Chapter 9: Newsworthy

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Nobody's POV:
Y/N was in the ninja turtle's lair known as their home. April got some new clothes for Y/N as she screams in her mind from her cuteness.

"Y/N! You are too cute for your own good!" April said as she took some pictures of her. "Hmmm!" Y/N hummed to April happily until she saw the four ninja turtles came with a hippo costume.

"Hey, Y/N! We're going on a mission to look for mutant hippo! You want to come??" Raph asked to Y/N as she immediately came to him, while she hummed happily at them. "Well, she agreed to come along. Let's go, people!" Donnie said to them as Y/N and the other four turtles leaves the lair.

It was night time in the New York City as Y/N was with the ninja turtles on their mission to look for the evil hippo. Y/N watched Raph took off the hippo head from his body, trying to catch some cold night air into the suit.

"You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing!" Raph said as Y/N hummed at them until Mikey jumped towards Raph, placing the hippo head on his head. "I'd be happy to wear it! If you need a break" Mikey said to him as Raph quickly took the hippo head off and away from Mikey.

"No, no no no, no. I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit!" Raph said to Mikey. "Well, I mean, he's got a point. Raph is the most hippo like" Leo said as Mikey & Donnie let out a small chuckle. Y/N hummed angrily at Leo for saying that.

"If I'm gonna attract him, I'm gonna need a little more of that female hippo scent" Raph said until he, Y/N & the other two turtles turns to Donnie. Donnie took out a small glass hippo shaped perfume bottle with the pink perfume half empty inside. When he quickly press of the handle, the fancy aroma puffed out of the bottle and onto Raph.

Y/N covered her nose from the smell as she turned away from Raph and take a deep breath, your nose burning slightly from the intense amount of perfume on the one turtle.

"Jazzy fresh!" Raph said to Donnie


Then a sudden voice in the distance yelled out for help, instantly gathering Y/N and the four ninja turtle's attention.

"It must be!" Raph said as he quickly placing the hippo head back over his costume. "Let's go, team!" Raph said as Y/N followed behind them. The five of them ran towards the yelling from the rooftops, analyzing the situation and preparing for whatever could come next.

"A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half!" The voice said as they pleas for help. The five of them approached the source of the noise, which came from an empty playground surrounded by a large park.

A small worm with blond hair sat inside of a cardboard cutout, with a saw carved on the top to make it appear as if a magic trick was about to be preformed. Two large arrow signs with small light bulbs helped accompany the scene below, pointing towards the earthworm.

Y/N hummed at she stared at the worm with curiosity, while the other four turtles were deadpanned at the sight.

"Does anyone else find this whole thing a little--" Leo said as Donnie & Mikey turned to him. "Odd?" Donnie said as he added to finishing Leo's sentence. "Magic worm?" Mikey said with a grinning expression on his face.

"Totally legit! Don't worry, Raph will save you!" Raph said with a grin as he popping off the hippo head for a moment to emphasize his point before quickly placing it back on.

Raph jumped off the playset, with Leo, Donnie & Mikey letting out silent panic at the terrible idea of just jumping in rather than formulating any actual plan of action prior.

Y/N remain quiet as she watches, Raph's landing on the ground shook the area slightly as he landed on top of a dark green mat. The worm continued to be 'stuck'. Raph tried to approach, until he soon realized that his feet were stuck to the oddly sticky mat that he landed on.

"Uh.. hey-, hey-! Raph's stuck!" Raph said as Y/N came out from her hiding place to help Raph. "Not again" Leo said as he sighed, while he standing up as he & Donnie came to help Raph as well. While, Mikey casually climbed on the playset with little sense of urgency to play on it.

The worm let out a loud fit of laughter, almost maniacally, as it slowly turned towards them all.

"Stepped right into my goop trap!" The worm said as Y/N stared at them in amazement. Raph took off the hippo head off, as four ninja turtles stared down at the worm in confusion. "Your.. what now?" Raph asked to the worm.

"Goop trap!" The worm said to them as he explained. "Talking magic worm!" Mikey said excitement as he slides down from the yellow slide on the play area.

"Not the weirdest thing I've seen. That, was all a ruse!" The worm said as he tossing the fake glasses aside. "For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and--" The worm known as Warren Stone was cut off by Leo placed a finger on Warren's head, squishing it slightly.

"I'm sorry, Warren who?" Leo asked to him as Y/N's eyes sparkles in amazement still, while he was staring at Warren Stone.

"Stop it!" Warren said as he hits Leo's finger away. "Stone. I'm your greatest fo--" "Ah, don't tell me!" Leo chuckled as Donnie began to type away on his wrist tablet, presumably about the talking worm. "Uh, Worm Man?" Leo asked as Raph was still struggling to escape the dark green mat as Y/N quickly went back to help him, while Mikey, observing in amusement as the small box turtle held his hands tightly on the monkey bars, swaying in the air as his feet couldn't touch the ground.

"Can someone help me get unstuck?" Raph asked loud as Y/N was still helping Raph, while she hummed in angrily as she was using her strength. "Fine" Leo said as he huffed, he and Donnie walked over to help along with Y/N to Raph get off the mat once more.

Warren Stone, however, was not pleased at the lack of attention on him from any of you. Enraged, the small earthworm jumped up, plopping right on Leo's face as he was distracted trying to help Raph.

Y/N was focusing on helping Raph until
Warren Stone was enraged and jumped up, plopping right on Leo's face as he was distracted trying to help Raph.

Leo screamed, flailing his arms all over the place. "Ah-- get it off me! It's gross!" Leo said as Y/N watches him in confusion. "Classic mistake!" Warren grinned. "I may be small, but I'm also very--" Warren was cut off by Leo knocking him off his head into the air.

Leo jumped in surprise and without thinking, took out one of his sword and sliced the worm in half on the spot. Y/N & the four ninja turtles stared at the sliced worm lying on the stone floor.

"Leo, what did you do?!" Raph said to Leo in his horrified voice as Raph was covering Y/N's eyes from seeing this scene. "He was on my head, I panicked!" Leo said to Raph as he was panicking.

"Is he gonna be okay?!" Mikey asked worriedly. "Is he gonna be okay?? Raph yelled, pointing towards the sliced worm.

"He's in two pieces!" Raph said until Warren Stone spoke up. "You fools!" Warren Stone said, no longer dead. The four turtles all screamed and backed away as Y/N stared down towards the Warren Stone in shocked.

"You've unleashed my ultimate power! Now, I can--" Warren said in his pained voice as he clutched his small purple turtleneck.

"You can clone yourself??" Mikey asked to him in his guessed. "No, I regenerate. It's an amazing power, but it's incredibly painful" Warren said to them in a deadpanned, while he was painfully trying to grow back the lower half of his body.

"Fascinating. How long does the regeneration process take?" Donnie asked to Warren as he approaching him. "Several.. days" Warren said to Donnie.

"And, you grow back double the strength!" Mikey asked to him once more. "No" Warren glared. "But four times the size!" Raph chimed in. Warren was getting so annoyed of them as Y/N was ignoring them, while she stared at Warren until she came closer to them.

Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey turns towards Y/N in confusion on, what she's about to do to Warren Stone.

"Umm, Y/N..? What are you-?" Leo asked as Y/N placed her hand on top of Warren Stone's head until she used her blood demon art and Warren was on fire now.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The four turtles scream in terror as Warren Stone was freaking out as well, he's on fire. Warren was rolling around on the ground to stop fire.

"Y/N!? What are you doing!?" Raph asked in terror to Y/N as Leo, Donnie & Mikey were freaking out still. "Someone get water! So, we could put out the fire!!" Mikey said as he was looking for water until Leo realised something.

"Wait! Guys! Look!" Leo said as he, Raph, Donnie & Mikey saw Y/N's pink fire helped Warren to regenerate fast

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

When Y/N stops using her blood demon art on him, Warren Stone was shocked of this. Y/N hummed happily to help the small worm to heal up fast.

"Whoa! Y/N just healed the magic worm up with her ability!" Mikey said excitedly of this as Warren stared at Y/N of, why did she help him?

"We just discovered Y/N's new abilities. This is getting very exciting" Donnie said to his three brothers as Raph picks up Y/N and carries her in his arm, while he and his other three brothers begin to leave Warren alone at the park.

"Let's go have pizza. I'm hungry" Raph said to the others as Y/N waves her hand to say, goodbye to Warren.

Y/N was sleeping next Leo as he, Raph, Donnie & Mikey were eating pizza. The five of them were on top of, the rooftop of the apartment building as they were minding their own businesses.

"I feel sorry for cutie... She can't eat anything even, pizza too" Leo said to his three brothers with honesty in his voice. "Yeah, Leo. I-! We agree with you. It must be difficult for Y/N to stop herself from hurting the humans" Donnie said as he stared at Y/N, who was still asleep.

"Y/N is showing us, she doesn't want to hurt humans. No matter, what. She must be suffering from being a Demon" Mikey said in sadness for Y/N as Raph then tried to cheer them up. "Guys! Don't be upset! We can help Y/N somehow!" Raph said to his brother as they were confused.

"How are we going to do that?" Leo asked to Raph as he was curious. "By..! By..! I don't know! I just want to help her... I don't want Y/N to suffer anymore" Raph said in sadness for Y/N until she wakes up and saw him upset. Y/N came towards Raph and gave him a hug to cheer him up.

Raph was shocked of, Y/N's action but he hugged her back. Leo, Donnie & Mikey were glaring at Raph from jealousy because Y/N was hugging Raph instead of them.

Y/N and the four turtles successfully made it to the massive building, where the mutant hippo had supposedly been reported to have been in the area.

"Uh, yes, I picked it up on my scanner, remember? A current occupant called in" Donnie said as he deadpanned, while slicing a circle through the windowed glass and creating a large hole for them to jump in.

"Now explain it to me again, why can't I wear the suit?" Raph asked as he huffed, while crossing his arms. Y/N was trying to cheer him up as Mikey stood inside the hippo suit this time. "Oh, we've been over this!" Leo said to Raph as he glared him.

"You ruined that woman's 95th birthday." Donnie said to Raph as Y/N hummed in tiredness. "She's fine!" Raph said as he pouted.

"Treat her with respect. And be careful!" Raph said to him as he kicked Mikey into the building. Y/N quickly followed behind him. When Raph, Leo & Donnie followed behind them, Y/N begins to explore the building by herself as she was curious.

I was looking around and seeing new technologies as well. While she was exploring the building until she hears loud noises even, someone was fighting too.

Y/N quickly went towards the noise to see, what's going on. When she made it to the source of the noise. Y/N saw hippo mutant known as Mezmer-Ron, they had massive dark hippo with a fancy purple suit, pink hat, purple pants and dark black shoes appeared, with red eyes too.

Y/N turns towards her the ninja turtles, only to see her friends were floating in the air as they were hypnotised as well.

Y/N's eyes widen shocked and worried for her four friend's safety. She then came towards Mezmer-Ron as she shouted in anger through her bamboo muzzle.

Before, Mezmer-Ron could react. Y/N send a powerful kick, right at his chest as he flew backwards until he hits against the wall.

Y/N was more protective for her friend's safety as she glared at Mezmer-Ron dangerously. Mezmer-Ron growled in pain as he glared at Y/N.

"Okay, then. I'll just start with you. Forgetting in my way!" Mezmer-Ron said as he tried to attack her until Warren came out of nowhere and saved her life too. "Breaking news!" Warren said as he stopped the hula-hoop from hitting Y/N.

"If anyone is going to end those guys. It's going to be me!" Warren said as Y/N hummed and stared at him amazement. "Sorry. Who, Who are you?" Mezmer-Ron asked in confusion to Warren.

"I'm Warren-!" Warren stopped him as he quickly fixed his hair up and went back to tell him. "I'm Warren Stone. I hate these turtle punks except, the pretty girl more, then anyone. That's why I have to stop you!" Warren said as Y/N was shocked of his action.

"Hahahaha! I'm laughing. Prepare to be Mezmer-Ro-!" Y/N interfered Mezmer-Ron by kicking him in the face as she was protecting Warren by shielding in front of him. "Hey! Girl! Get out the way! I'm about to do something!" Warren said as she quickly got out the way, while Mezmer-Ron tried to hypnotise Warren.

Warren quickly pulled out the crystal from his chest and absorb the attack until he send it back to him. Mezmer-Ron ends up getting hypnotised as he was defeated. The blue crystal was broken now, as Warren was not in his buff from anymore.

"Turtles. Finally we can start-!" Warren ends up getting crushed by Leo as he landed on him. Y/N freaked out for Warren's health and safety. "What just happened?" Leo asked in confusion as he, Raph, Donnie & Mikey saw Mezmer-Ron was defeated as he hypnotised too.

"Y/N! Your okay! I-! We got so worried!" Raph said to Y/N as she hummed happily at them. The four ninja turtles turn towards Mezmer-Ron as they stared at him. "I think, we win" Raph said as he smirked, Y/N watched them as her friends think they defeated Mezmer-Ron.

"Now hold on just a moment!" Warren said as he yelled out to the ninja turtles. Warren was no longer buff from before and lacking the blue gem too. He yelled out as he struggling to get out of Leo's shell, that he was currently stuck under. "I & the pretty girl saved you loser turtles by hypnotizing that beast and saving your lives!" Warren said angrily, as Leo grabbed the small, cut in half worm and held him up in the air as the four ninja turtles stared towards the worm in confusion.

"And, you are?" Leo asked as Warren got annoyed until Y/N snatches him away from Leo and she hugged him happily. "Hmmm! Hmm!" Y/N hummed happily to Warren saying, 'thank you for saving my friends'.

Raph, Leo, Donnie & Mikey were even more annoyed & jealousy because Warren for getting a hug from Y/N. Warren was surprised of her actions but, he smirked of this because she was the only one, who knows he saved their lives from Mezmer-Ron.

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