Part 3 Blinding Amnesia

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Royal was returning home from his spar in the woods, getting ready for his mother to surprise him at the Tavern, when he arrives home, he stops at the door, to see if, just maybe that his father, that he has never seen might finally be here on his birthday, unlike the other sad and lonely birthdays, without his father, sadly as always he never hears the voice that his mother describes as his fathers, so he walks in and see's the banner saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROYAL!" and his mother running up to him, from behind the counter, saying "Royal, I cant believe that you are 17 already, if only your father was here to see you." "Yeah, I wish that I could meet him." says Royal with a sad face, It wasn't much of a birthday, he didn't have any friends, because everyone in the village was scared of him, there was only two presents, one was just scrap metal, and the other was something that he didn't expect, a dog, a  Red and Black Corgi specifically, and surprisingly this dog wasn't scared of him, and so Royal said "Well I guess I do have a friend," Royal's mom then said "What are you going to name him?" "Well since my name is Royal, then I guess I will name him... Grim, Royal and Grim, their amazing adventures."  he said with a smile and laugh, his mother then started to laugh also, later on people started to accept Royal because of Grim, everyone loved the Corgi, all the kids would go outside, whenever Royal went for a walk with Grim, all the kids would swarm around them and ask if it was okay to pet Grim, and Royal would say 'Sure, he doesn't bite.' and then all the kids would start to pet him, and rub his belly which Grim loved so much, five days passed and then it happened, Royal went to train in the forest as usual, however Grim stayed at the tavern, feeling the love from travelers and their children, and then that's when she came into Higanbana, a girl with light brown hair, and white streaks, with a devilish evil smile, looking for her new victim for her game, and that's when she saw Royal, she then said to herself "he will be fun." She then ran straight into the forest, climbed the trees, and jumped from branch to branch to find Royal, when she found him, she smiled and waited for the right moment, when it was the right time she broke two branches, and jumped down and landed on top of Royal, kept the branches tightly on top of his tails, preventing him to sting her, and then she said with a smile "I found you, now you have to catch me, run run you'll never catch me." at that moment she opened her mouth wide, right over Royal's face, and then breathed in, and Royal watched before his eyes, he saw each and every memory go before his eyes, except for the 'I found you, now you have to catch me, run run you'll never catch me' part, he then moved his hand into her open pants pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, and then he saw nothing but white, he felt the girl get up and remove the branches and then she said in his ear, "Now the rules are simple, you have to chase me, I could be any where in Remnant, and all you have to do is catch me, and I will give back what was stolen to you, and I will grant you a wish, Bye the way my name is Gen Fox." and with that she got up and started to run away, and then Royal then closed his eyes, unable to get up, and fell asleep, seeing nothing in his dreams, he then woke up, not knowing where he was he felt a hand on his hand, and something furry laying beside him, he then heard a voice saying "Royal, sweetie can you see me? it's me mommy, can you hear me?" says Thistle, "Who are you, who am I?" says Royal, at that moment he felt tears on his hand, "My name is Thistle, I am your, Mother, your name is Royal Callows, and beside you is your best friend Grim, he is your dog." says Thistle, at that moment he then says "" still not knowing much, he got up, and said "How did I get here?" "You where brought here bye Grim and a hiker who was staying at the tavern who noticed that Grim was acting strange, and he took him outside, and then followed Grim to where you where, laying in the forest, and picked you up, and carried you back to the tavern, and told me, so I went to your room, and helped place you in your bed, and then Grim went onto your bed and fell asleep next to you."  says Royal's mother, then Royal then said, " I cant see anything, I cant remember anything either, what Is happening?" "I don't know, but you mentioned someone named Gen Fox in your sleep, who is Gen Fox honey?" says Royal's mother, and at that moment Royal remembered her, he can clearly see her face, the one who did this to him, Gen Fox, he then said "The person who I have to find, to regain everything, Mom I need to find this girl, she stole from me. I will find her, please let me find her." "Sure, but first you need to become strong again."  says Thistle, at that Royal fell asleep again, with Grim snuggling right next to him, all he could dream was of his hunt that he had to do.

Next Morning: Royal woke up, and got out of bed, still fully dressed, he then got help from Grim to bring him to the door, and take him to an empty table, where he sat for what felt like hours, with Grim sitting bye his feet, he then thinks of Gin Fox, the one who turned him into this, and then he heard a voice, saying "Excuse me mister, but can I pet your Dog?" the voice sounded like a teenagers, roughly the same age as him, he then said "Sure, but first can you tell me your name?" " My name is Key Pi, what is your name?" says Key, "My name, is from what I can barely remember, and what people call me is Royal Callows, go ahead, you can pet Grim, my dog." Says Royal, Key then starts to pet Grim saying "Your dog, he seems well trained, did you train him?" "To be honest, I don't know, you see I seem to have forgotten a lot of my memory's and also my eye sight, all I see right now is nothing but pure white, and to be honest, I know who did this to me, and I must find her." says Royal. Now I think it's a good time for me to talk of Key Pi's appearance, she is about seventeen, slightly shorter than Royal, about to his chin in height, she has tanned skin, lime green and golden hair, her eyes are dark green, she wears two belts around her waist, wearing black jeans, Pumpkin Pete t shirt, and strapped to her left side is a long green bladed sword infused with green dust, sheathed in a strange sheath, and I think that's all the time that I have to describe Key.

Next Page: Leaving Higanbana. Enjoy.

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