Part 6 Vale.

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In the morning, Royal, Key, and Grim left their camp and went straight back on to the path, both Royal and Key smiling, and holding hands, while Grim jumps around happily as a dog normally does, and the next thing they knew, they where arriving at Vale's borders, Key seeing the destruction, and all of the Grimm wandering around the place, Royal still in his blindness could still feel something around the entire area, making him feel rather scared, at that he felt Key squeeze his hand tightly, "Key, your going to be safe." says Royal, at that Key loosened her grip, and smiled, and looked up to Royal's face, and deep within her mind she had something to show him, but she knew that it wasn't time yet, at that she brushed the thought aside, and the three continued to walk on, after a while a Beowolf came from the side, and if through instinct Royal's tails then stabbed the Beowolf killing it instantly, before it did any harm to them, the Beowolf dissolving on the ground, and so Royal, Key and Grim continued to walk on, when they got closer to the heart of Vale, they where ambushed by a gigantic pack of Grimm, no way for Royal or Key to escape, and at that Grim barked, and once again through instinct Royal did something, he grabbed key, and brought her close, and kept her safe with his tails and he said "Key, everything is going to be okay, just don't look." and before she could say anything Royal brought her even closer into his chest, covering her eyes from the scene, and yet she could feel that Royal closed his eyes also, and at that she felt strong feeling of heat, and could see slight beams of bright light, and when it all died down, Royal released Key from his grasp, and what she saw, was that all the Grimm that was there, where all gone, and Grim just sitting there happily, tail wagging acting as if nothing happened, and then Grim rolled over, and waited for Key to pet his belly, which she then went over to him, and began to pet him. "How did you, where did they go?" asks Key quietly, not sure of what just happened, and then she realized that Grim had a semblance, a Semblance of destruction to the creatures of Grimm, "Good boy, Grim, you are getting a treat tonight." says Royal, as he too pets Grim on the stomach, while Grim acts happily due to the magic word, he will do almost anything for treats, and then after that they continue their way through Vale, with less and less trouble, when they reached the other borders of Vale, Key simply danced around Royal, while Grim went in circles around their feet, happily, the three acting like a young married couple with a dog, and then they set up camp once again, the Creatures of Grimm not even daring to go anywhere near the camp, fearing of what might happen, during the night Grim took watch, while Royal and Key get some shut eye, Key having to share Royal's because she lost her's back at the other camp site, Key, sleeping happily next to Royal, loving the warmth that he gives off, and Royal loving the smell of citrus coming from Key, her breath smelling like oranges, and this time Royal had a rather peaceful dream, in his dream, he saw, that he was sitting at a table, a dark wooden table, with intricate carvings, the house seeming like a big hut, and sitting next to him, looked like a ten year old boy, with a scorpion tail and black and green hair, with one purple eye and one green eye, playing with Grim, who sits beside the little boy, and in the kitchen he see's a women, cooking, and then he says "Sweetheart would you like some help?" "No, I'm good, and besides you should talk to your son, he needs to learn how to be like you." says the women who resembles Key, "Alright honey, I will, now son, you need to learn how to fight, how to use your semblance, and you need to craft your weapon still, so first what do you have in mind for a weapon?" says Royal, "Dad, I have been thinking constantly, about my weapon idea I want to use swords, specifically two great swords, and one Odachi, I want to become a swordsman, kind of just like mom." says Royal's son with a big smile as he looks at his father, at that Royal then ruffles his son's hair, and says "Have you been looking at your mother's sword book? I think you'll make an amazing swordsman." at that Key then set down, three plates on the table, and sat down next to her husband, and saying "Yes, you will make an amazing swordsman when you grow up, my little sword prince." at that Key smiled, and so did Royal and their son, and then they continued to eat their breakfast, when they finished, their son started to draw the swords that he wants to use, smiling and as he drew them, Royal smiling as he watches his son's determination, and at that Royal woke up from his dream, when he felt something rather strange, his tails being held like a teddy bear, he opened his eyes still seeing nothing but pure white, he then reaches out and feels Key hugging his tails softly, at that he then gets closer to her, and hugs her while she still sleeps, he then kisses her forehead, which makes her wake up slowly, "Mmmm, R-Royal?" she says slowly, as she slowly wakes up, "Yes Key, it's me." says Royal as he hugs her closer, after a while in their hug fest, they then get up, and find that Grim is still awake, guarding the area a little, at that Key then uses her semblance and grows another orange tree, sharing her orange with Royal, after that they leave Vale, continuing on their journey.

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