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Of course before I start, I wanna say that I don't own the Boondocks or any of the characters except Jada. I'm not the only person who's created this lovely book. poeticallycreative partner in crime and ya'll show some love for her too cause she lives in Texas and if ya'll haven't heard there's a hurricane going on there. But anyways, hope you guys enjoy!

Jada POV~

We'd been walking for what seemed like weeks until we made it to Wood Crest. A town in the far south.

"This is it," Huey said, looking at his map.

"Mane, about time!" Riley groans, collapsing to the ground.

"That doesn't mean we're stopping here," I tell him, pulling his arm.

We walk into town and find the house Robert was staying in. We knock on the door, an older man that matched the picture, opening it.

"I told them damn policemen to stop sending kids to my house," He groans, "This is not an orphanage!"

He starts shutting his door but Huey puts his foot in.

"We're not orphans," He tells him.

"Well," I begin to say before closing my mouth. Huey was giving me a deathly glare.

"We're apparently related to you," Huey looks back at Robert. Robert raises an eyebrow before snatching us inside his house.

"Hey, what the hell?!" Riley questions. Robert looks outside before looking back at us.

"Where'd ya'll come from and why ya'll not in Celestia?"

"That's why we're here," Huey begins, "Our palace was burned down with our parents and trainer still inside."

Robert's eyes widened.


"You knew our mother?" I ask. Robert nods,

"That was my daughter."

All of our eyes widen.

"You're our grandfather?!" We all question. He nods.

"Where the hell you been?" Riley questioned.

"Here, where it's safe," Robert says.

"What do you mean safe?" Huey asks, raising an eyebrow.

"No time for that," Robert goes into another room, motioning for us to follow him. "Change yo clothes. People see y'all with tuxedos and dresses, they're gonna get suspicious."

We look and it was a room filled with different clothes.

"So you did run an orphanage?" I ask jokingly. Robert rolls his eyes.

I picked out a dress that had a white top and navy blue skirt. I picked out navy blue flats with a silver strap at the top and white pearl earrings with a navy blue flower on the outside. I found a cute navy blue bow tie and put it on.

Huey wore a black t-shirt with a dark blue and white flannel over it. He wore faded blue jeans with brown Carhartt boots. He wore silver dog tags and a silver watch with it.

"You look nice, Huey," I compliment. My brother only ignores me. I raise a brow. He would normally thank me and compliment me back. Something had to be up.

I look over at Riley and face palm.

"You're not wearing that."

"Why not? You jus-"

"Before you go and accuse people of hating, I want you to rethink your life choices. Go change, now."

Riley groans, putting on different clothes. He came out with a white shirt that had blue spots on it with a painted cartoon character on it. With that he wore faded ripped, blue jeans, with Timberland boots, a gold watch, and a gold chain.

We show Robert our outfits and he approves of them. He then taps our crowns and they turn into halos. Mine was gold, Huey's was white, and Riley's was black.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"You can't let people know you're royalty."

"Why?" Huey questions.

"Because, you can't," he growls. Huey scowls.

"Now, get out."

"Mc-Xuse me?" Riley looked the old man up and down.

"You heard me, get out!"

He scoots us out the house and slams the door.

"I'll let you back in later. Now get out and be normal kids!"

"But, we're not normal kids," I say. I look at Huey who was analyzing his surroundings.

"Let's just find something to do," Huey said, beginning to walk.

"But Huey-" Before I could say anything, Huey was gone. 

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