The Boss Is Back!!! The Return of The Rocky Mountain Rebel.

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It was the night after Clash of Champions. Sasha Banks was back and now the new reigning Raw Women's Champion. Bayley retained her title over Charlotte Flair just under 24 hours ago.

But all the great things that happened the night before took a backseat as tonight was the long awaited and rumored return of the Rocky Mountain Rebel himself.
Speculation was abound as to what he looked like now or if he was the same guy some remember before he vanished in 2014. Sasha Banks and Bayley had heard of the Rocky Mountain Rebel from some of the girls. Mostly that he was a gentleman, one who wouldn't dream of hurting a lady unless she deserved it, and to many people in the back Rousey most definitely was going to know what he thought of her abusing the 'Rowdy' moniker when she got back. And The RMR was not going to be nice or nowhere near polite or civil about it.

I was in my locker room until a knock came to my door. I answered it and found newly crowned Raw Women's Champion Sasha Banks and still reigning Smackdown Women's Champion Bayley. "Hey, Daniel." Sasha said. I said nothing.
"We're big fans." Bayley smiled.
" Honors all mine." I finally said. "It's a pleasure to meet the people who brought Lynch to her hands and knees and the Flair legacy to the same."
"Rumor has it that tonight will be your return." Bayley smiled.
"That's right."
"Nervous?" Sasha asked.
"No. I just wish a friend of mine was here to see me comeback with a vengeance." Sasha and Bayley looked at me as I walked to a locker.
Then a tech came to the door, "Daniel."
"Hunter and Stephanie would like to see you."
"Be right there." He nodded and walked away. "Excuse me ladies. But it seems the powers that be want to see me." I headed out of the locker room and Sasha and Bayley headed to catering.

I arrived at Hunters office and before I could knock, I heard, "Come in, Daniel." Hunter said.
I opened the door and walked in and of course I asked, "You needed to see me?"
"Yes, Daniel. Please, have a seat." I did as told. "We were kinda worried about your return because not many people will remember you. But when news broke of your return when it was in the early stages. Stephanie got a call from someone we never thought we'd hear from again."
"And who is that?" I asked.
"Steph." Hunter motioned to Stephanie and she opened the door to the office.
"You can come in, now." She said to someone out in the hall. I looked back at Hunter with a questioning glare on my face. He on the other hand had a wall to wall toothy grin.
"Hi Daniel." Said a voice I haven't heard in five years. I turned to the door and found.
"AJ Lee." I tried to contain a mixture of anger, excitement and elation. I got up out of the chair I was sitting in and just stood there for a few moments then decided to walk out of the office. AJ gave chase.
"Daniel, what's the matter? Aren't you happy to see me?" She asked.
"Yes, but I'm also mad as all hell." I nearly yelled.
"Why?" I led her into an unused locker room. "Why you ask?" She nodded when I turned on the light. "Because even though I knew it was a long shot. I was hoping all the speculation that the legends and now Hall of Famers would be correct. But I should have known better than to think my life would ever go right. Because the next thing I know my friend who shall remain nameless at this time." I glared at AJ. "Started dating the Straight Edge Superstar, and after barely a year, married him." I ran my hands through my hair and AJ remembered what that meant, I was stressed out and needed to cool my heels. "So I'm sorry if I'm not jumping up and down for joy right now!" I bit my hand to keep from going nuclear on AJ. "You were everything to me. And when you married Punk. I was fine for a while. But it just got to be too much. Seeing how happy you two were and wishing I was in Punks place. I finally had enough in October of '14. I left, because of how happy somebody else was making you instead of me. Does that make me selfish, yeah, petty that I wanted to be the only guy that made you smile, laugh and uh, snort." I smiled as did AJ. "Sure, most definitely. But the heart wants what the heart wants. And MY heart. Wanted you. It still does. But your off limits as I know that you and Punk are still married. So why should I be so happy to see you?" AJ went into her pocket and pulled out some legal papers. Then handed them to me. "What are these?" I opened them and was shocked at what they were.
"I filed for divorce a week ago. You were right. I was ignoring a friend just to get to the most handsome and popular guy in the company."
"Gee thanks." I snickered.
"Well, at least popular. I had the right guy next to me since day one. And I was too naive to see it."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear about you filing for divorce."
"Oh, come on. You hated him and you know it."
"Just for stealing the WWE title, the fans and is there something I'm missing?" I looked around jokily like I used to with her. "It's on the tip of my tongue." She gave me a slap on the back of the head. "Oh yeah you."
"But he was a good guy. Just not as good as you. You made me laugh with a face or a joke or even talking in different voices. I miss that sometimes."
"I don't know what your talking about." I said in my best Connery impression.
"That's bull and your little voice change proves it." She smiled as did I.
"Okay. You got me. But the wounds are still a little raw. So, just give me time."
"Of course I will." She hugged me tightly. "Besides, I'll be needing your support and strength through the coming weeks."
"I know. Come on, let's go back and finish our meeting with Hunter and Stephanie."
"Yeah." She walked with me and we left the deserted locker room, and returned to Hunters office. Once there we or I apologized for leaving abruptly. Then got right down to the brass tacks. AJ and I signed a three year deal which gave us creative control over our characters, promos and the like. I was guaranteed a title opprotunity. And as for AJ, she wasn't able to be guarenteed as much since she can't compete anymore. But I made sure she got the same deal with some altercations, as mine. Like since she couldn't compete any more she was guarenteed to get a spot at the commentary table when I was in a cage match, elimination chamber and matches of the like. So even though she would not be allowed at ringside. She'll still be allowed in some way just not to provide intereference. Just moral support. Which may not be as exciting to you. But to me and AJ, it was nothing short of perfect for us. Although, we did make arrangements so she and I could seperate our time between our appearances, and AJ's impending divorce, and by that they post poned the actual return of me and AJ until Survivor Series. But we would make an appearance tonight. As Rousey was scheduled to return as well, and I had quite the bone to pick with her. And it just so happened that when AJ and I left Hunter's office, Rousey was boasting out in the ring as to how she would beat Sasha Banks for the Raw Women's title.
Halfway through her rant of how 'superior' she is. A new song came over the speakers that wasn't 'Sky's The Limit' or even remotely 'Rocky Mountain Way'. It was 'I'm Still Standing' by Elton John, but this was the version from the motion picture Rocketman. Performed by Taron Egerton. And when the song picked up speed it tempo. I came out on the stage with AJ Lee close by. When the crowd noticed us both, AJ and I got a real loud pop. As soon as the crowd died down and we were in the ring. I held up the mic I carried down to the ring up to my lips. "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Shut the fuck up Rousey." I said as Rousey was pissed at me for ruining her return moment. "Nobody really cares about what you want or even what that small brain of yours thinks." The crowd started chanting my name as I continued, "You see Rousey. You've been abusing the moniker of 'Rowdy'."
She shook her head and mouthed, 'No I haven't.'
"Yeah, you have. You see Rousey. Not only am I here to return to active competition. But also, to take back the moniker you 'claim' was given to you by my greatest teacher. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. I will sadly not be returning at full capacity until around Survivor Series. But when I come to collect the nickname you've been abusing and using for your own enjoyment or making a mockery of for the past year. You won't see me coming.  I can promise you that." She tried to attack me only to be caught in Rocky Mountain Way and she was out cold. Me and AJ made our way to the back as the medical staff checked on Rousey. "Oh by the way, Rousey. She looked at me as I stood on the stage with another mic in hand. "Roddy. Left me everything, connected to his old moniker. So next time I see you, I'll either take the nickname or your life. Your choice. I'd prefer to just take the moniker and not your life. But I will if I have to." The crowd cheered as I said, "Ta for now, Rousey."

Once me and AJ made it to the back, we were quickly interviewed by Cathy Kelley, "Daniel, AJ, can I ask you a couple of questions?" She asked.
"Absolutely." I smiled as did AJ.
"Now you say that you are here to get back into active competition. But also to take back the moniker that Rhonda has been as you put it, 'been using and abusing for her own ends.' Would you care to elaborate on that?"
"For months now, she's been using the moniker of 'Rowdy' for her own selfish gratification and for her own ends as if the nickname was just a thing for her to use. Well, I may not be on Hell In A Cell's match card. But come Survivor Series. This so called 'Baddest Woman On The Planet' will have her hands full of the 'Rocky Mountain Rebel'. So much so that she won't be able to even scratch her ass without looking behind her. So if I was Rousey, I'd be more concerned about the man that has the task of repossessing the moniker she now temporarily holds. And unlike her husband or anyone she's faced before. I won't show any mercy, I won't pull no punches, and I will not be anywhere near civil or polite about what I have to do?"
"AJ, what are your thoughts on Daniel's statement?" Cathy asked her.
"I've known Daniel for a long time. And he's never been one to mince words or even make idol threats. So if he says he's going to take the moniker of 'Rowdy' from Rhonda Rousey. It's more than a dead certainty." AJ smiled as she looked up at me.
"The one thing I'd like to add, is that Piper himself. Charged me to take back the nickname that Rhonda has used and abused and has desecrated by being a bully. So my suggestion, Rousey. Pray you survive our encounter. Because by the end of the night at Series. You'll be known as 'Whiny' Rhonda Rousey." I said before me and AJ both headed to my locker room.

When we entered my locker room, AJ smiled as I got ready to leave the arena when Raw was over for the night. She sat on the bench near my locker and watched the monitor which had Sasha and Bayley going against Sonya Deville in an intense match up.
"Daniel." She said and I looked to her. "Are you really going to hurt Rousey?"
"That depends entirely on her." I said answering AJ's question.
"Well, let's hope she'll heed your warning." She smiled as she stood up and approached me.
"I doubt it  but we'll see." AJ and in headed to the hotel room.

When we reached the hotel room, we got changed for bed and ordered a couple of pizzas and ate them while reminiscing about the days before Punk arrived in our lives. I smiled as AJ reminded me of our first day together in the ring. "You were so handsome in your jeans and denim blue undershirt. I should have asked you out the moment I met you." She slid into my arms and rested her head on my chest.
"Well, we're together now."
"I know. But we can't even do anything until my divorce is finalized. Which sucks." She complained a bit.
"I know it does, but doesn't mean we can't have some fun. We just can't go too far." She smiled as she leaned up and kissed me.
"Not yet." She smiled as she rested against my chest. I slid out from under AJ and put the rest of the pizza in the fridge of the hotel room. Then returned to her side and just climbed into bed with her and we fell fast asleep.

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