Chapter 12

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"What are they gossiping about me these day?"
Bbibbi - IU

The sunlight sneaks into the bedroom, casting its light on the person who is snuggling in his blanket. The birds are singing their songs, welcoming a new day. Suddenly, the quiet room is broken by the continuous ring of the phone. It's signaling a chain of notifications coming in. Then, the ringtone goes on, waking up the sleeping beauty. Fluke reaches his hand out of the warm blanket, searches for his phone on the bedside table. Once he got his target, he presses answer without looking at the caller.

"Hello?" Fluke greets, his voice a little hoarse.

"Good morning, Your Highness! Have you seen the news?" The other person speak up. It's Tina, the Director of Royal Public Affair. She handles all the press about the family, making sure the Royal Family is always in the positivity in the public eyes.

"No, I just woke up? What's up?"

"Well then, please read the news and give me a call back. I will wait for your directions." Tina curtly says, she is a straightforward woman.

Fluke hangs up the phone. He wants to close his eyes for a little more. However. judging on Tina's serious tone, he should check the news. The Second Prince sits up on his king size bed, he finally saw all the notifications. They are news mentioning about him. He opens one of the news, the bold headline say: "The Secret Relationship of the Second Prince and His Doctor."

There are few shots of him and Ohm leaving the party last night and even at Ohm's condo. Fluke no longer feel sleepy. There are numerous emotions coursing through him. Panic, anger, frustration,... He was sure the party was private. His security guards even drove around town a few times to cut loose of any unwanted paparazzi. In addition, all the people he knew always take the word "private" to heart. As Royals, they are always expose to the press. Therefore, when events were purposely private, the location and time would never be exposed to the press. So how did they get photographed last night?

Fluke opens up multiple other news outlets. The same pictures between Ohm and him show up. The headlines branching from "The Second Prince ditches Royal Boyfriends to date Doctor," "Doctor-in-Charge Seduced the Second Prince," or "Modern Cinderella: A Common Doctor and the Second Prince." All the news outlets seem to slander Ohm, saying how he used his opportunity and good look to seduce Fluke to move up in life. Fluke can't help but rolls his eyes. Does he look like a person who would fall for outer appearance?
(A/N: Yeah, you kinda did 😝)

He quickly pulls up his call log and presses call "My Bear." However, he only hears the "tit, tit" sound since the other side is busy. Who is Ohm speaking too? He tries to call a few more times but he hears the same sound again. Fluke decided to text Ohm to ask if he is alright. He sat for 2 minutes and still haven't hear anything from his boyfriend. He feels more frustrated when time passes. Fluke is used to these kind of news; however, he is worried about Ohm.

Brrrr~ Brrr~

Fluke quickly looks at his phone. It's the person he had been waiting for. "Ohm~"

"Good morning to you!" Ohm replies. His voice is calm like usual. This makes Fluke worried even more.

"Have you seen the news?" Fluke worriedly asks his boyfriend.

"I haven't honestly. But, I heard about it directly from my Director. I was on the phone with him just now."

"Oh gosh! What did he say?"

"I got fired."

"WHAT?" The Second Prince screams, training his voice so early in the morning.

"Haha... I was just joking." Ohm laughs at his boyfriend's cuteness. He loves how the other worries about him.

"How can you joke at this moment? I'm really worried. I didn't know how you are handling the news. I still don't get how we get photographed. The party was clearly private. What did the director say?" Fluke is voicing out his concern.

"Don't worry! Honestly, I already prepared myself for this when we started dating. And the director was just confirming if it's true. He said that he knew my working ethic; therefore, he won't do anything." Ohm could hear a sigh of relief from the other side. He already expected something like this would happen a long time ago. It's just coming a little too early, since they only became official a month ago. He just wished that it's them who decided to announce it instead of unwanted photographs.

"Will you be ok? You will be surrounded by the reporters for a while. They will continue to point finger at you too. I can tell Tina to reduce the amount of news coming out. But she can't do more than that; since, these news target you instead of me."

"I will be ok. They can say anything they want. As long as the people I care know who I really am, that is all that mattered. Don't think too much babe." Ohm reassures Fluke. He is glad that Fluke cares about his feeling.

Before Fluke can reply, he hears a knock on the door. The maid is announcing that he has to get ready for breakfast.
"I have to go now. I will tell Tina to control this a little."

"I'm a man! I can protect myself. I will be fine. Now go eat your breakfast." Ohm smiles. His boyfriend's worried tone gives warm to his heart.

After they hanged up, Fluke does his morning routine and heads out for breakfast. When he arrived at the dining room, his parents and Earth all looked at him. His father speaks when Fluke sat down, "Is this man the reason why you have been smiling while staring at your phone?"

"Father~" Fluke answers cutely.

"Why didn't you say anything to us?" His mother asks this time. Her voice sounds hurt.

"Well, I was planning to. I didn't expect this to happen. The event was private. I still wondering how we get caught."

"Maybe someone purposely did this." Earth voices out his opinion. He furrows his eyebrows, worrying about his brother.

"Hum, I don't think anyone in that party will do such thing. All Royals know what private event means."

"But your boyfriend is not a Royal. Someone must have hate that fact." Earth, once again, speaks out his view. As future king, he thinks about all the possible reasons to a problem, as he was trained.

"I agreed with Earth. You must know by now, as a Royal, you can't fully trust anyone son. We always have to be alert. Don't forget danger always seek for us." The King reminds Fluke again. He is worried about the free spirit soul of his second child.

"Your father is right son. Please be more careful, especially this time you are dating a non-Royal person. People might take this negatively, mostly to your boyfriend. He might be a good guy to you; but, others might not think that way." The queen also speaks her concern.

The room becomes quite as everyone is in eating their breakfast, in their own thoughts. The sun shines brighter now,  warming the room up even more in the early cold winter.

The Queen speaks again, breaking everyone's thought. "Despite all the rumor going on, I trust you in this matter. After seeing him a few times at the hospital, I think he is a good person. Invite him to dinner when he is free. Let's us meet him."

His mother just shocked Fluke. This is the first time, out of all his relationships, his mother tells him to invite his boyfriend over. Ohm might have gained good impression with the Queen.

"Mother, shouldn't you be tougher. This is too easy." Earth teases Fluke, smiling wide.

"Hey!!! Don't let me tell Kao your bad habit." Fluke's face is red. He uses an excuses to tease Earth back.

"Oh, if I meet your boyfriend, I can do the same thing." The Crown Prince won't lose in this battle. They are bickering back and forth, just as any normal sibling. Their parents can't help but laugh, then lovingly looking at each other. They both enjoy this little moment of their family, like any other family in the world.

Ohm steps out of the elevator, heading to his car. Luckily, his building's garage only allows people with access key. Thus, he can leisurely going to his car. He can't imagine going to work with all the reporters surrounding him. That morning, after he spoke with Fluke, he had looked out his condo's window. All the reporters camped out in front of the building, waiting for him to show up any moment. His life will be in the spotlight from now on.

He was lying to Fluke that he feels alright about all this. It's true that he can protect himself; but, he can't help but feel nervous. All his life, he has never feel so exposed like this. It's hard to believe a private, happy moment in his life can turn into something for other people to judge. Now, he feels sympathy for his boyfriend and the Royal Family. Every little movements they make can be judged in anyway, good or bad. Such is human's nature, we judge people without knowing the story inside. We are so quick at pointing fingers, ignoring others' feelings, stepping into other people business. If Ohm wants to stay aside Fluke longer, then he needs to be stronger. Allowing his boyfriend a secure place to lean on when he need.

Ohm arrives at the hospital with all these thoughts in mind. Lucky for him again, his hospital's garage has an employee parking that required access card. He, once again, able to avoid the reporters.

However, he wasn't able to avoid his coworkers' stares and whispers. The moment he steps outside the elevator. Everyone stares at him. Some give him supporting looks, some give him disgusting looks. Ohm walks toward his office, ignoring them. They can think whatever they want, he is ready for this battle.

Ohm steps inside his office, then wears his white gown. The head nurse knocks on his opened office door, "Dr. Thitiwat, patient Yiwa continues to have fever. Her wound has sign of infection. I have given her amoxicillin and ordered a lab work. Please take a look at her."

"Alright, I will be right there." Ohm grabs his stethoscope and heads to the patient's room. He can take his mind off momentarily about his relationship.

A/N: Thank you for everyone supporting! I have received so many love from everybody. I would not come this far without you guys. There is no word to describe how appreciate I am to everyone of you. 😘😘
Everyone please stay safe out there. I live in the US and the COVID cases are still increasing exponentially everyday. It is scary and I still have to go to work. No matter where you are, keep on practicing safety guidelines.

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