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Jada POV~

I looked at my wrist, thinking back to the events that took place the day before. I still couldn't believe Huey did that. He used his powers on me. His deadliest power.

An icy aura surrounded me as I tried to move my wrist.

"Shit!" I hissed, as the pain started to settle in. He's lucky we're of the same blood or this would've killed me.

"What don't you understand, Jada? They're dead."

Huey's words constantly echoed in my head as more ice started to surround me more. Everything was really coming in hard and the only 2 people I had left were turning against each other. 

A knock on my door startled me. 

"C-come in," I say, quickly looking up. Robert walks in, a frown on his face. "Oh, hi Granddaddy."

"Hey baby," He seemed a lot nicer today than he did a couple days ago. "I heard what happened. How you feelin?"

"Alright, I guess. I'm just so confused."

"Everything happened so fast and you're only 16. It's a lot for you to handle, even your brothers are taking it hard."

"Ya think," I scoffed, looking at my wrist again. Granddaddy sits on my bed, gently grabbing my wrist. He puts a hand over it and a green aura surrounds it. I can feel the pain in my hand sting for a second before subsiding. "What're you doing?"

"Healing you. I'm a Freeman, I have powers too."

I smile as he heals my wrist then wraps it.

"Thank you," I say looking at it.

"No problem. It might be sore for a little bit but the pain should be gone."

I smile at him as he smiles back before leaving. Riley comes in behind him,

"Hey sis, how you feeling?"

"Better now that Granddaddy healed my wrist."

"He can do that?" Riley asks. I nod.

"Yea, he's a Freeman."

Riley shrugs, sitting down.

"McHater left."

"Good riddance," I growl. "He needs to stay gone too."

"I know you mad at him but-"

"But nothing, Riley. Look at this," I lift my wrist, "Huey did this. I don't want anything to do with him as of now!"

Riley sighs, knowing he won't be able to get to me.

"I need to blow off steam," I say. Riley smirks, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

"There's an open space up the block on a hill."

"Let's go!"

We make it to the giant hill that's near the middle of the town. Riley and I stand across from each other and bow.

"I ain't holdin back!" Riley says.

"Not like it makes a difference," I giggle, shooting a fire blast at him. He puts up a force field, blocking my attack. I sense something coming from behind me and use the ground around me to hit it. It was actually a bush and the leaves blew around me. I burned them, turning them to ash as Riley stared wide eyed. He knew I was serious. I turn into a fly and quickly fly towards Riley but he swats me with his hand, missing me a few times,

"OW!" He yells. I had shot a small fire ball at him. Riley uses his powers to move me away and I turn into a lion, weighing his powers down. "Damn, Jada! You heavy as hell!"

I growl, running at him. He tries to dodge but I swiped at his chest.

"DAMN!" Riley lifted the ground I was walking on and I transformed back into my normal form.

"You forget I can control the ground too," I smirk, "Elemental powers, Riley. Get wrecked!"

I stomped the ground under me and it was at my control. My eyes turned brown as I was making the ground rumble. The ground around Riley was beginning to come up.

Before I could finish my attack, I felt something coming at me. I used my own platform under me to counter attack and flipped to the ground.

"You idiots!" Huey scolded. I scowled, a growl escaping my mouth.

"What the hell do you want?" I question.

"I want to know why the hell you two are using your powers out in the open?"

We were supposed to stay on the DL but I didn't want Huey to know I stupid I felt.

"So?" I question, pushing my thoughts to the back of my ahead. "Your ass can use your powers on us but we can't use ours at all?"

"Jada thats not-"

"Shut up!" I could feel heat surround me as everything turned red. "You've been the biggest dick of the damn west ever since mom and died and have been taking it out on us! Its not our fault you know! We didnt ask for this!"

Huey's face softed. He went to touch me but I swiped his hand away, fire trailing after it. Huey quickly moved back, trying to avoid the purple flames (Jada's signature color is purple so every animal she turns into will be purple and her fire is like a dark purple color too.. Ik I'm complicated).

"Jay, you gotta calm down-" Riley tried but once he looked at me, he shut his mouth.

I storm off, not caring where I end up. I honestly want to go back to Granddaddy's house, he makes me feel better.

"Whoa!" Someone says, as I bump into them. I look and see that boy from the other day.

"Sorry," I say quickly, trying to move past him.

"Everything okay?"

"I'm fine. Just trying to go home."

"You're eyes are red. What's wrong?" Caesar looked at my wrist, "and what happened there?"

"Nothing!" I put my hand behind my back. Caesar tried to grab it but he hissed in pain. "Oh my goodness, are you okay? I didn't mean to do that!"

"How did you-"

"When I'm mad, my skin burns like fire! I'm so sorry! Here-"

"No! Its fine!" Caesar pulls away, looking at his hand that was beginning to blister.

"Is there a stream of water anywhere?"

"There's a river on the next street-"

"Well, let's go!" I grab him, stomping the ground. The ground lifts up and I fly us through the sky.

Caesar looks amazed as we zoom through the sky, towards the small river. I set us down, quickly sitting near the river.

"What're you doing?" Caesar asks, sitting next to me.

"Shh, just sit and give me your hand."

Caesar does as told and I use my powers to move the water towards his hand. I hover it over the burn and my eyes turn a bright blue.

I can hear Caesar wince before he relaxes.

"Feel better?" I asked. He nods with a smile.

"Thanks, I feel a lot better."

I smile, my face feeling warm.

"Hey, your eyes are light brown," Caesar says. I giggled.

We both felt as if we were leaning in until I heard a loud,


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