0 - Prologue

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Thomas was almost getting used to being awaked by the gentle rocking of the ship, and the subtle sound of waves lapping up against the boat. Almost. It had been nearly two weeks since he had boarded the Dianitee merchant ship bound for Grimsby, a large Dianitee port town. From what he had heard, it was a large port town where Dianite's top generals were going to be meeting with Dianite himself. Tom wasn't that worried about the meeting, but he was worried about the tensions between Dianite and his siblings. Tensions were high between the gods, and that made it unsafe for Tom. As Dianite's champion, he, along with the other champions, were the most at risk when the delicate balance between the gods began to shift. If anyone were to find out his identity and his presence on this boat, he would surely be used as ransom or as a bargaining tool for either Mianite or Ianite. The very though made him queasy, and he closed his eyes, letting out a soft sigh. Only one more week left on his journey. Then he could be done.

Pushing his legs off to the side of the bed, he stood up. Pulling on a simple cotton shirt and worn pants, Tom grabbed his shoes and a long brown coat that really needed to be replaced. Before the stepped outside, he made sure that he grabbed the notebook that he used to communicate to Dianite. It was small and simple, easily overlooked, but from the small book he was able to talk to his god and discuss strategy and plans. It was how Tom was able to carry out his duties as champion without being with his god. He stepped outside onto the deck, nose wrinkling as the smell of salt and rotting wood hit his nose. He had been given the first mates room, due to his position as Dianite's champion. Cool wind met him as he opened the door, the grey clouds above him. A storm was brewing.

"Oi, Tom!" Glancing upwards, Tom squinted as he looked up at the man on the crow's nest. "Gonna head into the hall? I hear the cooks have made us somethin' special."

"Not yet, I'm gonna get some air first." The man nodded and turned back towards the sea.

Briefly, he wondered how the other champions were fairing while waiting for the gods to sort out their problems. Mianite's champion was rather new, and she would still be training with the god herself. Ianite's, however, was a mystery. The goddess had recently lost her former champion to a Dianitee attack, and a few people speculated that she had chosen a new champion. Many people had scoffed at the notion. So soon after her last champions death? Unlikely, they said. Being Dianite's right hand man gave Tom an insight onto how the gods worked. He knew that Ianite must have lost lots of power when her champion died, and she would need to regain that power from a new champion. She probably had found someone random, someone who would be insignificant so that Dianite wouldn't go after them. If she did have a new champion, Tom really didn't expect them to last long. Ianite would find someone more suited for the role, someone who would be more willing to have the role. It was a shame, really. Ianite's former champion hadn't been much older than he was.

The wind started to pick up, and Tom stuffed his hands into his coat pockets to kept it from flying open. He leaned against the railing, staring at the grey-blue water. The waves were getting higher, and he knew that tonight he wouldn't be sleeping well. As Tom mulled over whether or not he should go inside to eat, he heard the man he had talked to earlier cry out.



Katherine drummed her fingers against the railing, biting her lip worriedly. They had been tracking this merchant ship for days, and this was their shot at taking a powerful player from Dianite's side. She swallowed, forcing the nervousness down. If what their inside man had told them was true, then Dianite's champion was on that boat. In what was respected as Ianitee waters no less. Ianite herself had told them to bring the champion back to Ianerea for questioning. Getting Dianite's champion would create a shift in Ianite's favour, and Dianite would have to bargain to get them back.

"Kathy, you alright?" A hand clapped her on the shoulder, the man coming to stand beside her. The two of them stared at the boat near the horizon, the dark clouds making her uneasy. She glanced over at her brother, Rupert, who had the same grim expression on his face like the rest of the crew. Katherine definitely felt that. This was their only chance, and she knew that most of the pressure would be put on her, as she was the one who had been tasked with fining the champion.

"How am I supposed to just know who the champion is? Couldn't it be anyone on that boat?" Katherine turned to Rupert, a small frown on her face. "You will know when you see them. Very helpful." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. That had been what Ianite had told her when she asked what Dianite's champion had looked like. Rupert thought for a moment, before shrugging.

"How am I supposed to know?" He replied, glancing over at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly. "Maybe you'll feel it in your heart." He chuckled a little and Katherine punched his shoulder, not hard enough to hurt. She scowled at him, and turned away from the railing.

"I'm going to talk to Jordan, at least he'll be helpful." She called out as she walked away. Katherine could hear Rupert's laughter as she descended into the captain's cabin. Shaking her head exasperatedly, Katherine opened the door to her private room. It wasn't exactly her private room, as most of the time she shared it with Jordan.

"Kath, hey!" Jordan called out from the bed, straining to sit up. Katherine smiled at him, walking over and sitting beside Jordan. Parts of his upper chest were still covered in bandages from the Dianitee attack, the one that had very nearly killed him.

"Hey." She said softly, eyes wandering across the white bandages, biting her lip worriedly. "Are you still hurting? 'Cause I can talk to Ianite, and we can get more of- ". Jordan shook his head, smiling fondly.

"Kath, you don't have to worry about me. After all, today you've got plenty to worry about." Jordan reached over and grasped her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. He ran his thumb over her knuckles calmingly.

"I know, I know. You just.... You were really hurt." She says softly, recalling how she had sat by Jordan's bedside as he bled from numerous wound, praying Ianite that she wouldn't lose him. Jordan just grinned, squeezing her hand again.

"Hey, don't worry. Next time I'll be more careful instead of rushing a bunch of Dianitee's." Jordan chuckled, before he leaned over to kiss her on the cheek. "Seriously though, you're gonna do great today. You've been practicing with your sword, and I bet that Dianite's champion will reveal themselves before long." Katherine smiled, flushing and glanced down at her lap.

"Thanks Jordan." She murmured. The two sat in silence for a moment, before the door opened and Rupert stepped in.

"We're approaching the ship right now. It's now or never, Kathy." He said, one hand on his sword. Katherine nodded and stood, giving Jordan a kiss on his cheek before making her way to the door.

"Stay safe, Katherine." Jordan called out as she left. Turning back to him, Katherine smiled.

"I will."

(Same prologue as before, but I thought it would be better to post this and the first chapter next :D )

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