Chapter 2

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Roxy collapsed under the table, shivering... She couldn't get the scene out of her head!

Tiger had watched it from a distance and now walked over to his sister, sat down next to her and gave her a cup. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking concerned at Roxy. "Y-yeah...I think so." Roxy sighed and stood up. /S-should I go and see if that cat was still there?/ "Sorry Tiger, I have to go and see you later!" She purred and cupped her brother before disappearing into a bush. "O-okay, see you later...," Tiger meowed after her, yawned and fell asleep.

I need to find that weird tom... Roxy was waiting in the exact same place she had him to disappear.

A while later...

Roxy woke up with hot breath on her face, she woke up with a jolt and looked into the ice blue eyes of the black cat! "You!" The tomcat didn't say a word and looked at her, muttering something. Roxy looked at him confused. Her eyes became big of fear, she gasped and tried to back away but it was too late, the big cat was already on her. He meowed something and suddenly a dark brown tom came out of the bushes, he looked a bit like Tiger. "Let go of her, Wolfheart." The cat obeyed and released Roxy, who stood up confused. "W-what's goinh o-," before she could finish her sentence she was pounced on again, this time by the brown tom. The sound of a cat that got slammed to the earth still echoed. The brown tom whispered to Roxy, "Sorry to do this, but in the name of StarClan i hope you forgive me..." Before Roxy could realize what he was saying, she was rammed in the head, with a heavy, brown paw, she was knocked out.

Bramblestar looked at the kittypet, he felt guilty but he had to do it anyway. "Wolfheart, help me get that kittypet on my back." Wolfhart nodded and picked up the beautiful black and white she-cat. He dragged her onto Bramblestar's back and helped him. "Good, come on now, we're going back to camp!" Wolfheart nodded again and followed his leader, obedient and loyal as he was.Telma turned, it seemed so quiet in the house, without those two tomboys.She moaned, her joints aching again. The old cat got up and walked to her secret passage, no one knew there was a small hole in the garage door, she pushed herself through and came out into the garden. Telma looked to her right and her eye immediately fell on the sleeping ball of fur, Tiger. She stifled a laugh and jumped into the tree with difficulty. The cat looked at Daisy standing over a black and white cat. That's strange, that cat looks a lot like Roxy! Telma almost fell out of the tree when she saw the two cats take the poor, helpless kitty with them.

She decided to follow them....

510 words!!

I will try to publish a new chapter every Wednesday, every Saturday or Sunday! (I'm not making any promises...)

Anyways, I hope you like it! 😌

Greetings, Hollyleaf 🐱🐈‍⬛🍃

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