24 - Emall

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(asdjakshjkasd im excited for these next chapters)

Tom blinked, his head jerking up for what had to be the fiftieth time that afternoon. Rupert had gone back to sleep after a few hours, but Tom couldn't fall asleep, not even when he tried. He had been awake for more than a day, and the exhaustion was taking its toll. They were coming up on Emall, and Tom knew that they were planning on renting a couple of rooms. Maybe he could sleep through the rest of the afternoon, and stay up to make sure that Rupert remained unharmed. Tom had found himself surprisingly enjoying Rupert's company. The pirate told good stories, and Tom quickly found out that they had a similar sense of humor. Now, he wasn't just protecting Rupert because Katherine told him too, it was also because he actually felt a bond to Rupert. He didn't want anyone innocent getting hurt, and Rupert's brother hadn't done anything wrong to Dianite. Or, at least, if he had, Tom would have heard about it.

"You doin' alright Tom?" Rupert asked, shifting his wrists, trying to get into a more comfortable position. The Modesteps had allowed for Rupert to sit on one of the small benches inside the cart, and now his wrists were in front of him rather than behind. At least it seemed more comfortable. Tom nodded jerkily to Rupert's question, feeling his eyes start to grow heavy once more. He blinked himself awake, his eyelids feeling heavy. Rupert chuckled. "Mate, just sleep. We won't be getting wherever we're going for a while, and plus, I dunno how much sleep you got last night." At that, Tom chuckled slightly, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands.

"I didn' sleep at all." Tom mumbled, his speech slurring a little. Shit. He didn't think he was that tired. Tom missed how Rupert's brow crinkled as he tried to reach over to Tom, a worried expression on his face.

"Mate, that's not healthy." Tom shrugged, letting himself lean against the wall, trying not to fall asleep. "Tom, c'mere." Rupert motioned for him to scoot over, and Tom did sluggishly. He slumped down beside him, blinking at him slowly. "Use my shoulder. It'll be better than the wall or the floor." Tom hummed, and, in his exhausted state, allowed himself to rest his head on Rupert's shoulder, having to scoot right up to the other man in order to do it. Within a few seconds, he was asleep. Rupert chuckled, patting Tom's knee as the younger man rested. The fact that Tom hadn't been able to go to sleep was worrying for Rupert. He knew from experience that a tired crew mate either had problems sleeping or merely wasn't used to the sea. But they were traveling by cart, and Tom would have had to be used to the sea by now. So, Rupert continued to worry.


"Oi. Wake up." Tom was jostled awake. He let out a groan, shielding his eyes from the sunlight streaming into the cart. Tony was standing over him, a bored expression on his face. "Good. Get out of the cart. Josh n' me have already got room's." He explained as the two of the exited the cart, Tom rubbing his eyes. The cart had been parked near a stable of sorts, where Tom could see the horse being cared for by a few young boys. Entering the inn created a sense of dread in Tom. They had to pass through a bar to get to the stairs that led to their room. Many patrons avoided Tom's gaze, and Ton had an inkling that they knew who he was. It was strange, having a bar go almost completely silent. As they got near the top of the stairs, Tom could hear the talking start to pick up again. The two of them stopped outside of two simple wooden doors, and Tony pointed to the one on the left.

"Yours." He simply said, tossing Tom one of the keys and going to open his own door. Shrugging, Tom unlocked his door, finding Rupert asleep on one of the cots. Tom didn't blame him. Glancing around the room, Tom nodded. There were two cots placed near the middle of the room, and a small desk was up against the eastern wall, a small candle on it. There was also an empty washing basin, but Tom didn't think that they'd be needing that during their stay. Making his way over to the desk, Tom realized that there was actually a piece of paper on top of the desk. Getting an idea, Tom sat down at the desk, picking up a pencil that had fallen on the floor. Stretching his back, he began to write.

My Dearests Jordan and Katherine,

I miss you both at every moment. The cold night wind involves my skin with the same sweet sadness that missing you involves my heart. When will I be with you again to bring me some joy? When will I feel you again, if I ever do?

The days pass by slowly without you, the evenings cold and lonely, and my mind can only be occupied with memories both of you, of Jordan's enchanting eyes and Katherine's smile. Lovely mouths colliding with mine, and your sweet words of love, saying caring phrases that until this day repeat themselves in my heart and in my mind. The though of your beautiful face sends shivers down my spine, and I long for you greatly.

How long has it been since I last heard your voices?  Eons, it's been far to long. Seeing you every day was a privilege that I didn't know i had. Know that it is gone, i feel lost, like a leaf in the wind.How long has it been since my mouth last felt the warm caring taste of your lips? I need you to write, I want to hear my name grace your lips once more. I need you to be here and tell me you're both alright, that you're okay, and that everything is going to be okay, to hold me in your arms and let my worries drain away like the rain slides off of a roof.

I will write more letters to you, that I promise. Even if they never get delivered, I hope that you will have a feeling whenever I write them, letting you know that I'm thinking of you both. This letter was sappy, and I'm sorry if you hate it. I'm sorry that I rambled on, but I had to tell you, dearly beloved's just how much your absence weighs heavy on my heart.

Missing you at every moment,

Thomas Syndicate.

Staring at his letter, Tom felt a little embarrassed. It was a little sappy, coming from him. He had always found himself droning on and on when he wrote, and it seemed like he had done it again. Ah well. At least they would never read it. Tom sighed, folding up the letter and placing it inside of his coat. No one could ever find that letter, especially not a Dianitee. If someone were to find it, Tom knew that he would be punished, or gods, even killed. No one could know.

(also,,,, a little sneak peak of whats to come ;0


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