26 - Letters to My Beloved(s)

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Katherine was laying on what used to be Tom's bed, watching as Jordan rummaged through the drawers of the desk. It may have been somewhat strange, but after many nights of sleeping here, Tom's... scent? Had rubbed off onto the sheets. They faintly smelled like him, all metal and flowers and something quite simply Tom that she couldn't put a name onto. Whatever. The most important thing was that she felt comfortable, safe even, having a small reminder of Tom with her. Jordan sat back for a moment, stretching slightly as his back was starting to ache a little. She sighed as she watched him, eyes trailing across Jordan's back. They were back in Tom's room at not only his own request, but at Ianite's as well. Ianite had asked them to play sleuths, to try and find clues that could aid them in stopping Dianite. The fact that Tom had asked for her to specifically look in the desk was worrying. What was in there that was so important? Jordan paused in his rummaging, before glancing over his shoulder.

"Hey, Kath?" You might wanna come see this." Jordan said, before he pulled out two folded pieces of paper, placing them onto the desk in front of him. Standing, Katherine moved so that she was standing over Jordan's shoulder, inhaling sharply when she saw what was on the desk. Both pieces of paper were folded horizontally, and both had names written on the front in large text. The letter labeled 'Jordan' was to the left, and 'Katherine' on the right. "Kathy?" Jordan asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Should we see what's inside?" She nodded slowly, before reaching over to grab what she supposed was 'her' piece of paper. The two of them sat in silence, reading the contents of the papers, before Katherine spoke up.

"Wow." She said softly, a little stunned. That was... A lot of information to take in at once. Jordan merely hummed and nodded, before he turned in his seat so that he was fully facing Katherine.

"Will you read yours to me? I'll read you mine." Jordan asked, a hopeful look on his face. Katherine merely smiled and nodded again, before she cleared her throat.

My Dearest Capsize Katherine,

I hope that you are able to find this letter, as it contains many important things that I was not able to tell you in person (or at least I believe that I will not be able too). Personally, I think that this may be the only way that I can safely tell you this; that I have found that I am quite attracted to both you and Jordan, and this passion that has plagued my every waking moment is why I am writing you this letter. You may never find it, but I am alright with that.

I have found myself getting lost in the thought of you, Katherine, and while these idle fantasies are quite wonderful to think about, I have found them to be incredibly distracting. Even when writing this note to you, I found myself think about you. I hope you know the curse that you have placed on me, as I spend most of my waking hours wondering, hoping what it would be like to hold you in my arms, to press my lips to yours, even if only for a moment. By allowing myself to have these thoughts, I have also realized the danger that that brings, not only to me, but to the both of you as well.

Unfortunately, as Dianite's champion, I am forbidden from romancing anyone, unless they are chosen picked recommended by Dianite. He only wants to ensure both my safety, and the safety of all the Dianitee's. It is my duty as his champion to follow his will, and with a heavy heart I say that I will not be able to court you, or Jordan, however much I wish to. My only hope is that Dianite never finds these letters, as he will punish me for going against his will.

Please, be happy with Jordan. I want you to have what I cannot, to be safe and love each other as best you can. I'm running out of paper, but I want you to know how much I want you two to be happy.

Sending you my love,

Thomas Syndicate.

When Katherine finished, the two of them sat in silence for a few moments while Jordan took it all in.

"Huh." Jordan said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I never knew that Dianite chose who his champions had relationships with. That's weird." Katherine nodded, her nose wrinkling up in distaste.

"I don't like it. I don't like Dianite." She replied, to which Jordan let out a half chuckle. "Read me yours." Katherine said, a feeling of excitement entering her. Jordan unfolded his paper and began.

My beloved Jordan,

Do you know how I feel for you? Likely not, though I guess that's why I'm writing this letter to you. I have no idea where this letter will end up, but my hope is that you will be able to read it. Capsize Katherine as well. As I explained in my letter to Capsize Katherine, I have come to the conclusion that both yourself and Capsize Katherine have managed to gain my affections, although I am not quite sure how.

My mind seems to not hear my pleading for logic, as it has only increased the amount which I think about you lately. Even now, as I write my thoughts, I found myself getting lost in thought, my mind wandering to what you will say about this letter. Jordan, you have gained a special place in my heart, as Katherine has, and there you will stay, for I do not have the strength to take you out and rid myself of you. I love cherish value you far too much to do that.

I can never, could never be with you like I truly want to. This letter may be intended for you, Jordan, but Capsize Katherine has the same standings in my heart as you, Jordan. I've never felt this happy around other people, and it is something I wish I could hold and cherish forever. But I have my duty, as you have yours, and I find myself being pulled away from the two of you far too soon. Why can't I stay longer? Why can't I be with you? There are too many why's, Jordan. For instance, take this question I thought up last night; why can't I tell you my true feelings? Truthfully, I have no idea when, or even if, I will be able to tell you how I truly feel. It is crushing, to say the least. I have no control over mine or either of your future's. I can only hope that they shall cross paths again.

I may love you and Katherine, Jordan. And that scares me.

Forever thinking of you,

Thomas Syndicate.

"Aww." Katherine said once it was clear that Jordan was finished. He's such a hopeless romantic." Jordan actually laughed at that, nodding in agreement.

"He's a cutie." Jordan said, still chuckling slightly. "Though, it's kinda worrying that he thinks we don't return his feelings. I wonder when these were written. Maybe that had something to do with it?" Jordan voiced his thoughts, watching Katherine bite her lip and think deeply for a moment. It was sort of disheartening to have Tom telling her that he couldn't even try to date either of them. (though gods know how that would work, what with herself sailing all the time, and the two boys risking their lives so often) Why did he think that he couldn't even try? She was going to find whoever put that thought into Tom's head and crush them.

"Maybe." She replied, her voice soft. "Maybe."

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