2 - Messages

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The first night had passed less eventful than Tom had though it would. He imagined that he would have been kept up all night, either due to the other crew members or just by his own brain. For the first time in what was probably weeks, Tom had gotten a good night's rest. Maybe things weren't as bad as he thought. Those pleasant thoughts went away as soon as one of the ship's crew – Richard, Tom called him – grumpily dropped a bowl into his cage, along with a spoon. Before Tom could even speak he was gone, storming back upstairs. Tom sat in silence for a moment before making his way towards the bowl.

His thoughts of having to eat yet more lukewarm soup disappeared. It was definitely oatmeal of some kind, and it was actually still warm. Happily, Tom dug in to what had been his first hot meal since he had gotten on that merchant ship. The cook, despite Tom's idea of what he would be like, was not very talented in his craft. There were a few things he could make; soups, buns, sauerkraut, and now oatmeal (though he had ever gotten to try that one). Really he hadn't expected great things from such a low-ranking ship, but he'd at least thought he food would be better. This certainly was.

Finishing up, Tom placed his bowl near the bars and retreated back to the bench, where his jacket was still folded up. Unfolding it, he dug into the interior pocket, pulling out his notebook, as well as the small pencil he carried with him. He would be needing a new pencil soon. Dianite needed to know where he was, or at least, that he had been captured. Tom most certainly would have been yelled at for missing the meeting, but this capture allowed him to direct Dianite's anger to the Ianitee's. Resting the notebook on his leg, he began writing.

Dear Dianite,

The merchant ship that you put me on to Grimsby was captured. I was taken aboard an Ianitee ship, and I can only assume that I am being taken to the capital.

Not surprisingly, Dianite replied almost immediately. Tom groaned, hoping that Dianite would have at least been in a meeting so that Tom didn't have to reply immediately.

What is the ship called? I can send a fleet after you.

Sighing, Tom scribbled down a reply. Dianite would probably have to wait until he was in Ianaera to actually do anything, and even then, he would have to talk to Ianite to negotiate a deal. This was going to be a long trip. His family would be worried.

I have no idea. They've kept most of their names from me as well.

Damn. What about the captain of the ship? What is he like?

The captain of the ship is a woman, probably in her 20's. It's much larger than the merchant ship was. She's very young. It's strange seeing her leading this crew.

Captain Capsize. Tom blinked as the name appeared. He had only heard of this 'Captain Capsize' person through the stories of sailors and traders. She was one of Ianite's most loyal pirates, and had struck fear into the hearts of many sailors. It was said that she had once taken on five Dianitee ships and had struck them all down. Stay put, not like you can go anywhere else. I will send a message to Ianite. Without her champion she is weak, and I will be able to get you back.

Thank you, milord. Asper usual, Dianite didn't reply to his last message. Tom sighed and slumped against the wall, letting his head fall back. God, he hated waiting. While training to become Dianite's champion, he had gone through a mock capture to see how he would respond. It had been the most boring two days of his life, and now he was captured for real, with no way to get into the action. Letting his mind wander,Tom wondered if the Captain of this ships was actually Captain Capsize. It couldn't really be her, could it? 


Jordan hadn't realized that he'd dozed off until Katherine was gently shaking his shoulder. Blearily, he sat up wincing slightly as his wound ached a little. He had nearly forgotten his injury yesterday, what with all of the excitement about the champion, Tom. Ianite's words had definitely made much more sense when he had first seen Tom. The man's green skin was a dead giveaway. Why did Ianite have to be so cryptic sometimes?

"Hey, you alright?" Katherine asked, her voice soft. She was sitting beside him in bed, her hand still on his shoulder. He smiled, before placing his hand on top of Katherine's.

"Of course I am. Just a little sore." Jordan replied, watching as Katherine relaxed a little. "Are we just about ready to talk to Ianite?" Katherine nodded, before she stood and fixed her shirt.

"You've just got to get ready, and then we can use your weird gem thing." She wrinkled her nose slightly at the mention of the crystal. Jordan glanced over at their bedside table, breathing out a slight sigh of relief when he saw the lilac gem sitting there, as it always was. It was Jordan's way of communicating with Ianite, the only way really. Unless he saw her in person, which had been becoming less and less common with the threat of war approaching.

"Awesome. I'll get changed and set it up." Jordan said before standing from the bed and going the dresser to pick out something to wear. Katherine watching him for a short while, before she turned away to give Jordan some privacy. A few moments passed, and she heard a slight cough. Turning back around, she nodded at Jordan's choice; a breezy cotton shirt and light pants. "Alright, I think it'd be best if we just sat on the bed to do it. C'mere." Jordan waved her over, already sitting down on the bed and patting beside him. She scooted onto the bed, shuffling up to rest against the headboard.

"Will she respond?" Katherine asked, watching as Jordan placed the stone in front of them, murmuring a few things quietly. Jordan nodded, too busy with his work to reply verbally. The stone began to glow with an almost pulsing purple light, before the light shaped into the form of Ianite. Katherine ducked her head, watching as Jordan did the same. "M'lady. It's good to see you." Ianite smiled at the two of them.

"It is good to see you both as well. Jordan, are you feeling well?" Ianite's form shimmered ever so slightly. The slight shimmering was probably the only thing that made it look as if Ianite really was sitting on the bed. That and the fact that Ianite's image was partially see-through.

"I'm feeling much better. M'lady, we've got news about the Dianitee champion." Jordan answered, letting one of his hands slip into Katherine's. He squeezed it gently, and smiled when she gently squeezed it back. "Kathy was able to capture him and he's in the holding cell right now." Ianite nodded, closing her eyes.

"I trust that you were able to heed my words?" Ianite chuckled as Katherine groaned slightly. "I did say that you would know when you saw them."

"I guess you were right. He's pretty... Interesting." Katherine responded, her face heating up a little. Jordan nodded, recalling the day before.

"Yeah, he's kinda weird. He was surprisingly chill with being captured and tied up by us." Jordan said. Ianite merely shrugged, opening her eyes.

"Many of Dianite's champions undergo rigorous training of many forms so that they will be able to be prepared for many occasions. Don't be surprised that he might be... strange." Ianite waved her hand at the two of them, her eyes glowing purple. Her eyes faded and she let her hand drop before smiling at the two mortals. "I have blessed your ship with wind and speed, so that it may make its way home faster." Katherine smiled, as did Jordan, at the thought of home. It seemed like such a long time ago that they'd set off on this mission, and now they were finally going home.

"Thank you, my lady." Jordan said, a wide smile on his face. Ianite merely nodded, before her form faded, leaving behind only the stone and a slight scent of lavender in the bedroom. The stone had returned to its usual appearance, and Jordan placed it back onto the table. The two of them sat in silence for a moment, before Katherine turned to Jordan with a few tears in her eyes.

"We're going home."

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