2|| Rant 1

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So, this girl called me African American yesterday, which I wasn't offended by. That's not what was wrong with it. Technically, I am African American, just not by race. See, I'm from South Africa, which is in Africa, and now I'm an American Citizen. I'm white, but African-American. Anyways, the girl said, "Shut up you African American freak" and I found it rude. It was on here, of course. 

This brought me to my senses, and I realized how rude the girl had been being the whole time, which leads me to say, if you don't want me to talk to you, don't respond. If you say something to me, I'm gonna reply, it's just normal. I don't ignore people. At least, not on purpose, anyways. 

So when I said that to the girl, she got mad and went off on me and started cussing me out, for NO REASON. I decided to not respond that time, and four hours later, guess who's back? The girl, asking why I haven't responded. 

I was like, "Are you serious?"

Anyways, the girl and I were talking about a deep topic and she expressed her opinion, but when I tried, she told me to shut up.

LESSON OF LE RANT: Don't express your opinion and not expect someone else to disagree. Also, don't be rude to someone just /because/ you disagree.


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