41 - Ceasefire

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The way back to their camp had been quiet. Katherine had been thinking about her brother and Tom, and she was sure that Jordan was doing the same. She hadn't realized exactly how much she had missed him until now. He had looked so... sad, and she had wanted nothing more than to hold him. But there had been no time left and she had left him there. Katherine swallowed, a bitter taste filling her mouth. No, she hadn't left him. He had wanted to stay, or at least, thought it was important to. It was just like the last time, except she was the one leaving, now.

Dusk had settled over the camp, and there was a sort of quietness to it that Katherine hadn't experienced in some time. It was like when they had first brought back Jordan after his injury. The streets had been empty, along with the temple. Gods, that had been what... almost a year ago now? Back then, they had been worried about Dianite finding out that Jordan was alive.

Katherine sighed. Life had gotten so much better, and yet so much more complicated. Jordan was watching her, and she smiled at him, watching his eyes crinkle. It was hard to leave Tom behind. They both knew that. But they'd bring him home with them, one day.


Tom bit his tongue, wincing as the medic roughly wrapped his arm in bandages. He was so tired. He just wanted to sleep. But that wasn't very becoming of Dianite's champion, resting while you lord attempted to bring peace to the city. So he forced himself to stay awake and alert, ready for any new messages.

It had been hours since he had returned to the temple. Everything was in chaos; the rec hall had been turned into an impromptu medical center. And still, Dianite hadn't returned. It would have scared him, had he not known about Dianite wanting to fight his sister. That had been yet another plan that Tom had gotten no say on. Furia had agreed with Dianite, the bastard.

Tom jerked his head back up, blinking rapidly. Gods he was so tired. Everything inside of him ached, especially his heart. Seeing Jordan and Katherine in the ruins had been the best and worst thing he had felt in months. Watching them leave had been like a stab to the chest. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to stifle a yawn. It was so quiet here, in the temple halls. He wondered, briefly, where Furia was. Surely, the firey dick was floating around here somewhere. Tom was just happy that he had managed to get Rupert out safe.

He had just closed his eyes for a minute when a hand clapped down on his shoulder, startling him to alertness. Dianite let Tom stand, eyes darting across his bandaged arm and quirking an eyebrow at him. Tom sighed, his shoulders pulling in out of instinct.

"Fire wielder." Tom felt some tension leave his body as Dianite nodded. At least he wasn't yelling at him this time.

"My boy," Dianite began to walk down the empty hallway, his loud footsteps echoing around the room. Tom scurried after him, muscles screaming at him to stop. "We have had great success today-" He paused, looking into the distance, "and great losses." Dianite shook his head, before continuing. "But do you know what exactly we have gained today, Tom?" Tom swallowed and shook his head, not trusting his voice at the moment. As they turned a corner, Tom felt his stomach lurch.

Dianite was bringing him to the cells.

No, no no, they can't have brought Rupert back here. He had promised Katherine. They shouldn't have gotten him back at all. If Dianite had noticed Tom's sudden change in attitude, he certainly didn't show it. Tom almost passed out as they entered the cells, his heart pounding in his ears. Oh gods, what if they had gotten Katherine? Or Jordan? Or all three of them? He was going to be sick. Dianite must have known what he was doing with Rupert. What he had done with Jordan and Katherine. Why had he been so stupid? Dianite was always watching him. He was a fool to think otherwise.

They stopped in front of a reinforced steel door. Tom's hands were shaking, so he curled them into fists. Dianite gestured for him to open it, and Tom took a nervous step forward. He was alright. Don't panic. Don't scream. Don't cry. When Tom opened the cell door, it was so much better, and yet so much worse than he had imagined.

Dianite had captured Ianite.


The camp was eerily quiet when they arrived. A few guards met them at the edge of the camp, separating them. She heard something about Ianite, and then Martha was there, appearing beside her.

"Captain." She smiled sadly at Katherine. "Your brother has been returned to us." Katherine felt her heart leap into her throat, breath momentarily taken from her.

"Can I-" Her hands were trembling, and she forced herself to take a few deep breaths, "Can I see him?" Martha just nodded, beginning to lead her towards a cluster of tents. The pungent smell of herbs and death filled the air as they drew closer, and Katherine swallowed down bile. Gods, Rupert was here. He was here.

Her brother was pale. That was the first thing she noticed. As her eyes travelled up to his face, she felt her heart drop. He was sleeping soundly at the moment, letting out little puffs in his sleep.

Rupert's eye was gone. What had Furia done?

here were so many bandages. Katherine wanted to cry. She wanted to scream and tear that damned city down. First, they had taken Rupert. And now they had Tom. Gods, she hated Dianite. Letting her hands ball into fists, she pressed a chaste kiss to Rupert's forehead.

"I'll see you later, big brother." She whispered, almost waiting for Rupert's response. He only shifted slightly in his sleep, face relaxed.

They had to finish this. Ianite needed to know what had been done to her brother.


When Jordan had heard that Ianite hadn't returned, his stomach had dropped. Ianite being gone was one thing. That left him in charge, technically. Ianite being gone, and him not being able to feel her, however, was a whole new can of worms that he didn't want to unpack at the moment. So he discussed with the generals. What they could do. Where she could be. But Jordan knew. Deep down he knew.

Dianite had taken his goddess. Just like he had taken Rupert, and Tom, and his parents. He couldn't sit by and let him keep doing this to people he loved. People who brought good to the world. Jordan rubbed a hand down his face, pinching the bridge of his nose.

All was still for a few moments before Katherine returned to the tent. If she noticed the tension in the room, she didn't say anything. Instead, she focused all of her attention on him.

"Rupert's alright." She hesitated for a moment, and Jordan felt his heartache. Gods, Rupert. He would have traded places with him in a heartbeat if he could. Not like Rupert would let him through. "He's... He'll be alright." She said, quieter. Trying harder to convince herself than anyone else. Jordan squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. Or at least, he hoped it was.

There was a noise at the entrance of the tent, and Jordan turned to see a rather young boy, panting.

"Dianite has captured Ianite." The messenger boy said, fear plainly written on his face. Jordan bit at the inside of his mouth, eyes closing for a moment. Of course, he had. There were a few gasps from around the room, and Jordan spoke up.

"Spread the word. I want people packing up as quickly as possible. Injured and medics first. We leave at dawn." He said, raising his head. He had to put on a brave face. These people were relying on him. These people needed someone to count on, someone to follow. There were a few murmured 'yes, champions' as the generals left the tent.

Jordan collapsed onto a chair, his face in his hands. What was he going to do?


Dianite smirked as Tom stared into the cell, obviously shocked. Ianite raised her head, glaring at him from his position behind Tom. He placed his hands on Tom's shoulders, glee sparkling in his chest when Tom flinched at the contact. Good. He could use that fear.

Pushing past Tom, he strode up to where Ianite was held leisurely. Her hands were bound by special chains - they were able to heavily dampen godly powers, leaving the gods weak and vulnerable. This would be a good chance to teach Tom in the art of... questioning. The boy may have a weak heart, but his mind was malleable. Especially if Dianite forced himself in. So much emotion for just one mortal. He had never understood it, himself.

"M'lord, the Ianitee's are calling a retreat," Dianite smirked, grasping a handful of Ianite's hair. He crouched down just a little so that he could be at the same height as her, both of them looking forwards, to Tom.

"Hear that, sister?" He drawled, enjoying watching Ianite grimace and Tom squirm from across the room. "Your army is abandoning you." Ianite sneered at that, her teeth grinding. "Pathetic." He pushed her head down, standing once more. Dianite clasped his hands behind him, waving the guard away with the tip of his head. Tom was still standing in the middle of the room, obviously very nervous. "I always knew that they were weak."

"They are stronger than you know, brother." Ianite's voice rings out from behind him, and he smirks.

"But without a champion to lead them, where will they go?" There was a knock on the door, metal hitting metal.

"M-Milord?" A different guard, this time. Asking for him, as per usual. When Dianite simply glanced over at them, they continued. "We," The guard stuttered nervously, "We've located the remains of Furia." There was a laugh from behind him and Dianite turned sharply, raising his hand as if to strike. Ianite wasn't fazed, but Tom jumped, gasped, and Dianite wanted to scream. Stupid caring boy. He would have to learn how to not care about those weaker than himself.

"Looks like your guardian wasn't strong enough to defeat my soldiers." Ianite taunted, a defiant look in her eyes. Dianite just chuckled, crouching down and grabbing Ianite's chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes.

"And yet, they are running." Dianite let his voice drop down to a level that only Ianite could hear. "And I've got your Captain's lover under my command." He just shook his head, his smile showing off his pointed teeth. "She won't let him break, not even for you." Ianite's eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to retort. Diante shushed her, confidence filling his voice.

"One wrong step, and Tom's mind may just... snap." He clicked his fingers together, before standing.

"Be careful, Ianite." The heavy steel doors closed behind him and Tom, and Dianite couldn't stop his laugh. It felt so good to win.

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