32 - Cells

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Grimacing slightly, Tom rubbed at his shoulders. It had been two days since his meeting with Dianite, and his shoulders were still hurting. There were slight imprints of where Dianite's hands had been, which made Tom somewhat concerned. What if Dianite had actually burned him? Would he even care? Tom didn't like to admit it, but he looked up to Dianite. He was the most important figure in his life, and Tom always wanted to please him. Dianite was almost like a father-figure to Tom, and he didn't want to mess that up.

Shaking his head, Tom got himself out of those thoughts. He was supposed to be visiting Rupert today, to see how he was doing. Hopefully fine. Entering the cells was easier than he thought. The guard waved him through, too busy with their card game to care. He approached Rupert's cell with caution; he didn't want to startle Rupert. Especially not once he'd learned that Furia had taken... a special interest in the red-haired man. Like hell if Tom was just going to sit by and let one of his kind-of friends get hurt. Not if he could do something about it. Hesitantly, Tom pushed the door open, wincing as the hinges squeaked slightly. He shut the door as quietly as he could, before turning to face to room.

"Rupert?" Tom asked, noticing that the man himself was lying on a cot. There was a chair that had definitely been recently put there. He sat in it, watching Rupert roll on to his other side to look at him.

"Oh. It's you." Rupert replied sleepily. He squinted slightly at Tom, seemingly looking him over. "It's been a while." Tom nodded, his head bowing. He fiddled with his fingers, a nervous feeling growing in his gut.

"I got sent back to my home but... Now I'm back." Tom said curtly. He heard Rupert hum slightly, and the other man watched Tom lazily. He seemed awfully nervous about... something.

"Alright. Spill." Rupert grumbled, giving the other man an exasperated look. Tom glanced up at him, an almost embarrassed expression on his face. When Tom didn't respond immediately, his eyes darting around the cell to avoid Rupert, he continued. "What's got your panties in a twist?" Tom flushed at that, a hand creeping up to rub at the back of his neck.

"I-It's just..." Tom bit his lip, nervous. He would have to tell him. Better now than having him find out some other way. "Well... Furia's got a... special interest in you. It's..." Tom paused, sighing slightly. "It's going to be bad, Rupert. I can't promise much better." Swallowing the building lump in his throat, Tom rubbed his hands on his thighs. Gods, he was still so nervous about talking to Rupert. The man himself nodded slowly, going over the information in his head.

"Alright." Rupert said softly. He fiddled with his hands, and for a moment Tom wanted to go and hug the guy. But that would be too much. They had only just started liking each other, after all. Plus, he had just revealed that Rupert was likely going to be tortured at some point. That was a lot to process. He didn't want Rupert t feel like he had when they had arrived in Ianarea though.

"Hey... I'm here for you." Tom said softly, looking over to him with an honest look in his eyes. Rupert's lips quirked up slightly, but that was the best he got. Frowning, Tom tried to think of something to distract Rupert. Tom did have to leave eventually, and hopefully Furia wouldn't start doing anything for a couple of more days (or at least, he certainly hoped so.). That would give Rupert some time to process everything. Enough time to sort out his mental state. "You were... so relaxed about me, Kathy and Jordan? It's... kind of weird."

"Well... It's not my say if my sister likes someone. Hell, if she wants to be with two people at once? None of my concern." Rupert said, shrugging slightly. "The only thing I'm most worried about is communication. Relationships... well... They take work. It's hard enough trying to communicate with just one other person." Tom nodded. He was well aware of how... sour relationships could turn. His teenage sweet-heart, for example, who had practically used Tom. Even using both hands, Tom couldn't count the number of times that he'd been cheated on, ditched, and treated very unfairly by his then-boyfriend. He was glad that it was over, though. Kyle had tried to pathetically get back with him after Tom had been selected to become Dianite's champion. Justice was served quickly, that day.

"It's good that Kathy has someone else she can get support from." Tom said, a bashful look on his face. Rupert genuinely smiled, chuckling slightly. The two of them chatted about everyday life for a few more minutes, Tom bitching about training and Rupert talking about the terrible food that he was served. After a few more moments passed, Tom hit Rupert with a question that had plagued him ever since he had first realized that he liked Jordan and Katherine. "Do... Do you think Katherine and Jordan like... actually like me?" Tom bit his lip, trying to ignore the self-deprecating thoughts his mind was giving him. "Like, like like me? I just... don't want to be screwed over." Tom swallowed, fiddling with his hands nervously. Rupert hummed, thinking over the question.

"I think," He started, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Tom waited for the bad news. That he disapproved. That he never wanted someone like him near his sister and friend. "That they'd be dumb not to, Y'know? You're a nice guy, Tom. It's easy to see why they'd like you." Rupert said, shifting again. Tom perked up at that, straightening in his chair.

"Y-You really think so?" Tom asked, a hopeful gleam in his eyes. Rupert just chuckled and nodded, watching a cute grin slowly spread across Tom's face. All of the nervousness had fully left his system. If Rupert thought that they did, there was a good chance that it was true.

"Yes, I do."

(ngl this was supposed to be a small part of Chapter 32 but,,,, look where we are now lol. What was supposed to be 32 was much harder to write than anticipated. Plus I wanted fluff)

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