01 Drastic Change

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Alexandria's POV

"I've had this job for years and I still cannot figure out how to do this. Come on Marie, you can do this," I listened to the mumbling pep talk my punctual maid gave herself, my eyes refrained from opening as I was curious to see how she would wake me up today.

To my amusement it was with a feeble tap and soft whisper, "Princess, it's time to wake up."

The corners of my lips began tilting up as I slowly opened my all too common blue eyes, "Good morning Marie, no need to worry. I had no ninja dreams this time."

With visible alleviation, she replied, "Good morning Princess Alexandria, that's good to hear. Your parents are requesting your presence for breakfast today."

At this, my curiosity rose and gave me enough motivation to leave the cosiness of my bed. My morning routine was one; I could do in my sleep. Especially, when the royal designer chose my attire prepared in advance. This time it was a knee-length summer blue dress with silver pumps were selected.

After getting dressed, my favourite part of the morning came, when I could close my eyes and have Marie attend to the blonde burden called my hair.

Once the endless amount of brushing has was complete, the result of a side bun, seemed every second worth it. I thanked her with a smile and finalized the ensemble with my diamond-studded earrings.

Chains always seemed to disrupt me during my diurnal tasks, especially since my locket ended up in the lemon juice last time.

Marie escorted me to the dining parlor to have breakfast. Passing each hallway, I tried thinking of various suggestions as to why they have summoned me.

"Good morning darling," my parents greeted me ecstatically. Each daubed with smiles, which gave me the heebie-jeebies.

"Good morning, mother and father. So what did you want to tell me?" I enquired keenly. This was followed with instant regret. I had not even sat down and I was already sounding like one of the ministers in a meeting, straight to the point.

"Forgive me-"

My father, the King waved his hand nonchalantly, "There is no reason to apologize my dear. Please have a seat before we start talking."

"Yes father," I obeyed and smiled politely. My parents were always occupied with the matters of the country and I promised not to take any of their time for trivial matters.

"Dear, remember how you always wanted to go to school like a normal teenager?" Father asked.

"Yes, but thankfully those thoughts have long been eradicated from my mind after you and mother said it would not be possible." I mentioned with a smile, to indicate that I have made my peace with their decision and no longer wish to dwell on a subject that's outcome will remain the same.

Reason being, I knew that they would never allow me to attend a peasant-school. There are too many enemies of the Royal family that could seek to use my innocent plea to their own advance and the effects could be disasterous.

What seemed dreadfully peculiar were the gazes my parents kept sending each other from across the table.

After what seemed like minutes, they decided to be forthcoming with information, "Honey, your dad and I have seen how bored you are, here, in the palace. During ceremonies and meetings, you remain inexpressive and do not appear to be enjoying yourself. That is why we would like you to become more socially involved with your peers. Especially, those who are not royalty, it would actually aid you as a future ruler. That way you have an opportunity to experience life as a normal teenager..."

At the mention of 'normal teenager', I had instantly jumped at the thought of breaking free from the confines of the palace walls. Even though I was not expecting such news, I could not help but feel overjoyed. Regardless, I knew better than to interrupt my mother with inquisitive questions of how exactly it would be possible.

"A top notch private school would not be a wise option as you would most likely be recognised too easily," dad stated as he placed his half-filled glass of orange juice on the table, he then continued,

"Your mother and I have selected a school that lays lower on the ranking list, but is still adequate for your education and will allow you to roam freely without being a target. You will be attending Woodland Academy from tomorrow onward."

Is it just me or I do I feel a 'but' coming on?

Nonetheless, my overly exuberant body performed a non-princess-like happy dance, which father immediately interrupted. Why father? Why? I internally wondered. That was the best happy dance yet.

"Alexandria, first things first. You will not tell anyone that your real identity is a princess and will go by the alias, Alex Walker. Secondly, since you recently turned 17 and are not old enough to live alone, your mother and I will live with you in a separate house that we bought."

I shook my head slowly, "No, that would not be fair towards you, will it not be an inconvenience?"

My mother placed her hand over mine in an act of reassuring me, "Alexandria, we know that recently we have not had proper family time since Liam left. That is both mine and your father's fault and we truly apologize for having work take preference over our time together as a family."

"So, this is our way of making it up to you Princess," father said as he ruffled the top of my head.

I nodded with a smile on my lips as I blinked back some emotional tears, I could not be more content with the amazing parents I have. "I love you mom and dad."

"And we love you," they said in unison.

"Pardon me your highnesses, the Ambassador of Chung is here to see you, your majesty," our butler, Jeffery announced, he was much organised but also had a way of cheering anyone up. He stood tall and awaited father's response.

"I am sorry my dears, duty calls," father stood up from his seat, placed a kiss on my forehead and then on mother's as well.

I knew mother would soon have to leave as well; therefore, I excused myself and hurried up to my room. I then started helping the three maids, pack my remaining things.

Even though I am a Princess, some things I enjoy doing myself, or even helping. Now I was so excited and impatient at the same time!

I exited the palace hastily, arriving outside. No doubt, I would miss these grounds but there was so much more out there that I was yet to see, I said a silent farewell and advanced towards the white limousine.

Jeffery took my heavy luggage, while I entered and joined my parents.

My gaze fell onto father and I asked, "How will we be assured that no one will recognize me? Will I be able to blend in, will they not suspect that I am not who I claim to be, based on the way I speak, dress and carry myself?"

Those questions fired out as they have aimlessly floated around in my head, my father attempted to answer me as mother occupied herself with documents that were piled on her lap. Their duties are endless which sometimes has the ability to evoke self-doubt within myself, though I never showed it.

"The Academy is on the farthest side in the kingdom and since you have not been in the public eye since you were born it is safe to say that you will not be easily recognised my dear. Nevertheless, you will always be protected. Since we have to take precaution your mother has suggested a change in hair colour would be sufficient."

I simply concurred with my eyes as mom piped up, "And as for how you speak, dress and carry yourself, I have asked Jeffery to collect countless teenage films to acquaint yourself with all you need to know. Also a different designer has been appointed to select your clothing."

An hour later, we arrived at our new house. As I stepped out of the limousine, the breeze of fresh air reached me. The scenery was nothing like the palace with a cherry blossom tree welcoming our arrival.

Our new home had white coloured walls on its exterior. There were numerous glass windows that could be seen from outside, blending in with the mansion's modern design. The yard was spacious and had a minimum space, separating us from our neighbours on the right.

I have a feeling that this drastic change was about to bring many changes to my life.

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