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Casey and Cairo continue to try and clear the path as Leo keeps looking at the photo he picked up. The more he looks at it and thinks about what Casey told him, he finally realizes everything he has done. He felt so ashamed and closed his eyes, sighing. Casey pulled another rubble away and saw an opening. Cairo started to pull another one away as Leo began helping the two. Casey was still upset with him. He then tries to bash into the wall and break through.

"Look, I know I'm not the Leo you knew in the future, and maybe I never will be. This whole time, I was sure my family needed me, but the truth is I need them," Leo sighed. "If we're gonna survive this, we have to do it together."

The three finally break through the subway wall in unison and hoist themselves up an elevator cable.

"Hull integrity four percent. Breach imminent. Good luck," the Turtle Tank said.

Mikey sighed in relief. "Good. We have an imminent amount of time."

"Imminent means soon, Mikey," Donnie pointed out.

"Don't worry. I'll save us with my mystic hands!" Mikey then said.

Gritting his teeth, Mikey extends his hands and strains, but nothing happens.

"Casey must have been wrong about me," he says, upset. "Don't give up, little bro, it'll happen eventually!" Vee told her brother to try and raise his hopes.

The roof of the Turtle Tank began caving in.

"This is it, you guys. WE'RE GONNA GET CRUSHED!" Mikey yelled. "I don't want to die!" Ellie shouted.

The four clung to each other, screaming as tears leaked down their faces.

"I'm too pretty to die!" Vee cried.

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard outside the damaged Tank. "Knock-knock!"

"April?" Ellie realized. "Anyone order a rescue?" April sarcastically asked.

April and Splinter dodge the Krang growth's strikes and throw vials of herbicide at it, dissolving it.

"Boom, goes the herbicide!" April shouts.

April throws the vials and dissolves the Krang growth, freeing the Turtle Tank.

"April! You saved us!" Mikey cheered as the four get out of the Tank. "'I'm too pretty to die'?" Donnie asked Vee, who shrugged.

They're then wrapped into a hug by April and Splinter, much to Donnie's discomfort. "Uncomfortable with emotion."

Splinter looked around for Leo, Cairo, and Casey. "Where are Leo and Cairo? And, uh, future boy?"

Mikey points to a hole. "Somewhere in there," Ellie said.

"Faster! They're this way. I can smell them," one of the Krang exclaim.

"She found us!" April panicked. "We gotta move! Now!"

Casey, Leo, and Cairo enter Metro Tower, and most of the building is covered by Krang growth.

Leo is quite shocked. "Oh, man, is this what the future looks like?"

Casey shook his head. "Nope, the future is worse. Much worse."

"Imagine this but in a wasteland ten times worse," Cairo said, picking up details from Casey's memories.

"Donnie, Vee, anybody, do you read me?" Leo says, trying to get in touch with the rest of his siblings.

Finally, Donnie's voice comes through. "Come in, Leo. Come in, Leo."

"Donnie! Donnie, where are you?" Cairo asks.

"We've extracted ourselves from the subway and are currently ascending a staircase," Donnie told them.

"In less fancy words, we made it out of the subway, and we're going up the stairs," Vee translated, earning a stink eye from Donnie.

April, Mikey, Vee, Ellie, and Splinter reunite with Casey, Cairo, and Leo while Donnie lingers near the staircase.

"I'm getting a lot of interference, but if you hold still, I can triangulate your position using a complex geolocation algorithm," Donnie says while doing a lot of typing on his tech gauntlet.

"Uh, Donnie?" Casey says, trying to get his attention.

Donnie ignores him and continues. "Odd numbers, primes... No, almost... Almost!"

Splinter cleared his voice. "Ahem."

Donnie sighed in defeat. "Ugh. I never get to use my algorithm."

"Man, I am so glad you guys aren't dead," Leo said. "Ditto," Mikey agreed. "We almost were for a minute," Ellie recalled.

Leo and Cairo hug their siblings. While Mikey contently smiles at Leo, Donnie looks very uncomfortable around his brothers and sisters and frowned bitterly. Leo’s happy look turns into a more serious one.

"Okay, before this gets too mushy, we need to locate Raph," Leo stated. "Dee, can you tell us if he's still in the building?" Vee asks.

With pride, Donnie activates his gauntlet.

"Bet your mama's subatomic particles I can," he nods. "Got him! He's close. He's almost on top of us. Wait, he is on top of us..." Ellie was about to ask what he meant when slime drips onto Donnie's tech gauntlet from above.

Donnie looks into the ceiling in horror and even disgust. A cocoon is revealed to hang from the ceiling, and Raphael Hamato was inside of it.

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