Chapter 2:The rising

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Most of the school let their students change subjects in the first week, and today is the last day: Friday.
Randy is fine with his schedule so he doesnt want to change anything. So he just comes to class everyday and hoping that the miracle will happen, Louis will step in, the first scene of love will happen again. Because Louis is a junior and he is a sophomore, so the chance for the miracle to happen is really low. Different Math class, different English class, different Science class.

Today is the last day, all of his schedule are filled in with main classes for sophomore. Only his third hour is Music Appreciation, the class that it is not in the requirement.
After the teacher called roles, he knew that there was no one names "Louis" in this class. At this time, he starts to stop hoping for a miracle. His face went cold and dark.

"I will keep this beautiful memory forever" He said softly, only himselves could hear it.

The teacher passed out the worksheet. The class goes on the deadly silence, everyone has their own business.

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(Author 2: poor Randy)
(Author 1: :< )

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At the middle of class period, while everyone is working, a door knock upon. It breaks the silence. Randy looks up immediately, don't know why but his mind keep telling him that Louis is behind the door. The hope is growing stronger from the inside out.

When the teacher open the door, his hope is suppressed. The person behind the wooden door was a girl, now his face is even darker than the shadow in a cave. He falls down to the hole of hopeless.

"You're okay Randy, everything will be fine, yes it will be fine" Randy told himselves to stay strong.

If everyone notice, they would see his nose turned to a red pink colour. No tears drop down. The hope is end, they love each other, but their long-sealed fate does not belong to them. Bad ending.

After 5 minutes later, there is a door knock again, this time, he doesn't look up anymore.

"Stop hoping or you'll get hurt again, Randy, just stop right here that's enough" He thought.

But he heard a familiar voice, it was warm like a dawn in the winter or a sunny day after the storm. Especially, it was something like Louis's voice.

"Did the miracle happen? Should i believe in my wish again?" He thought, then he decided to look up.

Yeah it's Louis, Randy's heart is crying. He was so afraid, worried, scared, braveless to look up. And now that's Mr. N. Louis N., his hidden crush. Now he's smiling real big, he is happy. He went through a storm of emotions in a moment, behind the storm is the happiness of the life.

"The miracle did happen, it did, it did, thanks god for not taking me down and freezing my heart" He made a real big bright smile like this emoji 😊

Louis makes eyes contact with Randy for a few seconds before he receive a worksheet from Mrs. Redsdelle and go to sit right behind Randy.

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*To be continuing*

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