30 - Weak

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"First my champion, next Rupert, and now this?" Ianite spat, gesturing wildly with her hands. The spirit form of Dianite merely smirked at her, arms crossed over his chest.

"What, sister? Mad that I'm 'tampering with your followers'? Especially after how my poor boy Thomas has been treated?" Dianite raised an eye brow at her, smirk still on his face. "Really now, I thought you'd be better than that." Ianite gritted her teeth, mouth pressed into a thin line. God was Dianite frustrating. First he had acted like he didn't know what she was talking about, then he told her that Katherine had lied, and now he was just plain goading her. She was reaching the end of her temper. Dianite knew it too.

"I can assure you that nothing bad happened to him He said so himself, that his stay was pleasant." Ianite said, rubbing her forehead. Dianite scoffed and mumbled something quietly. Narrowing her eyes, Ianite frowned at Dianite. What was that about? "I hope you understand that all I want from you is for you to stop toying with my followers." Ianite squared her shoulders, putting up a brave face. "Is that truly so much to ask of you?"

"Psh." Dianite huffed, glaring slightly at Ianite, who merely held his gaze. "I wouldn't even be doing anything to your precious Captain if she hadn't already done something to my Champion." He sneered, his arms crossing over his chest. Ianite's face morphed into one of confusion. What? Katherine wouldn't... Couldn't have done anything bad to Tom. The two of them had been on good terms (or, as good as they could be considering the consequences) when Tom had left. So why was this Dianite's reasoning? Something must have happened, something that had Dianite deciding to terrorizing Katherine about.

"What happened." Ianite asked, biting her lip slightly, out of nervousness. Of all the year's she had known Katherine, she had never seen her hurt another without a reason. It was often that the missions she sent Katherine on involved fighting. If she had to do something, hurt someone, to benefit herself and the mission, Ianite was fine to let it slide, as long as she didn't kill them. So, what had Dianite so mad? What exactly had Katherine done?

"Well, for starters, she decided to get closer to my Champion, in a way that is strictly prohibited for my Champion." Dianite flicked his wrist, and a folded sheet of paper appeared in his hand. "A letter. That he wrote to her." Sneering, Dianite held it up for Ianite to read. Eyes quickly darting over the letter, she frowned slightly. Well, she hadn't expected them to have gotten that close. She had realized that there was something between them, if the frequent visits (and when she had been waiting for Jordan to return from talking with Tom and had heard some... interesting sounds) were supposed to mean anything. But this? No, she wasn't expecting this. Not that it was bad or anything, just very sudden.

"Your Champion and one of my Captains are romantically involved. What's so wrong with that?" Ianite asked, cocking her head to one side. Why was Dianite so mad about this? Why was he being so... controlling over Thomas? Goodness, she had so many questions. Dianite let out a huff, clearly not getting the reaction he wanted from her.

"She's turned him into some sappy weakling. Look at this!" He emphasized his point by smacking the paper with the back of his hand. "This is the kind of letter a schoolgirl writes to her crush. This is the kind of letter that is not meant for a man of his position. He is strictly prohibited from interacting with anyone in this way and your Captain- "Dianite snarled, jabbing a finger at Ianite, "has changed him!" Chest heaving slightly, Dianite stopped, staring at the paper, a sneer growing on his face. He crumpled the paper with his hands, crushing it until it was a small ball. Ianite looked at him in shock.

"Won't he realize that it's-" Ianite was cut off sharply.

"Oh, he'll notice." Dianite seethed. If possible, flames would be coming out of the sides of his head. "He'll wonder and hope that maybe he just lost it, or forgot it. He'll think that I don't know." Dianite looked her straight in the eye. "I don't like it when my followers don't follow the rules, sister." Sitting up straighter, Ianite breathed in sharply. She had heard rumors, about Dianite's treatment of disobedient followers. They were horrific stories, and Ianite had held out hope that they had been false. However, that hope was slowly fading from her.

"What are you going to do with him?" Ianite demanded, clenching her fists tightly as to try and calm herself down. Dianite merely shrugged, anger still burning in his eyes.

"That's none of your concern, sister dearest." Dianite flashed her a smirk, before he continued. "Well, I guess I tell you a little of what's in store for my love-struck Champion. He'll get the appropriate punishment, and then some. I'll even do it myself." Dianite's face was void of any joking or bragging. He was telling her the truth, for once. "It'll be more effective that way. My Champion will never go near someone with this kind of intent every again." Ianite felt her heart drop. Thomas was going to be hurt. Because of his feelings.

"Why?" She said, her voice near a whisper. Dianite frowned at her. Apparently, she was supposed to understand why her brother would torture one of his own followers, his Champion, for god's sake, over a simple love letter.

"Why? I spell out everything for you and you ask why?" Letting out a small laugh, Dianite continued. "I know you, sister. You're not stupid. But if I have to spell it out for you, I will. Thomas has violated one of my rules for him. Now he'll be punished for his actions." Raising an eyebrow at the sad expression of her face, Dianite shook his head. "You're weak, sister. You would hesitate to put your followers in their place if they every disobeyed." As his form started to shimmer slightly, starting from the bottom and moving upwards, Dianite said one last thing before he vanished. "He'll get what he deserves, and soon."

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