Chapter 5: Donnie's Gifts

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nobody's POV:
Y/N and the four ninja turtles were fighting off a mutant silverfish, who were eating people's laundry.

"Okay, mutant silverfish. You've eaten people's laundry for the last time!" Raph said to the silverfish as he attacks it but, only for it to split into two more.

Y/N and Raph looked at them in shocked and confusion before he hitting them both, making them split into two more again. Y/N was standing there and watched Raph hitting them, while she stared at them in confusion.

The four small silverfishes start chewing on the bottoms. Y/N huffed at the silverfishes as she was mad and tries to stop those sliverfishes from eat the clothes.

"Hey Raph, everytime you smash them they just split in two" Donnie said to Raph as he was hovering down to his brother. "I know! Isn't it cool?" Raph said with a smiles as Donnie deadpans.

"Think Raph, think" Donnie said as he was trying to tell his brother. "Oh... I guess it does double the problem. Which means double the smashing!" Raph said as he started smashing them more but, this causes to creates a bunch of silverfish.

A couple of them latch onto him as Y/N was about to help Raph, only for them to get snatched by Mikey's weapon.

"I got you Raph! This situation calls for a dose of my psycho acrobatics!" Mikey said happily until he ends up colliding with the building's escape ladder.

Mikey slides down into a dumpster, along with the silverfish he had and it tumbles over letting him out covered with silverfish. Y/N hummed at this as she was worried, while she was trying to help them. Fortunately, his rescue came in the form of his blue brother, Leo.

"I got you Mikey" Leo said as he breaks a fire hydrant with his katana sword, making water burst out and cause the silverfishes to be drained off Mikey and onto the floor. Mikey backs up as Leo lands near the puddle of silverfishes. "Looks like these fish are... hehe, wait for it, you're gonna love this... all washed up!" Leo said, pulling a one-liner. It doesn't work as Mikey and Raph look at him disappointed, while Y/N stared at Leo in confusion.

"Boo!" Mikey said to Leo, while he and Raph both gave him disapproving looks. "No wait, I can definitely come up with something better. Okay, okay, okay, how about this? Those bugs are so wet-" Leo started to say, wanting to make a better joke.

"Uh, Leo?" Donnie said as the silverfishes were starting to move again. Before Donnie can warn them, the fish jumped at the others, biting all over the turtles.

"Oh, this is getting old" Donnie said to himself as his staff turned into a tennis ball launcher that wrapped around his body. He then fired tennis balls at the silverfishes.

This causes the silverfishes to be knocked off the gang and they run away, frightened. Y/N kicked some of the silverfishes off Raph until they were gone. "Mission accomplished!" Mikey said in a cheerful tone as Donnie's staff turned back into a staff.

Raph then sighed in relief, as the turtles and Y/N all stood up. "Nice hustle, Donnie! I knew we could deal with this as a team!" Raph said as he was giving his brother a thumbs up, while he gave Y/N head pats too.

"Actually it was pretty much just me..." Donnie said in his mutters. "But segway, I think I have a little something to kick our skills into high gear!" Donnie said as he presses a button on his wrist device, making a purple drill emerge from the ground. The others and Y/N look at it in awe.

"It's beautiful..." Mikey said as he went up and hugging it, while Y/N stared at the drill in confusion."No, no no. Not that" Donnie said to Mikey as Leo look at him with disbelief.

"What do you mean 'not that'? That should totally be the thing" Leo said to Donnie as he just waves him off. "No, no no that's just a small. It's in beta, don't worry about it. The real thing is much more personal and thoughtful and I really hope you like it cause if you don't I would just be crushed!" Donnie said to his brothers and Y/N looking surprised.

"Donnie, just show it to us. I'm sure we'll all love it" Raph said to him as Y/N wanted to see, what Donnie made for them. "Okay, so we're just moving past the drill?" Leo said to them of everyone ignoring the drill. The drill spun and opened, throwing Mikey right off and revealing three items in pedestals. From bottom to top, they all had the names of each respected turtle.

An orange jumpsuit for Mikey, a blue collar for Leo, and a red helmet for Raph. After receiving their gifts, they put them on and posed epicly. Donnie, who was looking delighted, gushed at the sight.

"You even got my life colors right!" Mikey said in awe as he looked at his suit. "Oh, oh, oh. Wow, I don't know what this is, but it has got a lot of blinkity blink" Leo said to Donnie as he was liking his collar.

"Whoa! Jazzy headgear!" Raph said in excitement as he weaned the helmet. Y/N watched them wearing their gifts from Donnie until she saw Donnie came up to her and gave a beautiful Dragon necklace to her.

"I got this for you, Y/N... I hope you like" Donnie said to Y/N as she hummed in amazement, while her eyes sparkle of the beauty of the necklace. Y/N puts on the necklace as she hummed happily of this.

Donnie blushes a little of seeing, Y/N being happy, while Raph, Leo and Mikey were a little jealous too.

"Anyways! I'm so glad you like them! Now let me show you how they work" Donnie said as he could tell until they and Y/N heard a ruckus from nearby.

The five of them moved towards the direction of the noise, only for Mikey to stop suddenly and look up at a sign. "Chateau Pretenche? I think I've heard of this place?" Mikey said as he was pulled by Donnie, who joined the other brothers and Y/N, watching another mutant from around the corner. "Another mutant? What's his deal?" Leo asked in curiosity.

A mutant, which was a pig in a chef's outfit, snatched up one of the silverfish and stuck it into a sack he held.

"You know what? This guy looks like the Meat Sweats..." Raph said in a joking tone, Leo and Mikey laughing as Donnie deadpanned and Y/N was still confused. The pig mutant then proceeded to jump down the sewer-hole but got stuck, he eventually squeezed through with the sack in hand. The turtles and Y/N then went in after him stealthily.

Down in the subway sewers the turtles and Y/N followed the pig mutant in silence. Hiding within the shadows after him. When they finally reached a dead end, they found him in a room filled with all sorts of cooking materials. As well as a pot currently boiling with water. They hid behind a group of barrels as they watched him empty out the sack of silverfish into the pot.

"Hmm, a little salt for a pinch of savory. A little lemon for the tang. Unleash the flavor!" He said as Mikey gazed at Meat Sweats with familiarity, realizing who he was. "Unleash the flavor? Ohmigosh! It's Rupert Swaggart!" Mikey said in joy as Y/N turned to him in confusion.

"Oh yeah... uh, who's that?" Raph asked to Mikey as he was not knowing who his little brother was talking about. "The celebrity chef? Host of condescending kitchen? The show where he screams at chefs until they give up their dreams? I love that guy!" Mikey said as he remembering when he was watching the show in the kitchen.

The young turtle was cooking at the time, watching the show as Rupert was currently screaming at a chef.

"That's not how you bake a pork risotto! You've got to pound it to unleash the flavor!" Rupert proceeds to slap the chef with a slab of pork. What he didn't know was an oosquito was flying near him, landing and injecting the ooze into his system. He stops as his entire body begins to morph. The cameraman catching it all on live television as he finished transforming. Donnie interrupts the flashback.

"You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and didn't tell anyone?" Donnie asked to Mikey as Y/N was staring at them. "I don't want to burn my risotto. Chateau Pretenche is his restaurant, no wonder he's here" Mikey said to them.

Then Meat Sweats lifts the lid off the pot, showing the silverfish floating in the boiling water. He takes off one of his gloves to reveal his hand being a tentacle, it latches onto the silverfish as green glow surges through them and to Meat Sweats.

"Aha! I feel the rush of your delicious energy! And the herbs add a nice touch" He said until he stopped and sniff the air, catching a whiff of something. "Am I picking up the delightful aroma, of mutant with an after-stench of turtle? I'm thinking of, lime turtle tenderloin with a bit of saffron rice" He said as Y/N's eyes widen in shocked to overhears him along with Mikey too.

"Oh, that sounds good!" Mikey said as his mouth was covered by Donnie. "He's talking about eating us" Donnie said to Mikey as Leo and Raph were staring at him, while Mikey removes his hand with a frown. "Excuse me for wanting to be eaten in style" Mikey said until the moment was ruined as Meat Sweats pulls out a tenderizer and begins pummeling barrels to find them. Sadly Raph jumps out revealing their hiding spot and rushes at him.

"It's time to mash this pig's potatoes!" Raph said as he was nears the mutant pig until a female voice rings out. "Charging the enemy?" A female voice said, surprising Raph. "What the- this thing talks?" Raph said, while distracted he tripped on a mini can and face-planted. "Maybe you should re-evaluate?" The female voice said to Raph.

"Uh, Donnie? The helmet's talking to me!" Raph said to Donnie as he avoids Meat Sweats's attacks. "Oh goodie! It's working!" Donnie said happily as Y/N was starting to get worried. Raph was fighting and avoids attacks, while the helmet speaks to him.

"Your opponent is quite strong. Consider other options" The female voice said as Raph has other plans. "How's this for options?" Raph said as jumps up and smashes down onto Meat Sweats.

"Smash and bash!" Raph said as his attack lands on the pig mutant until Meat Sweats multiplies into dozens. Raph stumbles around with a ton of mini Meat Sweats yelling 'time to unleash the flavor!'. "Fascinating, he must have absorbed the silverfish's power. This represents a new level of mutant ability!" Donnie said as he was seeming to be interested in the mutant's power.

Sadly that didn't stop the other little Meat Sweats from attacking them. As Leo, Mikey and Y/N ran away with Raph right behind them covered with the mini pig mutants, they didn't notice the rest of the small pests dragging their Donnie away.

Mikey ran up a support beam and was about to take down one but as he did a trick his suit seemed to activate.

"Impact imminent" It announced as Mikey's suit bloated up with air, making him bounce around out of control. Y/N was hummed in shocked and watching Mikey, while she was kicking the shits out mini Meat Sweats. Leo defended himself against the small mutants. "You'll beat me... when pigs fly!" Leo said snarkily, making his gift from Donnie activate as well. Electricity through Leo's body, shocking him. Quite literally.

"What was that?" Leo asked in shocked and pretty confused. He shrugged it off as Leo continued to fight. "These little piggies are gonna cry we we we-" Leo said as another shock was sent through his body. He laid on the floor in disbelief, "This thing doesn't like my one-liners?" Leo said until he spotted Mikey flying right at him.

He tried to get out of the way in time but he wasn't lucky as he bounced with him, the little mutants laughing at their misfortune. They stopped at an abandoned train cart, Mikey's suit finally deflating. Y/N quickly followed them as she was with them.

"Ah man, Mikey what did you do?" Leo asked his younger brother, Mikey in confusion. While Y/N tilts her head to the side as stared at Mikey. "I dunno! It's this suit. Everytime do some razz-ma-tazz, this thing inflated and throws me off my game. I need my razz and my tazz!" Mikey said as he cries in anguish. Raph poked the top of his head in the cart, listening to his brothers.

"And everytime I drop a killer joke bomb this collar zaps me" Leo said as Raph finally joining in as well. "Well my gift just keeps nagging me. I don't need to be told how to think" Raph said as Y/N turns to him as well.

"Does Donnie really think I'm a crazy kangaroo who needs to wear a padded suit so I don't hurt myself?" Mikey asked as he looks down upset and wonders too. Y/N hummed in sadness of, seeing Mikey upset so she gave him a hug to cheer him up. While Raph nods, agreeing with his youngest brother.

"Yeah, does he really think I need to be told what to do all the time?" "Right? And who doesn't love my one-liners, they fire up the team right guys?" Leo asked, getting a wave of silence from Mikey and Raph, while Y/N stared at Leo quietly too. He gets the point of the silence and moves on.

"Anyway, we need to tell Donnie he doesn't get to tell us what to be" Raph said to Mikey and Leo as Y/N hummed through her bamboo muzzle. "Yeah I know... he's got such a soft shell." Leo said to Raph in disagrees. "But it's like he's trying to fix us, what are we broken?" Raph said to them as Mikey and Leo object.

"So what are you going to do about it, leader, huh? You gonna step up and tell him that his gifts stink?" Mikey asked to Raph, who seems keen on the idea. While Y/N watched them quietly. "Yeah, yeah! I think, I am!" Raph said to them until his phone rings, showing the icon for Donnie's contact which was him looking upset with Leo and Mikey behind him. There was a filter on that made him look like he had pink bunny ears and nose.

"It's him!" "Oh! he's so gonna get it!" Both Leo and Mikey said as Raph accepts the call, looking to give Donnie the cold hard truth. Only to smile sweetly and speak softly. "Oh, hey buddy, hey. Um, really loving the gifts you got us. Oh yeah, we know how long it took you to make them and it was so thoughtful!" Raph said to Donnie as Mikey and Leo object behind him, Raph switches the phone to speaker.

"AHHHh! Where did you guys go? They're all over me and they're gonna cook me alive! AAHHHHHHHHH!" Donnie's voice rings out, causing the brothers to worry. Then Leo realised, Y/N was gone and not with them. "Guys? Where's Y/N??" Leo asked to them as Raph and Mikey became even more worried now.

Back in the room where Meat Sweats took Donnie, he formed back together.

"A delicate soft shell, a sprinkle of paprika should unleash the flavor" Meat Sweats said to himself. From afar, Raph looks at Donnie and Meat Sweats from his helmet. "Hey, Raph. You need a plan" It says, using emojis to help direct him.

"I don't see Y/N... I thought she'll be here" Raph said to Mikey and Leo, while he was ignoring the female voice helmet. "Maybe we should-!" Mikey was about to say something until the three of them saw Y/N as she had angry expression on her face.

Then Y/N came out of nowhere as she got Meat Sweats's attention along with Donnie, who is still tied up sausage links.

"Huh-!" Before Meat Sweats could do something until Y/N moved to fast as she send a powerful kick at him.

Y/N quickly picks up Donnie in bridal style as she begins to run with him in her arms, while Donnie was shocked and blushing so much from being saved by her.

Raph, Leo and Mikey were a little jealous of, Donnie for getting saved by Y/N as well.

"Come back! I used an entire pound of butter on him!" Meat Sweats said to Y/N as he gave chase after them. He followed them back into the train area, while Raph, Leo and Mikey were ready to fight Meat Sweats.

"Hey Meat Sweats~" Leo said in his sang as he was behind him, then pulled his bottoms and threw the collar inside. "Looks like you're about to receive some shocking news!" Leo said a joke/pun, that causes Meat Sweats to be shocked by the collar. "Oh ho ho, I love the smell of frying bacon in the morning" Leo as Meat Sweats gets another shock.

"I must admit, I do smell delicious" He said honestly as he got up and he was dizzily too. Donnie peered from behind a beam. "Huh? What are you doing?" Donnie asked in confusion to Leo on, why was he using the collar like that. "I'm getting the most out of your gift Donnie. Check it out. Hey Meat Sweats, I hear bologna is full of you" Leo said as Meat Sweats was shocked yet again before he could strike the turtle with his tenderizer. This makes Donnie look at him with wide eyes.

"Hey, no, that's not how-" Donnie said but, Leo didn't listen as he continued. "He's getting a little hot under his-" Leo as until he was punched before he could finish that one-liner. From above Mikey stood on the rails, looking down at the Meat Sweats.

"Chef Swaggart! Big fan! I was wondering... how do you get your meat so tender?" Mikey asks Meat Sweats, making him look up. "You've got to pound it-" Meat Sweats said, but he was surprised by the orange terrapin jumping, causing his suit to inflate.

"Impact imminent" Mikey cheered as he bounced around, hitting into Meat Sweats in the process. This launched him into a nearby train cart. Mikey ceased bouncing and gave Leo a fist bump. Y/N carried Donnie in bridal style, while he seeming upset.

"Hey, hey, that is not how you are supposed to use those! I spent a lot of time on-" Donnie said but, he was cut short as Meat Sweats busted out of the train, the turtles gasped as a train sped by and he disappeared from his spot. "Uh oh..." Mikey muttered as they spotted Meat Sweats falling down towards them.

Leo and Mikey managed to get out of the way even, Y/N was carrying Donnie in her arms, while he was still tied up by sausage links him was unfortunate. Thankfully someone made it to him and Y/N in time. Raph who began fighting Meat Sweats, protecting Donnie and Y/N. Raph knocked Meat Sweats back only for him to be grabbed by the face and slammed to the ground repeatedly. He almost got bashed by his tenderizer but he dodged it, knocking him back with his Tonfas.

"Hey Raph. You need a plan." The helmet said as it nagged Raph again, making him groan annoyed. Meat Sweats charged at him, Raph placed the helmet onto his fist. "Bad plan!" It said to Raph. "Hot soup!" Raph said as he punched the Meat Sweats with the helmet. The punch launched Meat Sweats flying in the air and got rammed by a speeding train.

"Rubbish!" Meat Sweats yelled as he was taken away by the train. When the battle was over, Raph held the now broken helmet to Donnie. "Donnie, your gifts really brought out the best in us" Raph said to Donnie as Leo, Mikey and Y/N joining them. "I'm funnier!" Leo said in his proud tone. "I'm bouncier!" Mikey said happily. "And I'm smashier! Your gifts are the stuff!" Raph said to Donnie as he grinned at him. Donnie looked at them with narrowed eyes.

"You were supposed to-" Donnie said until he slapped his hand to his face. "Forget it! You guys are great the way you are. Bring it in, group hug" Donnie said to his three brothers and bring Y/N into a hug as all of them going in for the hug happily. While Y/N hummed happily at her friends through her bamboo muzzle.

"Impact imminent"

Mikey's suit began, making the five of them go wide-eyed in horror.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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