20 - Finding Out

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(This photo is here just bc it's what the Modesteps wagon is supposed to be like just for a reference)

Tom had been cautiously jogging through the hallways for what felt like hours now. He knew where he needed to go, it was just... hard to find, that's all. Blinking harshly, he tried to stop a few tears from trickling down his cheeks. Gods, was he really this torn up about leaving? He had grown fond of the place, and the people who lived here. At least he was able to get close to them. Maybe that had been a mistake. Maybe deciding to let himself have this one thing (well, two things, really) wasn't worth it. After all, he was just going to go home and mope about his love life, and the fact that he would never be able to see either Jordan or Katherine again. Tom stopped, letting out a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't do this here. Not when he had to leave. He could do this when he was at home, alone.

Tom swallowed and continues on his route, eventually finding himself outside, in a secluded part of the temple's grounds. Josh waved him over, turned in the seat to watch the exit of the temple. A tan-coloured horse was hitched up to the front of the wagon, and the door that led into the back was opened. Rushing over, Tom hopped into the back, narrowly avoiding hitting his head on the curved roof. Tony closed the door behind him, and Tom heard the crack of a whip and then they lurched forwards. Tom let out a small yelp as he was jostled forwards by the sudden movement. He stumbled forwards, trying to get used to the moving cart. When he stepped on something that wasn't wooden planks, he glanced downwards. Laying on the floor was Rupert, hands and ankles tied, and a gag in his mouth. The red-haired man was still out cold, which Tom was secretly glad for. He didn't want things to be too awkward between them, especially after what he had just done with his sister. Tom swallowed and sat across from Tony, who looked up at him as Tom cleared his throat.

"Where, exactly, are we going?" Tom asked, tilting his head to the side as he squirmed a little in his seat, trying to find a more comfortable position. The jostling cart didn't help with his goal.

"We're headed to Emall. Small Dianitee town on the border." Tony replied, looking down at his hands. 'It's about a one night trip, but we'll be camping tonight, so it'll take a little longer." Tom nodded, awkwardly crossing his arms over his chest. He had never been as close to the brothers as he had been to Nadeshot, a close friend since his champion training days. Smiling, Tom wondered where Nade was, how he was doing. Tom hadn't seen the guy in almost a year now. Maybe Tony or Josh would know? He decided to test his luck with Tony. If one of the brothers knew something, it was likely that the other knew it as well.

"Hey, Tony? Have you seen Nade recently?" Tom bit his lip as he waited for an answer. Tony thought for a moment, before he shook his head.

"Nah. I haven't seen him in ages. Sorry." Tony shrugged. His shoulders slumping, Tom felt a strong wave of sadness washing over him. Maybe it was the events of the day, or maybe it was just stress, but he felt like crying a little. The bad dream he had last night that kept him up, the whole thing with Katherine and Rupert, and now Nade? He was supposed to be strong, emotionless. Or at least, that's what Dianiet had said. He could get through this. Tom knew he could.

"Ah. Thanks anyways." Tony merely nodded at him. The two Dianitee's sat in silence for a while, before Tony stood, steadying himself on a wall.

"I'm gonna go it with Josh." He stated, before stepping carefully around the still unconscious form of Rupert. Tony disappeared from the inside of the wagon, and Tom was left alone, with an unconscious man at his feet. Closing his eyes, Tom lent his head back against the wall, feeling a wave of tiredness sweep over him. Gods, he needed to sleep. Tom knew, however, that he wouldn't be sleeping in the wagon, not while it was moving. What else could he do, besides stare at the barren walls and think? Well, he could think of one thing he could do. However, talking to Dianite wouldn't be his favourite option, not right now at least. Speaking of talking to Dianite, he checked his coat pocket, only to find it completely empty. Huh. Checking the rest of his coat, Tom felt his heart rate increasing as every spot he checked came up negative. Oh gods. He hadn't lost it, had he? Dianite would be furious at him,

After checking once, twice, even three times, Tom concluded that he was screwed. Dianite had spent ages making that notebook for him, and he had lost it? He was going to get his ass handed to him. Rubbing his forehead, Tom tried to think of ways that he could win Dianite's favour back. He was so caught up in his thinking that he didn't notice the man at his feet blinking his eyes blearily, a headache pounding against his skull. Rupert grimaced and tried to curl up on himself, instead finding that he couldn't move his arms. His eyes shot open and he let out a muffled cry of protest. At that, Tom snapped out of his god-appeasing planning, watching as Rupert struggled on the floor.

"Rupert." He said firmly, pressing a hand against the man's shoulder, pinning him to the wooden floor. Rupert's green eyes were wide, and he was breathing rapidly, his eyes darting around the room like a caged animal. "Calm down mate." Tom, said, softer this time. "Don't worry, I promised your sister that as little harm would come to you as possible."


Katherine swallowed as she entered Ianite's office. The place was covered in burn marks, where there used to be bookshelves and furniture now had piles of ash, some still sizzling. Ianite herself was with Jordan, who had a hand on her shoulder, comforting her. Katherine was able to catch the last part of Ianite's sentence as she approached the pair.

"I... I just don't know why he'd do this... Destroy my temple, my office, and kill more of my followers?" Ianite let out a small sob, and Jordan made a concerned face.

"My lady." Katherine said softly as she got closer, noticing how everything had a slight layer of ash on it, like freshly fallen snow. Ianite turned to look at her, as did Jordan. The two of them had a look of surprise with them, and Katherine knew why. It was because she was alone. "I... fear that I only bring more bad news. Rupert's been taken captive by some Dianitee's. Also, the same Dianitee's let Tom loose, and I don't know where he's going to next." Katherine explained, watching as Ianite's face morphed into one of grief, Jordan's into one of shock.

"That's why he wanted to talk with you, Kathy. So he could have a distraction with all three of us together, so that no one was watching Rupert." Jordan half-whispered, a hand coming up to run through his hair. "Why does he want Rupert? Could you see?" Jordan asked, looking at Katherine nervously. She shook her head before replying.

"No... No I actually wasn't there. Tom... Told me." Jordan nodded, thinking deeply. Ianite sighed, turning her attention back to Jordan.

"My champion, you must start training with the troops again. So should you, Katherine." Ianite looked to the two of them. "I have a follower who possess a gift in the arcane arts; she'll be able to track your brother down, Katherine. I have no doubt that Dianite wants him for sinister purposes." Katherine shivered at the thought. She didn't want to think about her brother being strung up in some dirty dungeon, being tortured every minute by Dianite's guards.

"What do you mean, my lady? We have to start training again?" Jordan asked, straightening slightly. Ianite had a determined look on her face, replying with a cold voice.

"If we must start a war, then so be it."

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