that you began thinking about it, this was your first time visiting Aaron's house. Unlike earlier when the idea was first suggested, you were now looking forward to the rest of the day.

The indigo-haired male asked you if you were nervous as he took your hands into his slightly bigger ones, touching them as a gesture of comfort. You were pretty much over it, so you were ready to get going. Aaron then knocked at the door twice before entering, letting his parents know it was him and that he had returned. "Mother, Father, I've returned. And I brought company."

"Is it Doni? I haven't seen that boy in quite a while." His mother called out from another part of the house as you, your lover and your Pokémon companions made your way inside and took your shoes off. The woman eventually stopped doing what she had been in order to come greet his son and the guest properly, so she was surprised to see you and not the blond knight who was treated as a second son in this home. "Oh... pardon me for jumping to conclusions, young lady. Who might you be?"

"Actually... Are you not the one..? The female amongst knights?" Igrayne seemed to have remembered when you and the other knights returned from Grona, even if she couldn't recall the details since she was too emotional about the return of her missing husband. Her friendly expression seemed to have changed once she came to that conclusion, which went unnoticed by you. At first at least.

"That's correct, Madam. My name is Y/N L/N and I am currently division one's only knight apprentice." You announced rather proudly, your cheeks reddening a bit due to the still present slight nervousness as you bowed your head to the woman respectfully before extending your hadn't. Aaron felt like you were forgetting one major detail, so he added that one himself, causing you to blush somewhat more: "Also, she's the girl I'm seeing."

"Is that so... Well then, what are you standing in the corridor for? Come in properly and take a seat." There was a notable pause between her and her son's statement which made you wonder. The smile she flashed you seemed unnatural, as if it was forced, and Igrayne didn't even shake your hand - didn't even spare it a proper glimpse. You shrugged it off, thinking that perhaps she used other customs.

The indigo-haired woman led you to the living room where Aaron's father was currently resting. His expression - unlike his wife's - seemed to brighten at the sight of you: "If it isn't Y/N! I'm so glad you decided to pay us a visit, even if the reason you're here is my son and not me." The man laughed it off as he stood up from the couch, so that he could properly greet you with a friendly hug if one could address it that way. "That's not true, Sir! I've come to visit you all today."

"You're such a sweet girl. Say, would you care to join us for dinner?" Uther asked, exchanging looks with his wife who by then was already heading to the kitchen. She seemed to be averting her gaze either from the man or you - you couldn't tell. Aaron told his father that your family had offered him snacks not too long ago, so he'd appreciate it if dinner was served a little later. You still accepted eating here, since you couldn't see any reasons to decline the kind offer.

At first, the three of you talked - the two Lucario pretty much minding their own businesses - while Igrayne started preparing all the things she needed in order to prepare a meal. You thought it wasn't correct to be cozying around while the woman did all the work so you volunteered to go lend her another pair of hands which both dark-haired knights - especially Uther - appreciated greatly.

"Ma'am, do you need some help?" You asked once you stepped into the kitchen, approaching the indigo-haired female at the counter. She raised her gaze from the salad she was cutting in order to meet yours for a brief moment only before returning her attention to the task at hand. "I suppose you could peel the potatoes if you really want to help..."

You smiled at her reflexively before the woman gave you the mentioned food and objects you needed to fulfill your new duty with. Time passed by quietly and rather peacefully as you peeled the potatoes just like you were told until Igrayne decided to speak to you: "Were you serious when you said those things about... being a knight apprentice?"

"I was. Why do you ask?" You couldn't tell why the woman was posing such a question in such an odd tone, but your hands never stopped moving even if you were listening closely. The dark blue-haired woman sighed silently as she placed the necessary things into a bowl. After that was perhaps the first time she had payed complete attention to you since you were in the kitchen. "Well, I think you should quit."

"Pardon?" You thought you had misheard the woman which led to you letting go of the potato you were peeling, it falling into the bowl filled with the husk you had gotten off the others. You had placed the knife you held down as well so that you as well could face Igrayne completely. You weren't aware of it, but your face clearly expressed displeasure for what the woman had just said, and you couldn't be blamed of course. "It's just as I said."

"Quit that job before it's too late. Someone like you has no business in that department. You don't fit with them." Igrayne said rather harshly which surprised you since she seemed like a very friendly women. Looks really were deceiving, huh? "I'm sorry, but I think I fit in with my division quite well."

"I'm grateful for your concerns, but I have absolutely no intention to back down now that I've come this far." You formulated things as politely as you could since this was still Aaron's mother and you didn't know what her motives were. "You are foolish if you think you can become a real knight! You have no idea what it means-...!"

Igrayne had just raised her voice at you as Aaron walked into the kitchen, surprised at the scenario. "Mother? Is something the matter?" He asked, looking at her first while wearing a confused expression before his eyes travelled to you, meeting your orbs in the process. You looked away almost immediately, slowly feeling like coming here wasn't such a good idea after all.

"N-Nothing. Go sit down, I'm about to bring the food." Igrayne as well didn't want to let her son know about what she and you had talked about, or rather about what the indigo-haired woman told you off to. Noticing that the atmosphere wasn't exactly the most pleasant one, Aaron decided not to pry and waited for you to come sit down with him since Igrayne's remark was aimed at the both of you.

You had the impression that your lover's mother didn't like you one bit for whatever reason still unknown to you which made you feel down. Awfully down, actually. You didn't want the woman to feel burdened by having you around, so perhaps it was better if you left. It was getting pretty late anyway.

Not wanting to say anything with Igrayne so close by, you decided to exit the kitchen, Aaron following you right away. You had almost walked into Uther while doing so, too. "I'm sorry, but I think I won't be able to stay after all. It's getting late and I wouldn't want my family to worry."

"Huh? You really need to leave?" The older Yamadera seemed a bit confused at your sudden change of heart, especially since moments you were joking and laughing with him and his son. Aaron was fully aware that what you were saying was only an excuse, since he knew full well that your parents were informed of your leaving by Yasen. All that led him to believe that something happened between you and his mother - which was actually the case.

The male looked over at his father while you were busy calling your Lucario, telling her that there had been a slight change of plans. Uther and Aaron weren't bound telepathically like his son was with his Pokémon for example, but it didn't need a genius to figure out the situation. "Please wait a moment, Y/N."

"I'm sorry if we made you uncomfortable, but I would feel horrible to part with you on these terms." The man said, once again gaining your attention. You hated playing the dramatic one, especially in front of important people or the ones you cared most about, so you really couldn't refuse Uther and were convinced to stay for dinner after all. Not only did you stay for dinner, but the Yamadera males even convinced you to spend the night at their house - seemingly much to Igrayne's displeasure.

"Are you sure I should be staying here? Won't your parents mind?" You whispered to Aaron as soon as you had a moment alone with him. The indigo-haired male was still worried about your earlier odd exchange with his mother, so he was actually glad he would get to spend a little more time with you. "I doubt they would, since it was father who suggested the idea in the first place."

And so, you and your lover said goodbye to his parents and went to his room, your two Lucario following you right away. "B-Besides, I don't even have clothes... and I wouldn't feel too good about borrowing your mother's..." You tried coming up with a good excuse which was very unlike you, given the fact that you enjoyed every spare moment you got to spend with Aaron.

The knight had already searched his wardrobe throughly and found the largest shirt he had which he thought you could use as nightgown. The male gave the piece of clothing to you and the two of you soon changed into your respective nightwear with each others backs facing one another. The male Lucario had a small bed all to himself which he showed to your Pokémon, soon getting in it with her.

"I'm sorry." The dark blue-haired young man said silently, soon sitting on the edge of his bed. You knew you weren't being the most cheerful person around, but you hated the fact that your mood was affecting your boyfriend like this. "There's nothing to apologize. I'm sorry for having made things awkward. You were so enthusiastic about bringing me here."

You twiddled your fingers while looking away somewhere in order to avoid having to look the male in the eyes, but a certain gesture of his gained your attention again. Aaron patted the spot next to him, practically asking you to get over there. You did so, but just when you were about to sit down, you lover changed his mind and spread his arms instead, inviting you for a hug.

Honestly, body-warmth really helped in situations like these. The feeling of Aaron's arms around you was so reassuring and beautiful, you could have stayed like that forever if you could have. And just like that you were being pulled down on the bed while still remaining in the strong male's arms. The shirt he lent you was just barely long enough to cover your lower body, but this felt everything else but uncomfortable.

The two of you stayed peacefully like that for another rather long while, until Aaron placed a series of soft kisses on your forehead. You pulled away a little in order to look at him properly and cupped his cheek, soon caressing it lovingly. Staring into each others eyes for so long, you couldn't help but wonder what happened to your Pokémon, so you turned around only slightly.

"Would you look at those two. I had no idea they were like that." You couldn't refrain yourself from giggling, silently since otherwise you would wake the mentioned creatures. Both Lucario lied tranquilly in the male's bed, one snuggled up against the other. Aaron lifted his head a little, shooting them a glance from over your shoulder. He as well smiled at the sight of them, happy they were getting along with each other just as well as their owners were.

"Hey, Y/N, let's do something together tomorrow. To make up for today." The indigo-haired male suddenly whispered, the way his breath hit the nape of your neck causing you to shiver slightly before you turned around to meet his eyes again. Aaron knew you somehow didn't want to further talk about the occurrence with Igrayne earlier, so he took it upon himself to organize some sort of date for tomorrow, which you found very sweet of him.

You leaned forward and pecked the male's lips, soon grinning at him: "It's a deal then."


A/N: Aaron sure has a protective Momma~ >3<

Anywaysss It's the 40th chapter, guys! (Technically it's actually the 59th but pshh xD) Thanks so much for having stayed and read until this point, you can't imagine how much your support means to me! >3<

For the Occasion, I really, really want to do a Questions&Answers thingy, so it would overjoy me if you participated! :3 I'll leave the forms for the questions in the next chapter, so make sure to ask lots of things! ^-^

Thank you for Reading!

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