13 - Champions

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Tom's back still hurt slightly. He winced at the feeling of the phantom ache, before sighing and trying to find a more comfortable way to sit. Grabbing the pillow, Tom placed it behind himself, relaxing a little at the slight relief his back got. Crossing his arms over his chest, Tom let his eyes close, resting his head on the wall. A few more days here, and then he could go home. Tom wasn't exactly happy to be going home, back to Dianite, Furia, and having to go back to work. He would miss Capsize and Jordan the most though. He couldn't deny to himself that he enjoyed their company.

The door creaked open, and Tom opened his eyes, glancing over at the doorway. Jordan, dressed in a fine purple shirt and dark pants stepped in. Nodding to him, Jordan moved to sit at the desk again, where he had sat last time. Tom awkwardly nodded back at him as Jordan got settled.

"So, what brings you to my humble abode?" Tom asked, gesturing around his small room. That drew a laugh from Jordan, and Tom felt his heart flutter a little.

"Ianite asked me too. Capsize wasn't free to come in today, so I came alone as you can see." Jordan crossed his arms over his chest, looking at Tom curiously. "How was your night?" Tom shrugged, his back letting out a throb of pain at the thought of his nightmare.

"It was fine." Tom replied, noticing the slight worry in Jordan's eyes. Why was he worried about him? "How's being Ianite's champion going?" Jordan sighed at the question.

"Boring really. All I'm doing is helping to prepare for Dianite's arrival. Bleh." Jordan made a face. "That and having so many meetings with m'lady, the advisors and the generals. I wish it was more exciting, like being Dianite's champion probably is." Tom snorted at that,

"Just because I'm Dianite's champion doesn't mean that I get to skip meetings." Tom said, before he frowned slightly. "Well, I guess I did miss a meeting because you guys," He gestured to Jordan, "took me while I was on my way. But my point still stands. Even when I'm not meeting with Dianite I have training every day." He noticed Jordan's disgusted expression and laughed. "What, you don't keep your skills sharp?" Jordan shrugged at Tom's question.

"I mean yeah, I train, but every day? Gross." Jordan's face is scrunched up, and all Tom wants to do is kiss him because he looks so adorable. "I'd rather die than do that." Tom laughed slightly, glancing downwards. He liked Jordan more than he'd care to admit, and well, Jordan was just being really cute.

"Well, that's one difference between Dianite and Ianite I guess." Tom glanced back up to see Jordan smiling goofily at him. He tried not to, but he felt his face heat up a little. Tom coughed and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, glancing away as his face turned bright red. Jordan's smile only grew at this sight. God, he was head over heels for Tom, wasn't he? He hadn't felt this giddy since he and Katherine had started dating.

'There's more similarities than differences, I think. Ianite takes aspects of both Dianite and Mianite, so you'd be better at comparing differences with Mianite's new champion than me." Jordan said, his expression earnest. Tom shrugged, watching as Jordan shifted in his chair.

"I guess. We both have to deal with the fact that our gods rely on us for a lot of things, and that a lot of people look up to us as role models." Tom responded, Jordan nodding in agreement.

"I guess that's true. It's always a bit overwhelming when some kid calls me their hero." Jordan chuckled, watching Tom sigh and nod.

"God, that always freaks me out." Tom said, a small smile growing on his face. I'm not a good role model for kids, really. I... Y'know, sometimes I wonder why Dianite chose me as his champion? There were plenty of better people who wanted to do it much more than I did." Tom's voice got quiet, and Jordan knew that Tom was sharing something personal with him. He got up and sat beside Tom on the bed, wrapping an arm around Tom's shoulders. Jordan smiled slightly as Tom leaned into his touch, sighing slightly.

"Most Ianitee champions aren't as... well, more of their skills are strength-based ones. Ianite saw something in me that she didn't see in any of the other people who were going to be champion. She saw that I was going to be able to carry the burden of being champion, and that's why she chose me. Dianite obviously though you were suited for the task. That's why you're the Dianite champion, Tom." Jordan said softly, letting Tom lean his head on his shoulder. Tom bit his lip, fighting back a few tears. Damn it, why was he such a sap?

Thank you, Jordan." Tom whispered quietly, feeling Jordan hum. The two of them sat like that for a while, relishing in the comfort that the other was providing them. Eventually, Tom pulled away, sitting up straighter. "I assume that you have important things to do. I'm sorry I kept you." Tom said, somewhat disappointed in himself. He had enjoyed sitting with Jordan. Why couldn't he let himself have this one nice thing?

"Oh... Alright." Jordan replied softly, a little bit troubled by the tone in Tom's voice. "I... I guess I'll be going, then." He stood, and offered a hand to Tom, who looked at him strangely. 'Walk me to the door?" He asked quietly, watching as Tom nodded and took the hand that had been offered to him, leading Jordan to the door.

"Thanks for stopping by." Tom murmured, watching as Jordan's eyes dart up and down him. Jordan stepped forwards, and for a breathtaking moment Tom though he was going to be kissed. Instead, Jordan wrapped his arms around Tom, burying the younger man in a hug, head tucked into Tom's neck. Tom hesitantly hugged Jordan back, letting his head rest on Jordan's. The two of them stood like that, holding each other closely, before Jordan pulled away, smiling slightly.

"Thank you for the nice chat, Tom." He murmured, watching Tom flush again from how close the two of them were. Tom nodded slightly, and Jordan just smiled at him as he opened the door.

"Y-You too." Tom replied quietly as the door closed. He paused for a moment. Had that just really happened? Tom felt a smile growing on his face, and for once, he didn't try to hide it. "Oh wow." Tom whispered, a feeling of giddiness taking over him. He was so happy.

(Posting two chapters in one day aka "I have no self control" lol. Hope you enjoyed the two chapters)

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