Chapter 7: Men-Eating Demon

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Nobody's POV:
"Come on, Leo. Your going to lose soon. You're never going to beat me in my high score" Donnie said to Leo as he was trying to get the high score on the arcade game.

"Oh, we'll see about that! I'm going to beat your high score, Don!" Leo said as continues to play the arcade game. Meanwhile with Raph, he was weight lifting as Mikey was drawing with Y/N, who was humming happily until the 'News Report' came on the TV.

*News Report*

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"Today, breaking news. 6 people have going missing in the night of New York City" Woman said on the News as she looked on the piece of paper. "Police have reported of three teenagers went missing and two men adults even, woman as well" Woman said on the News as she continued talk.

"I advice to all civilians to be careful and stay safe even, stay with someone you know for your own safety" Woman continues to tell the people. "That is all of the News. Stay tuned after, this break" Woman said on the News as the News was over.

*News Report Over*

Raph, Leo, Mikey and Donnie were shocked of the disappearance of the people. Even, Master Splinter felt something is wrong after, he watch the News Report. Then April came into the secret lair as she was freaking out.

"Guys! Have you heard!? People were going missing!" April said as Y/N hummed in confusion at her, while she was still drawing. "Yeah, April. We just saw the news reporter reporting about the disappearance of the people" Donnie said to her as Leo just lost his chance to beat Donnie's high score on the arcade game.

"It's strange. Why three teenagers went missing along with two men and one woman too?" Raph said as he was thinking. "Do they have some sort of connections or something??" Leo asked in confusion.

"I did some research about the missing people and 'No', Leo. They don't have some sort of connections. They're just normal people" Donnie said as he showed the image of the missing people and information about them too.

"Okay. They don't have connections... it's doesn't explain, why they disappeared" Leo said as Y/N hummed of this. "There's only one way to find out" Raph said as Mikey jumps in.

"Search for those missing people!" Mikey said in his cheerful tone to his brothers, while Y/N hummed happily.

Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey were jumping to building to building as they were searching for the missing people in the night of New York City. Raph carrying Y/N in his arms because she tried, this made Leo, Donnie and Mikey jealous of this.

"So, what are we looking for again?" Leo asked as he and his brothers search around the City. "We're looking for clues, Leo. Clues of the missing people, they left behind" Donnie said as he used his goggles to look for clues.

Y/N hummed in tiredness until she smelt something in the air. She got out of Raph's arms as she continue to smell the scent.

"Y/N? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Donnie asked but Y/N ignored him as she continued to smell until...

She can smell the blood.

Then Y/N begins to run and jumps onto building to building as Raph, Leo, Mikey and Donnie were shocked and freaking out, while they quickly followed behind her.

"What's wrong with Y/N? Why is she acting strange all of a sudden??" Raph asked in confusion to his brothers. "We don't know, Raph but we're going to find out soon because she must have smelt something!" Mikey said as the four ninja turtles followed behind Y/N until the made it to...

Abandoned factory.

"Huh? Why did Y/N came to the factory??" Donnie said in confusion as he used his goggles to look for any clues. "I don't know but, Leo. Go look for Y/N, while me, Donnie and Mikey look for any clues here" Raph said to Leo as Donnie and Mikey were starting to look for clues.

Leo begins to look for Y/N through the abandoned factory as he calls her name out loud as well. Hoping to found her.

"Y/N? Y/N! Where are you??" Leo called out for Y/N until he finally found her, while she was not turned to him as she was staring at something.

"Y/N! Why did you run off, like that? We were almost worried for yo-!" Leo said but, he stopped himself until he saw, what Y/N was looking at.

There were the 6 missing people, they're want missing, but...

They were all dead and covered in their own blood too.

Leo was traumatised of this, while he held his two katana tightly in his hands. The smell of blood filled up the abandoned factory's room as it was sickening for him.

"Y/N!? Leo!? What's wrong??" Raph said as he, Donnie and Mikey followed them into the room.

When Raph, Donnie and Mikey came to Y/N and Leo's location, he and Donnie were horrified of this as Raph was trying to stop Mikey from seeing this horrible scene but Mikey was already traumatised.

"Donnie... are they alive..?" Leo asked to Donnie. Donnie used his goggles to check for the people's heartbeat but... it was silent. "No... their heart are not beating. They're dead, guys..." Donnie said to his brothers as this horrified them even more, while Raph clutched his fist of this.

Y/N stared at the dead corpse of the missing people as she began to drool behind her bamboo muzzle in hunger for human flesh and blood.

Leo was the first one to see, Y/N acting strange even, starting to drool in hunger as well.

"Guys. There's something wrong with Y/N. And, she's not acting normal too!" Leo said as Raph, Donnie and Mikey turns to Y/N, while they were worried for her. "Y/N!? What's wrong!? Why are you drooling!?" Mikey asked to Y/N as he was worried for her.

While the ninja turtles were worried for Y/N until a male voice broke the silence.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here tonight~"

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