Chapter 21

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"Hold...Hold on... Hold on to me...
Cause I'm a little unsteady"
Unsteady - X Ambassadors

Kao stands up from his chair and stretches himself. He had finished yet another long meeting with the newly formed secret intelligence group. The group was formed by Earth recently, focused solely on Lewisia terrorists. After the King's death, they have realized the Palace are fulled of spies. Therefore, the group was founded to investigate on Lewisia and its leader, employed only people who had demonstrated loyal to the Royal Family. Kao, along with Mark (who is now promoted as Royal Guard) and Gun, are working hard to catch the leader and destroyed Lewisia once and for all. After months of investigating since the last King, they have found that Lewisia's leader is someone in the Royal court. Whoever it is, that person will face his/her punishment, death.

It had been 5 days since the late King's funeral and 2 days away from Coronation Day. The group is having extra works to do to create a secret security plan for the day to protect the Royal Family. They have found many information that Lewisia is planning another attack on that day. The Palace can't postpone the day any longer, the country needs an official crowned King. Extra security is what they can do right now, hoping everything will go smoothly and maybe finding more information on the treason group.

Kao finishes stretching his sore shoulders. He looks over to his tired fiancé, who is finishing up a conversation with Gun. Long gone the bright happy face, Earth's face is now filled with tiredness, his eyes show nothing but sorrow, dark bags surrounds the once bright orbs. Kao heaves a sigh and steps over to Earth's side.

"Give me a report by tomorrow afternoon. Get some rest Gun." Earth finishes his conversation with Gun, only to feel a hand placing on his back. He knew whose it belong to without even looking over. He turns to face Kao, giving him a smile that doesn't even reach his eyes.

"You should get some rest yourselves, babe." Kao calls out the endearment since it's now only them in the room.

"No, I have a few more reports to look over." Earth mumbles his response.

"Look at your tired face! Did you even sleep last night?" Kao worriedly asks while he puts his right hand on Earth's face, his thumb caresses the thin cheek.

Earth closes his eyes, turning his face to the warm hand. Just a simple touch, and yet it's really soothing his soul. All the chaos in his head seems to stop their rotation around his mind. His cold body is greedily yearning the warm in front of him. Without a second thought, Earth reaches out his arms to hug Kao tightly. Kao returns the embrace, his hands patting Earth's back, telling him that he is here. They embrace each other in silence, recharging, momentarily forgetting the bitter reality.

After what seem like eternity, Kao reluctantly releases his hands on his fiancée. "I have somewhere to go now. Get some rest ok? I can't bare to see you like this."

Earth simply lets out a hum as his response. He pecks Kao's lips quickly then leave. Another minutes in that embrace and he would selfishly refuse to let go. Now is not the time for that, he has to be strong more than ever for his country and family. He is no longer able to depend on his father to lead, he has to lead now.


Kao is the last one to step  into the meeting group. It will be his last for today; but, this is not one of the meetings at the Royal Palace. The location is Lewisia secret headquarter, the last location that anyone would think he would be here.

Yes, the biggest spy is none other than him. Oh the plot twist. This is no damn fairy tail, it's his fucking twist life. For a millionth time, is this the right choice? He is no longer able to answer that question. He had been in this situation too deep to fix it.

"Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting." The authority voice of Lewisia leader breaks his thought, makes him focus back to reality.

Kim, one of the assassins of Lewisia, stands up and walks to the front of the room. She uses the laptop to open a satellite map of the capital, which projects to the screen in front of the round meeting table.

"The Coronation will occur at the Royal Palace's front yard like tradition again. Unlike before when they allowed citizens to visit and witness the event, they are restricted it this time due to the current attack. Only those who received invitation will be allowed in along with the selective press as well. Based on the security information that Kao provided, these are the locations where the Royal snipers will be at to protect the Royal Family." Kim points her finger to 6 tall buildings around the Royal Palace. These buildings have good view and access to the open space of the Palace's front yard. It will be easy for snipers to observe and ready to strike against any threat to the Family. "We were able to access 3 lower buildings that also have clear view to the event." Kim then points her finger to the mentioned buildings. "I, including two of my partners, each will assassinate our target Royal family members. My target is the Crown Prince. With the helicopters flying around the capital, our snipers won't able to camp out on the rooftop. Instead, we will camp out a floor below that. Since these buildings are apartments, we have taken care of all the tenants to move and occupy the space a week ago."

Kim takes a few second break to her speech, scanning her eyes across the room to make sure everyone had heard and understand her. Then she continues on, "We have able to fake 20 of our assassins as the reporters along with their invitations to the events. When the Supreme Judge start the ceremony, we will start shooting the targets at once. Then, our assassins will kill all the Royals, who are loyal to the Royal Family, along with the Royal Guards. We will faking your Highness' kidnap and Duke Dechaphatthanakun will pursue a fake rescue mission later for you, since with all the Royal Family dead, you will be the next heir. They will perform the mission without any doubt." At the mention of this person, Kim turns to look at him.
"For the fake kidnap, 5 of our assassins will act by fighting with your current private guards. Then, our assassins will lead you to an awaiting van near the event. We will then drive into an underground parking garage at Sun Mall, switch to a different vehicle to cut any possible trail. Any questions?" Kim looks around the room for any question.

The room is quiet, no one has any questions. Everyone understands the plan that they have came up after getting all the details of Coronation Day from Kao. This meeting is just a finality for what is to come next. The last part of the plan for the mastermind to steal the throne.

All the pawns are in their places. Will it be a successful checkmate?

A/N: I apologize for not updating last week. It was a busy week. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I love your comments, by the way. I understand if you guys hate me at this point, but please continue reading though 😆
Thanks you again!!! Stay safe guys! 😘💙

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