|| Chapter 5 ||

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You were slowly being woken up by the warm feeling of rays of sunlight caressing your face. With your eyes still closed you moved your hand around a bit, freezing in your movement once you felt something tickling the tips of your fingers.

You unconsciously stroked the still unknown thing while you rubbed your eyes with your free hand and sat up. You slowly opened your eyes and gazed out of the window, then at what you were caressing. You blushed furiously as you noticed that it was actually Aaron's hair, and that he was practically on the floor and leaning his head on the bed.

"I see you're finally awake, lady- I mean, brat." The deep voice of Lucario almost startled you. The Pokémon stood at the other end of the room and leaned against the wall with his back while having his arms crossed. "Are you feeling any better?"

"I-I am, but I can't say I remember much of what happened yesterday." You admitted somewhat sheepishly and glanced down at Aaron again. This was actually the first time you had seen him without his hat on: His hair was very soft despite looking so spiky.

"My master was by your side the whole night, so you'll better thank him properly when he wakes up." The mainly blue Pokémon stated and for once didn't sound so displeased. "R-Really?" You stuttered. Sir Aaron must have been uncomfortable sleeping like that, you thought that you should make him rest properly while he still had some time to spare.

"Then could you help me get our master on the bed?" You asked Lucario who was genuinely surprised, and stood up, adjusting your clothes. "Surely you'll agree with me that that isn't exactly the most comfortable position he's sleeping in."

"Y-You are right." The Pokémon said, clearing his throat as he walked closer to you and the dark blue haired male. "But know that I am only doing this because of my master, not because of you."

"Sure, whatever floats your boat." You said and let yourself get helped by Lucario. Both of you managed to move Sir Aaron onto the bed without waking him. His hair had gotten a bit in his face, so you decided to move it away a bit so that it wouldn't disturb him while Lucario attempted to tell you something: "Concerning the postponement of the meeting yesterday; Queen Rin wanted you to know that-..."

"Yo, Aaron, Rise n' Shine!~ The Queen asked me to-..." Doni basically slammed the door open and invited himself inside, intending on waking his friend only to find you caressing his face. The blond silenced himself midway through his sentence and simply stared at you with his lips parted. "Oh my, am I interrupting something?~"

"N-No! And have you ever heard of knocking?" You stuttered after having quickly jerked your hand away from the resting male. You looked away to wherever and suddenly found the closet in Sir Aaron's room the most interesting thing around.

"Would you look at that! I didn't know you were such a pervert, Y/N!~" Doni laughed, causing you to quickly turn your head around to face him despite blushing quite hardly. "I-It's nothing like that! I just... I just-..."

"Guys..? What's all the fuss about?" You could hear a slightly hoarse voice from next to you. Sir Aaron was running his fingers through his own hair to fix it as he sat up. "Great, brats. Now you woke up my master." Lucario growled over protectively.

"The Queen sent me to wake him up anyways." The blond knight said, exchanging not so friendly looks with his best friend's Pokémon. Doni and you seemed to have at least something in common, which was Lucario disliking both of you for whatever reason.

"Anyways Lucario, you were saying something about the meeting? Has it been postponed yet?" You asked, referring to when the Pokémon attempted informing you before Doni got inside the room. The mostly blue creature nodded. "Yes. I was supposed to inform you about it."

"Queen Rin said that the meeting would be held this afternoon. However, it won't be as grand as she planned." Lucario added, sounding proud of having been entrusted to tell you all of this by the queen herself. Sir Aaron stood up from the bed and went to reach for his hat. You as well put the rest of your knight clothes on, and thanked Lucario for the good information.

* * *

"I apologize again for yesterday's accident. Unfortunately, we haven't found who the culprit was." Queen Rin announced once everyone was present in the same hall you had met yesterday. The same contestants were here, and the girl known as Amalia still hadn't showed up. "I hope we can proceed with the meeting without any further incidents today."

"The objective of this meeting is the same as it was yesterday: I wish for everyone to know the other better and possibly get along." The blonde woman explained, Mrs. Jenny standing by her side as she spoke. "Today, my three faithful knights will show you around the castle."

You felt very honored that the queen had assigned this task to you: It was also the first official mission you received ever since you became a knight apprentice. "I will put this trainee under your care, Sir Aaron, so that the number of contestants matches with the number of guards." The queen added, making direct eye contact with your personal mentor as she stepped to the side, revealing a white haired young man.

"Please take care of me." Myron said politely, bowing his head to Sir Aaron. You could have been imagining things, but it felt as if both of them tensed up at the sight of each other. The queen then smiled sweetly. "That is all. I wish you a pleasant stay. Now, if you'll excuse me."

And with that, Aaron, Doni, Myron and You walked ahead and led the princess contestants outside to the castle gardens. The white haired apprentice guard seemed to be wanting to tell you something on the way to the gardens, but he never spoke up. He only glanced at you when you were distracted talking with Camilla. Those glances didn't go unnoticed by a certain dark blue haired knight.

Lucario was the only Pokémon among you. All the princess contestants had brought their Pokémon with themselves today, but they were asked to leave them at the training grounds for the time being.

You had pulled Liliana into the conversation as well, and Doni had invited himself on his own. "Your hair is so beautiful.~" The blond hummed, taking a few strands of Camilla's caramel hair and sniffing them. Said female giggled somewhat embarrassed, but was soon interrupted by Liliana who seemed to be the only uncomfortable one with all the flirting: "S-Sir Doni! This is a sacred place, so please refrain yourself from doing such indecent things to Lady Camilla!"

Doni as well as your best friend started laughing at the silver haired female's reaction, but your attention was caught by another certain couple. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you were sure you heard Myron say that he needed to talk with Loraine. The blonde denied her boyfriend's request with a simple: "Let's talk later, now's not the time for that."

* * *

Your small group had reached a certain shady spot in the garden under a quite big tree where a white and red checked towel was lay out. There were a few baskets on it as well which were meant for a picnic.

Fotula, Liliana and Camilla were the first ones to sit down, Doni of course seated himself next to the caramel haired female as soon as he had the chance. You exchanged glances with Aaron before both of your shrugged and sat down across everyone else.

Lucario joined the two of you, saying that he would help prepare the food. You started making sandwiches and peeling fruits while the others were chatting with each other. Well, Fotula was simply listening to what the rest was saying without commenting much herself.

"I wanted to thank you for staying by my side the whole time when I was sick." You said to Aaron, your eyes still focused on the sandwich you had just finished and displayed on a plate. The dark blue haired male smiled, glancing at you occasionally while his cheeks were dusted pink. "No need to thank me, I'm sure you would have done the same thing for me."

You nodded and were soon finished with all the preparations. The male was right of course, but you didn't think it would be so embarrassing to admit. Lucario sighed: "Could you two be any more obvious?"

"W-What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about." You pouted, your face slightly flushed as you gained a sweet chuckle from the knight. You grinned at your achievement, but soon noticed that two people were missing: Loraine and Myron. You looked around and actually spotted them a bit further away from the rest of the group. They were also standing near a tree.

"I'll go get Loraine and Myron." You said and stood up, adjusting your clothes as you walked in the direction of where the two mentioned ones stood. Sir Aaron's gaze followed your figure and eventually landed on the white haired male. He couldn't help but remember walking into him when he returned to take care of you in his room and frowned.

"Myron, can we not talk about this? It's getting annoying." You heard Loraine say as you got a bit closer to them. The couple didn't seem to have noticed you yet. Myron whom's back was facing you seemed to be lamenting about something the blonde had said or done: "Loraine! You said you wouldn't do anything! What if-..."

The blue eyed female saw you once you were almost practically behind her boyfriend and glared at you before smirking. She cut the white haired male off by grabbing him by his collar and smashing her lips against his. Myron was taken by surprise, so he only shut his eyelids, but it seemed to you like Loraine was purposely trying to imply something to you by doing that.

You felt awkward standing there, since you were basically interrupting their moment, but you went along with it anyway: You waited until Loraine pulled away from the white haired male and cleared your throat.

"Pardon me for interrupting whatever that was, but the food is ready." You said, crossing your arms in front of your chest. Myron backed away and turned around as soon as he recognized your voice. His face seemed more flushed than it was when his girlfriend forcefully kissed him, and he once again hid it with his white bangs.

"Ugh, what do you want, peasant? You're always butting in, I thought I told you to stay away from us." The blonde female remarked, clicking her tongue during the process. You sighed heavily and rolled your eyes. "It's not like I want to be with you guys, but you're supposed to join the others."

With that, you returned to the others and sat on your previous place. Sir Aaron noticed you frowning, so he felt like asking if something was the matter. You shook your head. "No, it's just that... I don't particularly like those two."

The dark blue haired male gave the couple who was approaching the rest of you a glance before turning his attention back to you. "Really? It actually looked like you and the apprentice guard got along well to me."

"What? Me and Myron? No way. We've been like enemies ever since our days at the academy." You said, genuinely surprised that you gave off that impression about yourself and the white haired young man. It was a bit hard for Aaron to believe, but he preferred keeping the fact that Myron took care of you when you were sick to himself.

The couple had finally made their way to the picnic towel, and you all slid closer to each other so that they had somewhere to sit. You were all practically sitting in a circle, but your sitting order wasn't much different from before: You were now just simply closer to Camilla, and Doni had squeezed himself between her and Liliana who sat as far away from him as possible, slightly leaning against Fotula.

"So, Y/N.~ How are things going between you and Aaron?" Camilla whispered, signaling to get a bit closer. Your face was ablaze with heat as soon as she mentioned the male's name. "T-There's nothing between us!" You replied as silently as you could in your state. You unintentionally attracted the attention of everyone who decided to listen to what you guys were talking about, in this case everyone except Loraine probably. You weren't even sure about Fotula.

"Someone told me that you were caught snooping around in a certain man's room, more precisely, bed." The caramel haired female purposely whispered loudlier to tease both you and Aaron probably. The way Camilla had put it made it sound very wrong and indecent, and you certainly weren't the only one thinking that.

Your blush seared through your cheeks and for a minute you thought your face was on fire. But for some reason Liliana looked even more embarrassed than you and Aaron who simply kept silent in order not to attract attention and reveal his also rosy face. "D-Don't say such things at a sacred place such as this one, Lady Camilla!" The silver haired female waved her hands nervously, occasionally covering herself with them.

Camilla may seem all shy and innocent when you first meet her, but she's pretty much the opposite once you know her better, but that was just one of her many special traits. You needed a moment to recover, but you attempted to tease the caramel haired female back: "And how do you know all that? You and the person who told you must be pretty intimate.~"

"Of course we are!~" Doni hummed, feeling addressed as he swung his arm around Camilla and pulled her close to him. You pouted at the taller male before pulling Camilla away from him and into your arms. "Not so fast, Salvatore, only I get to do that!~"

"Salvatore, huh? That's usually what my Mom calls me when I'm about to get seriously lectured." Doni laughed as the caramel haired female giggled, and she wasn't the only one having a good time: Everyone with the exception of Loraine and Myron were conversing, even Fotula answered the questions she was being asked by the others.

While you were hugging Camilla for that short time, you didn't notice that you were leaning back quite a bit, pretty much against Aaron's chest. The dark blue haired male didn't have anything against it, and simply stayed quiet. Someone else seemed to oppose to it though, and he didn't stay silent: "Brat, have you ever heard of personal space?"

You noticed that you were almost lying on top of Sir Aaron by then, blushed immediately and suggested Camilla that you should sit properly. Camilla didn't pay much attention and just sat upright normally again since she was too busy talking with Doni and Liliana, but when you tried sitting up again, you were held down by none other than Sir Aaron himself.

He held you close to him with just his one arm and leaned his chin on your head. You were genuinely surprised, but you had no intention of complaining, so you stayed silent and actually leaned back completely.

You could have been mistaken, but you thought you felt Aaron sniff your hair. Of course, you had no way of knowing that while he did that he also locked eyes with Myron who sat between Fotula and Loraine and almost glared at him warningly.

You were sure that spending time with this bunch would deliver you the best of memories together.


A/N: Double-Update here too because why not^^

I don't think I have anything to say to you guys today xD What about you, any thoughts on this? xD


Here's the same 'useful information' from the last version of this book x3 You'll understand certain future events better if you take a quick look at this ^-^

• • •

The sacred weapons:

In this story, sacred weapons are mythical weapons. They can come in forms of almost any regular weapon or even certain other objects. One sacred weapon can only host one soul/spirit belonging to any Pokémon, may it be a common one, a legendary or mythical one. Although if multiple sacred weapons fuse, then they can naturally host the multiple fused souls/spirits.

Example: This axe hosts the soul/spirit of a Cradily. It also explains why the weapon has similar colors and patterns as the Pokémon.

The user doesn't carry their weapon(s) around, they summon them by raising one or both hands and pronounce: "Sacred summon; Cradily aura." Naturally, the user says any name belonging to any Pokémon, in this case it was Cradily's.

The weapons can only be summoned under certain circumstances, and/or if the user fulfills certain requirements which can vary depending on the situation

There are three different stages a weapon can have:

- The Common-stage form
- The Mega-stage form
- Fusion form

There are considerably less Mega-stage forms for a sacred weapon and not all can assume that form. Only weapons hosting the soul/spirit of a Pokémon which can Mega-evolve can change into Mega-stage form.

Example: This is a Common-stage form Tyranitar weapon:

It can be changed into a Mega-stage form Tyranitar weapon:

If the user pronounces "Beyond evolution; Aquire Mega-stage form." while holding a Common-stage form Tyranitar weapon, it allows the weapon to completely change form and gain new/different powers and abilities.

The name of the Fusion form weapons already says it all: It's basically one weapon fused out of multiple other sacred weapons. That happens when the user summons two or more sacred weapons at the same time and lets them fuse. To do that, the user needs to pronounce "Connecting auras." while having control over the weapons they want to fuse.

A maximum of 4 different weapons can be fused at a time, and the category of the fused weapon changes depending on how many weapons were used:

- basic fusion ( 2 Weapons )
- triple fusion ( 3 Weapons )
- quadruple fusion ( 4 Weapons )

Basic fusion:

( In this case -> Umbreon + Espeon )

Triple fusion:

( In this case -> Lunatone + Solrock + Jirachi )

Quadruple fusion:

( In this case -> Skarmory + Scizor + Forretress + Aggron )

Thank you for Reading!

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