07 Jace & Parents

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⁞ Jesse's POV ⁞

"The one and only," he said, as he embraced her in a hug. He seemed rather pleased with himself and unnervingly confident. It looked like quite a friendly hug, from my peripheral view, too friendly.

"I have missed you so much," Alex stated with a reminiscent smile.

"I missed you as well. It has been such a long time since the last day I saw you," Jace replied, with a sigh, he gazed at Alex as if he were taking a trip down memory lane. 

I honestly felt like a third-wheel, watching the two of them converse before my eyes. It was an uncanny coincidence that my throat needed clearing at the time, however, it did the trick.

"Oh, my apologies," she apologized and gave me a pointed look before introducing us to one another. That pointed look did not bother me, as she had hoped. At least she acknowledged my presence and noticed that I haven't been wiped off the earth just yet. "This is Prince Jesse of Frost Crest and this is Prince Jace of Enchantia."

"Nice to meet you," I said politely and stretched out my hand in greeting.

"Likewise," he said with a firm shake and looked at me with scrutiny.

"So, how do you know Princess Alexandria?" I asked, in an attempt to continue the conversation. Perhaps I sounded busy, but then again, I did like Curious George when I was younger.

"Oh, Lexa and I were best friends until my parents sent me to a Royal Academy for training," Jace replied in good conscience.

"We're still friends, but we're not as close as we used to be," Alex said softly.

Life happens and some people drift apart, whereas others were even closer than before. In their instance, it turned out to be the latter. Sometimes the result isn't always what we hoped for but one day, unexpectedly it'll make sense.

"Well, let's make up for the lost time. Princess Alexandria, would you please accompany me to the dance floor?" Jace asked as he presented his hand toward her in a gentlemanly fashion.

She quirked a brow at his proposal but nodded in agreement, "Of course."

The two of them took off to the dance floor as I glanced across the room. The ballroom, a plethora of royals, ballgowns, crowns, and tiaras. I decided to move from my spot, my eyes dwindled tentatively, searching for an acquaintance or two.  My old friend, Hunter captured my attention, as he motioned at me to join him.

"Hey Hunter, how are you?" I asked casually, after walking through the crowds of unwanted eyes.

"Hey man, I'm good. Just enjoying the party," he expressed and gestured to his champagne glass. "Also, was that Princess Alexandria you were dancing with?"

Such a busybody, then again, birds of a feather flock together. I am such a hypocrite.

"Yes, it was," I answered, in a rather dull tone. I eyed him suspiciously and asked the next question that came to mind. "Why?"

"Nothing, it's just good to see the royalty of your kingdoms getting along. Just imagine how excited your mother will be about this," he jested.

This teaser!

I chuckled at the statement, "She's probably already made wedding preparations. I should go, see you later."

When I saw my parents in the near distance, I made a beeline towards them. I was sure not to be too close and slowly retreated behind the chocolate fountain. Luckily, I was still able to hear more of their conversation.

"Oh, our children were dancing splendidly well together Jessica," my mother remarked elegantly, as if though she had a trick up her sleeve.

Alex's mother nodded in agreement, "I have to agree with you there Emerald," equally joyful about one dance.

"They would make an excellent pair," my father spoke after a long pause. Usually, he just observes and analyses, I had not expected a comment from him. Much more Alex's father concurs, "Certainly."

"Since he danced with Alexandria, do you think there could be love in the air?" My mother asks.

No! I do not like Alex. My mother has read way too many romance novels. Unable to listen to the rest of their discussion, I turned in the direction of Alex's chesty-honey voice.

"Thank you- thanks for the dance man," Alex thanked him, in an informal way then proceeded to whisper something in his ear.

Jace laughed boisterously, "Oh, I know. Already made a bet with Liam to see how long it will take before you get ousted."

Alex did not take kindly to his words and punched him in the stomach, in a very unprincesslike manner.

Nevertheless, only one question arose to my mind:

Who's Liam?

"Oh, he too was sent to an Academy for Royalty. Unlike you, I preferred not to go." Alex replied calmly.

"Okay, at least you didn't need extra manners classes," Jace commented as he glanced at me in the approach of another topic, "Jesse how do you know Lexa?"

The conversation continued until the end of the ball and it was time to bid our goodbyes.

♥Alexandria's POV♥

The ball was eventful, to say the least, I am awakened by the blazing sun rays shining through the windows. I scrunch my nose and turn in frustration only to face the clock:

7:30 AM

My frustration is replaced with happiness as I came to the realization that today was Saturday, also known as the first time in a while when there were no speeches or outings. Excited not to waste a second of such a glorious day I dress up in a casual white high-low top with black jeans and black flats. My hair was done in a hurried bun as I skipped and hummed my way downstairs. 

"Good morning miss, your parents have left on business saying they'll be back later. What would you like to eat this morning?" Courtney enquired.

"Good morning, I would love some bacon, eggs, and a strawberry smoothie."

I took a seat on the barstool and checked my phone for messages as I waited for her prepare my breakfast. 


Skylar - Hi what time must I come over?

Me - You can come at around 12:00 at 12 Harrison Str. Autuniqua.

Blake - Hi lovely ladies. I'll be there and Alex I FINALLY got your number! In Your Face Jesse *insert teasing tongue emoji*

Jesse - Hi guys. Blake stop acting
like a five year old you're too old to pull off that role.

Blake - Dude don't make me old by association to you PLEASE I've got my youth in tact unlike some people.

Jesse - Older means wiser in my case, for you though I have no words, age pulled a reverse uno card on you.

Skylar - Boys will be boys, the dissing never ends. See you guys later👋

Jesse - Later

Blake - Bye my l♥ves!

Jesse - BLAKE SERIOUSLY?? I think you forgot there's another male in this group.

Me - Lol, Blake did you just call Jesse your love? Is there something we need to know? *suspicious emoji*

Blake - I only meant that for You and Sky. Jesse take a hint.

Jesse - Way to make me feel loved!

Skylar - Don't worry Jesse we still love you, right Alex?

Me - That's debatable.

Jesse - You know you love me Alex!

Me - No comment.

Blake - And you guys say I have a huge ego!

Skylar - I'm leaving now

Jesse - K

Me - Ttyl

Blake - Don't leave me!!!

I chuckled at our chat and ate my food merrily. Who would have thought that I'd have friends that aren't royals? Definitely not me.

Once I was fully stuffed, I ended up in my room watching a series called Supergirl. I paused my episode at the sound of someone's voice, 

"Hi Alex, hope I didn't disturb you. Your parents said I would find you here," he said as he awkwardly stood at the door.

"Hi Jesse, it's okay you can come in and have a seat." I gestured to the sofa in my room, "Are my parents downstairs?" I asked.

"Yes, they are."

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