Tree Troubles

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Legolas's P.O.V.

As Piper went to chat in private with the other human who's name I think was Dasia. As I waited I glanced over to see who else was there. My father was talking with Haldir, while Luna left to go make dinner. Orophin was talking to Seregon. My eyes drifted around the room and landed where Angelica and Hostien were talking I'm sure at least a mile a minute.

I smiled, wondering what they were talking about. My smile slightly faded when I saw Orophin walking over in Angelica's direction. When she saw him she smiled and have him a hug. It seemed like the hug lasted forever, did they really need to hug that long? They finally broke apart when Haldir came over and saying something. She laughed and said something to him. He rolled his eyes and pulled her in for a hug. I was more okay with Haldir then Orophin because he was courting Hostien. Why do I even care?

Before I could answer that question Seregon was coming back with Piper and Dasia right behind her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

Piper glanced over to to Dasia before saying, "Yeah, everything is fine."

"Do you need to talk to my father about sleeping arrangements?"

"Yes I do."

While Piper went I talk to my father on the other side of the room, Hostien waved for me, Seregon, and Dasia to come over.

As we walked over Angelica whispered something to Hostien who smiled and whispered back. It was too low for me to hear it and even if I did it was probably in another language I didn't know.

We finally reached them, and Hostien immediately started to talk, "Angelica, I want you to meet Dasia the one who accompanied us on our journey."

She said hi to Dasia and she whispered back a hi. "Legolas, would you like to introduce your friends?"

Angelica's P.O.V.

Hostien and I were talking while Haldir spoke with King Thranduil about something. As we were talking Orophin came over from talking with one of the humans. I smiled and gave him a tight hug, trying to squeeze his breath out I him like I always do.

While I was hugging him, Haldir came back from talking with the king.

"Hey, is he the only one who gets hugs?" he said trying to sound hurt.

I pulled apart from Orophin laughing saying, "No because you where one and a half seconds late on coming in.

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "As if you cared." He pulled me in for a tight hug. When we pulled apart Hostien and unfortunately had an idea.

"Why don't we introduce you to Dasia and the humans we met on our way here."

"Uh no, bad idea. Usually me and humans don't mix to well."

"I think it's a great idea."

"Of course you do." I muttered under my breath. That's when Hostien waved for Legolas and his friends to come over.

I glared at Hostien and whispered in our secret language, " You're going to regret that."

She whispered back in the same language, "It's worth it. You'll be thanking me later."

Yeah right, I highly doubt it. Legolas, Dasia, and human who's name I didn't know approached our little group. Hostien immediately started to talk when they reached us, "Angelica, I want you to meet Dasia the one who accompanied us on our journey."

I said hi to Dasia and she whispered back a quiet almost miss-able hi.

"Legolas, would you like to introduce your friends."

He nodded and said, "Well this is Seregon, Seregon this is Angelica. She translates all our letters and is also a daughter of one of my father's lords."

I said, "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise I'm sure." She said.

"And you of course already know Haldir and Orophin"

She nodded. Just then The king and yet another human walked up. "Oh and Angelica this is Piper. Another friend of mine."

"Well hello there." She said with a cheerful smile. Almost too cheerful.

I tried to smile and replied with a simple reply, "Hi."

Then the king spoke, "Dinner will be soon so everyone should go freshen up now and get ready. One of my servants will show you your rooms."

"Thank you my lord, we would be honored to join you." said Haldir.

He nodded, " Very well." He called a servant to show them to their rooms. As we followed the servant, although Haldir, Hostien and me knew where we were going, Legolas asked the question that had been nagging me at the back of my mind.

"Oh Piper, it just occurred to me to me I don't know how long your staying. Will you be here long?"

And the answer...

Piper replied looking slightly in the direction if Dasia. "I'm not sure, however long you need me."

Well that'll be a short visit since he didn't need her. Or did he? Was there something special going in between the two of them? Of course not, Legolas would never be in such a relationship. Or would he? Why did I even care if they were in a relationship or not? The answers my questions would have to wait.

"Speaking of staying, how long are you guys?"

"We don't know. At least a week." said Hostien. My face broke out with a smile over it. So the servant had shown everybody to their rooms so they could get ready. Dasia's and Orophin's rooms connected, as well as Piper and Seregon's. While Hostien of course was going to be in my room. And Haldir was put upstairs next to Legolas' room. Hostien and me finished getting ready and headed down to dinner. On our way down Haldir and Orophin joined us.

When we got there, Everyone besides our little group was already there. The kings walked over and sat at the head of the table with Luna and Legolas on each side of him. Haldir sat next to Luna, then Hostien, me, and Orophin. On the other side of the table, Piper sat next to Legolas, which irritated me again for the second time, although I'm not quite sure why. And then next to Piper sat Seregon and Dasia.

Once every one was situated in their seats, he gave the order for dinner to be served. I didn't even know what I was eating, only that it was good. I was to busy talking to Hostien and Haldir and glancing over to the other side of the table. I hadn't glanced over I the other side in a while, so when I did I was a bit...I mean a tinsy,tinsy,tinsy bit....jealous maybe? No! I can't be jealous I was never jealous, it was never part I my vocabulary. What was making me a tinsy bit jealous was that Piper, with the occasional Seregon, were talking to Legolas. No not just talking, but laughing and enjoying themselves. How could they do that? They were humans for heaven sakes! I stupidly glanced over one more time, jealousy filled my eyes as they fell on Piper and Legolas. To say I was ticked would be an understatement. Unfortunately, while I was glancing over, Legolas decided at that minute to turn and look at our side if the table.

Drat! Our eyes locked for a second or two and I thought I might have seen pleasure in his eyes and the corners if his mouth slightly move a upward. Whatever he did next I didn't know because I broke eye contact and re-engaged into me, Hostien, and Haldir's conversation about how Lorien is doing. The rest of dinner passed uneventfully besides some glancing from Legolas that looked a bit, I'm not sure what they looked like. Anyways, dinner was over and the king was starting to speak.

"Now that we have refreshed ourselves with once again with an amazing dinner by Luna.." I slightly flinched at that, "You may dismiss and go as you please."

With that he stood up and pulled back Luna's chair. They then both left to what I assume was the garden for their "night stroll." As we were getting up Legolas spoke.

"Hey Piper, since you haven't been here in awhile why don't we take a walk and catch up?" Catch up? What had they been doing since they got there? What were they doing all throughout dinner? Falling behind? Before I could figure it out Piper answered.

"It sounds good to me Legolas." Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now hold on just a minute here. Since when were they on a first name basis? We're they really that close? I mentally shivered at the thought.

"I just need to change into something a little more comfortable first."


"I think I'll just go back to my room, I'm extremely tired." said Seregon.

"Yeah me too." said Dasia. Well that was unexpected. I never thought I would here a string of words come out of her mouth. That was the most she said since arriving here.

Anyways, I had no more time think about her lack of speech, for me, Hostien, Haldir, and Orophin were heading back to our rooms talking, not Haldir and Orophin, they were probably tuned out. Me and Hostien were the ones talking of course.

When we reached our rooms we decided a game plan. Since there was going to be a sunset soon me and Hostien of course would be going to our tree as tradition. Haldir and Orophin decided they wanted to talk with Ishmael since they hadn't seen him in a while. So me and Hostien were ready for our race in our room. Before we started Haldir, Orophin and Ishmael, who of course wouldn't miss this in a lifetime, were coming to see the race of the century. Not literally, but in me and Hostien's century.

Anyways we were in the hallway and I was ready to win this like boss while Hostien still hadn't woken up to the reality that there was no way she could beat me. Haldir was already there, so we had to wait on the slow pokes Orophin and Ishmael. While waiting me and Hostien of course had our little banter we have before ALL our races.

"I can't wait for this race to start."

"Oh yeah, and why is that," said Hostien with an cocked eyebrow at me.

"Well obviously I'm going to win." I said in a duh tone as if it were everyday knowledge. Which it was time but apparently not to Hostien.


"Oh yeah, well we'll just see about that!" I said, Haldir standing there thoroughly amused at our banter. We were just warming up. "You know we're bother wearing slit dresses so there is no excuse you can come up with if you lose, which you surely are."

"That means nothing, I'm still going to win," she said.

I smirked, "Yeah right, in your dreams."

"She might actually be right there Angelica." A voice said coming around the bend. "You two wouldn't possibly happen to be getting ready for the famous race of the century, would you?" Smiles broke on all of our faces. We all loved my father, and the fact was that he knew me and Hostien so well that Hostien could be his daughter.

"Tree!" Said Hostien as she ran up and gave my father a bear hug. Correction, they do act like father and daughter when they were around each other. Come to think of it, me and Hostien act like sisters around each other.

"Whoa, come down a bit there. It hasn't been that long." said my father with Hostien still hugging not as tightly now.

"Yeah but it seems like it's been forever!" exclaimed Hostien parting from the hug.

"I'm sure it did dear." my father said as he pulled me in for a much lighter hug than his and Hostien's.

"I imagine you are happy."he said.

"Yes I am, but I'll be happier when I beat Hostien in the race."

"Oh no you're not!" said Hostien.

"Hey don't I get a hug," Haldir complained. Although Haldir was a grown up ellon he was like family too us.

My father released his grip on me as his eyes went over to where Haldir was standing.

"In a moment, after we take care if something first." Me and Hostien inwardly groaned. Pretty much every time my father saw Haldir he gave him the "talk" even though he knew it wasn't necessary all the way.

"Right." Haldir said. No that he really got hurt but it was a bit....interesting shall we say?

"Of course you understand it's a father duty," my father said as he walked over to where Haldir was leaning against the wall.

"Yes I do." As soon as Haldir said that my father was up to his full height and had Haldir by the collar and against the wall. My father was highly intimidating as a young child for two reasons. Number one: my father was a tall man, and I could mean tall. And secondly, when he talked about something serious you had better listen up as if your life depended on it. I think growing up with my father like that is what really made me afraid of nothing. So back to my father having Haldir against the wall.

"If you ever touch Hostien or my daughter I will personally hunt you down and kill you with in an inch of your life and then throw you in prison for the remainder of it." Well there you go guys. You now know how protective my father can be of something he loves and cherishes. "Understood?"

"Yes sir." said Haldir still up against the wall.

"Good," my father said releasing Haldir from his grip and against the wall. "I'm glad we understand each other. Now that that's taken care of you can now have a hug." With that my father embraced Haldir into a hug telling him that he loves him but he won't stand for him mistreating us or anyone for that matter. As they pulled apart, Orophin and Ishmael the slow pokes finally arrived a the scene.

"Hugging already? Aww we missed the good part," said Ishmael coming up. Yeah he was like another kid in the family. My father gave Orophin a hug admin him how he was doing. Orophin replied that he was fine. As they broke apart Ishmael chirped up.

"Hey! Don't I get a hug?!" He complained.

My father gravely replied,"I see you almost everyday."

"So, that doesn't mean I'm less your son then they are."

My father laughed and hugged Ishamel. "Now that everyone had had there round of hugs I think these to need to be off before they miss their sunset." With that my father walked off with us saying goodbye and us saying good by Ada/Tree. So you are probably wondering, why in the world do we call my father tree. Well it's really simple. Like I said my father is a tall elf, so when we were little he seemed as tall as a tree. And that's basically how he got he nickname.

"So are you guys going to go or what? The sun's not going to wait for you."

"I couldn't be more ready," I said.

"Neither could I," agreed Hostien.

"Well then, you ladies bother know the rules," Ishmael said. We both nodded. He smiled and then said,"Gentlemen, for the singular reason of your enjoyment tonight you will be entertained by the race of the century. Racers! Get ready!" Me and Hostien rolled his eyes at his little announcement and got into our positions.


"You're going down you know," said Hostien.



"Go!" With that we both bolted down the hallway. And so the race had begun.

Legolas P.O.V.

I was up a floor waiting for Piper to change when all the sudden I heard feet running very quickly. Curious at what could be so urgent I looked down to the other hallway path beneath me. Farther away in he hallway two figures were running. As they came closer the turned out to be Angelica and Hostien. Why are they running. As they came closer I could here them talking.

"I still have after all these years," said Hostien.

Angelica rolled her eyes,"Don't speak too soon, remember last time who won."

"That was a tie!"

"No it wasn't!"

"Yes it was!"

"Well it doesn't matter, because there is no way your going to beat me."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well you forgot one thing."

"What?" Angelica asked looking at her opponent.

"Oh nothing, just watch out!"

"Huh?" That's when Angelica saw that she was about to run smack into two servants caring a cabnet.

Seeing it she slid under neither them and then almost in a continuous motion got up and kept running right behind Hostien.

Hostien looked back expecting to see Angelica collided with the servants and the cabnet only to see her right behind her.

"Thanks for the warning."

"Hey! How you get here?"

"That's for me to know and for you to lose!" With that she swung to the left ran ahead even faster and moved in from I Hostien.

"Hey! That's no fair!" Hostien shouted.

"Oh yes it is! It is perfectly fair!"

Hostien growled at Angelica. "Oh yeah? Well just wait! I'm going to be the one who wins!"

"No you're not." said Angelica.

"Oh yes I am!" Then Angelica saw a column and she dodged to the right and then to the left and was neck and neck with Hostien. She did this all while running

"Nice trick, but nothing is going to stop me from winning this race!" Said Angelica.

"Don't be to sure!" replied Hostien. With that they were out if sight and hearing.

"I wonder who will win." said a voice from behind me. I jumped a bit, startled by the comment.

"Oh Piper it's just to you."

"Who'd you think it was?" I shrugged.

"So are we going to get going or are we walking in the dark?" said Piper.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go." With that we walked off towards he gardens.

Angelica's P.O.V.

We turning to the right exiting the long hallway where Hostien had tried not once but twice to trip me up. Now we all know it's because she knows it's the only possible way she can win unless my legs come unattached from my body.

We kept racing neck-and-neck, neither of us seeming to be able to get ahead.

Finally, we busted out into the great outdoors and towards our tree still neck-in-neck. We were twenty-five feet away from our goal with the sun close to starting to set.

"Well here we are, the defining moment where you will have to face the sad reality that I'm going to beat you." I said.

Hostien snorted and smirked, "Yeah right. I think you mean it the other way around."

"Not a chance." I had to jump over a rock that was in my way giving Hostien a slight lead. I was running behind her, closing in on her fast.

"You're slowing down Hostien." I chimed, getting closer to her very second. "You know I'm going to win so why don't you just give up now?"

"Never!" She replied panting hard. This reminded me so much of when we were little in Lorien, except this time I was going to win.

Fifteen feet...getting closer....thirteen feet...yes! I was neck-in-neck with her, I can do this....ten feet...this is it, the last stretch....five feet...I'm closing in...

"Get ready to lose Hostien."

...three feet...

"Not today."

Ha, that's what you think....two feet...this is foot and...bam! We both fell and rolled over each other laughing.

"Hey! That's not fair! It happened again!" said Hostien from the ground.

I turned over to her laughing, in between my laughing I managed to say something back to her. "I know! This really isn't fair! Especially since I had so many obstacles in the race!"

"It was a bit funny I guess," said Hostien,"but it's also irritating because no one won!"

We stopped laughing and helped each other up from the ground, still chuckling.

"Well are we going to climb it or what?" asked Hostien.

"Right behind you!" I called to her as she started to climb up the tree, me right behind her.

We reached the top and Hostien started to climb out on our favorite branch while I looked around to take in the view. As I looked around my eyes fell on Legolas and Piper in the garden, laughing and talking together. I felt something pull inside of me as I saw them together. I don't know why I cared so much, why it bothered me to see them together.

"Are you coming onto the branch or what?" Called Hostien from the branch.

I broke out of my daze and said,"Yeah I'm coming!"

As I started to climb onto the branch Hostien asked me,"What were you looking at?"

"Oh nothing," I lied. We sat there and listened to the sounds of nature coming around us. We leaned against each other and watched the sunset peacefully as Hostien whispered,"I'm glad I'm finally with you."

I smiled,"Me too." I said. After the sun set we climbed down from the tree and went back inside, which reminded me that I was still upset.

Hostien went to talk to Haldir while I headed to the combat chambers where I could hopefully calm down.

~In the combat Chambers~

I was really ticked this time. I unsheathed my sword and headed to the middle of the room and started my combat with my eyes closed.

How long I was there going at it I have no idea. All the sudden I herd a voice behind me.

"Angelica?" Oh great, who is it this time? I turned around and to my relief it was only Orophin. "What are you doing?"

I shuffled my feet a bit looking at him while I replied,"I was practicing m combat."

He looked at me for a moment, and then looked as if he understood."Oh, so what made you angry?"

He knew me too well. "Nothing, you want to practice with me?"

"In combat? I don't stand a chance. How about archery?"

I smiled, he did know me well."Alright."

We practiced archery while Orophin told me how they met the three humans and how he felt guilty about locking Dasia in the dungeons. He was so cute when talking about her, his cheeks even got a little pink at the mention of her.

"You like her, don't you?" I asked him while he was aiming for the target.

He looked at me and he had shot his arrow and it missed the target. "What?"

Yep he liked her. "You like her don't you?"

His cheeks flushed a light pink as he looked at the ground and muttered,"Um....maybe."

"Then why don't you talk I her?"

He shrugged, "I don't know, I just don't want to rush it."

I nodded and understood him.

"Well I'm tired, can we call it a night?" He asked nervously.

I looked at him and smiled, "Yeah sure." We put down our weapons and headed out I the combat chambers and toward our rooms. When we got to my room and started to depart I said one last thing to him, "Hey Orophin?"


"Thanks for helping me calm down tonight."

He smile at me and said,"No problem, anything for a friend. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," I replied as he walked down the hallway.

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