Chapter 6

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"Do you think like as me? I was hiding the sound of my heart, for fear of you listening."
A Lot Like Love - Baek A Yeon

6 o'clock at the entrance of Albania trail, a white BMW is already parked at the parking lot. The sun has not even come out yet, the sky is dimly grey. It's not cloudy today. A few stars can still be seen in the sky. The weather is chilly. Alethea is already in the middle of fall. The man in the BMW is in his exercise clothes, a simple white t-shirt, black gym short with tight inside, and black hiking shoes. Kao is listening to music, waiting for the Crown Prince. Born and trained in a military family, he always come 20-30 minutes to any meeting he has. Late is not in his dictionary.

Talking about the date today, his father is even more excited than him. Who wouldn't when his son is having a date with the Crown Prince of the country, out of all 9 other suitors. This is a chance for his father to brag with others. Who know? They might become in-law with the Royal Family in the future. Kao rolls his eyes at the thought, only his greedy father sells his son's love life for personal gain. Kao doesn't give a shit about title; he just want to live a simple, happy life with loved one. If only he had a choice when he was born, he would choose to be born in a normal family. What is the point of having all this power and money, when his family doesn't contain the word 'happiness'.

While Kao is deep in thought, he sees a black Audi with heavy tinted glass enter the parking lot. The car parks right next to him. Then, a guy in all black hiking clothes steps out of the driver seat. Kao recognizes that it is Earth's personal security guard. Kao turns off his car, grabs his hiking backpack, and steps out. The clock reads 6:10. Earth has also stepping out of the car as well. He is wearing a white t-shirt inside a yellow windbreaker, black jogging pants, and hiking shoes. Kao thinks Earth looks cute in the outfit.

"Good morning, Your Highness!" Without forgetting etiquette, Kao holds Earth's hand and give it a kiss.

"Good morning, Kao! I'm sorry if I am late." Earth shyly says.

"No worries! I was just early. Then, should we start?" Earth nods his head to answer. They head for the entrance. Kao notices there are 3 more security guards, who arrived right after Earth's car. There are 4 guards total, 2 in front and 2 in the back of them. They keep their distance to give the couple privacy, but not too far away in case something happen.

Albania Trail is part of Albania Forest, one of the national park of Alethea. It contains a complex ecosystems, with thousands of different animals, trees, rivers, and a few lagoons. The trail is the only part that the public can access to enjoy the forest. The rest of the forest is reserved, in order to protect its beauty from harm.

The first 15 minutes, they have light talk about how their week have been, with light jokes here and there. "Have you hike this trail before?" Earth curiously ask Kao. He noticed that Kao seem to know where to step on some of the muddy path.

"I was in the Special Forces. We used this trail for morning exercise. I have ran up and down here countless times. How about you?" At this point, Kao is ahead of Earth. He steps over the slippery path, turns around, and offers his hand to Earth. Earth was surprised for a second, then he holds Kao's hand, allowing him to help Earth. They release each other's hands right away after.

"Well, this is my second time here. It's really close to the Royal Palace; but, I'm too busy to hike here. It takes 2 hours and a half to go back and forth. I usually have only an hour in the morning to exercise. So, I tend to just jog around the palace or the Palace Park."

"You jog around Palace Park? Wouldn't you get surrounded by the citizens?" Kao furrows his brows a little.

"No! I go jogging early in the morning; so, there are not a lot of people outside yet. There are some early joggers as well; but, they always keep their distance."

The sun has risen up slowly, chasing away the grey sky and giving the forest more light. They continue talking and hiking deeper into the forest. Kao always help Earth to walk over some rocky or slippery path. Occasionally, they would stop to admire a beautiful scenery, a mother deer with her child, or at the river on the suspension bridge.

"Do you like nature, Earth?" Kao asks when they stop to take a small break for water under a big tree.

"A lot. It gives me a sense of security. It calms my head when I have too much to think. You?" Earth closes his eyes, enjoying the forest smell carried by a small breeze that passes by.

"I am the same. Years of training in the military, learning how to shoot and fight, it's too cruel sometimes. Being in nature allows me to forget about all that, about how cruel we are as human being." Kao calmly says, looking far ahead into the forest. Earth doesn't know how to respond to that. He thought Kao is only a few years older than him; but, he is really mature. Even as a Crown Prince, he doesn't think there will be time he can think like that. This reminds Earth that he has a lot more to learn to become the future leader for Alethea. He doesn't want to disappoint his citizens later.

They keep on hiking for 15 more minutes to reach the end point of the trail. Earth is about to go back; but, he feels Kao grabs his hand. "Wait! There is something I have to show you." Kao says and leads Earth into the forest, to the left of the trail.

"What are you doing? We are not allowed to go beyond the trail." Earth worriedly say. He can see his security guards give him questioning looks; but, they continue to follow behind Kao and Earth without saying anything.

"It's ok. It's just a little beyond. We will be fine." Kao looks at Earth, his eyes are telling Earth to trust in him. Earth sighs and let Kao lead him. They walks for 2 minutes and then Earth gasps. The scene in front of him is beautiful; no, magical actually. For about 20 meters of the forest, the forest floor is covered in blue/purplish color. The sunlight scattered through the tree branches. The morning fog hasn't disappear. Everything just makes the scene magical.

"What kind of flower is this?" Earth excited asks.

"Bluebell flower. They bloom around this time. I discovered it during the training I told you about. My secret place." Kao winks.

"Thank you for showing me this, Kao!" Earth turns to look at Kao. His eyes sparkling with excitement, his lips smiling widely. At this moment, he looks like his age, carefree without any responsibilities. Kao likes this smile of Earth, unlike the smile that Earth always wears in meeting and events. Kao is glad that he is the one to make Earth smile truthfully like that, without any mask.

"It is my honor, Earth!"

Two weeks in the hospital passes by like a snap of two fingers. Other people probably would want to get out of that sterile environment as soon as they can, but not Fluke. He had been recovered really well; it could be because of his content mood that boost his recovery process. His family came to visit a few times, they are just too busy to stay for long. He didn't mind it one bit; after all, his current attention is Dr. Thitiwat.

Since that embarrassing day, he and Ohm have became closer. They talked pretty much everyday. Ohm even came to watch a movie with him one night when he wasn't on call. The more he spends time with Ohm, the more he likes him. Unlike other people, Ohm doesn't care about his title. He is always straightforward, doesn't suck up to him, doesn't ask about Fluke's family. Every interaction with Fluke, Ohm seems sincere without any judgement. As a Prince, Fluke is tired of meeting people who only want something from him or jealously gossip behind his back. To have a friend like Ohm (beside Prem), he is really happy, or maybe more than friend.

Today, he is getting discharged from the hospital. Although, the wound is not fully healed; but, he can rest at home. Prem just got back from his fashion show last night and he had decided to meet Fluke at the hospital to help him back to the Royal Palace. It's not like Fluke would need help with all the bodyguards he has; but, his best friend felt guilty for not being by his side when he was attacked. Therefore, he agreed to Prem's request. Plus, they can have a long chat later, Fluke can't wait to tell Prem about Ohm.

When Fluke just finished checking if he had forgotten anything on his wheelchair, he hears his security guard announced that Ohm is here. He quickly let his doctor in.

"Good morning, Fluke! I see you are ready to leave the "White House." Fluke smiles when Ohm used their inside joke. It was during his seventh day in the hospital, Fluke was sick at seeing the white wall, white ceiling, white bedsheet, white everything. So he randomly asked Ohm why the hospital is so white, it's not like it's the White House in the US. Fluke still remembers Ohm's dumbfounded face when Ohm heard his question. Ohm literally answered with another question "Are you seriously asking me this?" It felt like yesterday when they have that conversation.

"Yeah! Back to being the Second Prince of Alethea."

"Why? You seem like you don't want to." Ohm observed Fluke's disappointed face, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's not that! It's just that I won't see you anymore." Fluke says while shyly looking away. He is sad because once he is out of the hospital, he can't pretend like he is a normal person anymore. For two weeks, he really appreciated Ohm for treating him like any other person. Even if Fluke wants to maintain the friendship with Ohm, he is not sure if the other thinks the same. After all, being friend with a Prince is not easy. Prem had been treated differently, both negatively and positively, as Fluke's friend.
Before Ohm say anything, the door opened, and Fluke's body is slammed into a hug.

"Fluke!!!! I miss you! I'm so worried about you. How are you feeling?"

"Premmmmm.... you are hurting me!" Fluke whines as he feels pain on his wound.

"Oh I'm sorry!" Prem quickly releases Fluke and looks at his face "Oi, why is your face so red? Are you still sick? Doctor, take a look at him, please!"

"I'm fine Prem! Don't worry! Ah! Let's me introduce you guys. This is Prem, my best friend." Fluke says to Ohm. "Prem, this is Ohm, my doctor." Then to Prem.

Prem and Ohm greet each other then Prem says "Fluke, let's go now! I want to eat and talk to you. Let's get back now!"

"Ok! Ok! Can you go out and tell my guard that we are leaving please!" Prem quickly leave.

"Well, I guess goodbye Ohm!" Fluke lifts up his lips into a small smile; but he is not really happy.

"Fluke, I have been waiting for you to ask this question; but, it seems like you are not going to ask. I'll just say it. I'm single. Text me! I know you can get my number easily. I'll be waiting. Get well soon!" Ohm ruffles Fluke's hair as he says his last sentence, then he leaves the room. (A/N: yes, I used UWMA to wrote this part because P'Dean stole my heart at that part).

Fluke, on the other hand, is still in shock. What does Ohm mean? Does that mean he is interested in Fluke? Does that mean Ohm want something more than friendship? Does that mean Ohm also have the same feeling as him?? OMGGGGGGG! Fluke literally is screaming mentally. Ohm even touched his hair. His heart is beating so hard, it can jump out of his chest.

"Fluke! Fluke! FLUKEEEE!" Prem calls for his friend to say that they can leave now, but his best friend is just sitting there with his crimson face staring into space. Prem has to scream to call Fluke back to this planet.

"Premmmmm, you don't know what just happened." Back to reality, Fluke turns to face Prem who is pushing the wheelchair. The two excitedly leaving the hospital with non-stop chatter.

Side note: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I struggled a little bit on writing KaoEarth part, trying to describe their feelings and sweet moments. I'm pretty content with the outcome. I hope you guys will like it too.
Another side note: Recently, I'm high on Love Mechanic. Anyone here also love VeeMark/YinWar??? I'm so sad that it had ended. I even read the novel. I hope they will make it into the whole series.

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