43 - Moving Forward

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MIANITE IS BACK BABEY!!! here's a chapter :)

Tensions were high as the Ianitee's packed up their camp. Everyone was wary of a counter-attack from Dianite. Plus, with Lady Ianite having been captured, the likelihood of Dianite attempting to wipe our most of Ianite's forces was much, much higher.

Jordan sighed, rubbing at his forehead. They weren't safe here, just outside of the city, but travelling back to Ianarea would have them go through more of Dianite's territory, leaving them open to an attack from Dianite. How Dianite had managed to capture his lady, Jordan didn't know. All he did know was that they were in danger, Ianite was being held captive by their worst enemy, and all he really wanted to do was make sure that the people he loved were safe. Apparently that was too much to ask for.

Jordan wanted to pull at his hair. Sitting around and moping was doing nothing for him or his people. Leaning over the war table, Jordan drummed his fingers against the smooth wood, letting himself peer down at the weathered map. There would be a way out of this - he just had to find it.


Across the camp, Katherine had been shunted off outside of the tent while the healers checked her brother over again. Around her, people were packing their things, removing the poles of their tents from the ground. There was a gentle fog swirling about at her ankles, the sky above her beginning to lighten with the oncoming dawn. Katherine rubbed at her eyes, exhaustion settling over her. She wished they could stay and rest for one day longer, just so that everyone could sleep. Just one more day, and then they could all leave well-rested.

But no, they were forced to pack up their things due to the threat, and while Katherine didn't like it, she knew it was smart. They couldn't stay here, among the outskirts of the farmland surrounding the city. Dianite was like a predator; he would pounce as soon as they seemed weak. Turning her head back to the inside of the tent, Katherine sighed. She didn't envy Tom, but being able to sleep indoors sounded wonderful at the moment.

Rupert was sitting up in his cot, a blanket pulled around his shoulders. The right side of his face was freshly bandaged, and for a moment Katherine was overcome with burning rage. She swallowed, willing her hands to stop shaking.

"Kath-" Rupert began, his voice weary, but Katherine threw her arms around him, letting herself cry into his shoulder. He wrapped around her in return, and they silently rocked back and forth for a few minutes. Shifting away, Katherine sat beside Rupert on the small field cot, sitting almost entirely pressed against one another. Rupert pulled the blanket around the two of them, and they sat, the silence around them almost stifling.

"Rupert," Katherine said, wiping at her cheeks with the palms of her hands. Rupert gave her a shaky smile, grasping at one of her hands to interlock with his. "I'm sorry." She pressed her shoulder to his, feeling Rupert sag slightly against her.

"It's not your fault, Katherine." Rupert murmured after a moment. "It's no one's fault but Dianite and Furia's," His mouth twitched with a sneer, eye darkening with an emotion Katherine hadn't seen from her brother in some time. Hate.

"I killed him." She said, her mouth moving before she had time to think. Katherine swallowed, her eyes darting down to her lap, shame overcoming her. While she had hated Furia, killing him had still made her feel horrific. She had taken a life to attempt to save one, and it hadn't even been necessary. That went against everything she knew as an Ianitee - everything she knew as a person.

"Who?" Rupert's voice was small, and Katherine shrunk away from him, unable to meet his gaze. "Katherine..."

"Furia." She felt Rupert stiffen beside her and blinked at the tears forming in her eyes. "I-I killed him, and... and it felt good." Katherine closed her eyes, pinching her mouth closed as she attempted not to cry.

"Kath... Katherine." Rupert's arm curled around her waist, his voice tender and gentle. "It's alright, Katherine." She bit back a cry at his words. Alright? How could this be alright? How could it be alright that she had taken a life without purpose? No, a dark corner of her mind whispered. There had been a purpose. Revenge. Katherine squashed those thoughts down, refusing to believe them.

"Hey, hey Kath. Please look at me," Rupert was wiping at her face, cradling her to him like she was a child again. Katherine clutched him tightly, letting herself sob into his chest, the rest of the world fading away. Her eyes were dry when she pulled away, and Katherine's breath hitched, her face feeling warm. "Better now?" Rupert rubbed her back with his free hand, concern written plain on his face. Katherine nodded, taking a few deep breaths to compose herself.

"Yes. I-I just... Thank you, Rupert." Her voice wavered slightly, but Rupert's mouth curled into a smile. "I'm sorry about that, I just-" Rupert cut her off, his voice gentle but firm.

"Katherine, it's alright. I understand," He sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck. "But you did something that positively affected all of us." Rupert's hand waved at the tents around them, the people bustling around. "Furia can't hurt me anymore. He can't hurt anyone ever again." There was a grim smile on his face, an almost spiteful look in his eye. "If you had to kill him to do it, then..." Shrugging, Rupert ruffled her hair. "You did what you had to." Katherine mulled over his words, gnawing at her lip slightly.

"That helps a little. Thank you, Rupert," Katherine pressed a kiss to his cheek, watching Rupert fake a scowl. "I should probably go," She glanced outside the tent, where things were being packed up and moved, people taking down their tents just as quickly as they had been set up. Katherine knew, rationally, that she should be out there, helping, or planning with Jordan, or something. But instead, she wanted to stay here, with Rupert. Safe from the world, if only for a moment. Rupert squeezed her hand and withdrew it as if reading her thoughts.

"Go." He said, not unkindly. "I'll be here."

"Promise?" She said, almost hating how childish and small her voice sounded. Rupert stuck out his pinky, smiling softly.

"Promise." His smile grew as she locked her pinkie with his, before untangling herself from the blanket. Wiping at her face again, Katherine smiled at her brother, before she left the tent. Taking in a breath, Katherine trudged through the camp, determination settling into her.

Dianite had done so much harm to those she loved. Katherine quietly promised herself that he wouldn't do anymore.


Jordan's fingers trailed across the lines of the map, faded ink smudged and blurred in some areas. His eyes darted from Dianite's territory to Ianite's, searching across mountains and lakes for their way out. For their escape. A soft hand touched his shoulder, and Jordan's eyes flicked to his right, where Martha stood, a sad smile on her face.

"We've almost packed up everyone," Her quiet voice was steady and calm, but her eyes were worried. Jordan nodded, glancing back down at the map. It was taunting him, he just knew it. "Just have to pack up the medic's tent's, and this one," Martha gestured around them with one hand, "And we'll be all set."

"If I can ever figure out where we should go," Jordan lent back from the table, crossing his arms across his chest. To get anywhere close to Ianite's territory they would have to travel through weeks of Dianitee land. Even then, it was unlikely that they would be able to avoid an attack from Dianite or his people while travelling through his territory. Martha hummed, coming to stand beside him. They looked over the map in silence for a few minutes, two sets of eyes darting across it.

"We... well, I'm not exactly sure how you'll take this," Martha hesitantly reached over the map, fingers dancing along the etched lines of a mountain range, "We could go to Mianite." Jordan pressed his palm to his chin, eyes squinting and tilting his head to consider the map.

"We could," Jordan said after a moment, "But would he really appreciate an army in his territory? He usually doesn't like to get involved in these sorts of conflicts."

"True. But none of these types of conflicts has ever led to a god being imprisoned." Martha tapped the mountain range twice. "If Mianite agreed to bring us in, it would lessen our travel time."

"That's if we even get to the mountains," Jordan shot back, a grim frown settled on his face, "Plus, we'd have to survive the mountains after. Dianite knows we have to flee. He'll chase us." Martha huffed, her shoulders squaring, a similar frown settling over her own face.

"He'll chase us no matter where we go." She said decisively. "Besides, it's not like we have many options left. Unless you'd like to attack Dianite with just our army."

"What are we arguing about now?" Katherine's voice was laced with humour as she stepped into the tent. Her easy-going grin faded into something more sombre when she saw the two of them, both frowning grimly over the map. Martha gave her a tight-lipped smile before replying.

"We have to decide where we'll go. I think we should ask Mianite for assistance." Katherine nodded, standing across from them.

"It's still risky," Jordan said, "Even if we get Mianite to agree, we may not all get through the mountains." He paused for a moment, grimacing. "I'd like to keep the losses to a minimum." Katherine rubbed her forehead, letting out a slow sigh.

"We should at least try and contact Mianite." She said after a moment. "The worst thing that happens is that he says no." The corner of her mouth twitched with a smile. "If we get in contact with him, at least then he knows about what Dianite's done." Marthe glanced over to Jordan, who gave her a sharp nod.

"Might as well, right?" Jordan weakly smiled at her, a weight settling across his shoulders. Martha returned his smile and stepped out of the tent. Katherine and Jordan watched her disappear into the crowd, the silence growing with her retreat. After a moment, Katherine spoke up.

"I talked to Rupert." Jordan hummed, rubbing his hand across his mouth. Katherine didn't meet his eyes, instead, coming around to his side of the table. Now that she was closer, he could see the red tinge to her eyes, the slight puff to her cheeks that indicated she had been crying.

"You alright?" Jordan placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing gently. Katherine sighed, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, there was a glimmer of sadness.

"I told him about Furia." She said, shifting closer to Jordan. Jordan nodded, allowing Katherine to rest her head on his shoulder, his arm looping around her.

"Did it go well?" Katherine huffed slightly.

"As well as I could hope for." Her smile faded and instead was replaced by a frown. "I'm still... struggling with it." She sighed, withdrawing from his arms.

"Anyone would be, Kath," Jordan said quietly, "It's normal."

"I know that! It's just," Katherine groaned and dropped her head into her hands, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes, "I'm just worried." She said after a moment.

"About us?" Jordan asked, leaning against the table, his arms crossing over his chest. Katherine shrugged, her face still hidden in her hands.

"Us, and Ianite, and Rupert, and, well..." Katherine's frustration was clear in her voice, and the identity of the unspoken person went unsaid between them. Jordan sighed, looking away from Katherine's slumped figure to look at the map. He bit his lip, fingers tracing over the large letters of 'Inertia'. Tom wasn't safe, couldn't be safe. Not when he was trapped there. Not with Dianite.

"I know." Jordan swallowed, his eyes closing. "I miss him too."

"I just... wanted to do more. But we can't." Katherine sniffled, and Jordan glanced over to her to see her wiping at her eyes.

"We can't now," Jordan replied after a moment. He glanced down at the map, a small flicker of hope building in his chest. "But we can later. Once we're safe." Katherine smiled sadly at him, her hand moving over to grasp his own. They both stared down at the capital, their minds far, far away from their location.


The last of the tents were being packed away and Jordan sighed, staring out over the troops, the sun just peeking over the horizon. Many of the wounded were being packed onto wagons and carts if they could spare the room. Some joined their friends on horses if they weren't too bad off. At least Rupert had been well enough to ride, Jordan mused. He knew Rupert and knew that the man hated to feel like a burden.

Jordan smiled as he saw Katherine climb atop her horse, Rupert hanging on to his younger sister. They both waved when they saw him, and Jordan found himself grinning and waving back. Katherine, along with a couple of others would be leading the charge, while Jordan waited near the back. When Ianite had travelled with them, she had ridden in the front and him in the back. As a champion, he was responsible for making sure that no one got left behind. He trusted Katherine enough to lead them to safety - although, he still didn't know where they were going.

Rushed footsteps approached him, and Jordan turned to see Martha hurriedly making her way towards him. His stomach churned slightly, a sense of unease settling across him. Gods, this was it. If Mianite was going to help them, they would find out now. If not...

Well, Jordan didn't want to think about what would happen to them if that were the case.

Martha came to a stop beside him, taking a moment to brush her hair out of her face. She beamed at him, excitement radiating off her body.

"Mianite agreed to help." Jordan sagged with relief, a smile spreading across his face.

"Thank the gods for that." Martha nodded in agreement.

"He'll meet up with us in the mountain range. And he said that I could send him a message if we got lost." Martha huffed with a laugh, muttering something under her breath about never getting lost. Jordan sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Go tell Katherine," He said, nodding to where Katherine and Rupert had been. "And maybe stay with them, if you know the way." Martha dipped her head at him before scampering away, towards Katherine and Rupert. He watched her leave, hope blooming in his chest. Maybe they did have a chance after all.

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