Chapter 10

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"I don't miss you. Don't miss me too."
I Don't Miss You - Eric Nam

Kao just finished training his military unit when his father's subordinate came to announce that his father wants to meet him. He sighed and tells the guy that he will come soon. After he freshen himself from all the sweat, he heads toward his father's office. Kao is wondering what is his father want this time. They barely talk unless it's something related to the military. Grew up with little of fatherly love, Kao is used to this "lack of conversation" family. He knocks at the door to his father's office and heard a "come in." He opens the door to see his father is reading a document at his desk. His father looks up and tell him to sit at the sofa.

Once he settled on the sofa, his father asks "How are you and the Crown Prince's relationship?"

"It's fine, father." Kao answers without saying much.

"Fine how? Fine as just boyfriend or fine as he will propose to you?" His father asks again, this time with irritation in his voice.

Kao is annoyed as well. Why does his father want to know so much? "Fine as fine. Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? He is the Crown Prince, Kao. You have to make him propose to you. If you are marry into the Royal Famiy, how much fame and power will that bring to our family?"

Here it is. The real reason why his father care about his relationship this time. This is all his father wanted. This was why he was in that suitor's list in the first place. His father fucking signed him up without even asking him. Kao, once again, is a pawn in his father's hand without a choice. Why can his father act like a father for once and care about his relationship in a different way, instead of money and power? Their family carries the Duke title since the founding of this country. They always have money and power, owning the biggest military ranch of Alethea. But, that isn't enough for his father. He always want more, greedily to the point of manipulate his own son's relationship. Kao is sick of this. He is sick of this controlling.

"Why is it even matter, father? I don't control his heart. It is his choice if he want to propose to me or not." Kao answer angrily, his face frowns.

"Then fucking make him. You already have the opportunity, going to all the Royal events. For what I see, the Royal Family seems to like you already. You just have to try a little more."

"I'll try but i'm not guarantee." He is done with this conversation. He just simply agrees; so, he can get out of here. It's his relationship. He doesn't want to listen to his father nagging at him on what to do with Earth. "Can I go now?"

"Do what you need to do, I want to hear good news only. " His father grumpily says before he goes back to his documents.

Kao leaves without glancing at his father. The faster he get out of there, the faster he can breathe. He can't spend another minute suffocating himself.

The weather is getting colder as fall gives its way to winter. The end of the year is in 2 months. The holiday spirit is within everyone. The Royal Family is in no exception either. It is the busiest season for them, from social events, holiday charities, holiday pictures, balls, and countless end-of-the-year meetings. Since most of the events will have the press, each members of the family have to have new outfits. Fluke has the benefits of having a fashion designer as best friend; thus, he is in good hand.

Fluke is on his way to meet Prem. They have an appointment at Prem's workshop to look through designs and to take Fluke's body measurement. They suppose to meet at 2 p.m., but Fluke wants to visit Prem early. He wants to get lunch with his friend first. Thus, he is two hours early to surprise Prem. When he arrived, there are a lot of cars in front of the workshop, including celebrity cars. Fluke figured Prem must be having a photoshoot.

Once Fluke stepped into the workshop, he is greeted by the sound of camera clicking and flash of light. His guess was correct, it is a photoshoot. People are busy pushing rack of clothes, mangers talking to each other, photographer and models are discussing about the pose and pictures.

Fluke's eyes spot his best friend fixing the model's clothes. He heads over to Prem's direction. He was only a few steps away when his feet caught into the wire of the standing light, causing him to lose balance. Fluke closes his eyes, embracing himself for the embarrassing fall. Yet, he didn't feel himself hitting the hard floor. Instead, he feels an arm by his waist, catching him from the fall. Fluke relieves a sigh; that could have been really embarrassing in front all these people. He gains back his balance and was about to say his gratitude; but, the helper speaks first.

"You are still clumsy as always, Fluke."
Fluke freezes. He knew this voice, the voice that he doesn't want to hear again. It is no other than Dylan, his ex-boyfriend. By then, Fluke suddenly realized Dylan's arm is still on his waist. He quickly removes himself.
"What are you doing here?"

"Well, you're welcome, Your Highness! And I'm working!" Dylan nonchalantly says. His smile never falter.

Fluke realizes he was a little rude, Dylan saved him after all. "Thank you for earlier."

Before Dylan can say anything, Prem is already by Fluke's side. He noticed Fluke after the commotion of Fluke's "almost kiss the floor" accident.

"Fluke you are here! Dylan, you are next. Please go get changed."

"Ok! Nice to see you again Fluke." Dylan winks then heads toward the changing room.

"Why you didn't say anything?" Fluke turns to Prem, asking in an irritated tone.

"I'm sorry, Fluke! I was planning to tell you later when we meet. But who know you would come early." Prem responses in a "sorry not sorry" tone.

Fluke rolls his eyes, "Well, why is he your model anyway?"

"The sponsor for this collection turns out to be his company, they want him in it. I have no other choice. Beside, he is the hottest model currently. Having him wear my clothes will be beneficial."

"Are you seriously ditching your friend for money right now?" Fluke asks, teasingly.

"Yeah, because money gets me through life."

"Ouch, that hurts, My best friend values paper more than me, an actual Prince." Fluke exaggeratedly answers, putting his hand by his chest.

Prem couldn't help but laugh at their jokes. He loves these moments between them. He loves how the Prince of a country is actually joking lamely with him, friend with a commoner like him.

"Beside, you are not going to see him after this anyway. So why care?"

"Prem, don't tell me you forgot. He is the son of Marquess Partina. If he is back to Alethea, it means he will show up to many future Royal events. Thinking about it already make me annoyed." Fluke says, his brows furrowed.

"Oh shit! I totally forgot. He is so famous as a model that I totally forgot he is a royal." Prem hits his forehead for forgetting such an important detail.

Dylan Partina is a famous model, both in Alethea and oversea. He had been working mainly over in Europe for a year. With his handsome face, well-toned muscle, good body proportions, he hit big. Not only that, he is a Royal. Rich, handsome, successful, Royal. He got all the parts to be the most seek Bachelor. However, his outer appearance fooled people. He is a fucking douchebag, through and through.

"Prem, please take a look this please." Prem's trance of thought is interrupted by his assistant.

"Fluke, I will go back to work. You can wait for me in my office. I will come get you when the photoshoot finish." Prem quickly says to his best friend and heads back to work.

An hour later.....

Fluke was just texting his boyfriend when Prem enters his office. They decided to go get lunch at a restaurant nearby. Right before they get out of the workshop, they come face to face with Dylan, who is about to leave also.

"Ah! I'm glad we meet again. Do you guys want to have lunch with me, catching up?" Dylan invites them.

"But, you have another photoshoot after this." Dylan's manager, who is right behind him, speaks up.

"I want to eat lunch with my friends, what is so hard? Cancel the photoshoot."

"You should go do your job. It's our bonding time, Dylan." Fluke denies Dylan's request, irritation is in his voice.

"It's been awhile since I see you again. Let's catch up." Dylan won't give up, he is the type who doesn't take no as an answer.

Fluke can see they are attracting attention from the people who is still in the workshop. He doesn't want to appear rude. Especially, as a Prince, that is a no-no. "Fine! We will get lunch with you." He has no choice. "But, we will eat at the place that I have already decided."

"Yes, your Highness! Lead the way." Acting as a gentleman, Dylan lifts his hand up, gesturing Fluke and Prem to go first.

Fluke and Prem head out together in Fluke's car, driven by his security guard. Dylan drives out separately with his manager. They arrived at a sushi restaurant. The restaurant has secluded rooms for customers. Fluke has already reserved a room for them, avoiding unnecessary attention. The whole meal, Dylan talked the most, mostly bragging about his work. Prem talked here and there when they were in the same fashion shows. Fluke only talked when he was asked. He just wants this meal to be over and be alone with Prem. He was planning this time to talk to his best friend about his love life; but, this asshole gotta be here.

Toward the end of the meal, Prem excused himself to use the restroom. The room fills with awkward silence. It's even more awkward when Dylan kept staring at Fluke.
Finally Dylan speaks, "Fluke, I have missed you and us when I was away."

"Last time I checked, you were the one who ruined our relationship." Fluke mockingly answers.

"It wasn't my fault. She seduced me."

"So, you are telling me you have no control in you; Whoever seduced you, you would sleep with that person?" At this, Dylan stayed quite again. He tries to gather his thought before speaking again.

"Fluke, please forgive me. I learnt my mistake. Can we please get back together? I still love you. I miss you so much!" Dylan pleads.

"But I don't miss you. I certainly don't love you either. I'm not even sure if I love you at all. What we had was in the past. Now you and me are just acquaintance. Sorry Dylan!" Fluke rejects Dylan. He didn't expect Dylan to ask to get back together. They dated for 6 months and broke up because he caught Dylan cheated on him. Honestly, Fluke wasn't even hurt back then. He was mad, yes. But not hurt. It was probably he didn't have any feeling for Dylan. Now, he has feeling for someone else already. He is certainly not getting back together with Dylan, especially someone who cheated on him.

"Why? You have someone else? I don't see you appear in the press with anyone else for a year. I can treat you nice this time." Dylan asks again. Still not giving up.

"It's not important if I have someone else or not. I don't think we are a good fit together. If you still want to be acquaintance, please don't mention this anymore. Now excuse me, I'm going to leave. I will take care of the bill. Goodbye Dylan!" Fluke stands up, not giving Dylan another chance.

"I will definitely get you back Fluke." Dylan says to himself. He won't be stupid like before anymore. He has to be by Fluke' side again.This way he can have more power, become more famous. Guess, he is gonna show up more of those Royal events with his parents.

Fluke got out of the room and texted Prem to meet him in the car. After his security guard paid, they wait in the car for Prem. His mood is ruined by Dylan. He wants to talk to Prem about this. Dylan is not the type to give up easily. He has to be careful about that guy now.

UGHHH! So much headache. Why does Dylan have to come back now?

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