|| Chapter 41 ||

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Waking up in a pair of strong and reassuring arms was a thing you were slowly getting accustomed to, since it had happened several times before, but you never stopped appreciating the warm feeling. It was the next morning already and Aaron as well as your two Pokémon still seemed to be sleeping.

You knew you weren't going to fall asleep again, so you figured it would be best if you got out of bed before you managed to wake up the others, and so you did. Upon placing a ver soft and gentle kiss on Aaron's cheek, you carefully slipped your way out of his grip, soon out of the bedsheets as well.

You changed from your boyfriend's oversized shirt back into your everyday, blue knight attire - since you weren't in other kingdoms - and tied your messy hair in a bun for the time being. Taking silent steps and making quiet movements to begin with, you exited Aaron's room successfully, closing the door after you again.

You could have imagined it, but you were certain that there were sounds coming from somewhere. Not only noises, but a rather inviting scent as well, which led you to think that they both originated from the kitchen. You went to investigate and almost regretted doing so when you saw Igrayne preparing breakfast.

Even though she hadn't turned around or anything, you were sure she had noticed your approach and was aware you stood at the entrance of the kitchen. Not wanting to be rude - even though that's exactly what the woman was to you yesterday - you decided to at least greet her: "Good morning..."

"Greetings." Was Aaron's mother's blunt reply and judging by her tone, she still wasn't the happiest about having you in her house. A heavy sigh escaped your lips; This really was your cue to get going. "I wanted to thank you for your warm hospitality. I will be taking my leave now."

As if that affected Igrayne, she turned around in a quick movement, abandoning what she was doing for a moment to look at your back with a slightly desperate expression: "Hold on a moment!" You were surprised at first, but then you started thinking that the woman may had been having some parting insult to deliver before you left. That didn't seem to be the case. Not exactly at least. "You could at least help me with preparing breakfast. And join us when we eat if you must."

You didn't know what good it would do to both you and the woman if you helped and stayed even longer, but refusing certainly would have made things worse, so you did as you were asked. Silence filled the room, giving you the impression that breathing had started being more difficult in your circumstance. That silence was soon interrupted, for better or for worse: "I... did not mean to say those things yesterday."

"It is true that I do not want you to be a knight, but it is for an entirely different reason." Igrayne started speaking as she washed some of the dirty dishes she had no need of anymore. Raising your brow, you directed your gaze in the dark blue-haired woman's direction. You sure weren't expecting an apology after her remarks, much less an explanation. "Both my husband and my son are knights - I hate that! That might be an honorable duty, but I do not like it at all!"

"Every day I have to fear that my most loved ones will not return to me anymore, worry that they might lose their lives protecting someone else's... It is something I simply cannot get used to, nor do I want to!" The indigo-haired woman spoke, her voice faltering at some point. "Six years ago I was told that my husband died in action. You have no idea how I felt when I received those news, and I do not want you to know!"

"Precisely because of that... I understand that my son loves you greatly, and that you feel the same for my Aaron. But I do not want you to lose one another because of this cursed line of work!" You couldn't help but feel a stinging sensation in your chest with every moment that passed. You had always thought that being a knight was something one should be proud of, a great job. Never had you thought about how you being one would affect the close people surrounding you. "I would hate for my son to lose you like I did Uther! I could not stand it if the same happened to you!"

"T-That is why-... I cannot-...!" Finally, the woman looked up and in your direction, only to make you feel worse for having assumed she plainly hated you once you saw the tears that had previously formed in the latter's eyes stroll down her cheeks. You had to do something to comfort Igrayne, but you had no idea how you would achieve that. And so, without thinking to much about the matter or the difference in your statuses, you simply walked up to her and hugged the woman.

The indigo-haired female more than appreciated your gesture, wrapping her arms around you too as she sinked her face in your shoulder. You patted the woman's back, hoping something you would do or say would convince her that you were aware of the dangers, but that were also more positive, great things that came with being a knight: "I know what you said is also a possibility, but it's simply the worst case scenario. Aaron and I won't lose each other, we will have each other's backs and protect one another. Please, trust me - trust us."

"P-Please forgive me for having treated you the way I did!" The woman whispered silently, but loud enough for you to hear. A small smile made its way on your face as you eased up your posture that until then had been a tad stiff. "Please, Ma'am, you were only worried about us. I appreciate your sentiment."

* * *

"Thanks again for dropping by, Y/N." Uther said as he and his wife had accompanied you and their son along with the two Lucario to the entryway. You and Igrayne had finished preparing breakfast not much after your bonding moment, and at some point the others had woken up and joined you at the table for the meal. Now it really was time to go, for both you and Aaron. "I have to thank you for having me."

"Please come by again." Igrayne said, smiling at you faintly. You returned the gesture, your exchange with the woman warming Aaron's heart. And so, after slipping into boots and coat, the male knight and you exited his house along with your two partner Pokémon. "You two seemed to be getting along just fine." The indigo-haired young man grinned, reaching for your hand and soon joining it with his own, referring to you and his mother.

"I was worried at first, but it seems I misunderstood her." You said truthfully, flashing the taller a smile as well while tightening your fingers around his. The two of you were sending out lovey-dovey vibes which at some point made the male Lucario walking beside you sigh rather loudly. His sudden display of presence reminded you of something which immediately provoked a smirk to crawl up your lips. "What is that I'm hearing? Are you sighing perhaps?"

"Why would I not be? I cannot believe master and you are being so chummy with one another." The aura Pokémon groaned once again, bringing his paw to his forehead in order to pretend being annoyed by the matter which he genuinely wasn't. Your Lucario on the other hand rolled her eyes at the latter's comment.

"You sure have some nerve to be saying that. After what you did with my Lucario last night." You wiggled your brows at the Pokémon, gaining a chuckle out of Aaron who amusedly observed the scenario from next to you. Never in a million years would you have thought that something you would say would make the male Lucario blush, but oh well, it certainly did: "I don't know what you are referring to!"

"Is that so? Then allow me to remind you how you were cutely snuggled up against my Lucario while you were sleeping in that narrow bed of yours." Smirking playfully, you continued teasing the creature, getting another series of heated retorts and attempted insults in order to get himself out of the situation he dug himself into.

"Good morning, sunshines!~" A sudden male voice interrupted your argument with Lucario, causing you both as well as your lover and Pokémon to pay closer attention to the direction the greeting came from. Since the teasing voice was familiar, you weren't too surprised to find yourself standing in front of Doni Salvatore. "For a moment I thought you and Aaron were bickering, but then again, that's pretty unlikely. It was just Lucario."

"Just Lucario? Well, excuse you, Sir Doni." Lucario huffed, clearly not too pleased of the blond's way of putting things. But were you all going to ignore the fact that Doni wasn't alone but accompanied by Camilla? Quite suspicious that those two would be together so early in the morning. You decided to let Lucario get a break from you and instead tease these two blossoming lovebirds: "Where are you two going off to this early? A hot-and-heavy date already?"

"Actually..." Doni smirked back at you, not fazed by your remark one bit, since he and Camilla weren't exactly the shy individuals who would usually get all blush-y and flustered over something as simple as this. The blond gave the chestnut brown-eyed female a small glance before she nodded and continued where he left off: "We were looking for you, Y/N! We went to your house, but you weren't there, so we came to look for Aaron instead."

"Guess someone spent the night together, hm?" Camilla hummed teasingly, getting a sheepish chuckle from Aaron and an awkward one from you. This wasn't the first time, but Camilla had become so much more like Doni - in a good way of course, more or less - she used to be so innocent a few years ago.

The male Lucario unconsciously reacted to "Spent the night together" since he had been teased by you because of the same thing which made everyone erupt in laughter, even your Pokémon. Once you were done making fun of the poor creature, you turned your attention back to the most probably soon-to-be couple again: "Alright, but why were you looking for us in the first place?"

"We wanted to invite you two to a double date!" The caramel-haired female exclaimed bluntly, clapping her hands together as she grinned at you innocently. You were almost taken aback by the out-of-the-blue proposal, but it didn't sound like such a bad idea: "I've been dying to go on one with you two, but there was way too much drama lately, especially during the whole Grona incident."

"You're right. It does sound quite inviting." You pretended to be thinking hard about the decision, but honestly you were just waiting for Aaron's opinion while looking at him. The dark-haired knight had nothing against it, the first reason being that he always enjoyed spending time with you, no matter how, and the second one being that this way he could try and form a good relationship with Camilla. Oddly enough, those two almost never hung out which both of them found a shame. And of course, there was also the fact that it had been a while since he last spent time with his own best friend. "I'm all for it if Y/N is too."

"How sweet of you.~" Camilla hummed, wiggling her brows at both of you before nudging Aaron with her elbow. And so, the project 'double-date' was launched. "What do you two have in store? Please go easy on us and don't make us go to some lewd place." You laughed, partly joking and partly being serious as the four of you along with the two Lucario started walking again. "Oh please!~ What sort of image do you have of me - of us?"

"I thought we could go clothes-shopping first, then maybe eat something together. You know, the basic date." Camilla explained, Doni supporting her ideas by nodding occasionally. You and Aaron were completely up for it, but someone didn't seem to share your same opinions: "Are you expecting me to be dragged along and waste an entire day?" Lucario sighed, not discouraging your best friend one bit. But you were the one to come back at him in her stead: "I thought you were all about protecting your precious master?"

"I-I-...!" Lucario didn't quite know how to counter you; Obviously, all he ever wanted was his master's happiness, of course, so when you pointed out how he unconsciously implied that he didn't feel that way in this particular situation, the male Pokémon was caught off guard. But Aaron was quick to protect his partner: "Don't worry Lucario, I won't be upset if you want to have some time to yourself. Actually, it would be worrisome if you didn't."

"Why don't you and the other Pokémon spend a day together for a change?" The indigo-colored knight suggested, the idea being a brilliant one for all three of you. Doni instantly nodded: "Yeah! I'm more than sure my Heracross and Momo would love some time off too!" You and Camilla agreed with Aaron as well, and soon enough, all the mentioned Pokémon were out of their Old Balls. The male aura Pokémon seemed to be almost convinced: "Master... Are you certain?"

"Absolutely." Aaron nodded, a kind smile fixed on his face. Lucario then nodded hesitantly and turned his attention to the other Pokémon who soon enough dragged him off to somewhere after agreeing with their owners to meet at a certain time and place later on.

"Well then.~ Let us get going too!~" Camilla hummed as soon as the group of five was out of your sights, turning to you and Aaron with a sly-looking grin. You and the dark blue-haired knight allowed your fingers to intertwine with one another again as you walked side by side with Doni and Camilla who had their arms linked.

* * *

Your first stop was a clothing shop - one who Loraine proposed to Camilla actually. With that small information, it was almost a given that the products they sold here were made with extremely high quality materials and with the help of very skilled and rare Pokémon. That all would consequentially lead to high prices obviously, but since the caramel-haired girl considered this to be a very special opportunity, she was willing to make an exception.

"This place is amazing! Are we really in the medieval period?" Camilla couldn't help herself from blurting out, her eyes sparkling with awe. She was most probably referring to all the beautiful clothes on display, and you couldn't help but agree with her, even if you had to question what she meant by the 'medieval period'.

"Whoa were there always these many colors? I guess you can do pretty much anything with the help of Mareep and Smeargle nowadays." Doni seemed to be genuinely surprised when he saw several silk dresses in green, purple, pink and other, unusual colors. It was a rare sight for you too, since you didn't own clothes like those yourself. The only time you'd get to catch a glimpse of such luxurious robe would be when Loraine would walk around in one.

"Alright, enough with just looking, let's start with the shopping!~" Camilla clapped her hands together as she twirled on her feet, her little rotation resulting in her facing the three of you. You couldn't tell if her grin was an innocent one or a mischievous one, but you would soon find out.

You never knew shopping could be this tiresome. Perhaps the action itself wasn't exactly the problem here, it was both Camilla's and Doni's never-expiring stamina. You and Aaron were pretty much pulled across the entire shop at least four times and were made to try on several pieces of clothing. What was worse than that, was that you ended up not even buying anything - which of course was positive news for your wallets.

"What was even the purpose of all that..?" You asked almost frustrated as your little group of four exited the luxurious boutique, inhaling the fresh air you had been missing out on for at least an hour or two. Camilla and Doni kept being overly positive and energetic about the matter, as if there actually had been a goal all along. Which it had - You were just unaware of it at that time.

The blond knight and future princess had discussed their plan before they even came to look for you and your lover. Their so-called plan was actually something they could have asked you and Aaron directly, but wanting what they had in store to remain as a surprise, they approached the matter more complicatedly - in other words, with this set-up double date of theirs. Their goal was to get the exact measurements of both you and your indigo-haired lover which once the lady in the boutique did her job they got.

"Come on, don't be like that.~ We had fun, didn't we?"


A/N: I've been sick for pretty much the whole last two weeks, so my motivation to write has almost reached rock bottom - I apologize if it was noticeable in my writing here >3<

Anyway, would you like a chapter dedicated to Heracross, Momo, Lopunny and the two Lucario's day? If yes, I'd like to hear your requests - as in, scenario requests!~ ^3^

Also, a small info-thingy I just want to mention xD I am fully aware that things like the colorful dresses I mentioned in this chapter didn't exist during the actual Middle Ages, but don't you think that the Medieval Times in the Pokémon world might have been more advanced? Given how humans can work together with Pokémon and everything...^^

Thank you for Reading!

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