Vol 42 Summary

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  There is a real time lag with game time versus real world time so a big audience of some 10 million tuned in to spectate the Haven empires defeat. All northern users are happy in the rubble due to the big dividends of loot. Users who participated in the battle are bestowed special titles some of these being.
Northern berserker, Guardian, Wicked hunter, War mercenary level 2. These come with passive boosts. Huge level ups. Weed at level 522 gained around 3 levels including a boost to the following stats, honor, determination, grace, charisma.
Weed takes the opportunity to raise taxes. Users get drunk and talk in awe of Weed who was able to fight in tandem with Hess Tiger so effectively. I think it says later on Hess tiger killed 10040 users. The go on a jealous drunken tirade jealous of his ability to resurrect Hess Tiger. The few remnants (one soul survivor?) of the Hermes guild slink back to their empire. Hess tiger goes to a bar to have a drink. Weed gives one of his trademark speaches and tell the hordes,
"Do not to celebrate since it is a natural result that they won the war." Weed decides to hold himself back from doing anything too extreme. Something about if you want to cook a frog in hot water you boil the water slowly. Weed sings a song.
"Now the war is over, but not the Empire Haven repressing the endless greed will not abandon us. Truly can be called from now on the fight."
Weed gives more heroic speeches about how the Arpen kingdom is a new kingdom made up of a lot of smaller ones. Separately they are weak but collectively they are strong. Even if your character is an engraver, architect, painter etc. All jobs are important.
Weed concludes and the crowd goes berserk.
People learn about how the Hermes guild palace collapsed and they are made a laughing stock since there is a difference in the manner of each palace's destruction since the Northerners intentionally destroyed their own palace.
When Weed hears this he is ecstatic saying he will raise taxes by 60% and everyone laughs since they think he is joking. Weed gets a hold of himself and lowers taxes.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Geomechi (not sure which one) is groaning on the ground.
Stamina is completely exhausted. Hungry. The body's immune system is not working. Serious injury has occurred all over the body. Rapidly decreasing vitality death imminent if not treated.
Despite this he giggles to himself since he considers it a miracle to be alive. Flashback to how certain Geomechis died. And how many people they killed. Awarded title 'Battlefield Superman.' Plus a whole heap of overpowered passive effects and boosts. One of these being health increased to 3405 and heals at 45 HP a second. Therefore if health is at zero should heal back to full health within a minute and a half.
Title "Struggle destroyer" bestowed. This is a title given to only five warriors in the virtual world. Divine magic unlocked skills 'lush resilience', 'perfect weapon', 'formidable fists' are learned. Geomechi gets a boost to all stats by 45. Faith stat raised by 120.
Weed is then shown meeting Fail and inspecting weapons she helped dig up for him.
Users of the Hermes empire are shown stunned at the destruction of their palace. All power is concentrated in the center of the continent in the Imperial Palace. Loss of live was minimal since it was on flat land not a hill but this was the symbol that thousands of cities looked up to. There is finger pointing and Weed gets the blame/credit for the palace destruction.

The Haven empire prestige is decreased by 49. The central government has largely degenerated. Rioting occurs in the occupied territories. Armed groups have a significantly higher chance of rebellion. Army morale falls. Decreases up to training and supplies due to corruption. Higher chance of soldiers going AWOL. Control of the military empire reduced depending on the distance from capital. Articles of honor and loyalty, reduced. Loyalty to the people of the Empire will be reduced. In particular, the inhabitants of the occupied territories of the Empire grew to distrust does not follow instructions well, the normal rule is that you can severe backlash. Lack of intelligence led to higher monsters attacks that can attack towns. Merchant transactions fallen. A recession and the fall in consumption in the commercial economy occurs. Empire is in a state of 42% confusion. 218 member countries deviate from the empire of Haven. The reward for all quests related to Empire Haven is not operating normally or not canceled.

So yeah Haven empire just got punched in the balls.
More stuff about Arpen kingdom isn't affected as bad. There is a decrease in the North's economy because the markets are flooded with rare items and equipment. Weed gets people to dig up the palace wreckage to recover the equipment buried. Weed also gets them to remodel debris to provide foundations for a new palace which he also finds recycled material to build with. Morale with architects is high and they want to begin reconstruction of a new palace immediately. Some cities rebel due to the loss of the palace for which weed is greatful thinking that when they want to come back he will charge them higher taxes.

Ray Bard and members talk. Raphael mentions although they have achieved much it is bittersweet since it will take ages to consolidate the unrest generated. Meanwhile the Northern kingdom will become even more dangerous since their low level users will gain levels and become even stronger. Soon they won't be cannon fodder.

by G3ni :

Apart from what people before has said..
-I believe the architects start thinking about a new palace.. they say its gonna be a massive project... can't remember how much gold but a lot was a required (and google translate aint really reliable with numbers)..
-There are riots in the Haven empire, Bard Ray and the others are plotting how to stabilise and get revenge.. apart from the sanctions they start investing a lot of gold into the North territories they have..
-I believe the haven empire goes to battle with somebody.. though its unclear.. they attack a fort(?).. but they piss off the elves while they do it an the elves also join the battle against them.. I do believe they lose.. though its not explicitly said..
-There is a funny part about Weed in CoM where he keeps killing this guy cos he's depressed about the rise in prices, rent etc.
-Hess Tiger gives Weed a quest before he passes.. can't remember what either sorry.. If I remember correctly its an S-class quest..
-I believe the crimson wing (if u can't remember thats the idiots who caused the heat wave).. also get an S-class quest.. can't remember the contents.. (something to do with the continent),, but its one of those background things the author does.,
-If I remember correctly Weed gets a ton of gold for some trade things with the weapons he obtains from the past(?).. or the war.. (translate says millions though I doubt).. but he get stats for the trade...

-Weed does make various sculptures in this volume... I believe he does 3 Magnum Opus.. King of Ahreupen, Miners working restlessly, and Beautiful World
-Weed travels to a village where it was formally known for mining
-Weed goes hunting with SeoYoon (I think).. this is also the first time we finally find out her level instead of speculation (471 btw).. whilst Weed at the time is 427.. and also she is there when he makes the second magnum opus
-Last sculpture he makes at the end of the volume a massive nature sculpting of the continent (or part of it).. He uses nature, time and moonlight I believe.. dunno if there are others.. Though at the end of this sculpture he get loads of stats.. and Time Sculpting becomes intermediate (he can stop time according to the info)..

Moonlight Sculptor Volume 42 Teaser

Weed choked back his tears as he looked at the state of Ahreupen Empire.

"The land has been severely damaged. People are devastated from not being able to produce their specialties. It's understandable since it's hard to find materials in stores."

The city of Morata however, was the most famous northwestern frontier, incomparable to all her neighboring villages, surrounded by lush nature as far as human hands can reach.

Luxuriant forest, fields of fertile crops and vegetation grew abundantly.

Hundreds of thousands of goats and bisons gathered around and lived near the river.

Active Traders and Mercenaries who came to the crowded city with their horses and carriage, as well as Adventures who also stood out in similar manner were all up and about.

* * *

"The Wyvern's flight motions are quite bad."

The Northern part of the continent had too many undeveloped land.

Even with the lack of connecting roads, the population of the town increased thanks to the staggering amount of beasts and monsters. Although the security of Ahreupen Empire was somewhat unstable, it was still a large city with a great fort.

Through cultural exchanges, the remote regional villages became part of the Empire, but crisis still often unfolded due to frequent monster invasions.

"We have to work together and stop them. We have to hang on until the morning!"

"Mercenaries, you will not receive any rewards if you choose to run away."

There were many users who traveled to the villages.

Users travelled to villages after hearing about the situation from their friends, to try and obtain quests generated from the crisis. Other users were hired by Merchants to protect them and their trading goods during their traveling routes.

Those users were brought to Ahreupen Empire by Weed.

The users must live!

In the center of the continent, the Hermes guild used their powers to oppress the weak, but in the north, it was different. They were being taken good care of.

They were able to choose their path, where ever destiny led them. Adventures, Merchants, Craftsmen, and Artisans, got out pursue challenges, which was a dream come true for them.

Weed hoped Ahreupen Empire will develop even further.

"Before it's too late, I need to buy as much land as possible. Once it's been developed, I'll be able to charge rent, and reap profit, just like the rent of a store in a shopping district."

Even if the frontier village was currently plain, her future looked promising.

To oppose the aggression of monsters, the area around the village were being carefully tended to increase the granary.

Corns, potatoes, and sweet potatoes, were planted in the fields with devotion.

The mining villages were also pleased with the active development of gold and silver mines.

- Territories of Ahreupen Empire revealed.

The people of the village are proud to be a part of Ahreupen Empire. People from other Kingdoms envied Ahreupen for their cultural achievements.

The Empire had lost a large territory in the frontier, but Weed did not mind.

"Though there are still small villages far away that I haven't conquered, I'll come back for it later. You'll see. Then, I'll be able to call for heavy taxes!"

* * *

Weed traveled the frontier with Seoyoon.

At dawn, they arrived at the peak of a snowy mountain, and stood there.

Weed dumped materials such as moon rocks and star rocks on the ground, which rolled and illuminated the snow.

With Seoyoon as the only observer, the atmosphere was somber.

"This time, I'll create the masterpiece of the century! Once the sculpture is made, it'll increase the cultivation of the land. I'll sculpt such as sculptures no matter how long it takes... Kekeke!"

Sculpting for nothing but selfishness.

"Hmm... let's see. This village was originally a historical mining town. Since the fall of Niflheim Empire, there are many abandoned copper mines that can be restored. Although copper will not reap a lot of money, it's still useful in its own way. Due to lack of copper ores, the traders have made lots of profit from taking advantage of this fact."

The old book about Niflheim Empire also consisted its history and maps of villages in the past.

"The sculpture should be... Yes, simple is good. The miners!"

Carving knife, wooden sharpener or stone anvil, and chisel. All of which were not needed. When materials is not limited, can he only express sentiment.

He used the piles of snow, the natural landscape of the mountain, to sculpt miners who lived in the village, and regular villagers. There were also sculptures that looked like Dwarves.

Sculptures featuring women and children, and a lot of Dwarves.

However, the original mining town had no Dwarves living in it.

Nevertheless, the Dwarves' favorite place to live was near a mine. This might very well be the reason why there weren't any Dwarves in the area, since it had been no active mines.

While creating a piece of art, rather than basing it on reality, Weed decided to pursue it in a thoroughly pragmatic way.

Under the dim sky and chilly breeze, Weed hunted to obtain copper and used it as frames of his sculptures, and filled the inside with snow.

"At the end of the day, in order to create a sculpture, a Sculptor has to involve himself in hard labor."

Sculptors were a whole dimension different from painters, who were delicate and elegant. Sculptors had it harsh. They had to perform hard manual labor together with large quantity of sweat, all for one sculpture.

Seoyoon, Yellowy (Rover), and Goldman (Geumni), ate potatoes and sweet potatoes after cooking them. After which, they took out the stone stove, roasted horse meat and ate that as well.

"I should not make any mistakes"

With the copper dissolved like water, Weed poured it into a mold.

Molding is a job Blacksmiths often do!
Taiyaki were cooked in similar fashion.

In the past, only simple form of trimming were practiced. But recently, the method became more peculiar.

The seam marks of the interior of the mold were closed so it required minimal maintenance, following the original design.

Among some of the modern building, the cement formwork was still intact and exposed.
There were traces of seam marks, holes, and paint untouched by the cement.

It was a way to demonstrate the nature of buildings. They do not have a common appearance, but were still stylish in their own way.

Depending on the materials of the sculpture, it gave off a different feel, which is important to its texture and form.

"One collar... Perfect!"

Weed also created a familiar miner's outfit.

The quality of the copper, gave the sculpture the impression of an aged miner during the days of summer.

Thanks to the combination of Weed's sculpting skill and intermediate blacksmith skill, anyone who saw the sculpture will be amazed.

- Wow, this sculpture is...
- There's still a long way to go, I won't stop here.

With the spirit of hard work, a Sculptor can produce subtle designs and workmanship Blacksmiths can only dream of.

In fact, because Blacksmiths emphasizes on efficiency, they are faithful to using only powerful materials. Lower grade materials such as copper was something they would not use in higher levels, which Weed considered wasteful.

Weed was able to finish his creation before dawn.

- Please set a name for your sculpture.

"Miners working restlessly."

Of course there shouldn't be any rest.

The prosperity of Ahreupen Empire would eventually allow Weed to retire rich!

- Are you sure you like to name it 'Miners working restlessly'?


Masterpiece! Miners working restlessly has been completed.

Being the dignified King of Ahreupen Empire, wandering around the continent as an advocate of God's will, and adept in Nature and Time sculpting, Sculptor Weed.

Created by melting copper and minimal process, sculpture of Miners was made identical to the size of an actual person.

After melting the materials, it was poured into the pre-designed mold. To complete the process, all unnecessary parts were removed.

Sculptures created by Sculptor Weed is known throughout the continent for his impeccable work ethics.

Large drooping eyes, and a huge strawberry-shaped nose. Despite their bulging beer-bellies, they give an expression of experienced Miners with pickaxes hanging over their shoulders.

This sculpture is the symbol of the will be mining town, Kairaka.

Artistic value: 3749

Special Options: Due to the Miners working tirelessly even with minor injuries, Health regen has increased by 24% for a duration of one day.

?Mining skill +2.
?Luck increases by 68
?Perseverance increases by 43
?Increased possibility of finding rare minerals.

?Number of completed masterpieces until now: 27

- Proficiency in sculpting skill has increased.

- Proficiency in blacksmith skill has increased.

- Proficiency in handicraft skill has increased.

- Fame increased by 121.

- Your Perseverance has increased by 2.

- Your Strength has increased by 1.

- Your Insight increased by 1.

- Due to the sculpture being a masterpiece, one addition stat increase has been awarded.

- The loyalty of the residents of mining town, Kairaka, has increased.

The residents will conduct a festival as gratitude to their King who personally created a sculpture for them.

The birth rate will temporary increase after the festival.

There will be a decrease of criminal acts.

The Dwarves in the region will be friendlier.

"Kekeke Huhuhu Hihihi! Masterpiece. It's a masterpiece. It's as good as it gets."

Weed let out an erratic laugh.

Almost all other master Sculptors have never left the Kingdom they lived in, so they will never experience the feeling Weed felt.

"It's like you've won first prize in the lottery even when you've just picked up a gold coin from the side of the road."

Although he had to put in a lot of effort, he had fun sculpting. (savored the feeling)


After not being able to sculpt for a long time, when he finished his creation, Weed was in a jolly good mood.

After laughing whimsically for some time, he recalled Seoyoon was there watching him from the side.

The moment Weed turned around, he saw Seoyoon staring at him, alongside Goldman and Yellowy, who were sitting right next to her.


Because Weed was used to traveling alone, there weren't many situations where he found himself embarrassed. (encountered embarrassing situations)

Seoyoon said. "Since you're a Sculptor... It's natural to be pleased by your own superb work."

A good woman who is capable of understanding someone like me, who is pursuing art!

"Ah, you're right. Creating a work of art is a profound and emotional event; something I'm unable to control."

Weed really thought he was lucky with women.

He had always lived a life uninterested in women, so he had never thought he would come to care for one... not until he met Seoyoon.

Seoyoon said quietly.

"It's a good thing you're Sculptor. If you were Wizard or a Necromancer, I don't think I would have gotten to like you."

She laughed at bizarre looking chimeras, and smiled while watching skeletons...

Weed did not saying anything.

There has been a time when he transformed into a Lich, and summoned a large amount of rotten skeletons as his party members. In fact, she enjoyed the clattering of the skeleton's jaw.

'I don't understand her taste.'

The sun was about to rise was, and the sky was turning red from afar.

Weed said to Seoyoon.

"Come here."

Even a dull person would realized his intentions.

Weed placed his hands on Seoyoon's shoulders. And as his face got closer to hers, the redder her face became. (Weed kissed Seoyoon.)

At that moment, the sun came up.

"Golgolgol. I want to meet a woman."

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