Volume 27

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Chapter 1:Sculptures Made from Earth

"Could this place really have something? I have not seen anyone enter this huge place at all."

Weed saw a glowing light inside the cave and picked up a magical stone.

Inside the cave, Weed held a magical stone which releases light. Although he could use a torch to light up the cave, but if this place really was the one, the heat from fire could possibly damage the ruins.

Weed walked inside the cave.


You have found Montvertruria, the sanctuary of the Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs!

You have arrived at the cave where different races together had lived and overcome challenges before they scattered around the Versailles Continent. The origin of this place, was said to be the remain of a blessing from the gods.

Benefits: Fame has increased by 12,000.

You have received the 'Adventurer Who Explored the History of the Continent' title.

You can report about this discovery. Nobles and knights can't afford to hide this great discovery, you must directly report to the King.

– Due to your successful adventure, all stats have increased by 7.

– Courage has increased by 12

– Due to this historical discovery, Intelligence has increased by 9

Finally, the cave in which the four races lived has been found. His Sculptor Master Quest to find Montvertruria after Ratzeburg has led to a successful discovery!

"Kehehehe, I have come to the right place!"

Using the magical stone, he found his way in the dark and found out that the interior was pretty broad and forked off to a six-branch path.

"I'm going through all of it. Not going to every path would be ridiculous."

His Sculpture Master Quest is right on track so far and he was also excited on finding something about the history of the races. It was better than expected.

Weed's imagination unfolded as he thought that it was like buying a winning lottery ticket then his life suddenly changes like the people who he cares about.

'The first cave contained gold ingots while the second one gave out ancient diamonds and lots of rubies; rubies have increased in value lately. The third cave contained different weapons and minerals. The fourth one gave out silver ingots. Well, it would've been great if the silver was not tarnished. And now the fifth cave...'

Even one antique vase would already have a tremendous value itself.

"I did not know I would be selling antiques for money. Life is blind once a lot of money has been coming in. Kehehehe."

Weed's heart palpitated and trembled.

"The Sculptural Master Quest has never been this good. Going here first, even beggars could get rich on robbing this place."

The oldest place on the continent, naturally he is going to sweep everything and leave nothing behind since you won't really find anything here except for best treasures.

Weed saved the largest one among the forked paths for the last. If one relied on his instincts rather than greed, this would naturally be the better choice.

"I think that in there, it will just give me gold. But anything is also fine."

Jewelry, gold, silver, antiques and ornaments! Any of those, unless there are also other valuable goods.

Clink Clink!

However, there was only a little that remained in that cave and only one broken steel weapon was left on the ground. The greedy Orcs took everything when they migrated from Ratzeburg. It was as if a moving company was called and left it desolate!

Weed was not yet done. He looked at the whole cave and tried to find a secret passage that might also contain goods.

"This must not have seen yet by anyone. Or else I would have not even gotten any chopsticks nor rice bowls."

Hope has slightly decreased.


They were eating meat from Vargo Fortress when Geomchi1 decided that their group needed to be stronger!

In the Yuroki Mountains, Seechwi and Geomchi2 were having a date as figures of drunk people hastily arrived. The Geomchis, all of them have gathered including idiots starting from Geomchi2 to Geomchi5.

Geomchi1 said.

"Let's kill all the monsters in this region."

"Yes master, let us prepare then."

Geomchi2, who was a teacher about tactics and combat readiness of the Orcs in Yuroki Mountains realized how important it is.

Based on experience, these dojang instructors of the Orcs could barely take a hit.

Geomchi1 shook his head.

"You guys could just barely fight monsters and we need to do something about it. Let's go."

"The Master's words are right. We are in the wrong."

The Geomchi instructors and practitioners went to the gate of the fortress and headed to a dungeon. Without a plan, they headed forward with only rough terrain on their way.

They always fight this way since it included high risks which was the only way to win big.

Martial Arts was a profession where you must overcome your limitations. You must have the courage to jump down from a cliff in order to get stronger.

"There is a dangerous place nearby. You will notice Barbarians when you enter while there's also a lot of monsters that will come."

"Then let's go!"

Even though the Barbarians were just outside the Hairen Nest, they still did not risk going in.

But, Geomchi1 led his disciples and went in without hesitation.

"Kill all of them!"

They only chose monsters which looked strong when they were fighting.

During their beginner days, a lot of them died because they lacked barley bread.

"Why are you leaving yourself in a good shape when your mind is having hardships."

"Do as the Master says!"

When one's mind is poor, the body also suffers. Conversely, if the body is weak, the mind will also suffer.

He pleasingly smiled as he watched the monster legion since ignorance can always be attributed to bravery.


"Hehe, these guys are fast and strong."

"Refurbish your skills. Sword-cloning Skill!"

"Concentrate your attacks!"

The Geomchi practitioners struggled and fought from their respective positions.

However, monsters still continued to emerge and jump out of Hairen Nest.

In the surrounding areas, hunting did not occur that much. That's why the monsters there have been breeding for a long time now. It's also why such an uproar have arisen as they flock like a swarm of bees.

The monsters that attack the fort in order to obtain food were the small and weak ones of the herd. And because of that, the level of monsters that they were currently hunting has already entered a whole other level of monstrosity.

The Geomchi practitioners then realized that they haven't really met a lot of crisis that often.

Eventually, the practitioners died one after another. The seniors risked themselves in saving each other; at least they still have their spirit even if they lost the battle. Even though they have the Sword Cloning skill, it was still very difficult to deal with the monsters. Since with their low mana, they could only use this skill a few times.

"Well, I guess that we need to invest a little more stats on Knowledge and Wisdom in order to increase our mana."

Every time the practitioners level, they were putting only one point on Wisdom.

They underestimated their skills even though it would actually help them to lead a fight and also be helpful for their body.

Geomchi5 shouted that the scouts that went out before already came back.

"Master, monsters are coming!"

"Really? Then let's go and find a good place to defend."

The Geomchi practitioners from Vargo Fortress ran away towards the surrounding ridge and hid under it. The group of hungry monsters who just came back from the outside had flocked towards the instructors.

"Eat humans!"

"They are fools to have come out of their city. Also, their weapons are mine!"

The monsters dripped with their drool as the black land surrounding them was covered by it.

The Geomchi practitioners felt a surge of tension and excitement.

"I never thought we would be able to fight up wholeheartedly. Monsters who fight up to this extent should be tasted."

Even though the Geomchis already sustained some injuries, they still went in and fight.

"Keh! Human, die!"

"Get the skin off the snake and it could be eaten!"

Monsters shoot poisoned arrows and even used magic.

Suddenly, people suddenly emerged from the ridge around them and out came a surprise.

It was the Geomchi practitioners that were located on the surrounding ridges. It looked like a war as the fighting broke out.

"Seniors, go ahead already."

"We're coming!"

And again, the practitioners died one after another.

This time, there were a total of 143 who died. With the current strength of the Geomchis, they sustained enormous damage. After the battle ended, the surrounding corpses and loot that piled up could already fill the surrounding mountains.

"Master, should we pick the items on the ground?"

"Just bring those which looks sellable."


The merchants who would hear this conversation would be shocked.

Usually, the Geomchis only takes swords and weapons that look good and the rest of it will just be

left because it's tiresome to bring it.

"And also, look for rings and necklaces. Be sure that I will get the one with the most Knowledge and mana."

"We need it so that at least we could use our skills at least once. We need to become strong now so pick up all the equipment around."

Geomchi1 was a man who ignored rings, necklaces and other accessories that he wore until now. There were even rare jewelry items among the things that he abandoned since it did not get his interest. The collected value of them was actually already enough to buy a collection of luxury villas in Morata.

"Master, I have seen Barbarians around a dungeon entrance ."

"The let's not just watch and go find it."


The practitioners split up and found the Barbarians along with the dungeon entrance based on the description.

"Let's consider it first."

"Let's go in!"

You have discovered a Dungeon, Favlo Mountain Den.

This is the borders of Barbaric Kana Tribe.

This monster den is very important to the monsters. Stories says that this place contains hidden treasures of the monsters, but someone has yet to enter and discover it.

If you conquer this dungeon, you will receive honor from the Barbaric Kana Tribe.

Reward: Fame has increased by 1980.

Double experience and item drops for one week.

The first monster to be killed will drop out the best item.

The level of monsters in this den must be very high, they might not even have average level monsters.

"Let me see your battles. Inside is the lair of the monsters so until you beat them, meat is prohibited."

"Yes, Master!"

Geomchi1, Geomchi2, and Geomchi3 explored the interior of the den and led half of the practitioners into battle.

Geomchi4 and Geomchi 5 along with the rest fought with the monsters who were coming to the entrance of the den.

From childhood, even though their school did not feed them rice, they are still full with over three meals a day. Even though their test scores were bad, they still eat well and receive warm praises from their parents. That's what the practitioners have to remember!

And whenever they are dungeon hunting not only did they not eat meat, they were also not eating rice. Even though it is difficult, they still overcome the battles.

"I will take the lead."

"Master, we'll follow right behind you."

Geomchi1 along with Geomchi2 and the practitioners, head straight and fought all the monsters that emerged.

The levels of the practitioners were not very similar; and in particular, there were low level people. However, the instructors and seniors watched each others back and perfectly cleaned up the dungeon with only 47 deaths.

"Well, a lot died."

"I'm sorry, Master!"

If you compare it to the difficulty of the dungeon, what they got was actually just a minor damage. They fought without a priest and just used bandages to cover their wounds and they still performed an incredible performance.


You have cleared Favlo Mountain Den.

You will be respected as a true warrior by the Barbarians of the Kana Tribe.

– Fame has increased by 2.

– Charisma has increased by 1

The practitioners did not insist on using swords during hunting. Basically, using swords was an excellent idea, but Martial Arts with the Weapons Master skill made it possible to use all kinds of weapons.

If you have a long range opponent they could use bow and arrows to attack while if the opponent is tough and has a high defense then they could use axe as a weapon. This way, you could take advantage of the weapons whenever they are needed. That was their huge advantage.

The Geomchi practitioners could change their equipment to become different types of combat professions so that they can do a precise hunting when fighting Bosses.

"Is it already the end?"

"Yes! The treasures have also been taken already. It turns out that these monsters have quite a lot of weapons and coins that piled up from the fortress of the Niflheim Empire."

"Among the equipment, is there anything I can use?"

"They are all very old stuff... Just a bunch of armors. But it looks like it could be fixed."

"Let's just show this to Weed later on. Now to eat rice, let's go to the next dungeon. There must be at least one strong one there."

"Yes, Master."

The Geomchi instructors and the practitioners just ate barley bread to fill their stomach. They went to a nearby dungeon without even going back and repair their equipment at Vargo Fortress.

And again, 39 became victims of the place after cleaning up the dungeon.

"There are really a lot of good monsters and dungeons around this area."

"It seems like they are for us, Master."

"Also, where is the nearest dungeon in the vicinity?"

"According to the words of the barbarians it is located straight ahead."

"If it's close then let's go so that we could eat rice."

The Geomchis entered into a nearby dungeon again. This was the third dungeon they have entered and also the hardest one yet.

In this place, 53 people died while 130 people were wounded and it would be difficult for them to battle for the next 2 days unless treated by divine magic.

"Send the injured kids to Vargo Fortress, we are going to the next dungeon."

"Yes, Master."

Geomchi wanted them to grow stronger that's why he decided they continued on.

Their levels also exceeded 300 because as their comrades die, it also increases their XP.

Many of the victims were practitioners so they have to cooperate more

So far, the monsters that they were fighting was far stronger than the average monsters. And currently, there seemed to be a growing tension and seriousness on the fight.

Even if arrows suddenly show up and hit the seniors, they would still have a lot of health left.

"The 350 of you, retreat to the sides!"

One of them was injured badly on the ground and one senior still helped him as they were attacked from everywhere! The teachers and practitioners stepped in and used their skills in battle. They should become more cautious when they are hunting inside the borders of the monster den; but instead, they still fought riskily and hastily.

When they see a weak point on the monsters, even though no one is saying anything, they would unite and focus their attacks until they break through. Geomchi2, Geomchi3, Geomchi4 and Geomchi5 with the teachers, other geomchis and the older practitioners cooperated their attacks and broke through like they sharp fangs.

With years of sufferings with each other, they could just exchange glances and they will never lack anything in battle.

"Geomchi2, Is it hard?"

"No, Master. It's actually quite fun. Let's go to the next dungeon."

"Let's go!"

Geomchi1 was then followed by the instructors and practitioners as the mood changed. They got

excited as their enthusiastic selves remembered the fights that they've fought.

This was the Geomchi way.

In Royal Road, when monsters die,they don't really die. In reality however, people die and knowing it will help them to move one step forward.

Inch by inch and step by step, they tediously hunted and collected EXP to build up their proficiency on their skills. They also trained masochistically but, they practiced like this in order to become stronger.

Despite of having an impossible battle, they still adapted to the situation very well. And their crazy hunting speed was already enough to give goosebumps! Even though they have injured legs and there are monsters at a distance, they still tried to fight.

The Geomchi practitioners have then already used up all their strength and raised their levels.


Weed was currently at the entrance of the forked path and just came out from the fifth cave.

Even though there was only one place that contained gold and silver, the other rewards made him smile that it was already enough to reach the heavens.

Weed then ran into another cave as soon as possible.

The entrance to the cave was a little smaller this time so he guessed that the ones who lived here are no other than the Dwarves.

"If it is the Dwarves, what they have will probably be something expensive. I only expect the best from these races."

Although the entrance to the cave was quite narrow, the space that it was connected to was significantly larger. Inside was dug up places and stone pillars etc. The foundation for the whole cave was also inside.

It was the first city in the continent that the Dwarves created and in there, was a miniature version Ratzeburg.

As a sculptor and a person who owns a city and a castle, having sufficient artistic and archeological knowledge by observing the shape of the city was enough for him to build buildings and areas from the ancient times.

Buildings from the ancient times require a shorter construction period at a low cost. With its high historical value as well as its cultural aspect, even if one's city development is low, this will help raise it.

Rather than creating a new building, he could restore the shape of a building that once existed and its properties should also be granted.

You can now build Special Ancient Buildings.

Art, Knowledge, and Luck has increased by 13

The Dwarves would stand and look at this miniature version of the city of Ratzeburg that was made.The Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Orcs lived in harmony because the model showed that they used a variety of different buildings and structures.

Maroon Colored Street

The paved stones in the city will make it easy to move.

Helps horses and people move quickly.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 3580

Artistic Value: 498

This helps promote commercial development.

Orcish Bathtub

Sometimes after going to battle, the disgusting Orcs go home early and use this while dressed.

It is even wide enough to drag it down to the river for a swim.

It 'was' great pride for the Orcs to finish having their baths and looking respectable.

You might die if use this with low health.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 1935

Artistic Value: 179

After bathing, your physical recovery rate will increase by 45%

Orcs increases their Charm by 3.

The Ancient Amphitheatre

This was made so that the races could discuss the threats surrounding them. But soon, it turned to a place where the Orcs and Dwarves boast their strength. While the humans create musicals as the Elves showed their proudest Elemental Magic.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 7410

Artistic Value: 2930

This will cause a significant impact on culture and local politics.

Increases the loyalty of the people.

The Great Trees Square

This place symbolizes the unity and prosperity of the four races.

This is a square with fruit bearing Kota trees at the middle.

A lot of Orcs, Humans, Dwarves and Elf mothers spent time to care for the children. When a mother is raising a kid, they need to give them meals. They very much do anything from selling their unnecessary stuff to helping on hunting and construction.

The most enjoyable sight that happens here is when husbands get in trouble and their wife scolds them that tree.

Special Properties:

Historical Value: 9340

Artistic Value: 689

The Kota tree is needed for construction.

This showed a very large impact on the formation of the earliest commercial cities.

Helps in stabilizing peace and order and reduce conflict.

What Weed wanted was that yellowish gold.

But instead, what he acquired was knowledge about a lot of buildings and structures in Ratzeburg. The ancient city buildings had low cost. Whether it was culture or technology there were no limits overall. So rather than creating new forms of architecture, the buildings were just restored and in addition, will also have historical value.

Weed then recalled the content he has seen in the information boards post in the past.

"Historical Value of a city..... They found a lot of ruins of a city called Antika."

Ratzeburg is already beyond comparison to the human city of Antika which was built far off to the future. Having historical value on a city brings tourists from all over the continent. Depending on its commercial development, the cultural growth will also be faster.

"Anyways, where is that hidden gold?"

Weed looked all around the cave of the Dwarves and it looks like there's nothing to grab there. Except for the miniature scale of Ratzeburg, there are only vague traces where a furnace was installed.

"I'm pretty sure there's no treasure here. No! It's too early to conclude it. There must be something that I missed, they might have left a map or something."

Weed used his hand to touch and observe the walls and ceilings. He also looked at the material the stones were made of. Perhaps because he was blinded by jewelry that he did not abandon his expectations until the end.

He held on and just grabbed onto his will to not give up!

"I'm sure. Clearly, there's no way that this place will have no remaining items anymore."

Weed walked away from the model of Ratzeburg. He took a stick and walked as he poked the ground.

We do not know if someday there will be another sculptor that would come and discover this cave. How depressing would it be if he would hear a rumor that something else was discovered here that Weed missed. It was more terrifying than having chicken and pizza past its expiration date along with undercooked pork belly then riding a public transportation with a sick stomach.

Tung Tung~

At that time, something rang on the ground.

"What's in here."

Weed carefully dug the ground and looked. He found 12 kegs that were sealed.


Aromatic Dwarven Keg

Durability: 4/25

This drink is made by brewing different fruits and grain. Back then, it was forbidden for the races make liquor and the Dwarves sneakily brewed and drink some.

The barrels were made of elven wood that's why over time, its deep flavor permeated into it.

But since too great of a time have passed already, the question was whether the alcohol actually tastes delicious.

"It's alcohol. But I don't really know if I want to drink that."

For Weed, everything that's free is quite a good thing. But that was really just as much as rotting already.

Even if he sold it to others and they accidentally died, he could just deny the facts and eat their insults. What only prevented him from doing it was having a lot of people being ripped off, tarnishing his reputation.

"I'm just going to see the seniors and give this to them."

The Geomchis would not possibly regret it, even if they died due to drinking.

There were several caves where the Dwarves stayed, but he only found some pieces of broken bowls in addition to the barrels. Other than that, his other discoveries weren't really that important.

"If anything else, these barrels... are gonna be worth the same as great antiques."

With this, Weed's face finally brightened up a little.

The barrels was made from Elven wood so he could assume of its archaeological value. While the material of the barrel is good, the materials used on the alcohol was fresh so it's also expected to be good.

Weed having a lot of background in alcohol making learned the recipe which corrected some of his assumptions about alcohol making and increased his cooking skill level.

This ancient treasure that the Dwarves made, could help him reap huge profits using the recipe. It could also allow his cooking skills to level up and gain more popularity.

"The alcohol, I would've immersed it a lot if it was me."

Weed had collected fruit while he was hunting on certain regions. He had a lot of experience on manufacturing alcohol because he was using those fermented drinks to sell or give them to the Geomichis.

Especially when there is a need to increase the amount of alcohol, a suitable ratio of water is needed to dilute it perfectly. In the Versailles Continent, no one was able to best him in this.

Chapter 2:A Ceramist

Weed entered the cave of the Elves.

The cave was warm as if it was outside and not deep underground. There was clear running water inside the cave along with an abundance of trees and flowers.

You have enjoyed the garden of Elves that was created at Montvertruria.

It was a garden that the Elves planted and grew!

It was an important source of nutrients for the races when they hadn't caught anything and food were insufficient. Even though the Elves have departed and many long eons have passed, this garden has grown and endured on its own with the blessings of the spirits and nourishment from the earth.

-Due to the adventure, all stats has increased by 6.

-Luck has increased by 7.

-Affinity to Nature has increased by 3%.

Weed lifted the vines that were draping through the trees and stumbled across a pond in the center.

The plants that grew in the pond looked like emeralds. It was filled with lush and overgrown trees and flowers which makes an atmosphere that makes him feel desolate. They were growing high enough to reach the ceiling. Although there was no one to watch it, the flowers had already budded and started to bloom. With no one to eat them, the tasty fruits had just fallen to waste on the ground.

"How unfortunate that these would just be thrown out like this"

Because he had brought 70 leather bags with the expectation that he would perhaps obtain some items, there was plenty of space remaining to store them. Weed gathered various seeds and nuts then classified them by flowers and trees, and then put them into the bags.

If there was anything there at all, he packed it up without exception.

"If I were to plant these in Morata, nothing bad would probably come."

Weed was excitedly collecting the seeds and putting them into his bag when the flowers and trees suddenly shook gently.

Furthermore, they gave off a strong and mysterious scent.


We welcome visitors to the flowers and trees.

These long-lived plants seek fresh air, water, and sunlight.

If planted safely, and the trees and flowers are unharmed when the tree grows you will be able to receive a reward.

He was going to take them either way, but to think that he 'll also receive a reward!

Weed took an axe from his backpack

"I don't know whether to use this to make a table, chair, or something else."

It would have been fine to just cut up the bottom trunk of the tree and bring it. But he still dug up the ground with the flowers and also the tree roots including its soil and put it in a bag.

The value of Elven wood whether as a building or as a material is very high. It was ultimately the best material when dried under the sun. If the tree does not die and is planted on a fertile soil, then it shall grow into a very big tree.

Although the garden of the Elves had different kinds of flowers and trees, many of them were common except for 7 seeds.


Brond Tree Seed

Durability: 1/1

The favorite fragrant wood of the elves.

Once grown to 2m in height the tree will bear sweet fruits, and the leaves can be used as medicine. It has a very clear spirit and so it grows well in unpolluted lands.

Snowflake Flower Seeds

Durability: 1/1

It can't be easily picked up since they are very small seeds!

It grows easily in shallow soil so it's recommended to instill to the ground. It's blooming flowers look like a snowflake and the seedlings spread relatively fast.

Jackal Tree Branch

Durability: 22/22

A steel-like solid wood.

It has an excellent growth rate.

It blooms only during the spring and does not bear fruit.

Pyrud Tree

Durability: 10/10

A hollowed tree.

Usually used as habitats for small animals.

If a dense forest is created using this, it will increase the fertility rate of wild animals.

Creating a flower garden and forest and putting them around Morata and Vargo Fortress was not a bad idea.

"Seems like a lot of tourist attractions are going to be put on this year. Since I only have my sculptures there, it's a little empty. I also need to create a place for couples to go out without spending a lot of money."

With Morata and Vargo Fortress, his future plan of ripping off couples would have a lot of places to exploit!

The old people like forests especially mountains and valleys. Those rough and rugged mountains on Vargo Fortress would most likely be one of the top tourist destinations with that outlook.

Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter; tourists could fully enjoy the landscape with the changing environments. Especially now, since continuous renovations were being made to Vargo Fortress, it could now accommodate tourists with excellent and alternative buildings.

But there was also a slight problem that bothered Weed. And that was that outside the gates, it would be too dangerous. When the beginners go out for a walk, they couldn't have imagined that they would meet a monster and have no time to escape then die. It was truly a dangerous attraction.

"I guess this is enough for now."

Weed packed a few more items into the bag which included seeds, trees and also fruits.

Because there were so many items he had filled 45 bags with the items from the current cave.

"The caves are not yet fully explored. There's also still the humans' place, got to fill these bags from the place I'm going to next."

Weed went into the next cave.

Inside the cave where the humans have lived, he found that there were a large number of paintings there. He found inexperienced workmanship of past humans and also found traces of art that was just created for the first time.

Dwarves could have made better quality arts due to their high dexterity, but the dwarves instead made practical and durable items such as equipment and weapons because the dwarves valued such practical and strong ones since it was necessary, and so it was the humans who made the first artistry on flowers.

They even had clay figurines, bowls that were made from baked clay, and even sculptures that represented Gods. There were even images that were painted on the ceilings and walls.

You have seen the statue of the Goddess of Land Minne.

You have received the blessings given by the statue.

Your affinity to nature has increased.

You have seen the statue of God of War Ahtrok.

Combat Mastery has increased by 3.7%

Strength has increased by 3

You have seen the statue of Goddess of Cooking Hestia.

The fire when you are cooking will adjust on its own for 30 days.

You have seen the statue of Goddess of Abundance Freya.

Art, Charisma, and Luck has increased by 9

It was the oldest remains of the Versailles Continent. It was also the beginning of sculptures and artworks being born in this priceless place.

"There were over a 100 sculptures here. But, the paintings were painted on the wall... Too bad the paintings already went through time and its color already changed and even has cracks."

Weed admired the old sculptures which were not even recorded on history books. There were sculptures of 32 Gods and 11 Goddesses which had a very smooth and aesthetic appearance that was much better than what Weed could have made.

The Statue of Freya had excessively large breasts while her sides and thighs were not the usual sizes. Each of their standards for beauty was different during that time frame. Because the orcs liked fat and large bodies, there were some statues and sculptures that were fatter and wider than normal.

Between the circle of Gods, there was no difference between the great religious statues since they all had historical values. There were also some significant things to this. When a priest has been found at certain conditions, one could revive its religion.

"I guess even I won't be able to take or sell these unique items"

Weed, no matter what his strength or stats were, could never have been able to take on such a terrible curse to that extent so he just viewed the items.

Most of the sculptures were a replication of their own appearance rather than having various themes. The sculptures expressed scenes of hunting or cooking around a bonfire.

Most of them were made by baking clay.

It may be because in the past, the technology of carving stones was not as developed as it is now.

"These types of sculptures doesn't seem bad as well".

Weed did not prefer baking clay when sculpting.

Clay is to be avoided when sculpting very large sculptures. If a hard stone was used for sculpting, a chisel could be used for various exquisite expressions and it is also easier to adjust the sizing accordingly. The stone is also favored in a way where it is less likely to be damaged after finishing it.

The larger the clay sculpture is, the more likely it is to have cracks or end up crumbling due to its weight. However, clay is a wonderful material in that regard because it is made by a sculptor's hands.

In other words, the clay sculptures were done with feelings.


A historical day to the Versailles Continent.

The Hermes guild completely swallowed and picked up the Kallamore kingdom.

The Kallamore Kingdom ceased to exist.

The King has died.

The honor and respect of the nobility and aristocrats will be lost.

The Kingdom Knights affiliation disappeared and received new identities as free knights.

They will not be able to swear loyalty for 5 months to other nobilities.

The citizens still remain loyal to the King and Kallamore Royal Family.

The wickedness that the invaders of Haven Kingdom displayed shows that they might undergo severe hardships in the future.

The Security has decreased by 96.

The Productivity has decreased by 87%

The Culture has decreased down by 79%

Commercial activity has shrunk severely.

Monsters are rampaging in every direction.

Fall of the Kallamore Kingdom!

The broadcasting stations and most of Royal Road users leaned to the side of the Hermes Guild.

Because people would have a better impression from the Hermes Guild which gained even more power and territory. Users who are not within the Hermes Guild circle of influence will not be able to be symbolized as a power. In addition, the guild brings many significant benefits, for example, private hunting grounds, weapons and armor, and even support for magic books.

Following the might of Haven Kingdom, there will be a possibility of them raising taxes in order to raise a more powerful military force. But the fact still remains that there were remaining areas in the Kallamore Kingdom that were still not neutralized.

Resistance armies rampaged from all locations, residents burning villages and fleeing.

Petrov appeared on the occupied territories of Kallamore Kingdom.

"There are still traces and signs of the war."

The military that fought seemed to swept devastation towards everywhere in the city. On the streets, there were fragments of broken weapons, arrowheads, etc. Although, there were still many users that were active residents that lived there.

"That vile Haven Kingdom. I will take revenge on them."

"Bardray. There might be no one that would be able to compete with their military force. And now, Kallamore Kingdom is just going to be forgotten in history."

"In the occupied territories of Haven Kingdom, double taxes will probably going to be imposed. Ugh. I have abandoned the mill because of this war. How am I going to prepare for those taxes now?"

The suffering voices of the residents could be heard.

Residents of Kallamore Kingdom in the area have lost their properties from arson and looting. After the knights and soldiers lost their lives in the war, the monsters from Senbain Mountains came down near the village and jumped in.

Even though the users could protect it, a lot of them still left and just went away to another Kingdom.

"Let's go to another kingdom. There's not much help we could do here."

"Yeah. I'd rather go down to the South."

"Let's just depart anywhere as soon as possible. I just want to get out of here already."

For the beginners, it is a necessity to move and choose a place that is more stable in order to hunt.

Although to a certain extent, most users are already at a level where they are able to receive lots of requests. However, due to residents living in poverty they do not get the deserved reward. In order to avoid severe persecution from the Hermes guild in the future, they would rather move to a different kingdom.


Petrov looked at the Kallamore Kingdom.

The cities were so devastated that they were already incomparable to anything.

"The state of Hermes Guild does not interest me."

The strong military force that headed off to war!

They were occupied at the capital enjoying a rest. The hardships of the residents is already evident while a lot of the monsters are still around the kingdom increasing their suffering.

"They seem to be doing this intentionally....."

Hoping this could raise the level of their soldiers, they are increasing their force by utilizing the large scale breeding of monsters. Petrov was suspicious and uncertain on whether the confusion was created to make the recruitment of soldiers easier or whether to make the army stronger and more energetic.

As for the Haven Kingdom users, they planned to save them for later so that they could easily get fame if the capital rebuilds.

But right now, the fleeing residents were already killed by the monsters.

"I'll draw these scenes into a painting."

Petrov focused into it after looking with his eyes and painted the ruins of the buildings.

A painting that represented the horrors of the war!

Thanks to Petrov being not yet famous, he was not found out and also not disturbed.

<The Evening of a Devastated Village>

<Shameless Occupying Forces>

<The Departing Inhabitants.>

From the fine pieces that were drawn, sometimes a masterpiece will come out.

The residents approached him.

"Hey, are you a Painter?"

"I'm just a little decent, but yes."

"I need a favor... I want to have of painting the tranquil old days in my house. I can only give you the description of the life back then."

"That is enough, I can make the painting based on your description"

Petrov also receives commissions from people and resolves it for them.

He looks at the bulletin board of the old village and looks at the photos there then draws a painting based on it. He also secretly draws the paintings of the banner of Kallamore Kingdom and the knights that died in the village.

He was placing the joys and sorrows of the residents into the paintings as his fame rises while also gaining intimacy.

Petrov still has not yet drawn anything in his canvas when he suddenly recalled the unforgettable face of a person.


She might have even known that he had appeared at Morata.

But, her brother was Weed.

He had a brief encounter with Weed, but he was greater than what he expected. The conversation they had before splitting up flashed before him again.

-There's a lot of meat, freely eat what you can.

-Thank you.

Weed was so kind-hearted that he even extended his own hands towards strangers!

Actually, the meat that was brought out into the festival was just be eaten mostly by the Geomchis and as for the other users, they would just think of it as an act of kindness....

Petrov remembered the grilled meat made by Weed, it was juicy and chewy while the flavor remained intact.

"He's also good at cooking."

After he had learned that he was Yurin's brother, Petrov had reevaluated his opinion of Weed to a better light. Weed's Sculptural Lifeforms, being Lord and leading Morata and Vargo Fortress were all amazing deeds.

On the day his adventure happens, the ratings of the stations would soar in unison.

"Doing sewing or general work. I can't be compared to him on fighting or even in just levels."

Petrov suffered a wound in his heart.

He wanted to impress Yurin by showing off his painting skills.

But even though he had a lot of confidence, it was hard to compare his skills as an artist to a sculptor's.

He also has a quite a lot of organized people that could intervene. Weed was also the one who made the specialty landmarks located in Morata which are the Tower of Light, Freya Statue, and more! Weed's accomplishments were impossible for anyone else to achieve or follow.

Although Petrov does have the skills to compete, it still seems that he was unable to win the respect and affection of people like Weed. He was constantly creating works of art so it's still nothing even if he took away Vargo Fortress from him. Petrov just realized that the sculptor profession will still be more respected compared to a painter after being snapped out of his arrogance.

"I know why Weed's sculptures were amazing. They were created through adversity and that way, it will receive recognition. When there was nothing during the early days of the town and even stars were not even present in on the place, he made the Tower of Light which gave the residents courage and when he created the Freya Statue he united the people. It was then when culture and development started of the now flourishing Morata."

Each sculpture has a story and each one also endured their own trials. Petrov actually also toured the continent and created pieces based on his own adventures.

But it seems that only after receiving the recognition of the people will he be able to proudly walk in front of Yurin.


The Grass Porridge Cult had already surpassed 3 million people!

In the continent, they are considered the largest force in the north.

But, most of the beginners over time had committed some dreadful things.

I don't want to go alone since I'll be bored. I am hunting at the Chaotic Rocky Area anyone who wants to hunt together can come along. I am a girl.

Someone at the entrance of the shack left behind a post.

Then, a hunting party of 20,000 had been formed!

If not for this bulletin board thing there wouldn't have been such an uproar.

"There's so many people together. Anyways, shall we?"

"Lets run. I'm excited."

"It feels like this is just a group picnic."

In the chaotic rocky area, the large amount of monsters who lived up there were exterminated.

Does your Grass Porridge members always visit a map and the usual is what always happen? I was in the midst of traveling when I saw Herd Plains and there were delicious and full grown grasses in there. In Morata, it's a little freezing. However, the Grass Porridge Members would have not much trouble if we do something about it right?

At that day, Morata's Grass Porridge Cult moved extensively. Day and night people went to Herd Plains and because of it, the number of people there was already impossible to estimate! But only one thing is for sure, after three days, the Herd Plains has been renamed to Herd Wastelands.

This is Rebecca, a merchant from the Central Continent and its my first time in Morata. I say hello to you all and for travelers that needed large open spaces outside the east gate, 20 silver each one is enough. It's on a first-come, first-served basis so don't come in late. Huhuhu.

Merchant Rebecca continued on interacting as she held her empty pockets then sadly cried.

When the Grass Porridge Cult was just starting they were just a poor group of beginners. Initially, they were just alternating on hunting rabbits, deers and wolves. But as they grow in Morata, they would introduce quests to each other that gives out at least 1 silver.

During the early days of Morata, the city wasn't even fully equipped with necessary things and people didn't even go outside the gates since there was the risk of the bandits. However, as Morata was developed day by day, the members of the Grass Porridge Cult also grew.

They went as a crowd when hunting as they also actively participated on other quests.

Although they were doing boring and easy quests, their motivation was great.

"In Morata, there's a lot of requests related to the Niflheim Empire."

"Can we succeed on those quests?"

"We can't. But if we obtain leathers even without having commissions, then one day we'll be like Weed."

"Grass Porridge! Grass Porridge!"

As they were enjoying the arts and their adventures in Royal Road at Morata, the Grass Porridge members were gradually growing and we're not even aware of the big change happening.

In a brick house shack.

They wore cheap clothes and decent equipment. The Grass Porridge cult members were also eating decent meals from restaurants. The average levels of the beginners were climbing up step by step each time Morata's production and economy increases.


Weed found the suitable clay on making a sculpture in Montvertruria.

Clay pieces could express any subject. You could create the work very well even though you only know the certain characteristics of the race.

The effect of having good Handicraft mastery was also a big advantage.

The color and texture of the clay is an important part of every sculpture and made it possible to create something as if it was alive.

<Features of a Dwarf in Clay>

< The Orc Family Eats Lots of Food Together>

<Human Submerged in Sorrow>

<Elves Planting Fruit Trees>

Looking at the finished product, its viscosity was unsatisfactory.

"The facial lines and fine clothes is the tricky part since it needs to be delicate."

Collecting clay for making sculptures has a new feel even for Weed.

"When I was a kid I played with mud and created one or two things with it."

During the rainy day season, did not have the leisure to joyfully play with the soil. During his childhood, he created a dam using the clay that prevented rainwater on seeping through and sold it for 300 won to his friends!

He had not needed toys, instead he had used materials such as water and dirt to build it.

"These pieces that I created are already okay. The materials also vary depending on the representation that I want to do. In particular, the soil in this area is really good."

The soil particles in Tinius River are double in number and also pale white in color. If he gathered the mud and small pebbles and filter out those foreign materials in it, it will be an excellent material to make sculptures.

Sculpting was an art closely related to life.

The materials in his surroundings easily absorbs moisture and becomes clay and shaping it allows you to create a piece comfortably. To create something beautiful or create something you cherish is the natural choice to do.

There was no need for heavy burden jobs like cutting gems or stones.

Weed then turned his eyes to the other clay works.

There he saw a collection of past eating utensils such as crude bowls that were made from clay. It still has artistic value, but it's still not much, what matters is the historical values of these amazing antiques.

"I wonder what it'll be like for me to make such pottery out of mud and clay?"

Instead of simple dirt plates, he wanted to make a ceramics!

Even though celadon and white porcelain had been around for many years, people were still impressed by them. [T/L: Celadon is a Korean porcelain with a translucent and pale green glaze.]

Producing things like that seems to be a good way to raise his sculpting skills

"It very easy to transport but still costs a fortune if sold. The material costs for creating this does not even exist. Kehehehe."

Weed came out laughing as he thought about the money he would earn. The requirements to make ceramics were Blacksmithing Intermediate skill level 7. Along with his ability to deal with fire, he could create excellent pieces.

He thought about retiring from making sculptures and instead make a living through blacksmithing, if he decided to change to a blacksmith he would not have to worry about food and expenses.

"Now, where am I going to start. I'm not yet familiar with it so I'm going to start making the bowl from the inner side."

Making sculptures has such a broad domain. In here you need to shape the clay using the hands and then bake it in fire since there also different fields in sculpting.

Blacksmithing Skills are better related, but the basic forms and appearance is a work of art so one needs Handicraft Skills, Engraving Skills, and Blacksmithing Skills in order to make the ceramics.

Weed shaped using his mud-covered hands but creating a round bowl using his fingers was not comfortable for him.

"Someone have to help me in this. Dirtman!"

"What makes you bring me here."

This Dirtman that he summoned looked drooped and tired.

During the old days, it was always delighted whenever it was summoned to the world. But very often, they were being summoned primarily by Morata users. At first they were steadily doing their good work, but then they slowly became foul-mouthed. Some say that it's actually charming in its own way then they even gained popularity.

While assigning work they would often repeat a phrase or comment.

"It would have been better if I had not been born.... Why do I have to suffer as soon as I was born?"

"Oh, my back. My back hurts but I still have to keep working."

"This task is very easy. If you finish early should I give you a break?"

"They say that the Lord of Morata, Weed is the most handsome person in the continent. But I don't really know whether to trust that."

When the Dirtmans were working diligently, these spirits would even receive more work. Their different personalities became strong and carefree compared to Weed's which was the result of the steady eduction that the spirits received from him!

The created spirits of this abusive sculptor had no choice but to bear their orders.

"There is work you want me to do."

"We may be a little tired but if master asks then we will work hard for master."

"Its an easy task, just make this turn for a bit."

Weed stretched out wide stone tablets to Dirtman.

He realized that he needed a rotating bottom plate when piling the mud in order to make pottery comfortably.

Weed was very focused.

"Rotate it and maintain a constant speed. Don't shake it or else it will stop."

"If it's just something like this, it's easy."

The tablets were not a little bit lighter than wood, but Weed still did not care.

It was not his task to do work, but the Dirtmans'!

"Remove any debris or stones that are caught in the mud."

"I'm going to pick it out."

"Summon Fiery Pebble!"

"Weed hurray!"

"You, make a fire."

"Keuhi, I know."

"It needs to be hot and strong. We also have to maintain it at a constant temperature."

Dirtman and Fiery Pebble were given their tasks and fully undertook their work.

Weed also summoned other spirits.

"Droplet summon!"

Then, a pretty spirit made from water dew mysteriously appeared.

"I want to do what you're doing, Master."

"You sprinkle some water over that heap of earth over there."

Usually, because of his mana shortage, he limited summoning of spirits to a minimum. Even though the spirits were called separately, his skill proficiency on Elemental Shaman skill still did not climb.

Now, with Seulroeo's Wedding Ring, Baharan's Bracelet and Helium Torch, that level of mana consumption was pretty easy to bear. With sharing his work with the spirits, the structure of his workplace in making pottery was now roughly equipped.

"Forming a simple bowl would probably not be that difficult."

Weed used his hands and bashed together the wet soil.

In the rotating stone plate, he started to create forms using the heap of mud. With a keen sense in his fingers, he made sure that the mud do not get crushed and get built little by little.


As he molded the clay the shape of a plate was being made.

"This method of crafting is actually pretty fun. Since the material is free and easy to acquire it won't matter if I fail"

Weed made items ranging from bowls to plates.

His first attempts were crude, like a dog bowl, then later he managed to make more acceptable bowls.

"Should I bake it now?"

Weed put the plates and bowls into the fire. While putting the items into the fire Weed thought that they would heat like ceramics, but instead the water evaporated and shattered the clay.

"I guess I'll have to wait for the clay to completely dry before I heat it"

The 'dog bowls' had already dried and because of that, he could use them for experiments. Weed created a furnace and put heaps of dirt into the furnace and heated the dirt.

If you are cold and hungry, you could solve it by eating hot sweet potatoes. It's like killing two birds with one stone!

After burning the wood, I could use the ashes to cook the potatoes, sweet potatoes, and meat deliciously. Just telling the Geomchis that I would cook these for them would be enough to make them drool enough drool to cook ramen in.

"Now then, it's time to check how my finished project looks."

Weed turned off the fire in the oven and looked at the 'dog bowl'.

Adjusting the temperature suitably for the mud must have been what he had probably done wrong since approximately 1/3 of it has cracks. Some parts of the rim were cracked, but the rest has a well-baked appearance that he initially wanted.

– You have made 29 bowls, Sculpting Mastery has increased.

– Blacksmithing Mastery has increased.

"Not very pretty but anyways this is my first work. Identify!"

Roughly Made Bowls

Durability: 11/11

A pot that is wide enough to hold food.Made by the famous artist Sculptor Weed!

The thickness of the bowl is very thick and there are no significant tacky burns due to strong fire.

The practical usage of clean clay as a material was very excellent!

If this work of Sculptor Weed emerged to the continent would be wanted by a lot of people.

Artistic Value: 27

Special Options: Storing in this should improve the taste and aroma of the food.

Considering that it was his first work, it was already good. The thickness of the bowl had made it rather heavy and the size of the bowl was pretty big. His failure was written all over the product.

"Not only this bowl, I want to also make ceramics."

It could be seen the only thing to do basic pottery is just using mud and fire. He made the bowls simple, rough and just how he wanted. In order to make a piece, he needs to refine the soil particles until it becomes fine enough and that is when he could make a form into it.

"To the next piece..."

He continued his work as Dirtman, Droplet and Fiery Pebble helped him.

He created a little more delicate form of pottery and continued to experiment with the temperature of the fire. After doing the form of the pottery and completely dried it in the shade, he put it in the oven and did biscuit firing.

He finely adjusted the fire.

He then proceeded and put glaze on it. He made several types of glazes by crushing stones mixing with ashes of burned plants. He also created a variety of colors in the process. Weed mostly prefer color white or transparent blue.

He applied the glaze then went back to baking using a strong fire as the inner glassy glaze beautifully melts down and the ceramic was completed.

Weed experimented on different types of glazes as he uses his Mining and Herbalism skills and used it on practicing on baking ceramic.

"My hands have quite a lot of work to do."

Pottery is very meticulous. Even though he was successful, this work is not very easy. Any little mistake in the whole process will change its color. Weed has made numerous burnt bowls and only broke the bowls if a failed piece is produced.

Hailed by the Artists as the continent's best sculptor, his pride has been instantly crushed.

"This is fine. The materials are almost free!"

Weed was very positive.

Sculpture and Ceramics were deeply related, but their methods of making largely differed that's why he failed to learn it. Creating a form with clay and going through a number of steps was also fun.

"Let's make it more diverse. I think it's still early but I'm still going to try and undergo with it to see if it's alright."

Things that Weed could create using his imagination was endless.

A jug that resembled the shape of an animal!

Ceramics is not just for dripping water to the mouth. If he tried to make a turtle, he could demonstrate his skills as a sculptor better. Weed already made a lot more of complex sculptures.

"As an ornament it is already selling well, as an artwork it's going to be worth even higher."

He united the mud into a solid and then chose how to sculpt it using his carving knife. Because he was unfamiliar with using wet soil and doing complex shapes, he had to considerably suffer. Even though the carving knife was only swerving into the mud, there were still parts that were mashed.

"I want you to grab and hold it just to be sure not to shake the mud, Mind Hand!"

Weed having Advanced Handicraft Mastery, used his hands showed skills that only appear on legendary craftsmen. Because of his full concentration, the physical contacts did no damage to the ceramic.

Meanwhile, his sculpting knife was able to trim the shape up.

"The number of work is a lot. Call Death Knight Van Hawk, Call Vampire Lord Torido!"

"What's going on!"

"Where is the fight, master!"

Van Hawk and Torido was also summoned!

"If you guys can't always have fun! Hurry up and break this!"

Weed made them break stones and mix charcoals. Their duty was to make glazes.

Van Hawk and Torido did not strongly resist their tasks. While traveling with Weed, they had already grown familiar with Weed's chores such as crushing garlic, peeling potatoes and onions.

"At least today's task is easier."

"I hope I can finish early and rest"

Weed made the ceramics with the three spirits along with Torido while Van Hawk is also given a lot of work in the process.

– 42 special types of water bottles for dogs has been created. Sculptural Mastery has increased.

– You have succeeded on adjusting the fire delicately.

– Art has increased by 1.

– Affinity to nature has increased by 2

This time, it seems that he somehow managed to produce a decent work.


Duck Water Jug

Durability: 14/16

A water jug represented by a mother duck.

This piece is an excellent sculpture made by Master Weed in a different area. This is going to pitch a high price as the duck is incredibly and clearly expressed.But this was not managed to be glazed evenly because of some insoluble materials and there were also slight cracks inside because of its complex structure.A rare luxury, it seems like the high nobles and royalties are going to like it.

Artistic Value: 361

Special Options: +26 Dignity

It will enhance your dignity to the kings and nobles.

Given the fact that Weed is still inexperienced, creating a good piece of pottery like this is already on the successful side.

"Now that I'm familiar with glazing, I need more practice on making ceramics."

Torido, Van Hawk and all of the spirits were on the move and had work to do. But there were still unexplored caves in Montvertruria

"Maybe I should fill the entrance to this dungeon with a bronze door to have a nice atmosphere in here."

Weed sent a whisper to his sister.

– Yurin.

– Yeah, brother.

– What are you doing?

– I'm currently feeding Yellowy grass.

Yurin particularly like Yellowy more than the other sculptural lifeforms, she especially paid attention to and stroked his rib area.

– I found a place during my quest right now. I'll explain it so could you hang out here? Many of the sculptures and paintings are going to be helpful to you.

– I'm feeding grass to Yellowy.

– Oh, and bring the others. I feel that underneath this place will be a dungeon.


Yurin used Picture Teleportation to teleport herself along with Pale, Maylon and Surka, and so they arrived together.

"There is actually such a place like this! I've never seen something like this. Can we look around here?"

"It's okay, help yourself around."

Weed said generously.

The place is quite okay for him anyway since he have certainly packed everything he wanted.

"This place in the history of the four races is marvelous."

"My art stat also increased by quite a lot. Thanks to you Weed my art stat have exceeded 300."

As they enjoy Weed's sculptures and go for an adventure, the art stat of their party grew steadily. Even those with a non art professions was already enough to be considered as an expert. Morata users had much higher stats on the artistic side compared to others who belonged to other cities. With the development of Morata through sculpting, painting, singing, dancing and performances, residents would find that a lot of requests has a lot of connection to arts.

"Is this is what you made with clay?"

Hwaryeong showed an interest to the bowls and jars that Weed made.

She saw his experiments used different glazes and that each of the bowls was made with different colors. Among them was a clean and clear white bowl which caught her eyes.

"It's beautiful."

"The hardness of the glaze is not that good, but it is among the best of-of the good pieces I've made."

It was fine, but there were some parts underneath that was not glazed although his works are becoming increasingly better and more durable.

"I really want to have this bowl. Can I have at least one?"

"Feel free to take anything as much as you want."

There were many bowls and since they were being mass produced, giving away a couple of it would not be a huge waste.

Mapan arrived late and looked at the bowls with shining eyes.

"Weed, Hi. I would like to have a few...."

"Of course I'll sell."

Weed cut him off coldly.

It was because Hwaryeong's purpose was just for collectibles while it's obvious that this Mapan will use it on his eight trading posts.

"Oh, I think I would be able to attract great popularity for you."

Mapan who was watching the pottery did not hide his admiration. In the Versailles Continent, ceramics were precious pieces. Only wealthy nobles and royal families could use something like this since this art is of high quality yet he was able to sale this luxury.

Dwarf Storehouse

You are the first discoverer of the Dwarf Storehouse

Benefits: Fame has increased by 680

Double experience and item drops for a week.

The first monster killed will drop the best quality item it can drop

As expected, they have discovered a dungeon!

It was a dungeon where the dwarves kept their goods.

"It was just as I expected."

Seoyoon who was also staying at Morata also joined them through Yurin's skill. The efficiency of that party has reached a terrifying level.

"Van Hawk, lead the way."

"All right master."

Weed along with Death Knight scouted the dungeon that allowed them to have a perspective of it at the beginning.

He pulled out and held Kolderim's Demon Sword as he entered the dungeon. He kept Seoyoon on his right side as she vigilantly observed. Pale and Maylon hold their bows as Zephyr, Hwaryeong, Surka, Bellotte , Irene, Romuna and Yurin go along behind them which was the elite squad. Mapan came along while dragging a cart for holding japtems or loot.

"We will never give you the treasures. It is ours!"

"Kiee, its a thief! There are thieves!

There were graverobbers that roam and appear frequently in the dungeon.

Whether poison, magic, sword or arrows, it was very tricky to use it with the endless graverobbers that came. The traps that were installed by the dwarves inside the dungeon was also very complicated.

"The graverobbers that roam are in the mid 300 levels."

Weed was a little disappointed.

Seoyoon and his friends are already at level 400 so doing a dungeon of this level was a little unreasonable. Because this place has a deep historical meaning with it that's why he had hopes regarding the difficulty of the dungeon. If it's like that then the treasures here would probably also have a relatively small value.

The grave robbers compared to other monsters has higher health thus also giving more experience and with their low speed, they could be hunted comfortably.

"Moonlight Sculpting Blade!"

He used his brilliant sword freely and was very overwhelming.

This happens when the skill proficiency is improved and then later on it could be properly used!

-You have acquired a saw from the graverobber.

– You have acquired a key from the graverobber.

– You have obtained a bag that contained little things.

Graverobbers have dropped considerably different kinds of loot. Weed along with Torido, Van Hawk and Zephyr just put on a defensive at the beginning as the other people on the rear and sides support them. Their hands and feet were always tied because otherwise they would fall into danger. Then, they found Dwarven boxes in between and opening them was a fun activity to pass the time

– You have acquired old books and the Diary #2 of a Dwarf.

– You have found a bronze sword

Fame has increased by 310

– You have found a stone blade

Fame has increased by 195

– You have obtained a drinking glass of the Dwarves.

The weapons and armor of the Dwarves back then were too underdeveloped that's why their performance was not that good.

The bronze and brass swords were not properly made and it was just suitable to leave it as antiques!

"It's gonna be alright if I just brought this into the Art Center."

Contributing the antiques inside the Arts Center was what he is thinking. They discovered lumps of iron ore, silver ore and mithril inside a box and expected that their income is going to be great.

What Weed was feeling was already enough for the corners of his mouth to creepily rise.

Weed was hunting together with his friends except when he was drying the wares or it was already time for the glaze. He was also accumulating experience as his ceramics were becoming smoother and its gloss was improving.

Although there were no Masterpiece or Magnum Opus, there were still Fine pieces of works that appeared.

"Kkyaah! It's so wonderful."

As Weed created Ceramics, Hwaryeong looked and watched every time. In fact, one of the reasons she liked Weed was because of the appealing expression he made as he worked. She was mesmerized when Weed's expression becomes serious as he created sculptures. She focused only on Weed's mesmerizing figure while he worked.

While Weed was sculpting his wood sculptures, he was silently thinking.

'How much can I sell this for if I succeed. It does not have a lot of material value. Oh, these days the value of the trees is very bad. Apart from this since I have not bought a tree. If I have moderate to large stones, I could create large sculptures. Creating sculptures is important, however, it also needs packaging. And there will be a line of rich people out there who will look.....'

Weed was busy with clay on making pottery as his hand was stained by earth all over. A dirt-stained person sitting there in the workshop was definitely not ugly. It creates a subtle atmosphere which immerses the women.

Irene, Romuna, and Hwayreong blankly stared at him while he worked.

"I want to learn pottery"

"Later, I will do pottery with my boyfriend....."

A guy needs to be close to the body of a girl and place his hand to guide on creating pottery. It was a very subtle and strange atmosphere!

Then, Weed stretches out his hand through the waist and gently touched and shaped the pottery.



The face of the women blushed as their eyes shined.

'Who the heck.....'

'Who could it be?'

Weed checked behind him but saw no one there.

One of the sculpting skills for his profession was Mind Hand!

With the hands of a craftsman he began to carve a variety of sculptures with his hands and the Mind Hand..

It was a weird and different experience from what he had expected.

Chapter 3: The Orc's Quest

The Hermes Guild had no choice but to devote their time on maintaining rule over Haven Kingdom for the time being.

With the rebels around Kallamore Kingdom jumping around, they must supply materials to be used on the war. In some villages, there were also rebellions happening because of the heavy tax. If a cease fire doesn't happen soon in the surrounding areas, the embers of the war will be carried around.

The Hermes Guild was prepared and put countermeasures for all possible events. They were actively sending out troops to stabilize their occupied territories and defeat the rebels.

Bard Ray was having complete control over the guild with the work of the executive leaders while he alone, was watching all over it from behind.

"Now, it's finally time to start what I have been delaying for some time."

He decided to go visit the Black Knights Guild in the capital of Haven Kingdom.

The Black Knights Guild along with Hermes Guild had many users hanging around a crowded place. When Bard Ray appeared bringing with him his Royal Guards, the crowd became quiet as mice in a dike.

The King of the Haven Kingdom, the strongest person in the continent.

He who owns both authority and power, Bard Ray. Both sides went out of his way as soon as possible.

Bard Ray went up to the instructors and said.

"I want to make all my enemies be on their knees and use the Path of the Sword for justice."

The users were all silently astonished.

'Is this the his profession's Master Quest.'

'Bard Ray issued the first challenge to become a Master Black Knight!'

The instructor looked at Bard Ray and slowly opened his mouth.

"As a Knight and a King who wants to learn the way of the glorified sword, you must first accomplish a task, it is rumored that there is a massive amount of monsters that is marching towards Evoque Town. Block those monsters and visit the old veteran Kuhlra[Kolla], he will teach you the ways of the Black Knight."

Evoque was a small mountain village that did not belong to any Kingdom.

Fighting there to confront the monster invasion was his first given task!

'This should not be too hard.'

A Knight could choose whether to focus his profession skills on either spear or sword.

Bard Ray selected the sword and his current skill level had stayed at Advanced Level 7.

Although his level was up to 480 and his fighting skills were highly destructive, simple hunting couldn't improve his basic sword skills, much. In other words, his basic skills wasn't developing much.

But this was definitely not slow compared to other people.

Unlike others, the swordsmanship of the Geomchis also progressed very fast because they only focused on hunting with their basic sword skills.

"Go to the village of Evoque."

With Bard Ray's quest, he went to the village of Evoque along with his Royal Guards and the military force of Hermes Guild.

"Let's raid the village. Keee."

"Uhihi. Kill them all!"

"Take vengeance on the humans!"

More than 3,000 monsters had flocked towards Evoque village.

"Huh, What?"

"We're dead. The monsters are going to kill us all."

The residents were engulfed in a state of panic.

Given the area of the Versailles continent, there was no respite at that very moment; new villages were disappearing at the wake of the monster raids. If a kingdom does not send any reinforcements then, it means the death of them all.

"We will handle them."

"No. This is my quest. Remain and defend the village."


Bard Ray left his Royal Guards and his army in the village. The Evoque village had already become an impregnable fortress.

Bard Ray was admired by the attending users along with the broadcasting station officials. The spectators that have flocked in was already uncountable.

A bunch of monsters shot at him with black magic as he pulled out his sword.

He received a whisper.

– The location of Kuhlra has already been found.

Hermes guild's intelligence group was running around the place, unseen.

He needed to be alone when facing the monsters for his first quest. Although, his Royal Knights could always be mobilized at any time.

The fact that Bard Ray started doing his Master Quest had reached the internet and had spread everywhere.


As Weed peacefully explored the dungeons and made sculptures in Montvertruria, another incident took place inside the continent.

Orc Stronghold Bursilia!

After the sculpture Orc Lord Paracwhi was completed, there was a big change that was happening.

"Chwichichis, it is dark today."

"Let's go to sleep, chwiiik!"

Orc male and female couples disappeared and went into their camp in the night.

And not a long time later, adorable young Orcs were born!

The population of young Orcs in Orc Stronghold Bursilia had grown enormously.

"Chwiiik. I am going to be a great orc like Parachwi. Chwichiik!"

"Humans are not that detestable, chwis. We also have something to learn from them. Chwiichwiig."

"Sculptures are nice, chwichichis. We have to have a lot."

The birth of young Orcs!

Due to the exceptional characteristic of their fertility rate, the Orcs were massively growing in number. Because the Orcs have grown quickly to fight monsters the inhabitants of Bursilia have continued to expand to the south.

Even though a lot of orcs died as they advanced, many new Orc's were born afterwards.

Food and gold were found, Orcs also became interested in and started hoarding cultural artifacts especially sculptures. The Intelligence of the Orcs was gradually increasing with the effect of arts and their trade had also improved and increased a lot.

"7 Glaives for 30 gold, chwik! And 2 belts for 25 gold? Chwichit! Then give me 450 gold."

"Thank you for selling me this cheaply, chwiik!"

Trading between Orcs have also been actively ongoing.

The price calculations of these greedy Orcs are very complicated and tend to be more expensive by several times. That's why the most accurate price they have paid for an item is 1 gold each.

Orc Lord Bulcwhi was with large Orcs who were carrying huge sacks on their backs.

"Goodbye, chwichis."

"Chwiik, see you later."

The Orcs have shared their farewell greetings inside the square.

There were 150,000 Orcs!

They had to leave to search for new settlements.

"Go to Karichwi, chwichichiik!"

"Will there be tasty food and also a warm bed, chwiik!"

"Of course, chwichiiig. That's why you have to go to Karichwi, chwik!"

After Weed succeeded his quest, the contribution points that he obtained was already enough to command over 250,000 Orcs.

His familiarity with the Orcs was already at the level of Brothers.

Although Weed had refused the compensation of receiving a bunch of gluttonous Orcs, these Orcs had chosen him.

"Karicwhi would be glad to see us, chwichik!"

"Chwiik, I want to meet him as soon as possible."

And the Orcs set off from the Bursillia Square.

Even though they were carrying a lot of food, by the time they arrived at Morata they would be very hungry


Weed made a large number of ceramics as he also hunted with his companions. His Sculpting Mastery was currently Advanced Level 8 at 43.8%.

They ranged from large to small with contrasting thickness, he produced a variety of ceramics as he accumulated experience. Then, later on, the more he created the more the quality improved and became remarkable.

It was already at the level where the Kings and Nobles would covet it and everyone would want 1 or 2 of the ceramics that he made. In addition, he also used Moonlight Sculpting a little and used light into the ceramics.

"This time I'll create the glaze."

Yurin also worked and applied glaze she also took care of painting the ceramic.

– You have drawn a painting on the ceramic made by Sculpting Master Weed.

Fame as a painter has increased.

Yurin's Painting Mastery had increased quickly and above all, her Fame grew enormously. This is by simply collaborating with Weed since it's still a great achievement for novice artists. As the ceramics were overlaid with various colors, their value as a luxury item would be worth much more.

The ceramics made by Weed were already satisfactory.

"I could really rip off a lot with this!"

The special type of ceramic he created which was elegant and charming was a great one. Even the pure features of the ceramics, the smoothness and spontaneity has been ingrained it it.

"It seems exciting. Please teach me."

"Could you not learn by looking?"

His other companions looked at the ceramic accordingly as he gave an introduction introductory on making pottery.

When Weed was creating the pyramids, they just watched it and looked as if they had no interest. But when he was making pottery, it had a nice and simple atmosphere.

"I need some help back here."

Hwaryeong looked for opportunities that would lead to physical contact.

'If I used my spare time to learn about this stuff, then I would be popular to women. Yurin would also come one of these days to learn pottery.'

Zephyr learned the process of making pottery without abandoning his habits as a playboy.

'With ceramic, you could also make money.'

While Mapan's motive was still greed and money.

'I will give this as a gift to Maylon.'

'I want to make this for Pale.'

Weed hunted and also created ceramics. It was a very enjoyable and pleasant time.

"Do not force it when you are stroking it, try to feel it."

"Like this? Maybe not. Weed, press my hand because it looks like it would help me learn this feeling."

Weed and Hwaryeong made pottery as Seoyoon stood in a distance while watching them.

Seoyoon also learned how to make pottery. Possibly because she had a keen eye, she created a narrow bottleneck vase easily.

Whether Hwaryeong needed help from Weed because she was actually bad at making pottery or whether she was using it as an excuse she(Seoyoon), nor anyone else, could not tell.


Seoyoon got up from her place and went into the depths of the dungeon.

Her other teammates were busy making ceramics and because they thought she would just briefly step outside and come back, they did not follow her.

Seoyoon continued entering the dungeon.

"Kihihihis, that seems to have a lot of money."

"I'm going to rob you of everything."

The graverobbers arrived and began to taunt her.




"Please, spare me."


It was a massacre of the graverobbers!

Seoyoon usually did not use her full abilities to share experience with other people and level up their skills.

But now, she revealed the true strength of a Beserker as she continued to enter the dungeon.

"Kkhahaha, I couldn't find any treasure, but look what walked in!"

"It looks like we are going to get our drinking money for tonight... Kkweeeeg!"


Seal of Vulcan

You are the first discoverer of the Seal of Vulcan

Benefits: Fame has increased by 1298

Double experience and item drops for a week.

The first monster killed will drop the best quality item it can drop

The last remaining dungeon in these caves!

Seal of Vulcan was a place where devils were confined. The levels of ordinary monsters were already at level 500. There were also some that were at boss levels at some areas.

"Uh, could we really hunt in here?"

"Let's herd just one over here to see. Torido, get going."

Even though there was Weed, Seoyoon along with the summoned Torido and Van Hawk, the hunt was still quite difficult. Although the divine power of Irene was not weak, the damage of the Vulcan Protectors was too high making the task riskier.

The deeper they went into the dungeon, more Vulcan Protectors appeared, until they couldn't move on further without taking risks.

"I guess we should stop here for now"

Weed looked regretful as he said those words, but the others were happily agreeing.

Whenever they stayed with Weed they always hunted strong monsters, but as long as they were with Weed it felt easier and faster.

But in their hearts, no one wanted to really wanted to hunt the dungeons with the Vulcan's Demons.

"Then, let's go back to the Dwarf Storage Area."

The time for double experience and 2x item drops had already passed but since it was not really a bad spot to hunt they continued to hunt.

But all they have discovered were boxes of dwarves as graverobbers continued to appear. They dropped a lot of Adventurer, Excavator and Professional Thief items. Sometimes, even magic equipments that was fairly decent compared to the level they were hunting.

"Well then, I'll go see my quest for a while."

"Yeah. See you later."

Weed reported on his Sculpting Master Quest and with the help of Yurin, they headed for Bursilia.


"Chwiik. The song only continues down to the Orcs, it just mentioned that the four races lived together in a cave."

"Well then. Chwichiiig. Karichwi, I will believe in your words then."

The quest has been reported to Orc Lord Bulchwi.


You have completed The Sanctuary of the Four Races.

Through the song of the Orcs, you have discovered the cave where the four races lived together.

Now that they are separated, did they vary between being in good terms or in dispute. But, if a big crisis approached, the past historic friendship between the four races might then someday be binded again.

Quest Reward: Deeper ties with the Four Races.

Each great choice you make will make some impact with each of the races.

– You have gained historical knowledge.

Due to this special experience, Wisdom and Knowledge has increased by 2.

'The Sculpting Master Quest is to create a good order among the four races.'

And finally, he has completed another step of the quest.

After transforming to Orc Karacwhi and returning to Burslilia, the street have changed by quite a lot. The Orcs on the streets were steadily increasing while the Parachwi sculpture had became a valuable treasure to the Orcs.

'The fertility rate of the Orcs is really scary.'

And the status of 150,000 Orcs leaving towards Morata was something that he did not know of yet!

Bulchwi has released a gallant snort.

"Karichwi, the young Orcs that are interested in sculpting has increased, Chwiiig. Although it is useless, but do you think you could teach them how to make a sculpture? Chwis."


Sculpting Master of the Orcs

Orcs are currently thristing for art.

Teach the very forgetful and greedy Orcs to make sculptures.

Difficulty: Sculptor Master Quest

Quest Limit: Sculpting Skill Advanced Level 8 or higher

With the own power of the Orcs, they must create a work that has artistic value of more than 70 and they should create more than 50 pieces.

Must have a close relationship with the Orcs.

"I will teach, Chwichichichichichis"

– You have accepted the quest.

"When will you start, chwiiig."

"Right now will be alright. chwis."


As Weed taught sculpting, a lot of Orcs flocked around like a cloud.

Young Orcs filled the whole plaza to the point that some were even standing behind!

It was because Weed's intimacy with the Orcs was strong and along with his large fame.

"At least 70 artistic value, finishing up this quest should be pretty easy."

The Orcs have received commissions to create sculptures. Weed did not truly have the motivation to teach the complexity of Sculpting.

'I don't need to tell them about the aesthetics of sculpting and the value of art.'

With the intelligence of the Orcs, you can only expect them to do damage. Furthermore, Weed had no idea about things like that.

It was enough to just create what your heart wants you to create. Afterwards, they will accumulate their proficiency and they will desire to create greater things on their own.

If one tries to accomplish too much from the beginning then they will fail.

Orcs users also came to learn from the lectures of Weed.

"Cwhiik, feel the knife."

The young Orcs felt their knives, swords and glaives wilfully and did what was told.

Human castles also did not have many users who carried sculpting knives; Orcs would also probably not have the knives or skills either.

"Sculpt with that knife, Chwichwichwichwi. You should, chwiis. Create any look that you want to create. Chwichik!

He described it with simple moral lessons that was good to live by.

Actually, rather than describing it to the Orcs using words, it would be better to just show it to them.

"I will make a sculpture, look at it well and create with your own accordingly. Chwichwis!"

Since the Orcs were interested, it allowed them to make sculptures and easily make a good deer sculpture.

With Weed's skills in carving deers, he created one which was proportional to it's real size and it was very excellent that you cannot already distinguish if it's real or not.

And because of this, there came a lot of deer pieces.

The Orcs were at the level where they could only wish to be like him. They were even hardly worth the quarter of what Weed makes.

"Chwis. Sculpting is hard."

"I will never learn, Chwiikchwiik."

"I'm hungry, Chwirik."

"Let's go hunting, Chwichichichik."

More than half of the young Orcs who were in the square did not try anymore, got up then scattered. The very faint eagerness to learn sculpting in their minds have disappeared.

With the urgent nature of the Orcs to learn sculpting and his sloppy teaching is what made this quest fail.

But, Weed have experienced and saw enough of these Orcs to learn about their nature.

"By creating a good sculpture, chwiik. I will give money. Chwis. And give meat. Chwichichis. And also drinks. Chwiichwiiik!"

He was so desperate that he even put on a reward just to achieved his objectives.

The young Orcs were blinded by greed began crushing stones and cutting trees then began to make sculptures.

"I've made a deer, Chwiichik!"

What the young Orcs have brought were hardly deers and couldn't even be seen as one.

Their legs were at different lengths and what's more is their legs were also too thick.

Rather, it was better to say that they were bears on their four feet!

"Karicwhi, the one I made looks the same as yours. Chwiik."

"Chwichiiik. It does not resemble at all. Identify!"

Chopped Wooden Barrels

A work of a young Orc trying to make a bear using wood.

It looks like one can't imagine that this was actually a sculpture.

Artistic Value: 2

At least those poor things made of wood was much better.

Those sculptures made of stone which were not even finished was smashed then dumped away. Because the young Orcs used axe or glaives with their power to chop stones did their sculptures break.

"Do it seriously. Chwiik!"

All day the 'dog' pieces that were produced did not even exceeded by one.

The only tolerable thing that happened that he didn't even need to use Identify to look.

The wastage of materials was absurd, the trees were all cut badly with many scratches and grooves marring the form.

"Tomorrow will be better. Chwiiik!"

Possibly that it was because it was their first day of the learning process and it was too broad to be easily understood.

When he also did not know much about sculpting back then, he also had a lower possibility of creating a good work.

Since Orcs could make better sculptures with a lot of practice patience was needed.

Weed's tone grew louder.

The night of the second day.

"Just do it like you learned it, chwik"

Night of the third day.

"Why won't it go straight, chwik."

Night of the fourth day.

"These hopeless guys, chwiiiiiik!"

As the days go by, the Orcs have not yet adjusted their strength on the materials and still even had that poor aesthetic sense.

Weed wanted to teach that everything was not to be beaten and bashed.

"Chwis. I'm hungry. Let's eat rice."

"Scultping is boring. Chwirik."

"I want to money alreay. Chwichwichwik."

The appearance of Weed's lower jaw in Orc Karichwi made them quiveringly tremble. The young Orcs were also quickly growing day by day. The majority of the Orcs were already tired of sculpting and just went out for hunting.

Only some Orcs remained and steadily learned sculpting.

"If you learn how to sculpt, Chwiichwiik. You will get out money and food and you will be popular with female orcs as well, chwiik

"These are the words of the esteemed Karichwi, Chwiichwik. What Karichwi only tells us are real. Chwiichwik."

"Chwichwis. Sculpting is so good, chwiiiik. Let's continue learning."

"Yes, Chwiiiis. It's just tough at the beginning, chwichwis. Like when it is difficult to eat meat when it's chewy."

Weed convinced them by sugarcoating his words as they go on.

Although the young Orcs were very stupid on sculpting, they bit by bit gradually got used to his teachings.

Even though it was not refined or clean, the Orcs were producing more than one sculpture.

Boar Wooden Doll

A wooden product made directly by an Orcs that is wanted to be played with.

Surprisingly, the eyes, nose and the mouth was rushed.

This work was a result made from the competition between the young Orcs.

Artistic Value: 23

Well-carved stone with smooth cuts

Artistic Value: 5

Stone Axe for Young Orcs

Attack: 7

Actual stone axes that was reduced to a small toy. It looks like it could hurt and possible to be used for hunting.

This is a useful work when young Orcs are going to do a mischief and do group fightings.

Artistic Value: 28

"Phew~, chwiik!"

Just a snort came out.

Weed complimented and urged on the young orcs. The talent of the Orcs were visible. To avoid getting distracted, he was giving them foods as he taught them.

"Mastering sculpting could allow you to do things. Chwik. An Orc that could do a lot of things are loved by females. Chwiik."

And finally among the Orcs, some artists stood out and emerged.

The subject of their sculptures did not vary that much. The Orcs made their sculptures in accordance with their interests like hunting.

Or a sculpture of themselves being an Orc Lord!

Some Orc with a Glaive

The appearance of an adult Orc on a sculpture.

There is a lot of mistakes due to inexperienced handicraft but within a short period of time still developed an excellent work.

The attitude of an Orc scout in the bushes was well represented.

Artistic Value: 72

A sculpture which barely passes the beyond 70 Artistic Value mark has finally been made.

Weed continued to the side where he did not taught yet while full-blooded orcs that just makes sculptures by smashing have already quitted.

The savage and hurried nature of the Orcs was something that made teaching them not an easy task.

– The Orcs have made 50 sculptures with Artistic Value more than 70.

– Your Sculpting Mastery has increased.

– Leadership has increased by 4

– Wisdom has increased by 2.

Weed felt like he had finally passed a big mountain.

'The difficulty of this Rank A Quest was much more difficult compared to others.'

The young orcs would forget everything that was taught to them once they turned around being ingenious and having a strong personality, they only made things they wanted despite the advice he gave them.

As for Weed he doubted if the Orcs will be able to develop and the sculpture may be questioned.

The personalities of the Orcs meant that without using the skills they learned would disappear. Weed worried about this possibility.

However since there were now some orcs who had the skills and sculptures, he felt that things would work out.

Weed's job had been to plant a seed.

The rest was up to the orcs, whether the seed would grow or not.

"The sculpture. Chwiik. Orcs are smarter easily. Chwi Chwi Chwi Chwi."

"Made an effort, chwik."

Sculpting Master of the Orcs has been completed

You cannot predict at all what they are making, not even the orcs themselves are aware.

Quest Reward: Orcs has increased reputation as a sculptor.

Your Contribution Points has increased by 34.

You have acquired a new skill!

A Summoning skill has been acquired.

Summon Sculpture: Summoning type skill

By consuming mana, you will be able to call and summon the sculpture you have made.

The consumption will become larger according to the size and artistic value of the sculpture.

If you try to summon a sculptural lifeform, the consumed mana will be 10 times higher.

It was a very useful skill for Weed.

"I could use this anywhere, but I don't really need it."

Even though this time it is only a petite size Wyvern.

1-2 times the mana was discarded the moment when he tried to summon the dead.

I can just order them to go and wait, i don't have to use mana.

'I don't really know but summoning Bingryong at the start is probably going to be hard. Since the wyverns have a low artistic value, this skill would be occasionally be helpful.'

Bulchwi handed over a map that was made of leather.

"We found this, but it's just gonna be useless for us to use anyways. Chwichichis. So I'm giving it. Chwichwiiig. To you Karichwi."

– You have acquired a map of a hidden gem mines in the Versailles Continent.

It was very precious for someone who has jewelry skill. He was as cheerful if he's a female student getting a luxurious bag.

"No, there's no need to give this to me, chwiik, but since it's your wish for me to have it I'll take it gladly."

Unfortunately, when Weed looked at the map, it belonged to the Kingdom of Harpan.

There is no doubt that an excavation for the gem mines have not yet started.

If you beat the monsters and developed the mines, he could get a great return. But also in the vicinity, there would be prestigious guilds that would interfere and used it for exploitation!

'I'm just going to sell this to the Miners Guild and people who might be interested.'

He could also sell it to traders. If not, finding people who would want to give this to Harpan Kingdom to raise their contributions would not be hard.

"If you have something more to say then say so, Chwichiig!"

"Karicwhi, there is a little dangerous task that I want to ask. Chwiigchwiig!"

"What, chwis"


Then, images started to pour out in the eyes of Weed.


– Gyooooo.

A Chronodon opened huge wings was flying through the sky. It passed quickly through clouds, mountains and rivers.


The Chronodon was going on a rampage and breathed flames onto the ground. It burned the land and made rivers of fire.

The Chronodon was flying and created a sea of fire on the ground!

The Orcs built a stronghold on the mountains.

Although they primarily hunts monsters and animals, they also raised fruit trees for a living. The young Orcs and female Orcs looked after the fruit inside the stronghold. The Orc Warriors were holding glaives and spears as they guard the fort.

The Chronodon could be seen on the sky and its fire breath rained down onto the stronghold and mountains.


A huge blast came down from the skies towards the Orcs which caused the stronghold to be caught on fire.

"Chwi, Chwiiiiiis!"

The Orcs tried to stop the fire and was jumping up and down but it was useless.

The Orc Warriors fired poorly made arrows towards the Chronodon but with its poor accuracy and specifications, it almost did no damage.

The fire even moved towards the skinny trees in the mountains and created an enormous wildfire. Eventually, the roaring fire burned off by itself. After that, what remained was just the black ruins of the stronghold and not even 1 orc survived.

After the Chronodon did its devastation, it expanded it wings and flew to another place as every one of its own kin joined and gathered altogether.

Soon, hundreds of Chronodons covered the sky.

"We have to get rid of the Chrodons, chwiichwis. It's going to be a lot of hard work. Even so a lot of Orcs just went and cowered back to the bosoms of their mothers."

Listening to the words of Bulchwi, Weed had other thoughts running through his head.

The disgrace and plea of the orcs did not garner and sympathy or empathy.

'Chronodons are usually around level 315.'

They belonged to the monsters which are very difficult to hunt.

"That one is, the biggest Chronodon there is, chwichwiiig. That bastard really is. Chwit!"

It was really bad when it comes about the Boss Chronodon. It leads the crown and the level of is this leader is known to be more than 480.

"Karichwi, one of your friends Orc Gelchwi also died. Chwichwichwis!"

"Gelchwi is... chwiik!"

Whenever Weed is around Yuroki Mountains, the one who helps him during hunting is Orc Warrior Gelcwhi. But later on he received his jealousy because he was very popular within female Orcs, he was a very thickly muscled orc.

"The orcs did not just die, chwiik, they found out what the Chronodon's like, they like big bird eggs. Karichwi will you help us?

Battle Against Chronodons!

The Orcs met a bunch of Chronodons during the process of expanding their territory.

The Chronodons is a very ferocious race and prefer to just destroy things rather than talk about it. Each time the Orc's settlements were burned, it was done by them.

As long as the Chronodons are live, not just the orcs, but other living things will not be able to live at the El Nath Mountains and the Grey Lakes.

Countless of Orcs were defeated by the Chronodons and they start their expeditions only to be wiped out every time.

Difficulty: Sculptor Master Quest

Quest Limit: Sculpting Skill Advanced Level 8 or higher

The Orcs must fight and finish a victory against the Chronodons.

At least 35 Chronodons must be killed.

– The Battle Against Chronodons Quest has started.

Background information

The Orcs found out that Chronodons were very frantic about large bird eggs. However, these large birds avoid the Chronodons by fleeing to other places and never left anything away. You could create sculptures of bird eggs to persuade the Chronodons to go into the ground so that the Orcs could fight them.

Not just tactics and sculptures were needed, but a tight collaboration with the Orcs is also required for the quest!

'If this quest is to succeed, the forces of the Orcs is going to increase a little more.'

As the Orcs continued to expand more, he was commissioned to get rid of this great obstacle in front of them.

"I Karichwi, will have the Orcs do this. Chwiiiig."

– You have accepted the quest.

Chapter 4:Bird Egg Sculpture

The Chronodons were monsters that most people didn't often meet in the Versailles Continent. The information boards and various message boards didn't have much information about them around.

Title: Meet the Chronodon

It's the worst, really the worst!

Today was so unlucky.

A Chronodon herd was flying in the Habis Plains.

It was a place where merchants and users pass by. Except for a few lucky people, it was now deadly silent. The town was on fire and has been burned down.

Title: I died

I looked as I died. I watched as I died.

I had the chance to run up against the Chronodon. It will attack unconditionally.

Title: How to live after meeting a Chronodon!

You can't.

It's really awful.

Even though he had never fought them directly, looking at the boards and clips would still equip Weed with the basic knowledge about the Chronodons.

"It's not that hard to hunt them one by one, but they are usually in groups and anyone can get overwhelmed by their retaliatory actions, and their numbers......"

If you missed even one Chronodon during hunting, they would bring all their companions and come back later to take revenge.

It was a flying creature that flies and can breathe fire on everyone that's why they were mostly avoided during huntings.

Although the humans who lived in towns or on the mountains sometimes encountered the Chronodons, it could be said that the only safe method to avoid them was lay low and out of sight. Hunting them to gain loot or experience was a waste of time since it was too dangerous, and had a high likelihood of death.

"As flying creatures, placing good traps would certainly catch groups of them."

Weed scouted out the El Nath Mountains.

The reason he directly looked at El Nath Mountains was because its terrain seemed like it would be an important element to the battle.

Creating a place with fake eggs through sculpting and using it to lure the Chronodons would make the aspect of battle different.

"If the Orcs fight on ridge of mountain or canyon they are good as dead and there's gotta be a place where soaring is blocked by trees.."

Weed swiftly hopped on to the El Nath Mountains.

Thanks to his Quadruple Run skill, the stamina consumption to climb the mountain was lessened considerably.

Of course it was uncool. But one should not only focus about his appearance!

The El Nath Mountains was quite rough and its slope was steep and the road was also considerably high.

"The terrain in this place seems to be quite favorable."

Due to the Chronodons, areas of charred and burnt trees could be found.

There were also not many monsters and mountain beasts so perhaps it could be guessed that it was an area often visited by the Chronodons. Sometimes, there would be 1 of those Chronodons that would fly through the sky, its size was much larger than that of the Wyverns.

Whenever there was an unexpected sight of a Chronodon, Weed would hide underneath the thick trees.

"Only by placing a good trap will the Orcs be able to catch them in groups."

The goal of this quest is the victory of the Orcs. Although it was difficult, with their excellent fertility, even if they fail at first, they could still drag it on to continue and this was their tremendous advantage, the ability to continue and challenge them and prolong the fight.

They could only do it with tactics!

Of course, if his first attempt fails, his intimacy, contribution points, along with the trust of the Orcs would also decline.


Choi Sang-jun fell on his desk during break.

"Ah, it's difficult. It seems like I fought all night yesterday at Pormos Castle."

Choi Sang-jun was very popular in his department as part of the Black Lion Guild.

The Black Lion Guild fought a battle on Pormos Castle of Tullen Kingdom last night.

The industry of Tullen Kingdom has developed well due to its paved roads and rich materials. Since merchant wagons could move quickly through the paved roads, trade was being done actively and as a result, its population was quite large.

The Kingdom of Tullen is where the Black Lion Guild has its greatest influence and the Beden Guild was centered around Las Boa Castle!

In the Versailles Continent, they were in the top 20 favorites when it comes to the two-sided guild wars that's why the people were very interested.

Girls came near Choi Sang-jun.

"Sunbae-nim, tell us what happened."

"Didn't you see it on TV?"

"I have, but I want to hear it directly from the people from their experience. It was really an unbelievably great battle!"

"I did a lot of running about..... I don't know whether it came out nice in the broadcast."

"As an elite player of the Black Lion Guild, didn't you go beyond the walls?"

"Ah, that's right, I did!"

Regardless of the department, stories about Royal Road were the most popular.

There were a lot of people that was playing Royal Road, so it is expected that if you belong to the elite players of the Black Lion Guild, you would easily be a celebrity.

There was also a much superior user known in every department, and that was the name of Lee Hyun.

Stories in the past about Choi Sang-jun, Min So-ra, Lee Yoo-jung, Park Soon-jo, Joo Eun-hee, Hong Sun-ye's adventures exploring a dungeon that attributed with him had spread. Turning in the adventure tasks, Lee Hyun did not really care. The unrealistic stories about his outstanding success as a Dwarf Sculptor have quietly spread among the students.

And the name of his character was actually also Weed!

As he couldn't help but doubt, Choi Sang-jun told the other students.

"Does being God of War Weed near us making sense? You can't be saying that that Hyung is Weed? Plus, he's also a dwarf."

"Although.. I don't think Lee would look like it too. You're kidding me if you tell me that this oppa that I meet in school that cuts class and sleeps during school is the charismatic Weed."

"There's also the time when I answered him when he asked whether a certain professor did not check attendance."

"Look. This must be some mistake, I'm telling you."

Thanks to Choi Sang-jun, he was able to bury the topic regarding Lee Hyun without having the gossip become larger.

However, the party who participated in the adventurous tasks were still continuing to harbor doubts about Lee Hyun.


The broadcasting stations were trying to record a large surplus of broadcasts in Royal Road for the crowding ads.

Their fierce competition for audience ratings became like a war now.

"Are there persons who have newly completed quests?"

"A quest to find the master of the Broken Sword. It managed to become a hot issue on the boards, but no one could complete it.

"Learn more who has completed it and see if we could put it on air."

"Yes, I will send someone."

The broadcasting stations established an extensive research and spared no effort to inform the viewers about the affairs in the Versailles Continent.

"How are the ratings on the Battle of Pormos Castle?"

"We are at 3.4%. If combined with other stations, it would be at 25.9%."

"How did the KMC Media do?"

"They are at 7.5%"

The KMC Media has very good sound effects and camera control. This further strengthened their benefit of having a quick-reporting system. The other broadcasting stations were late by one step and a part of them could only envy them.

But the staff of KMC media actually hated that fact.

"We're working overtime even today?"

"There is currently an invasion being led by the Embinyu Church. The director mobilized the broadcasting station and has gathered us!"

The sudden live events that were taking place on Royal Road must be relayed immediately and depending on the response of the other broadcasting stations, certain improvements were being made.

Each of the broadcasting stations had their own competitive staff. And with their insufficient personnel, they rarely leave their work on time.

"This month, there will be specialized programs on hunting dungeons every Monday, not on a Tuesday. Aren't there any knowledgeable persons about it in here? "

"The Almighty program director took care of it and directed that one."

Then leave it at that, and what happened to Basic Quest Guides for Beginners?

"It will start next Wednesday afternoon throughout the country."

"The advertisements?"

"It's already slightly more than half, it seems it will be able to fill up to 80% before it starts in the country."

The day of the broadcasters had their minutes and seconds flying by as they competed. As the 24-hour broadcast system was equipped, the scale of the stations also increased.

Even though the viewership of the Royal Road in the night was high, the broadcasting team were always prepared with a backup program in addition to the regular one for emergencies.

KMC Media, CTS Media, LK Games, On Studios, Digital Media, CHN Broadcasting.

Each of the stations having a high share of audience and spared no expense for equipping themselves with the best staff.

"Weed! Weed has started his adventure; Start broadcasting, immediately."

"I don't care anything about the other broadcasts. Disconnect the current broadcast, circumstances will be explained later."

A dedicated team was created for the special program called "Weed".

When Weed's adventures were broadcasted in this program, the audience would always jump for joy. Advertising sales were the additional parts of income, once the viewers count grew up.

If the adventures of the Weed weren't broadcasted by their stations immediately, it'd be no wonder that they'd lose viewers to other stations.

The owners of the eateries and pastry stores near the stations would also await the day Weed's adventures would be aired. Because on days like that, dozens of the station staff would buy toasts, and bread to prepare.


"Chwiik! The day after tomorrow after the sun goes out, Chwichiwchwis. When the moon comes, we're going to go to Grey Lake. Karichwi, you get ready until then."

The Orc Warriors were preparing to leave El Nath Mountains for the Chronodons. The elite Orc warriors that were mobilized in Bursilia were numbered 120. Flashing glaives and leather armors could be seen upon the Orc Warriors. Having survived countless battles, they boast of being the surviving veterans.

Once the quest returns as a failure, the Orcs would also be receiving a considerable blow.

Even with their vigorous breeding capabilities, they wouldn't be able to repair the damage since these experienced Orc Warriors have been repeatedly battling as they were being raised.

Other than some invited users, the progress of Weed on his quest regarding the Orc locals was not known at all.

'There's little time.'

Weed prepared for the quest and even went back to Montvertruria to make ceramics with his friends. As their experience on making ceramics was being increasingly solid, decent works are also being produced en masse.

"So this time, you're doing a quest for the Orc Stronghold. Have fun!"

"Isn't catching Chronodons dangerous? They are flying monsters that's why they're pretty hard to catch."

They could just leisurely talk when they were making ceramics as Irene and Surka were interested in Weed's said quest.

The girls visited places from here and there and most of them liked the adventure.

"Can we also go?"

Hwaryeong had an idea and would try to secretly follow. And Bellot who was watching from the background, it looked obvious that she wanted to also go. Nowadays, she was having occasional dreams about their adventures on Jigolaths. In life, she did have much opportunity to experience thrilling moments.

One of the best reasons why Royal Road is popular among people is because you could enjoy adventuring here.

For Weed, those hints of wanting to go were all around and already out and wide open.

"Well, you guys couldn't interfere with the quest. Because it requires for the Orcs to fight so just watch."

"Kkyaa, really!"

Yurin used her Picture Teleportation from Bursilia without having to go along with the Orc Warriors towards the El Nath Mountains since they could not wait.

"Ah, maybe it's alright. Sure, I also wanted to see."

Despite of the good news, Maylon held her two hands together and was restless. She was on a dilemma since on that day, they have a program in the broadcasting station.

Going to the station would get her bonuses while going with the wind and going to El Nath Mountains would get her what she really wanted.

She was a live broadcast host and her mood was different since she was leaving her other co-workers with her assigned tasks just to be involved in the adventure.

Pale calmed her down.

"Don't worry about it and just do what you want."

Maylon showed a tearful face.

"Huhu, my vacation days this year is already spent."

She felt bad for her co-workers that's why she decided to just work. As host and for the sake of the viewers, she thought it would just be better to go.

"Hunting Chronodons....."

Weed was hunting on Montvertruria and decided to modify some pre-made plans. Originally, his quest was about creating sculptures perfectly enough to be mistaken as a bird egg and to entice for the Orcs to attack.

Needing to seize 35 Chronodons. If the sculptor here had no ability to fight, there will be no guarantee to do this quest even how many times he did this. It was indeed a difficult request.

The trust will decline and with the deaths, his level will also fall a lot.

But Weed was not some common sculptor since he also developed a lot of offensive stats and skills.

"The leather of the Chronodons should rather be on the expensive side when sold... probably. A herd of the Chronodons usually has about 90 of them. If these guys disappeared, the Orcs would even have a larger area to expand."


After two days, Weed returned to Bursillia and met Orc Lord Bulchwi.

"I need a favor, chwit!"

"What happened, chwichwik!"

"I need Orc Warriors. Chwiiig!"

"Chwiichwiig. If you ask, how many Orcs will you need along the way. Chwiichwi!"

Orc army can be mobilized with the current Contribution Points and Intimacy.

Orc Warriors 240,000

Orc Champions 80,000

Orc Shaman 5000

Orc's contribution was crucial and the Orc armies had a high intimacy with Weed, enough to be referred as brothers. Karichwi had built up his contribution and familiarity with Orcs, after he led the Orc army in the fight of Undead Legion.

'I think it's still little compared to the enemy.'

Weed thought that the Orcs were stingy in providing him support, considering his massive contribution towards the Orcs.

He thought like that because he didn't know that majority of the Orcs had already left for Morata.

"It's going to be around 10,000 Orc Champions. Chwichichi!"

"Alright, chwiik! I'll get them ready"

– Contribution Points towards the Orc has been reduced.

If a huge number of orcs died in the battle, a lot in his contribution points would be reduced. Battles could build up the experience of the Orcs and if the battle is won, Contribution Points would also increase. Chronodons are obstacles to the prosperity of orcs. So if the quest is cleared, his Contribution Points would increase a lot.

"Gotta get rid of these things quickly. Chwiiik!"


The Sculptural Lifeforms fought fiercely with the monsters every day in the vicinity of Vargo fortress.


The contribution of early-born wyverns and the big bodied Bingryong in the battle was no less. They would hide and head out, doing the scouting as they go around in groups and hunt monsters.

The strongest is the Pheonix and Goldman who mainly shoot arrows and Yellowy who was always being overlooked. While those Sculptural Lifeforms who were given life on Jigolaths were on Vargo Fortress and reducing the monsters there.

Thanks to these night and day activities of the Sculptural Lifeforms, the risk of getting swept by these monsters has decreased.

"Kkieeeeg! I'm back."

Wy-3 who went away just came back and the Wyvern went and welcomed him.

"Thanks a lot, Wy-3."

"Kklugkklug. This, time I went very far."

The Wyverns who have their time for themselves did not really envy him. Because of the dirty nature of their Master, Wy-3 like it more when he gets lots of free time.

Wy-3, who sitting on the ground, laid down on his stomach and said.

"He said that he needed more personnel now. Master is calling us to go to Bursilia."

For the Wyverns, those words were like lightning!

"Kklugkklug, when are we going?"

"We have to come by tomorrow evening."

Considering the distance between them and Bursilia, they could arrive if they flew overnight.

"Too bad."

"Golgolgol. There's a lot to do."


Bingryong, Goldman, Yellowy and the others were all watching from the sidelines.

"Bingryong, you have to come."


"And as you come, go and bring Goldman."


Yellowy's eyes narrowed down and his tail swayed as he tried to cheerily laugh.

"And Yellowy, you come with Light Wing."


The cries of Yellowy rang out.


El Nath Mountains.

Weed along with the 120 Orc warriors arrived at night and commenced operations for the Quest.

Kkang! Kkang! Kkang!

"Shall I make it properly now?"

Sculpting stone sculptures of birds and eggs. It was already enough for Weed to call it a cinch.

"Real art has got to be demonstrated here."

Indeed, making fakes is what could be said Weed specialized in. Because he had already saw all kinds of quality of work since he also started from a lower proficiency in Sculpting. However, he needed to place it until morning that's why he needed to hurry up on preparing since time wasn't really on the generous side.

The Chronodons have a low night vision that's why they go and hunt for food when the sun is up and not when it's evening or dawn.

Having excessive workload on a tight hour was indeed something that every worker in the Republic of Korea have experienced and was tired of. He was already familiar with the culture in elementary school when he cram his studies and it's not impossible for him to do.

"Then, I have to make a shady place rather than a bright place so that they would not notice that the eggs were fake from a distance. And the others would find it hard to flock on us. It must be a well-hidden place."

A few Chronodons would appear and would pretty much ignore to be cautious.

It was not an exaggeration that Weed's stone sculptures were excellent. Those round white stone sculptures then using tree branches to make a bird's nest and spread it naturally.

The Orcs prepared 8 large stones!

Since he needs to create big bird eggs, The Orcs brought stones which size was already enough that it couldn't be hugged by the arms.

The Orcs, who were preparing to fight came heavily armed and so they couldn't bring a lot of heavy stones because they were already tired from wearing their gear.

"I guess it would be better to make more bird eggs than I need. I think having them distracted would make it easier to hide and camouflage."

Due to the lack of stone, Weed just made the bird egg by baking the soil and putting glaze on it.

Making ceramics includes sophistication and artistry but he just made it so that it had a similar form.

Weed made a perfect nest for the birds to lay their eggs this morning.

If this trap works then they would not be too bad to eat!

A new way on how to use sculpting!

Romuna admired while stroking the stone.

"Wow, excellent work.This big round thing really looks like a bird egg."

Bellot wandered around the sculptures looking for any flaws.

But she saw they were appetizing bird eggs.

"Sculpting in this type of style, I never thought it was possible. I didn't know too much about sculptures, but it appears there really is no limit to sculpting."

Whenever the sun rises, the Chronodons will start to come in flocks. His friends already became excited about what would happen.

A Chronodon was flying over the El Nath Mountains.

Weed and his friends, along with the Orcs are completely disguised and hid their bodies in a large pit around the bushes.

Weed wanted the Orcs to follow his orders better so he changed into Karichwi. The body of the Chronodon was visible from the sky as they hid stealthily between the leafs.

'Come on down.'

Anxiously waiting they sat down on the ground as the sounds of the Chronodon crying echoed through the sky.

The Chronodon was looking for its breakfast and noticed the bird eggs that were placed under the valley. It checked if there were any other hostile monsters or other Chronodons on the ground as they would contend over the food.


"Finish them."

When the Chronodon went down to the ground, the Orcs who were hiding rushed in.

The steel snare activated and threw a steel net to capture it.

The Chronodon emitted flames, but the more experienced Orc warriors carefully sidestepped the fire and attacked the trapped Chronodon.

The Orcs have succeeded in the hunting of the Chronodons.

Remaining Number for the Quest: 34

You have acquired a Chronodon leather.

"Good start!"

After a while, Chronodons came back and Orcs started hunting.

Because of the excellent position of the traps and the combat abilities of the Orcs, the hunt went easier than they thought it would be.

By noon, a total of 7 Chronodons were caught!

Weed was fighting as an Orc thus their hunting speed was very fast. The best moments for the Orcs to attack the Chronodons was when they opened their beaks to tear apart the eggs and swallow them.

The sun was in its zenith floating up high as Weed and the Orcs ate a meal of dried jerky at noon. There was no damage to the Orcs yet, and the quest was safely proceeding.

In the afternoon, the Chronodons entered as packs of 3s or 2s.

'To prevent damage to the Orc army, we need to rest a little.'

Regardless if it was a pack of 2 or 3 Chronodons, they were beaten down to the ground by the Orcs without hesitation.

With Weed's Charisma, they quickly threw the nets in order to poke them with a spear using close combat.

The hunting was easy, due to the best Orc warriors present in the hunting tribe. Weed's level was high and the chronodons which were fallen and trapped in the nets weren't a threat anymore.

Then, things started happening when only 21 were left to finish the quest.

In the sky, a total of 5 chronodons appeared at once.

And then he turned around to scout the place, after which 3 chronodons landed down to earth.

Pale who was behind and came along as a spectator, gulped.

'You might get caught this time.''

Weed's friends were nervous.

The problem would arise if the three Chronodons realized that the eggs are fake. A greater crisis would then occur if the Chronodons in the sky also joins the battle after Orcs start attacking.

Weed didn't find the whole quest as difficult, but he found it problematic if the Orcs would be roasted by the fire and couldn't get out.

'They should start eating it now, isn't it? They would notice it that the eggs are fake.'

'Quickly hunt those 3 Chronodons and step back to wait for the next opportunity......'

Romuna and Surka became anxious when they saw the Orcs at risk.

Since Weed had not signaled the Orcs to run out, the Orcs still hid and did not come out of their hiding.

The Chronodons approached to eat the eggs.

It'd be wiser to use the opportunity rather than doing nothing.

The Chronodons pecked out the bird eggs with their beaks.

After the outer shell of the fake egg was broken, the fragrance of meat started leaking!

Chronodons swallowed up the small eggs as whole, that were scattered around.

– Eukekeke (Delicious)

-Ukkyakkya, ukkyalu (Gives taste. It's the best taste.I haven't eaten such a delicious egg in the history of my flying around.)

-Kiyalululu (That is why we won't break the eggs).

The two of the Chronodons which were flying in circles landed down to eat the eggs.

Weed cooked these.

The Chronodons landed on a place closest to the eggs without stepping on them.

The outer shell was made using baked soil, and the inner contents were egg and ostrich egg contents.

-The Chronodons have praised you on how delicious the food that they ate was.

Cooking Skill proficiency has increased.

He got through the monster by using his mastery in Cooking Skill.

For Weed, this is not a very good news since the monsters were eating without paying!

He could not forgive free eating customers.

'No one will get away.'

Weed gestured the Orcs to go for a sneaky approach.

They went to the nets once the Chronodons were caught in order to bombard them.

The Chronodons ate as their minds became occupied and did not already know what was happening in the vicinity.


Weed along with the Orcs, struck at them all at once.

They cast a snare into their wings and legs then covered them with the net.

A perfect surprise in the middle of eating!

And Weed used his skill.

"Sculpting Blade!"

A simple but effective skill with destructive power!

Although he could use Moonlight Sculpting Blade, he has low mana with his state as an Orc.

Chronodons breathe fire as they were trapped in their nets and snares. However, they also placed hidden water on the rocks to the place where the bird egg were set up in advance.

Weed was prepared for the situation, just in case things didn't go as planned he had set even more traps to counter the Chronodons.

In some of the large clay bird eggs, the Orcs smashed the shell and jumped out which surprised the Chronodons.

Due to your outstanding commanding ability, Leadership has increased by 1.

After hunting 5 altogether, only 16 Chronodons were left to be killed to complete the quest. Even though the bird eggs that they created has slightly decreased, more than half of the target monsters were already killed.

"Karichwi, you really have the qualities of an Orc Lord. Chwiichwiig!"

"Many of your Orc tricks are cunning. chwis."

Weed received a lot of praises from the Orcs to himself.

"Today, before the stars comes up, chwichiwchwis. We can do it in no time, chwichwichwiig."

"If these guys get away, chwichwig. And bring their kin. We're all dead. chwischwis!"

"Karichwi is the pride of the Orcs, chwiiig. Karichwi, I assure you that we are like brothers even if we are going to go away and live together, chwiiiiik!"

The Orcs talked among themselves.

Weed was gazing at the sky and was effortlessly waiting for the Chronodons to appear.

Then, when he was listening to the stories of the Orcs, he suddenly got a goosebumps.

He's even more shocked compared to when the 5 Chronodons appeared.

"What do you mean when you said you leave and live with me, chwiik."

"Moratna, chwik."

"Going to see Karichwi in Moratna. Stupid chwiiichwichichig."

"Tell me about it, chiichwii. I'm going to be happy."

"Karichwi living with his Bursilia brothers. North of the Continent, where some went to find the house of Karichwi. Chwichichwiig."

Weed's face turned yellow.

"And, a few of them went? chwichwis."

"It's only 150,000, chwig. Don't you like it. Chwiik!"

"If Karicwhi is glad, chwichichwis. you can tell by his face, it is very obvious."

"Congratulations, Karichwi. Chwichichichwis."

The Morata that he cherished and raised was eventually going to be visited by flock of Orcs!

Since Weed also experienced the life of an Orc, he had no extreme prejudice against them.

He was proud of the culture and architecture of Morata and he did not have any discrimination against Orcs.

The Orc species itself is already attractive enough. But, with the nature of the Orcs species, they do not pay taxes on their city or kingdom.

'I heard that if the Orcs were forced to pay taxes, they would do riots.....'

That was paying no taxes on Weed's territory. What's worse is when the Orcs did a large scale breeding. It's too painful to imagine!

''No, they'll still never safely reach the far north. The sense of direction the Orcs are really poor. With their sense of direction, if they met dangerous monsters, they would die. And I did not hear the news so how are they going to go access the land up north.'

If the Orcs does not have any Sea Navigation Skill, it would be more dangerous. These 150,000 Orcs residing there would already be a tremendous power but it is already a given that this long-distance migration is not going to go smoothly.

'At best, they would make a log raft, take it with them and go. They may reach the wrong place and the ocean currents will sweep them away. With the poorly made raft, the rope would unwind then they would be swept and will not even have the chance to swim through the waves hitting them. At least one whirlpool and storm would sweep them away......'

Weed was hoping for the annihilation of the Orcs.


The 3 Mad Sharks of Becky Nin.

During the trip to the Jigolaths, Weed had met the three sharks during his trip and had enjoyed the company of the pirates on board for the most part. The ghost ship sailed, the first mates and rowers travelled widely around the seas, plundering and trading at random places here and there.

"Hoist up the sails. Let's go plundering!"

They were people who enjoy the freedom of the sea!

The damage between the fleets of Pirate King Griffith and Drinfield have grown extensively.

Previously, Griffith had observed etiquette and admitted his wrongs in small doses, but now the pirate ships within Griffith's influence have expanded to a point where his desires grew as well. By using the treasure map he found by chance, he was able to find buried pirate treasure.

Whenever he raises his pirate flag, he was able to command a kraken.

In most kingdoms, a price was put on their heads as the three mad sharks of Becky Nin became the deities of the pirate world.

To consider only those ships in the pirate fleet, there were now more than 30.

"What are those?"

"Seems like Orcs, Captain!"

They discovered an Orc group which was cutting trees in the seashore. Young and old, there were many Orcs who were making a raft to get a ride across.

Orc Lord Seechwi!

She and Geomchi2 both joined on this to head North with a bunch of Orcs .

Seechwi had been tasked to lead the Orcs and was meticulously preparing by taking massive amounts of wood.

In order for the Orcs to travel to the North, the imported food they brought was insufficient. They are unable to hunt while moving and other kingdoms do not have open borders for the Orcs.

The Orcs could only inevitably choose the ocean.

Some Orcs were glad they were lucky enough to go to Morata.

"Orcs attack and hoard experience by doing things constantly. I do not know if there will be any loot."

The 3 Mad Sharks of Becky Nin were looking at the thousands of Orcs that were going to the sea, they looked at all of the chieftains that could raise their levels.

If they shot the rafts made by those Orcs, they could easily earn experience points.

However, Seechwi found them and kindly advised them.

"We're going to go to Morata, chwichwichis. Please don't disturb us, chwiim!"

Unfortunately, the 3 Mad Shark Becky-nin did not have any sympathy for the female Orcs. But they were very curious as to why Orcs are going to go live in Morata.

"What's going on?"

"Orc Karichwi, chwis! No, Weed-nim, we're going to migrate to Morata with Weed-nim. Chwichwichwiig!"

Hye, Fractal and Board Mir always recalled Weed whenever they were drinking.

"Our teacher is actually not different from God of War Weed. We learned the bad things from him. Yet, we can't even go toe-to-toe with him."

Now looking back, bad things happen whenever their destiny tries to meet with Weed. They could become famous and do their wicked deeds properly because of what they've learned.

Although, every time they do wicked deeds to Weed they still lived so it doesn't really matter at all. Unfortunately(?), the 3 Mad Sharks of Becky-Nin are not really evil by nature. Becoming famous among the pirates, Drinfelt and Griffith were thinking they had a great debt to Weed giving a weak point in the seas and allowing them to dominate.

[TL: That question mark was left by the author]

"Lets let them ride on our ship."

"Aren't those Orcs too much?"

"I know some people among the sailors and the crew who knows how to make ships."

"Most of us knows a little bit."

If one lived long enough on a ship, their Shipbuilding skills would naturally increase its proficiency until Beginner Level 3.

"All of you go and help the Orcs make their boats. Even building a simple raft would also increase your Shipbuilding Skill. "

"Is that a good plan?"

Hye, Fractal and Board Mir did it as if it was their job and helped with the migration of the Orcs. The time to create the rafts has been greatly reduced and they gave a course guide about voyaging in the sea as well.

Chapter 5:The Birth of Ceramists

Ever since the hunting of the Chronodons by the Orcs started, there were no still accidents that happened. The bird eggs were so well made that they were already enough to attract the Chronodons. There were also the skillful warriors and hunter Orcs to take into account.

When there was only 4 left for the completion of the quest, 6 of them suddenly appeared all at once.

Every second was a dangerous moment.

'This is the end.'

All six of them descended to the earth as Weed and the fearless Orcs waited for a surprise attack.

"Chwiiik, Catch those bastards."

"Don't forget the revenge for the Orcs. chwis!"

"Let's defeat these guys and go back to Bursilia. chwiicwhiiiig!"

Although it was the final attack, the Orcs were still not careless and distracted. While there was also some mild behaviors, Weed's leadership and nagging while keeping an eye on them kept them from doing so.

-Kkaeraek Kkaeraek(It's a trap. Let's escape).

-Kkiet (Let's eat the bird egg)!

A struggle between the Chronodons!

After the 4 climbed up the beautiful net, it was already easy enough to hunt the remaining two.

The Chronodons breathed flames as they were caught on the net. But, it was a slow process.

It's like there are spoon and chopsticks on the dining table for this quest. There were different ways to handle the situation!

Then, a voice was heard from the skies.

-Kkukkkyeeeeee(The Orcs are attacking our kin)!

There was 1 Chronodon that was passing by and witnessed the spectacle.




The Chronodons who were in the net and the Chronodon in the skies were having a conversation. Given the circumstances, their words were probably asking them to be rescued.

But the Chronodon who was flying through the sky changed its path and did not come down to land. Perhaps it was going to go back and lead a bunch of its kin.

"Weed! What do we do?"

Pale and his other party members who were hiding and just sightseeing sprang out in surprise.

They saw that their own kin was being hunted so the Chronodons would probably come back for revenge.

A huge crisis might fall upon them.

"Once I deal with these guys. chwiiig!"

Weed thoroughly eliminated the Chronodons who were hanging on the net.

The Orcs killing all 35 Chronodons has been completed.

You have accomplished the terms of the quest.

Sculpting Mastery has increased.

The reputation of Orcs as Sculptors will improve.

Leadership has increased by 4.

Quest complete!

Weed commanded the Orcs.

"Orcs, go back first. chwiik!"

"Karicwhi, no way... chwis."

"Chwichwichwis, please could you....."

The eyes of the Orcs turned fierce.

"It's not going to be fair to leave you alone to eat these delicious eggs, chwiichwiiiik!"

"If it's really bad for Orcs, chwichichwig. Then we should split it and eat them with each other."

The Orcs' thinking was just up to that level.

Bellot just sighed dramatically.

'Idiot Orcs, I'm just trying to tell them I'm going to send them first. To protect them from being caught by the Chronodons.....!'

Weed became stuck thinking about how to deal with the situation when his face suddenly toughened.

"You guys, go first, chwiiik. I'm going to guard the back of my brothers, chwis!"

The Orcs were really going to fight to the end that's why Weed encouraged them twice to thrice harder. When they all had disappeared, he dispelled his Sculptural Transformation. The Orcs were surprisingly sharp, that's why he was quite surprised.

"Whew, they almost got caught!"

"Weed-nim, do you have any plan?"

Pale felt something and asked.

In this situation, when Weed sent the Orcs first, he's got to have some ulterior motive.

"Let's just first eat these bird eggs together."

There were still remaining bird eggs that were not broken!

The flames, discharged by the Chronodons during the battle, had cooked the eggs perfectly and deliciously.

He sprinkled the salt, that he created in his journey to Jigolath and ate the eggs together with his party.


1 of the Chronodons flew back to their lair.

'The Orcs killed them all. I'm not going to leave even 1 of them alive.'

If the leader of the Chronodons led them, they could surely avenge their resentments.

When they arrived back to the nests as quickly as possible, their kin was nowhere to be found. It was only filled with traces of the battle that took place nearby along with the lingering scent of salted eggs.


The Wyverns, Goldman and Bingryong were at the nest looking at the Chronodons.

At that time, it was projected that there were 10,000 Orcs that raided the nest of the Chronodons.

The Orcs suffered considerable damage while Bingryong and the Wyverns had succeeded in their activities to wipe out the Chronodons.


"Chwik. Karichwi, you are just too great. Chwichichig. Without a doubt an incredibly amazing and exceptional Orc."

Weed went back to Bursilia and lots of praises poured in from the Orc Lord Bulchwi. The fame of Karichwi and his fame with the female Orcs had increased further as well. It was an obvious fact that the males felt nothing but envy towards Karichwi.

"First, I spoke to all of the Orcs, chwichichik. And many of the Orcs believe that sculptures, to the Orcs, are also extremely important, chiwchichik. I, Bulchwi, must also admit it as well, chwik."

Battle Against Chronodons completed

It is shown that the Orcs are born warriors and have great physical strength.

The flying Chronodons have showed their weakness and you achieved victory based on sculpting.

The territory of the Orcs will expand out on Gray Lake and El Nath Mountains.

Although there were a lot of unknown monsters, the Orcs will think you can overcome any crisis well.

Orc Lord Bulchwi will have respect for sculptures and Orc Sculptors within the tribe will be given more preference.

Fame has increased by 2960

All stats has increased by 3

Friendship with Orcs has increased.

Orc sculptures will be respected better.

The Orcs will develop the culture and knowledge about Sculpting.

Among the innumerable sculptures they are able to create, there would be a high possibility that there would be unique pieces that the Humans and the Dwarves are unable to create to be born.

This Orc culture made their inner unity become even more firm.

The birth rate of Orc Shamans and Druids has increased.

Through sculptures, they will be able to pass their skills on hunting to young Orcs.

The Orc Heroes created solidarity between the Orcs species.

Weed solved the quest but rather than rejoicing, he felt as if something was off.

With his Sculpting Master Quest, in the end, he felt that it was somewhat empty!

"This sculpture, chwis. Seems to have improved. Ratzeburg, I've been thinking a lot about it. The Orcs have laughed at and played with the Dwarves as if they were toys. Chwiiig!"

Neither past nor the present story between the Orcs and Dwarves was good. Orcs were the most disliked race and were bad with relationships, the Dwarves were also the race the Orcs particularly hated.

"Though in fact, chwichichwig. I want to apologize to them. Karichwi, I'm trying to give them sculpture as a gift, chiwchichwig. We want you to take this job, chwiiiig."

Relation Improvement of the Orcs and Dwarves

Orc Lord Bulchwi have known the truth about Ratzeburg and replaced his thoughts about sculptures. Their narrow-mindedness and intolerance caused a division between the disagreeable nature of the Dwarves and them. Apologize first to reconcile with the dwarves.

Because of the generosity of the Orcs, you would probably reach out to the dwarves.

Difficulty: Sculpting Master Quest

Quest Limit: Sculpting Advanced Level 8 or higher.

Must have a close relationship with the Dwarves.

Weed then nodded.

"The Dwarves has beer already embedded in their loud and boorish beards, chwichichichichig! I guess meeting and talking with them is really going to be a bother, chwik!"

– You have accepted the quest


"Kehehehe, finally done!"

Mapan was riding his wagon and arrived at Hilswade Castle.

The big shops in the capital of Aidern Kingdom were often selling a lot of luxury goods!

"Hmmm, I don't really whether could I get a reasonable price for these."

Mapan bought the ceramics made by Weed along with the ceramics made by their friends in Montvertruria.

His merchant wits felt something, he seemed to be a little salty about his earnings on buying those ceramics.

Weed's ceramics cost 30 gold each!

Bargaining and selling artwork was difficult; errors could easily be made and the price wasn't even certain. With Weed's prior experience in the past on making proper ceramics, it ended up getting sold 30 gold per piece.

Of course, the ceramics that the others made did not even hit outside 5 silver.

"I wonder if this can really sell. I don't really know, but the market price is going to be a big adventure."

Mapan carefully steered his wagons containing full of ceramics and headed for the shopping district.

The trading post was surrounded by the residents while bustling sounds could be heard.

"The world is truly difficult to live on."

The most notable traders that could be seen were importing glass ornamentals and were earning a lot of money. What will I be able to buy with that kind of money?

"Floor carpets are a very rare sight these days. If it was to be sold today, a lot of people would still buy even though it is a little expensive..."

"In the next few weeks, wine created from grapes will come out. In this neighborhood, although it is popular, wouldn't it be better to bring and sell it on a further location? Oh yeah, there's also wine that comes from Morata of the north. I wonder what is the taste of wine there. In Aidern Kingdom, the flavor is rich, although a little distasteful but the wine still sells well."

The words from the residents were a very valuable source of information for the merchants.

Looking at the small portion of the goods in the Versailles Continent could help set what the trend would be.

For Mapan to have an increased prestige and charm, he wore commercial expensive clothes and got out of a carriage.

"The ceramics would probably sell better....."

His heart was pounding as he opened the door to the bowl store and entered.

With Hilswade Castle being a fairly large place, more than 20 users were picking bowls. Merchants, cooks, there were such a huge variety of people that were purchasing house bowls.

"What brings you here?"

"Just came to sell some things."

"Let me see it."

Mapan took out three water jugs and bowls Weed made from his bag.

The shop owner carefully looked at the bowl and shook his head.

"If you did not know, there are also shops in the mountains where you could buy these products."

"Ah, is that so?"

Mapan felt embarrassment about the bowls as his face reddened.


"Look at him. He's completely embarrassed from importing cheap bowls."

"I agree. How useless must it be that a store doesn't buy them. If it's passable, I might just give it a shot."

"When people can't use it, is it not supposed to be sold to the Goblins?"

In the Versailles Continent, most of the novice traders are a pain in the ass and would just indiscreetly laugh at you!

The merchant attire that Mapan was currently wearing was acquired by going around with the Geomchis and was a rare equipment that's why users would usually not recognize it.

But, the shop owner of the bowls continued and said.

"I don't really know much about art. This valuable work is supposed to be used for holding food or drinks, right?"


"You could see these kinds of artworks in luxury good shops and art exchanges."

With your high valued goods, Fame has increased by 2.

Mapan's heart rate accelerated.


Considering the deceptive nature of Weed, what he brought was quite sensitive. But it seemed to be worth at least 30 gold.

Mapan went to see the store owner of the luxury shop of bowls by looking for the store name. If he had any expensive items, this was where they supposedly did business.

He showed the ceramics to the owner to find out their prices.

"Well. This bowl... The color is beautiful and the finished quality is quite excellent. It's going to be noticed by a lot of nobles. Merchant Mapan, I have stumbled on your name quite a few times. I heard that you were oftenly trading quality good products and have a good reputation in this particular field, I would be generous and give 220 gold for each one."

It's already 7 times the amount he had paid Weed, and as for the profit one gets for specialty goods, it was a huge amount!

Besides, Weed created it using dirt, water, fire so the price to produce it is even second to none. Right now, selling and trading it would reap benefits since this it was considered as a profitable business and merchants embraced something that would give tremendous experience and fame.

But, Mapan grabbed the opportunity once it came into view rather than sell. Since he has good items to sell, it was possible for him to ask for more money.

Of course, in the worst case scenario, his intimacy will fall and he would not be able to make another transaction then just go to another kingdom to trade.

"Did you know who did this work, how could it be that the best selling price is at that? It upsets me that you believe that it was a good price for what I brought."

Mapan slightly noticed that he will come out strongly if he sold out Weed's name.

"Let's see. What the... I made such a mistake! It's the work of the most famous sculptor and adventurer Weed! My whole life, it was my real desire to see Weed's sculptures."

Your first trade has succeeded.

Due to selling items, your accounting skill has increased by 0.9%.

The price of Weed's sculptures was influenced by his fame and received an increase in its price.

Due to the numerous adventures of Weed, it was already something normal that he already had a certain level of intimacy with any resident. As the merchants always have wanted, it was their dream to sell trading goods at an overpriced price.

Mapan swallowed his saliva and was thrilled.

It was an exhilarating moment like when a warrior is hunting for a dragon.

"Considering the person who created this, I'm not going to sell this stuff if I was you! These rare bowls of yours are difficult to come by. 280 per piece would be fine. What do you think? Would you sell?"

The gold offered was 50 gold more than what he originally expected. However, the greed of these merchants would always want themselves getting the premium.

"It's not what I expected. I will go and investigate on five other places."

"315 gold! For anything more, look for His Majesty the King, it's not really practical for a house. What do you think? I think this is fine so would you sell it to me at this price?

Your second trade has succeeded.

Due to selling items, Accounting Skill mastery has increased by 1.2%.

Mapan was also now getting rejected at luxury stores and since it's difficult to deal with the shops, the correct decision should be to come back to Hilswade Castle.

But, his greed was still the one who took over.

"Well, I think it is a little lower than the ideal price... Didn't you know that these goods are priceless?"

"Hmmm. Even so, I could only purchase it until 326 gold."

Your third trade has succeeded

Due to selling items, your Accounting Skill mastery has increased by 1.7%

You have recieved the 'Clever Merchant in Selling Valuable Goods' title.

As a well-known merchant, you would be able to receive and increase in price from the shop owners.

The third trade which was quite tricky also succeeded.

Those were the success stories on the merchant boards are on this level that week.

The weekly success stories on the merchant boards If the conditions for trading goods was good, a positive reputation should spread. With high intimacy, there would be an increased possibility of frequent buyers but rather, there's also the risk of failure and it would be difficult to even attempt to bargain.

The presence of him being Merchant Mapan was not really on the bad side, that's also why he succeeded on bargaining a deal even on his third attempt.

'Where is going to be the fourth?"

Of course, if his 4th bargain is to be successful, not only his accounting skill but he will also be able to get a tremendous reputation and trading gains.

He wasn't even sure whether they could receive special titles, since other merchants hadn't until now.

"I will sell."

"Thank you very much!"

Mapan had to stop here.

Merchants knew very well that people with excessive greed can only be called as madness.

Right now, Weed's ceramics is currently more valuable than a priceless treasure. If afterward a lot of pieces has been released, the prices will fall and would even have a stricter quality check. For now, this level of fine luxury was alright.

You have sold works of art and reaped massive profits in the trade

Fame has increased by 3697.

Art has increased by 2.

The traders looked at the message window that floated.

A new trading item, 'Ceramic' has been registered in your inventory.

Since that time, they paid close attention to the what the residents of Aidern Kingdom were saying.

"Have you seen my ceramics? Have you? It has a very clear color and an elegant appearance...

Believe it or not, this is the best jug!

"Sculptor Weed created another great work of art. Ceramics! They were favorite artworks of nobles and rich people that's why each of the merchants was currently contesting."

"They said that there is an opportunity to have one of Weed's works in Hilswade Castle. I think that Merchant Mapan is going to be the next person with great wealth. It would be awesome if you could get regular dealings with him as in the position of those shops."

– Ceramic is creating a trend.

In Versailles Continent, Kings and nobles desire ceramics.

Although you can sell this in any shop, you can receive a specialty product treatment.

If you sell in large quantities, you could get contribution points for the city.

And furthermore, a new thing happened.

– The Ceramist profession has been created.

A sculptor can change his job to a ceramist, having to make ceramics professionally his profession.

Knowing how to handle clay and fire, this is a job that belongs to the hands the fastest growing handicraft.

New artworks could now be created by this new profession.



Lee Hyun went to his school on foot.

Listening to lectures, eating lunch then going home was his university life!

"This University has no romanticism!"

Actually, Lee Hyun never attended MTs, Club Meetings, sports competitions, or conferences. He never attended all the non-required activities, that's why he wasn't really worthy of saying these words that came out from his mouth.

But the truth was, Universities were already being caught up in winning employment wars.

The second year students were already preparing for their future on certifications and language studies. It was ordinary to build up experiences in the related companies. Students preparing for the Civil Service Exam were easy to find and could be found everywhere.

[TL: Civil Service Examination is like exam boards but for those who wants to be government employees which is implemented in a lot of countries.]

"It looks like the era of working to become slaves of the government and companies is growing and the era of living as beggars has come nearer.."

"The world is still land."

Land Investment!

There was a celebration next week in the Korea University since each of the departments had been readying for the season. Even though the freshmen were tired and not in their right senses.

"I will not go to school during those days, I will just go and play Royal Road."

Lee Hyun strongly decided.

At that time, the students were reminiscing about their memories when they had enjoyed the festivities, but Lee Hyun only thought about the money people earned and how he could earn money as well.

So far, he was consistently earning considerable amounts of money in Royal Road from the auction items. He was piling up his savings from the salary he was receiving from the adventure videos relayed by the broadcasting stations. Recently, he was being just a little envious about those wealthy kids who had been born wealthy.

Not even a funny comedy program could make him show a very heartwarming smile compared to his hidden account deep inside his drawer.

"Hyung, Hello!"

Park Soon-jo pleasantly greeted him.

"You're early."

"Yes. Not long ago, I just finished the quest I was doing."

Nowadays, it could be noticed who were suffering on quests and Park Soon-jo must be finished on his since his look turned brighter.

He had successfully completed his Thief quest with several stages which is what he called the greatest adventure.

"Hyung, would you like to know about my quest?"

"Oh, the lecture is going to start so if there's still time then tell me about it."

"At first, it just started from a simple request from the Thieves Guild. Then I was asked to deliver one gray cloak."

Sometimes, chain quests lead to quests with a whopping eight times significant increase in scale and difficulty. After finishing a chain quest, the residents of the Bansen Area would usually talk about Thief Nide and talk about him. But it was such large quest that it had already grown larger than usual and was spreading far.

"Have you ever heard of Thief Nide? If Joo Yung-nim finds that thief, he would definitely kill him."

"Joo Yung-nim had one of the most prized magic items, but someone stole it. The thief fled to some dungeon with it!"

"A great deal of trouble has been done by that thief called Nide. In the dungeon, it seems Nide discovered something great and has it."

Because it was a quest obtained from the Thieves Guild, after completing the quest, he also gained notoriety. Not only that but he also got a thief class exclusive item which is the Pelwi Thief Gloves.

[TL: Park Soon-jo is Thief Nide, it's weird how he didn't tell the story of him being Nide."]

"Wow, I'm jealous. I am telling you, the items you get are very high level."

"Hyung is also high level."

"I'm what? I need to earn just to save my family and feed them."

Seoyoon laid down her bag and sat next to Lee Hyun.

It was as if suddenly, that was a fixed seat for Seoyoon as it was the only place she sat on.

"Good morning."

Park Soon-jo greeted her and Seoyoon merely received it by nodding her head slightly.

This overbearing and the natural beauty!

'Elegant, she's actually prettier today compared to yesterday.'

By her simply accepting his greeting, Park Soon-jo was already feeling glorified. Just the fact that Seoyoon knows about you was already enough to give boundless joy.

Thanks to being friends with Lee Hyun he could also sit near Seoyoon.

For most people as long as they were given lunch boxes for lunch time for a year by her and have a warm bonding time, then it would be the happiest memories of their living life. But as for Lee Hyun...

"Yesterday, the bacon omurice was tasteless."

[TN: Omurice is Omelette-Rice]

"I slept late that's why I did not have the time to prepare it. Today is the seafood nutrition meal with boiled potatoes, is it alright?"

"It's delicious."

Some people were murmuring in the distance as they saw and heard the conversation between Lee Hyun and Seoyoon. Lee Hyun was sometimes seen as the best hyung, but he was also infinitely hated and envied.


During the start of the class, the assistant came.

"Okay, okay! Today, your professor is going to be a little late."

"Then, is it canceled?"

"No. Because of the academic calendar requirement, it couldn't be canceled so please just wait for 40 minutes!"

Lee Hyun did not really have any love for studying. But, the more they did this, the more his college tuition will be wasted!

But it was not like the time when if the train arrived late, you would get a refund fee. When the classes get canceled or end early, the fees were not even being returned.

"This is an unreasonable and pre-modern system. Also, with the corruption of the foundation of the school, it's like digging for underground water and when water surges, they are not prepared!."

How come that the irregularities regarding the school foundation could only be seen by Lee Hyun.

Some of the students said.

"Now is the time for the Stories of Versailles Continent... isn't it?"


The students turned on the big TV that was installed on the classroom wall.

The program just started, Shin Hye-min and Oh Joo wan described the contents of the broadcast.

"Today, we sure are to tell a lot of facts. Mr. Oh Joo Wan, is there any news that you prepared for us?"

"Yes, if you're curious about the best, this is the video of the Battle on Bard Ray's Quest and it will continue until it is live for Part 1.

The eyes of the students brighten as they looked forward to it.

"Wow, we can see the fight of Bard Ray?"

"Last time, him fighting with the army of Kallamore Kingdom was a big hit."

"He is undisputedly the Versailles Continent's best user. Giving him that is already pretty much by default."

He is the King of Haven Kingdom and Hermes Guild.

It's not even an exaggeration to say that Bard Ray's military force belongs to the best and majority people are just afraid or jealous.

"I think there's a lot about the Black Knight's Quest last week. And it's also about the invaders and I think that the majority of the contents is about that fight."

"Yeah. Bard Ray doing his Profession Master Quest is already a thing that a lot of the viewers probably knows."

"Profession Quest of a Black Knight, due to its background, would have a lot of challenging battles that would be needed to overcome. I'm currently working on the story regarding the background of this war. In a few moments, we'll watch that part of the video for more information."

If everyone wants to see the battle of Bard Ray, then they would have the right to organize and broadcast it off time.

Even Lee Hyun was usually seeing a lot of videos of the battles of Bard Ray.

The enormous strength and skill of a Black Knight was well executed and it showed a flashy fight for the eyes of those who watched!

There was one who always used excessive force who was nicknamed "The General" but his efforts was all for nothing since it was still not enough to prove it.

"Then, about the recent trends of the Embinyu Church. These are the videos of the result of the wars in these past three days. Now, are you prepared on the news for the merchants?"

"Yes. And this news leads to surprising events. Ceramics is being extremely popular among the nobility recently. And Ceramist as a new profession has been created for the art department."

"There was a lot of rumors that this tremendous impact was produced by the ceramics made by Weed. Whether this part is a fact or not, we will let you know through the reporters. We have information for those novice users who will select the Ceramist profession which we will be covering along the way, so don't miss it."

"An introduction to hidden dungeons and hunting grounds, still unresolved high difficulty quests, bizarre events that are taking place every day in Palemo Castle, and also the recent news about Monka and Morata will be continued in Part 2. We will continue after these advertisements."

The students were hoping for the lecture to start late as long as possible. They were not in the mood to study since they are immersed on the television.

"Solaya, we are telling you now to go to Morata. It's great. There's a lot to be noted at today's broadcast."

"Are you coming to Morata? Come and see, send us a whisper Prudin. I'm currently in Morata."

"Since when were you there?"

"A pretty long time now! It's also the place being governed by God of War Weed. I've really been originally interested in the North."

The adventures in Morata were also being enjoyed by the students.

Chapter 6: Forge of Hestia

"At this point, I need to endure this."

During his quest, Bard Ray was teleported and sent to the middle of a battlefield.

In the history of the Versailles Continent, it was The Battle of Kelton Kingdom and Mapon Kingdom!

Bard Ray was currently wearing the suit of the Kelton Kingdom.

"Not bad. Fights like these..."

Bard Ray pulled out his sword.

Soldiers of Mapon Kingdom rode on horses as their gallop resounded on the earth. Dust clouds and long ringing sounds of the horn that they produced also caused them to feel excitement and fear towards the war.

"Cut up those guys"

"Kelton Kingdom, let's counterattack and let's recover our lost ground."

Bard Ray thrust his sword through the ground.

"Sword Awakening."

– Turns the potential of the sword to power.

Durability will fall rapidly but the skill effects and damage will increase by 68%.

Since Bard Ray has an absolutely unbreakable sword option, he doesn't need to care about its durability declining.

"Strong Will."

– Prevents physical deterioration due to damaging of equipment during battle.

Suppresses confusion, paralysis and skill failure.

"Black Knight's Strike."

– The first attack and each successful 10 consecutive attacks would activate a lethal wide range skill.

"Summon Sword of Dalun Hana."

[TL: That actually meant Other One Sword or Different One Sword but then it looked dumb so I just kept the Korean name]

Around the body of Bard Ray, a translucent sword consisting of Mana has been summoned.

– In accordance with your skill level, mana is reduced by 70 per second.

The Sword of Dalun Hana is itself an offensive and defensive move.

It could cut off arrows and magic ranged attacks.

Bard Ray used a Secret Sword Skill. That fact alone was already shocking which also made the users thrilled.

In the continent, there were some Secret Sword Skills users but their masters were very picky in teaching the skills.

Although this fact was already known to some extent, If Bard Ray was the one who used the Secret Sword Skill, the power of its skills would be exhibited properly because of his level and equipment.

"This is just in order to deal with these guys."

The one that Bard Ray referred to as Royal Road's "The General" just finished and ready to fight.

Although the soldiers of Mapon Kingdom was the one attacking, it seems to have been short-lived.


"Such extravagance!"

"Bard Ray is currently sweeping away the soldiers."

"That appearance, that mighty power! Bard Ray is showing the viewers the show that they just really want."

Each of the hosts of the station was raising the heat by their descriptions.

There were series of amazement each time Bard Ray's attack skills hit, bringing out its destructive power.

Soldiers being killed, even knights, were just being passed and grazed through a few times by his sword before turning into gray.

The army of Mapon Kingdom has been collapsed by just 1 person, Bard Ray.

"Now, it seems like we're going to give you, the viewers a great news."

Oh Joo Wan conveyed the message.

Not only to KMC media, but this information was also delivered in all of the stations at the same time.

"The Unicorn Corporation said about three minutes ago. That currently, the users that are doing their Profession Master Quest is said to be at 27 people."

"That many?"

"Yes. And a lot of them are hidden."

Some of the Versailles Continent's top players were not deliberately disclosing their information since in some cases, there were some that were falling from their rankings due to disputes.

The users who were proceeding in doing their Profession Master Quest usually proceeds on doing it secretly since it will be troublesome and to avoid interference.

You don't need to say the same about Dark Gamers and reclusive type high-level players.

"This was released by the personnel of Unicorn Corporation since the nature of each Profession Master Quest does not really overlap nor interfere with each other. Of course, they made sure that the person who was currently conducting it is kept secret. But, the people doing their Profession Master Quest by themselves was said to be at five people."

"Do you have a clue of these other famous people who is not Weed and Bard Ray?"

"For those people who are doing their Profession Master Quest, I'm about to say a couple of them. I know a person who is currently active in a famous guild. Among them, some of the viewers might know who this is, is Adventurer Chase."

"Wow! Chase-nim is currently doing his Profession Master Quest! Somehow, his name is not something that is often heard in the taverns lately."

"He was an adventurer that has frequently been rising and has been the talk of the people because of his special discoveries and commissions that he must complete. For a while, Adventurer Chase did not appear that easily even in the famous cities in the continent since he was proceeding with his profession and its nature."

Chase was very active on the Hall of Fame in the past.

Although the people who played an active part on the ruins could only be counted on one finger, it was already enough to be called a great adventure.

Shin Hye-min was checking a monitor for the reaction of the viewers in the boards while she followed his words.

"Then again, let's go back to the contents of the announcement of Unicorn Corporation. Mr. Oh Joo Wan, are there any more stories to be unveiled?"

"Yes. This information would likely be useful to the users who are currently doing their Profession Master Quest."

"There would probably a lot of difficulties for the users who are first to try. I'm happy if we could help them a little. What kind of news is this?"

"So far, with the operating policy of Unicorn Company the detailed material about it is not yet known. The users must find about it themselves. However, each Profession Master Quest is said to consist of at least twelve stages to twenty stages."

Shin Hye-min had a charming face mixed with a face about to cry.

"Oh my. Those series of quests are so many, I think it made me dizzy."

"The quest could just also easily proceed even though they put a lot of stages and might actually progress faster than we thought. Also, depending on the contents of the quest and profession, it may also take longer."

"Then, what is supposed to be the disadvantage?"

"Given that the quests are in accordance with the characteristics of their profession, it would not really help them having different quests. Rather, the Unicorn Company said an important information about the Master Quest....."

"What is it? What is it?"

"I'll let you know after these advertisements. It seems even Ms. Shin Hye-min wanted to reveal it as soon as possible. As the Profession Master Quest is progressing, the secret skills for each profession could be obtained one at a time. In addition, the latter half is said to lead on quests that are relevant to those secrets."

"Wow! Then, I'd like to do my Ranger Master Quest soon."

"The same is true to me too. It's only a shame that my profession skills still have not reached it yet. Note that for one to start his Profession Master Quest, one must be at least Advanced Level 6 for the Combat classes, Advanced Level 7 for the Adventurer classes, and Advanced Level 8 for the Art or Production classes."

"It seems that Combat classes have a little advantage?"

"Even though they would be the first on the starting point to finish the quest, they still need to master their profession skills, so I don't really see it as much of a benefit. Rather, breaking it down, having insufficient skills, then hoping for an early quest start, then dying during the quest would significantly drop your skill proficiency."

"If you really are to die in the midst of mastering your profession skills, it would really hurt my heart."

In order to analyze the impact of the information stated by the Unicorn Company, they deliberately needed a little time off.

The viewers on the boards were already in an uproar.

– The Master of their Profession. Who will it really be in those 27. Ah, it would be nice if I was one of them. When I connect to Royal Road, I'm too busy playing in eating that my character only increased its Belly Fat.

– It is going to be a fierce competition behind-the-scenes.

– I never really had much to talk about until this Profession Master Quest. The news about Weed had already spread even before qualified people appeared and started buzzing in.

– But perhaps the most ahead is Weed and Bard Ray. The first master should come out from one of them.

– And ignore Chase-nim? Just how great do you think the adventures of Chase is.

– Chase-nim is the world's most outstanding excavator.

– Now that's not a problem. In the Profession Master Quest, they're supposed to acquire their Secret Skills one by one.

– Bard Ray who now has a Secret Sword Skill will be even more incredible if he gets another one.

– My point exactly. Right now, he's stronger than ever.

– Now that they will receive those in their Profession Master Quest, isn't it just excessive if they also receive rewards after the quest is fully finished?

– What could be the rewards?

– Mastering the profession skills is usually not difficult. Although on intermediate or higher levels, trying to raise their skills even by a step would be very far off to reach. If you consider that there's probably something.... I don't really know.

The news made a commotion between the top-ranked players in Royal Road.


"Pretty good."

"I thought so too, Master."

"Why are we not as great?"

The Geomchis were at Vargo Fortress. They disposed their japtem then had their moment of relaxation as they eat at a tavern.

Then, through a crystal ball, they were watching a video of Bard Ray's battle.

"That guy has a brilliant technique."

"He is fighting with ranged attacks quite comfortably."

"His slash hits their shoulders then pushes through and throws them away. He doesn't even need to step back for a single time."

"He has a stiff leg. If he fought while moving a little more, wouldn't it be more advantageous in terms of skill effects or defense?"

"If he just went 25 meters to the right, then break the sieging machine as he fought along, that would be the best course of action."

He exhibited his enormous military force and took an active part in it as arrows hit his body. The instructors were clicking their tongue as they were busy watching Bard Ray on what he was doing next.

If the battle was Bard Ray fighting with monsters and 1 versus 1, they wouldn't be able to find fault with him to that extent. However, because they were judging the situation of this complex battlefield, his mistakes were eye catching since they were considerable.

"The combat ability of Bard Ray is really magnificent. It seems that the soldiers of Mapon Kingdom who were supposed to be attacking are terrified."

"He's like a commander of Mapon Kingdom brandishing his whip onto the soldiers. It looks like their attack is not retreating against Bard Ray."

"The soldiers killed by Bard Ray have already reached over 300 in the news!"

The Geomchi instructors and practitioners were drinking beer and eating chicken as they continued to watch the crystal ball.

"We're only fighting with the monsters and it's really boring. If we fought like that, it would rather be fun."

"Then even come out on television.... are we going to be famous? It looks like they're strong."

"Ahem, if it really is just not far away, it really looks thrilling and fun."

The practitioners were badly yearning for it.

"Just really how much sword skill does Bard Ray have? Just seeing his power, it seems like he's almost in the state of Master! "

"A Sword Master! A state that's really like a dream."

"In the Versailles Continent, he's by far the strongest user."

Geomchi put down a chicken leg on the table.

Of course, none of the meat has remained.


"Yes, Master."

"This so-called Profession Master Quest, can't we get it?"

"I think we can get it. Geomchi17 have met a samurai who is a Martial Artist on the way as he was wandering around. And he said that once we'll able to deal with any kind of weapon, we need to find him."

The Weapons Master skill of the Geomchis were already at least Advanced Level 4 reaching up to level 7. Originally, they were not using their attack skills properly and just deals damage purely with their sword up to the utmost limit. The result was, they were able fought with stronger monsters.

"Master, then shall we come for our Profession Master Quest?"

"We're not. We're just going to focus on hunting in the vicinity. The disciples should be brought along to form them."

Although with the level of the Geomchi instructors they could already start the Profession Quest, among the practitioners, there were still some that had a quite low level in their Weapons Master skill.

"Let's give the boys a little more push until we put them in order. We will not have the quest until they master their Weapons Master skill first."

"That's a good idea, Master."

"Let's get rid of all the monsters here"

"Come on, we're going to go to the hunting grounds so let's fill our bags with dried jerky and barley bread."


The Part 1 of Stories of the Versailles Continent just finished and the classroom was noisy.

"Ah, It's really amazing."

"It was really a huge fight. I could just see those fighting stuff on fantasy films."

"Bard Ray knew that he was going to lead the fight to victory."

The flagship of Kelton Kingdom was placed in a situation where they needed to endure until Bard Ray returns. But instead, he slaughtered the knights of Mapon Kingdom and did a huge war achievement.

The Kelton Kingdom along with the King greatly praised Bard Ray after he came back. Not only that, while defending the legitimacy of the royal family among the knights, he was very Black Knight-like who was merciless to his enemies and was then given the Sword of the Royal Knight.

It was already enough for those scenes to be imprinted deep into their minds even for those people who did not even liked Bard Ray.

"To receive the Sword of Kelton Kingdom, I wish I was Bard Ray."

Anyone at that moment would have wanted to be the hero himself.

Despite of the bustling noise around, Lee Hyun just quietly watched the television. Suddenly, he felt a slight tingling sensation on his stomach. That sensation was not really pleasant.

His appearance looks well but it seems like his belly seems to have given a more honest response.

"There are 27 people in their Master Quests. There's really a lot of users that are stronger than bosses."

"It is Bard Ray yet, my heart does not really want to follow my mind."

"I want to see or get near Weed at least once. God of War Weed is really cool."

"Why not go to Morata then?"

"Meeting Weed in Morata is difficult."

"But still, it's also an adventure if you walk around all over the place."

The students felt a trembling chatter.

'I need to go home to Royal Road'

'Wait. After properly finishing today's hunt, I will be level 277.'

'If I use the item that I received yesterday, it will be easy for me on the future huntings, very easy.'

His motivation to see himself on a broadcast being on Royal Road was being ignited by these students even more.


Choi Sang-jun was the type of boasting person.

The professor shortly came, and the lecture took place within the remaining time.

"Today's lesson ended quickly, seems like I need to give an assignment."


"Professor, that's too much."

Lee Hyun just left his Korean Business assignment since for him, it was like a story from a foreign country. In the University, you could get yourself as much as you want to get.

But, Lee Hyun was a bad student and just wanted to receive his diploma.


Weed connected again and he appeared where he was at Orc Stronghold Bursilia and the female Orcs needlessly went towards him while sniffing their noses.

The very popular Orc Karichiwi did not go anywhere yet.

"Chwichichwiiiik, It would be nice if they broadcasted the Sculpting Master Quest."

Weed just had to put up with the inconvenience.

Each of the broadcasting stations was very eager to contact him. There was a competition for the Profession Master Quest of Bard Ray and Weed since if they could broadcast it, it would give a great effect on their publicity.

But Weed's stance was, his adventures on looking for Ratzeburg and Montvertruria could not be revealed in the broadcast. The information of his Sculpting Master Quest that will be shown is him helping each of the races and restoring the history and art rather than the battles.

In the case of the Black Knight, it was alright since there were a lot of portions of battles that could be broadcasted.

While, the Sculptor Quest on its own was located in historic places that's why it needs to be a hidden.

If Weed's location is to be known, the Hermes Guild Team will interfere with him and it's going to be very burdensome.

The Hermes Guild who attacked the Elf Village has already traced and heard about Weed being in Orc Stronghold Bursilia.

However, there were far too much Orcs in the Orc Stronghold. There were only a bunch of them spying and was looking for an opportunity to invade.

That's why Weed had to leave the Orc Stronghold.

"Chwichichwis, Those guys are bad for us Orcs and are always insulting us, chug! Chwichichwis, These bad guys are looking to taste us especially our young Orcs!"

Weed told Orc Lord Bulchwi to dedicate himself on telling lies about the Hermes Guild Team and then left Bursilia.

After that, he did not really had any interest on what happened next.


Weed arrived at the place after asking for Yurin to bring him to his castle in Morata!

Since he obtained Vargo Fortress, he frequently hears Morata oftenly become a hot topic in the broadcasts and boards.

As he reinvests his taxes to the maintenance of the town, A lot of unique Arpen Empire style buildings were built in Morata.

4-storey Stone Townhouses and Luxury villas has been built that overlooked the lake shores. Rich merchants and high-level users then will have the ability to show off their wealth if they wanted to live a nice and convenient life.

The housing policies of Morata that was given will surely fulfill their desires!

But, there were also a lot of cheap shacks for beginners while the experienced architects were building villas centered on a lot of scenic places.

Weed and the other artists created sculptures and paintings. The architects create the Arpen Empire Buildings with their heart and soul and paid attention to the structure and foundation.

Due to the blessings of Goddess Freya, there were vast blooming flowers along with the dense trees. The birds, butterflies and bees flying around, their very beautiful culture and trade, the City of Adventure!

Both the residents and users were feeling that their life was just changing in Morata. At the same time, Weed used his authority as Lord to be able to accurately see and observe it.

"City Information Window!"


Morata's local area belongs to the Niflheim Empire.

Currently, the best ruler that is reigning the North is Lord Weed.

He has the best city to represent the North as the center of trade, art and adventure.

Morata as a noble land of the north is respected and is called a majestic city.

With its great architecture, the completion of the Grand Cathedral and the Grand Library in the northern part of Church of Freya was an opportunity to widely spread the culture of Morata.

Military Force: 316 Economic Power: 4329

Culture: 5241 Technology: 997

Religious Influence: 91

Influence to the neighboring areas: 82% Regional Politics: 74

Influence of Niflheim Empire: 22.4% (Military influence, Economy, Culture, Technology, Religion, Population, and the related areas)

City Development: 322 Hygiene: 44

Public Order: 91%

The economic influence and politics is growing throughout the north as being the center of trade and commerce.

The population growth and trade has an astronomical increase and more resources are being put on city development.

The residents are given opportunities to pick on several profession guilds.

Morata is leading in development in the North of the continent.

Due to the expansion in culture, the area has been extended to the nearby shores. If the number of merchants that deals with fishermen and marine transport reached a certain extent, you could build a harbor.

The farmers have obtained their confidence with their successive harvests to grow Tea Trees. When you begin to successfully harvest the grown Tea Trees, it will be able to raise the cultural level of Morata as well as an increase on the major exports.

The chances of techniques in Sewing being forgotten to history is decreasing.

It is scrupulous and a challenge for the tailors trying to recreate its glorious past in history.

The current cloth wears, leathers and leather armors is of good quality and fine clothing is being made to be wore by the nobles.

With the technological development and financial commitment, the Tailors and researching on 'Silk'.

Blacksmiths are producing steel swords from smelted iron.

Inexpensive and reliable quality goods are being sold in a lot of shops such as Golden Jewelry, Steel Swords, Leather Gloves, Fine Clothes, Sheep, Ale and Olives.

A lot of other goods are being produced in Morata and trade is actively progressing.

The surrounding cities are also improving little by little.

The residents are proud with special buildings and the wide streets in the city.

The merchants have requested for a road that leads to another area!

As a place of adventure and exploration, the remains of Niflheim Empire is currently being traded in the stores.

The young ones loves Lord Weed.

If you go to alleys, you will not be able to find scribbles denouncing the Lord.

But when there is a massive war going on, the morale seems to be not too high. But, whenever there's a large scale war, their morale seems not going to be that high.

Although the finances of Morata does not occupy a large portion for military expenditures, a lot of the money has been committed to it as the tax revenues increased by quite a lot.

You have a lot of loyal knights.

The driving force to the developing culture is their endless confidence and rich support of the artists.

The artworks in Morata Art Center have antiques and artifacts on display which includes sculptures.

Residents are hoping for more Grand Buildings.

Due to the continuous economic development, this place is now in the state of middle class.

Due to the demand of moving away from shacks to get new houses, housing constructions are active.

Freya is the most believed religion in the area. They hold a vast granary around the city.

There are a variety of agricultural products that are being grown.

The army fights with the monsters regularly and due to the economic development, crime rate has dropped.

Specialties: Artworks, Leather and Cloth products, Tomatoes, Grapes, Rice, Beef, Milk, Cheese, Wine, Silverworks, Palm Wine, Fine Fabrics, Gold Jewelry, Steel Swords, Leather Gloves, Fine Clothes, Sheep, Ale and Olives.

Entire Territorial Population: 2,423,932

Monthly Tax Income: 2,311,627 Gold.

Village Operational Expenses: 6% Military, 36% Economic Development, Culture 14%, Monster Subjugation Commissions 19%, City Maintenance 22%, Offering to the Church of Freya 3%.

The tremendous wealth of Morata!

While it is where the beginners gather together and is just developing city in the north, it is becoming wealthy and is being equally famous as those famous cities in the Central Continent.

What's more is its population had already far exceeded the size of a big city.

Even though the number of residents and beginners are steadily growing, the tax was also increasing steadily.

"Now, grass porridge is the only thing worth to be put on the mouth!"

In Morata, his current savings amounted to more than 3.7 million gold.

If it was a Lord in the Central Continent, the typical thing to do was raise an army using the funds.

For it to not be taken away from them, they were raising their armies then invade a lot of the surrounding villages.

This was because there's also a lot of commercially developed cities which are wealthy there.

Morata was mainly devoting itself to the internal affairs that's why the city grew itself from ruins.

"I guess I need to build more Grand Buildings. I also wish to make the active trading come true."

The Lord could build even more different types of Grand Buildings which is due to the result of adventuring, culture, technology and population.

He was struggling when he built the Grand Library and the Grand Cathedral since he was mobilizing a lot of the funds and resources of Morata but now, he can afford things of that degree.

If he built two more Grand Buildings in Morata, then it would be the largest city in the Continent.

"And the sun will shine for more taxes!"

His endless greed!

The belly of the goose that lays golden eggs is not something you could separate from it.

Without selling the golden eggs and hatching himself will he be able to exploit all of those goose families.

"Construction of Research Tower!"

It was designated to be built on a vacant lot in the outskirts of Morata.


Research Tower!

This tower is where the mages stay to study about the truth of the world.

It would allow to study the four different branches of magic.

Developed magic could be taught to qualified mages and in exchange, the mage will give research or jewelry.

It will create a rapid growth in training among mages and will be able to teach unique experiences.

The research capacity of the Research Tower will vary depending on the abilities and number of the staying Archmages.

A lot of money is going to be spent to support the mages with their grants and remunerations.

Construction Cost: At least 1.8 million gold.

Construction period of at least seven months.

The construction period may increase depending if there's any accidents with the personnel involved.

Experienced Architects are required.

The Architects who participated in this work will be able to get a unique experience.

Multiple sculptors, painters and mages have to be mobilized. The artists who participated in this work will be able to have additional opportunities with their name.

– Are you sure you want to start the construction of the Grand Building, Research Tower?

The money-eating Tower!

Weed knows from experience that the normal construction costs could increase.

But as he saw it, it also has very large operating costs that was not there until after the construction of the buildings in Morata.

Once the mages grow, the hunting speed of the users will increase while a market for magic items will be formed.

Magic items are made with rare materials and are very expensive when traded.

From the perspective of the Lord, it is worth of his little investment.

"Though it is expensive altogether... This is good compared to the much worse situation back then when I built the Grand Cathedral. Start construction!"

– The construction of Research Tower will proceed with the command of the Lord.

The residents in Morata has increased and the skill of the architects have improved a lot.

There are even some users in Vargo Fortress who wants to increase its foundation by building a Great Building since they were not satisfied with just the Fort.

It's only a small money to spare compare to how this investment will be able to earn big money in the future!

"Grand Buildings on testing the Ranger Class is not bad to put in there. Buildings for Adventurers also seems to be not too bad."

The fate of more than 100,000 users has been mixed up with the conflict of Weed on choosing between those professions.

"Would 2 more be alright? If I continue to invest, it seems that I would be a little short for money even if the taxes come. No, I've got to build something solid rather than increasing their number."

Weed decided to build another one.

It was among the Grand Buildings of the ancient architectures!

He was to build the unique heritage that the Dwarves made in Ratzeburg.

"Construct Forge of Hestia!"

It was designated to be built outside the gates of Morata.


Forge of Hestia!

The Dwarves liked the warmth of Goddess Hestia's embrace just like a furnace.

They built a very large forge to extract iron from iron ore and named it the Forge of Hestia.

Sometimes when the blacksmiths are smashing the iron, little sparks which were said to be blessings from Hestia would come and emerge.

The items made in this place is said to contain with special powers.

Construction Cost: At least 950,000 gold

Construction period of at least five months.

The construction period may increase depending if there's any accidents with the personnel involved.

The Architects who participated in this work will be able to get a unique experience.

A number of blacksmiths have to be mobilized.

Blacksmiths who participated in the work would be able to get the opportunity to learn about fire.

Once the Forge of Hestia is completed, you will receive a gift from a blacksmith.

– Are you sure you want to start the construction of the Grand Building, Forge of Hestia?


The construction of Forge of Hestia will proceed with the command of the Lord.

In Morata, there were still a lot of users that were lacking in ability.

The beginner blacksmiths were making swords and armor with the provided good-quality iron.

"As Lord, it's unfortunate that this much is only what I could give!"

As trading is conducted, the products that comes from the forges of Morata is going to be sold out more.

Also, if you wore good equipment, even as a warrior, your body will just feel like an itch and being in Morata will be much safer.

The time to increase the tax payments is coming soon!

Weed was investing while overlooking the distant future.

"I guess I'm gonna make some ceramics."

With the rivers, lakes and the fertile land of Morata, it comes with several types of soil. The city then has a large flame furnace that is not being put out by the blacksmiths and just let it blaze.

The Lumberjacks around the vicinity of Vargo Fortress were also been shipping fine quality timber.

Those were the optimal conditions on making ceramics.

Currently, each Profession Master Quest has an ongoing fierce competition.

The number of people in the quest spiral is not that many since they were the best users in their own professions.

To complete his Sculpting Master Quest, he needed to work in his spare time to increase his skill level to the maximum.

"The others, they only get regular Combat Quests while their skill level also increases and even gain items. This world is really unfair....."

The Sculptor also complained for a moment.

Weed had stacked his contribution points of each race to a massive amount that others would find unreachable.

In terms of having a background on Ratzeburg, there's a large possibility that only him, the sculptor, was the only one who needs to find that place.

He also came to increase his skill to acquire the Secret Sculpting Skills till the end of it.

"I must firmly keep and see to it that they are popular and be shared to the nobles!"

In the Versailles Continent, although ceramics was not originally an unprecedented thing at all, it was still classified as a luxury for the crowd with its artistry.

Weed just created a sensational trend through Mapan making the sales.

"Also, I got to sell and drag this valuable and popular trading goods through the merchants."

Ceramics has better conditions compared to other works of art since you could get the amount 3-7 times better.

It's a good chance for the beginner sculptors since without the having the sculpting skills, everybody was just figuring out how to make ceramics.

Ceramists will also quickly blossomed after making works and sell them in the city.

Although they were just simple vases and water bowls that were made using the hands, it still attracted great popularity among the girl users.

At this rate, if he failed to sort things out, he'd obviously feel sick in his stomach!

"I have to make true ceramics and roughly figure out its laws on creating a failure. The soul of the artist is a huge platter with plenty of luxuries and their works must be indefinitely overpriced!"


A post in the Royal Road forums has reached 17 million views in just one day!

Title: It really sucks if you're not living in Morata.

Uh, I'm a newbie that started in Morata!

My level is now 19, please understand even though what I'm going to say is a little rough.

I feel so good in the inside right now.

Originally, every beginner will find it unbelievably difficult and having no money is tough.

Honestly, what can I start to do with just 10 barley bread and 1 canteen of water?

But, I was just shared with a delicious Grass Porridge on the streets!

I'd do hunting outside on the day and if I'm hungry, I could eat the given grass rice cake.

While traveling, it's best to fill one's belly with grass rice cake.

And the quests... there's a huge variety of quests that could be found only in this city too.

Having errands for Weapon Shop owners? Who are like this in Morata?

The lost legends of the Niflheim Empire or, requests for finding items or, connecting and talking with several people, you could have a lot of commissions to complete.

Originally, it was hard to get quests without Fame and Intimacy.

But the loyalty and satisfaction of the residents to the Lord of Morata with their current life is so high that the people are friendly enough to trust in you.

Talking to some people could help gather some fragments of stories and completing it would sometimes lead to major quests.

Commissions with difficulty level C or D.

I'm a beginner that's why naturally I couldn't yet.

Because of putting records about quest information on the Grand Library, other adventurers would reward me after giving them info.

That's why I have been out collecting artifacts made by them for the quests.

The lost people from the Niflheim Empire have flocked in as Morata have been filled with them.

So they create the quest while I am out collecting the artifacts.

And, invest my money in equipment whenever food does not need it anymore.

But apparently, what I did first was to find out the cost of equipment sets in the boards and try to buy it from the merchants who were selling in the square or stores.

I feel bad, the price was much cheaper than the outside.

Morata's tax is so low that the profits remain from what they sell! Whereupon the one that the merchants are saying that they stay and sell in Morata since the tax also remains the same. There's just a lot of users that sit down and could earn a fortune.

That's why I don't like to be a merchant later.

Customers are too many and too busy making money that I can't even roam around to have fun wherever you like

As for trading, you are supposed to manage those who complain about how expensive your items are and very tedious to deal with customers that you need to smile, thank and greet.

I spend money to admire a lot of artworks scattered in Morata, and saw a novice works in the inexpensive Arts center, which collected lot of money. I saw lots of it.

From the benefits of Art to the Bard performances then, I went to see the hunting grounds and fight with monsters.

Also, being on hunting grounds with a lot of people is exciting and the forest is wide enough to see that the beasts are indeed diverse. The public security is also good for beginners since those difficult monsters do not get near the city.

When I walk and meet with the Paladins and Priests of Freya, they give blessing and healing magic every time we meet.

Why am I saying things like this?

If you're a beginner here, you must've been shocked since it's so fun and comfortable.

Then with the money collected, you will be just in time to have a good outlook of your shack.

Due to the level distribution in Morata, I am not really worried about me going elsewhere.

Not only the Art Center or the Grand Cathedral, but I also visited the packed guild buildings and the Grand Library.

But what's more is, the Lord is building another 2 Grand Buildings.

Do you think the Lord of Morata is really crazy?

Yet in the Central Continent, aren't they living by being heavily persecuted under the rich guilds?

We're really enviable. Only by living like this will you really feel like you're living in this world.

I also have some tough times, those times where you feel like it's very difficult and painful to live.

Comments have furiously spurred out.

– Morata was like this... so this was the reason people wanted to go here.

– It is heaven. I started on Lyps Castle. Sigh, the bad guys there. My heart has been always the same and I want to kill them to the point of death.

– I feel so sad with this bad writing.I went here since the other place was troublesome. All the time, I'm always feeling alive. Morata is an absolutely good place to live on!

– Grass Porridge! Grass Porridge! There's hair that came from the Mushroom Grass Porridge.

– The Lord has been going on creating a lot of Grand Buildings.

Wealth. Love. Almost everything. Maybe, I should go to Morata.

– I'm a highschool student who has not yet started Royal Road, I would like to play it now. Won't I regret it if I go and started in Morata? Is it really particularly like that?

– The one above me is so naive....

– The one above, please be careful. If men and women kiss, there'll be babies.

Volume 27 Chapter 7

A Country's King

It's probably because of the 2 Grand Buildings being built in Morata that there was a continuous crowd of people.

There was an expansion of the city boundaries such as road widening and opening squares. There were residential districts that emerged on the outskirts. At least, it's a little distributed now.

"Woah, so this is Morata!"

"These enormous buildings are unbelievably large, larger than I thought."

"It looks just as it was shown on the broadcast, there's really a lot of artworks. This, this is the sound of music... there's a concert there, look."

"Let's go there fast!"

Due to the spirit of the beginners and their large numbers, there was really no space to move very much.

– Morata's population and economy are growing rapidly.Due to the active trading along with the production and consumption, the economy is booming.This boom increases the production volume by 25% and you will reap 10% more tax from the residents.

Weed desperately wanted to increase the taxes very much!

Although the boom gave temporary effects, after all, the fact that he was going to increase the tax was something crucial.


Weed went to the nearby lakes and rivers to gather dirt for making ceramics.

Meanwhile, maintenance work was currently being done inside the Lord's Castle.

The rooms were full of broken windows, cobwebs, and dust, and many things that needs to be cleaned. The available rooms were the weapon and food warehouses, stables, wine storehouse, the study, and his comfortable Lord's private bedroom while he also cultivated the plants on the gardens.

"Well, let's start with it gently."

He was in his room in the Lord's Castle and did not dispose of the scattered pieces of wood, stone sculptures and japtem since they might be related to a Quest. There were also a bunch of soil heaps that was categorized by type.

"I'm going to make it as usual!"

Hwaryeong and Bellot, who seemed to have become attached to Weed's ceramics, were eagerly anticipating to have fun with them so they went to the Lord's Castle along with Irene.

The others, who had different intentions, arrived in Morata through Yurin's Picture Teleportation. Some had their equipments checked while the others visited the squares.

"Well... I've got a reservation at a restaurant, wanna come?"

Zephyr offered to buy Yurin food on a delicious date.

"I'm really hungry so... okay."

And so, both of them went and disappeared into the crowded streets and shops. Of course, Weed as Lee Hyun wouldn't leave them to have their quality time alone and sent someone.

Weed asked Seoyoon alone for a favor.

"Stealthily follow them, if you catch them holding hands or entering a desolate alley or if you suspect any funny business being done, just kill."

If she were to kill, she wouldn't do it without plenty of suffering.

Weed wanted to relieve his worries and dedicate himself just to creating ceramics.

The curves were well molded and were made quite elegantly. The glaze blended in as it transformed into elegant colors as it was shown on the ceramics. It was something that didn't lack of what was called as art!

"Use the hands slowly. I should press gently rather than use force."

Weed was shaping the ceramics as Dirtman was turning a stone tablet.

"Mind Hand!"

Although those three hands were a strange sight, he did not waver and just focused on making the ceramics. His finger motions changed depending on the type of soil he was using. Putting in too much force would most likely crush it by accident.

Meanwhile, mistakes like these could hardly be seen on the ceramics made by Weed. The handle-free jar ceramic was completed along with the beauty of its proportions in the underlying structure. The ceramics also had a large interior that could easily fit something when needed.

"There is no limit to the imagination, I'll try and also create something unusual."

Sculpting just like a master, the durability of his works were quite high and thanks to his Handicraft Skill, not much of the clay has remained.

Even if he created it to be narrow and thin, it did not break down. There were really no limitations to the variety of shapes to create.

He even created a Wyvern that had water coming out from its mouth, while it's honestly stupid that the Yellowy that he made in a form of a jug was actually also eye-catching. He even made pieces with low artistic value that were popular with the public.

In particular, limited edition ceramics!

The price would rise the more scarce it is, so he would probably release 12 ceramics for each design. The exact depiction of one of Weed's tricks has also appeared in the Ceramics.

"It's a really pretty jug. But isn't this part too wide?"

Hwaryeong, who was next to him, also gave tips. According to her words, the jugs were beautiful but they didn't necessarily need to suit the tastes of the poor people.

Bellot was calm and managed to create earthen bowls fairly well with her talent. However, she had no Handicraft Skill so it was still quite difficult for her.

While on the other hand, Irene could only create simple flower pots to grow flowers in for the shacks.

"This basic shape should be able to support itself, now to form the rest."

Weed used different temperatures of water depending on the type of clay and ceramic he wanted to create.

The clay that had just completely dried in the shade was still unglazed. As the water and the ceramic dirt came into contact, its color mysteriously changed. Weed used the glaze that he had obtained from natural materials to make white ceramics and blue ceramics.

Roasting it in this way wasn't something usually done when making ceramics. Although, nothing significant really changed compared to the ceramics he had made before.

"It seems fine to draw additional paintings or engravings."

He used the pile of clay to form a jug then he used his knife to put carving patterns afterwards.

Although he tried to carve it in a straightforward manner, the characteristics of the exterior part of the piece became different after the heat had warmed and baked it.

After baking it again in the furnace, the color of the soil was still attached while the paintings on the ceramic changed.

Although Weed was unable draw on it as if it was white paper, the etchings on the ceramic along with its shape made it quite an exceptional piece. This sculpture and painting was different and broke the usual methods that are known to the people.

Weed realized that he could create variations in any of his sculpture works with Painting.

– Painting Skill proficiency has increased.

"Indeed what any worker will know, one should always work with humility."

At that moment, Painting became one of the goals of Weed.

It was then the final stage of completing the ceramic in the furnace.

"Something really pretty, maybe something like that is what would come out?"

Bellot and Hwaryeong's eyes brightened as they looked at the ceramic.

A glossy milky-white clay like snow came out.

The blue green ceramic with flowers and animals released a vibrant expression as it was just coming out from the furnace!

Finally, after multiple tries of rough glazes, they used water to clean it well with the help of his earth and water spirits. The two could only look with their eyes in the beauty in front of them.

The Sculptors, Ceramists, Painters. It's not even an exaggeration to say that magic happens at their fingertips.

"I'm still a little short regarding how I do my paintings.... how could I do it a little better?"

With this sculpture of Weed, he now climbed to heights that were being looked from by Masters.

It was best to carve patterns or put paintings on the clay whenever it was moist. But nevertheless, ceramics couldn't be said to be pure sculptures.

"The balance of the clay and fire.... It should have the feeling of being alive as those Sculptural Lifeforms....."

Weed was contemplating on how to make different styles and types of ceramics. The way the color was inscribed on his current ceramics was too monotonous. The glaze couldn't be felt and was unnoticeable since it was buried in the patterns and drawings.

"I should try and use different colors on the ceramic paintings. Rather than forcing the clay's color to change by painting it with glaze and colors, let's just use the nature of the ceramic itself."

He used his carving knife to etch fine patterns nimbly and made them in just some parts of the white clay. The clay was roasted in fire as it became reddish and darkened. And after baking it in the furnace, what appeared was a clear blue ceramic with black and white colored patterns.


"This is just too pretty!"

Even though Weed was inexperienced on painting, the colors of the ceramics could still be seen as beautiful even by those without eyes to see.

The illustrations engraved on the ceramic work were strengthened by its sleek and elegant curves.

Celadon for Flowering Plants:Durability: 33/33A work of Sculptor Weed that portrays the beauty of clay.The geniusness of his versatility produced a new art on the continent.The painting carved into the ceramic is very deep and is not shallowly inscribed.His talent in dealing with soil and his ability to control the temperature of the fire was shown, though there's a bit of disappointment on this created artwork.The whole process of making this was done by Sculptor Weed himself.This work is worthy of being counted as the best among the ceramics in Versailles Continent.Artistic Value: 3,986Special Option:An artwork with high artistic value.It will give you a special good luck everyday.If you own this in your home, Dignity, Charm and Luck would increase by 5%.You could only apply up to a maximum 10 effects of ceramics at a time.– Sculpting Skill proficiency has increased– Handicraft Skill proficiency has increased.– Your Painting Skill has increased to Beginner Level 5. The lines of your paintings are going to be more accurate while you can also utilize your tools better.– Blacksmithing Skill proficiency has increased

Since the ceramic was subjected through various processes when making, several of his skills leveled up at once when it was completed.

Hwaryeong also did not ask it for free as a gift this time.

She really wanted to have that work very much, though as a friend she couldn't just ask him to give her free things every time, it was not really polite to trouble him by getting it for free. She also felt that giving Celadon for Flowering Plants to her for money was very rude and senseless.

'I don't really know how much I could get from this. I would just find a good owner for this later who would take this and would buy it at a high price.'

'Ah, I think I really couldn't buy that work of his with just money.'

She also looked at the other works of Weed that was baked in the furnace.

'I will buy them right away after they come to the stores.'

Bellot also had her eyes on some of his ceramics.

'This is beautiful. That's just so cute. How can you make pretty patterns like this? The form is good and harmonious and also life-like. Maybe it's okay! I really just want to have it.'

Although it was not really for fashion but rather its artistic value, it would still be likely to enjoy a storm of popularity if the stores sold something like this.

Weed did not really make ceramics by utilizing the beauty of the drawings.

He also created ceramics with special forms such as large bowls and angel figurines. As with creating sculptures, he was also looking to train and develop his techniques as he created these ceramics with his endless materials.


Flower-shaped Jug:Durability: 17/17Made by the great artist Sculptor Weed.This ceramic is already enough to say that in the Versailles Continent, even though it was just a meeting of clay and fire, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that it still gave birth to a miraculous work of art.Wide open flowers with delicate thin stems would bloom in this.A fascinating and expressive work that has been created with a certain degree of Handicraft.Rather than the artistry, the mysteriousness of the work is what seems to be attractive in this work and will make it more and more popular.Artistic Value: 598Special Options:If this is close to the plants, they wouldn't dry out even without water.It will even create a good taste in wine and tea.Dignity: +16Charm: +22

Weed not knowing the time, got hooked on doing his works.

Making ceramics is a very complex process and you need to pay attention even to smallest detail.

However, no matter what hardships you recieve, one would always admire looking at the ceramic after it's out of the furnace.

"With this, it's not over yet."

Weed also made bowls and small plates that were at least intermediate size.

Doing the simple processes doesn't really take much; and that includes engraving patterns and painting figures.

"Morata also has a lot of beginners who don't have a lot of money. They also would be able to buy ceramics if I could create small ones for quick production."

Despite of his spirit as an artist, he was still thinking of extorting money from the rabbits caught by the beginners!

His other party members also came and didn't leave for a while since they were also making their own ceramics. He was peacefully immersed on making ceramics and continued to make them tirelessly, which made him look attractive.

"Its material value isn't really what's going to determine its price, but rather its nature as a specialty product...."

Day and night he was producing artworks; he produced some Masterpieces and even produced a Magnum Opus!

Ceramics have now piled up on the empty rooms of the Lord's Castle.

He was only focusing on making ceramics and by the time he finished more than 400 ceramics, his Sculpting Skill had increased its proficiency by 9.5%.

Because his Sculpting mastery was at Advanced Level 8, his proficiency did not increase that quickly.

And with the basic form of ceramics, Sculpting really has less involvement in it. But instead, whenever he successfully adjusts the fire accurately, his Blacksmithing Skill really increases its proficiency by a lot.

Sometimes, he would also fail when he was in the process of creating the form. In such cases, what would come out was something that was almost hard to look at.

Soon, Weed had then made 700 ceramics.

At that time, his Sculpting Skill proficiency was at 52.6% Advanced Level 8.

Not only that, but his Blacksmithing Skills has also increased its proficiency to 75% Intermediate Level 8.

His Painting Skill has also increased to Beginner Level 9.

If one pondered about how difficult it is to make ceramics, they would find that it is really difficult. However, Weed made a lot of good works while also enjoying it.


Park Jun-suk was missing Seoyoon on a daily basis.

"Ah, how long was she sick in her heart."

Although Seoyoon was very brutal when he and all of his friends were thrown and killed in the backwoods of Serabourg Castle, he could still understand it.

Anyway, it could be seen that her heart wouldn't easily open. He honestly feels bad about it but the common sense in this world is that any behavior of a pretty girl could be easily forgiven.

"So, she was actually the Berserker girl who's always going around with Weed."

Seoyoon was also beautiful to the extent that no one could rival her beauty. Not just that, but she was also very strong in Royal Road.

Park Jun-suk was already more than happy with those characteristics of hers.

"I'm going to explore the various parts of Versailles Continent. I wish I was going around far longer than Weed."

She seemed really happy as if a love arrow was shot into them whenever they were adventuring and this alone, proved that she was out of reach from anyone including him.

"I've got to keep up with their levels even if it would take me a lot of time."

"Please give me four herbs."

"Those who have a lot of broken swords. Those beginners who are looking for someone to repair it, give it to me and you could use it in a minute."

Hunter Robin reconnected back on Pallet Kingdom where he was mainly active.
[TL: To those who forgot, Robin is Park Jun-suk]

A lot of users were actively trading with the merchants in places such as equipment shops. Everyone gave their attention to Robin for a brief moment.

"Wow, he's really high level compared to me. Look at the equipments he's wearing.""

"Aren't those made by Berbang?"

"Look at his torso, I think that's actually his golden signature mark."

"I heard that they're unbelievably expensive..... The money needed to create clothes made by Berbang is no joke."

Robin shrugged lightly.

'I can't get enough of this feeling.'

He wore equipments that could already be considered the best at his level 355.

It included polished shoes, tanned light leather armor set, jewelries like necklaces and bracelets to raise his profession skills, and a ring.

Of course, he didn't collect these equipments by hunting or finishing quests.

Even for Weed who did the best of quests, although he succeeds in them, his Sculpting profession equipments still doesn't come out lined up like that.

Of course, Weed would actually be more disappointed if the item that is obtained after doing a difficult quest was used for Sculpting.

Robin bought high-level accessories and equipments by spending a huge amount money. He didn't spare any cost in wearing the best equipment right from the beginner level. So his power level always rose by a level.

He was very satisfied whenever the people were surprised after seeing his high-level equipment.

"I want to go to where he hunts."

Robin headed to a restaurant to buy food.

A guild chat window floated along with a message.

[Kuvera]: You came, Robin. We connected just now.

[Ritz]: We're in the capital. Where are you?

Robin joined a guild called "Cool Guys".

Consisting only of the sons and daughters of millionaires, they spent money like rain in a rainforest.

[Robin]: Where? Me too.

[Kuvera]: Then, it's great. Have you received any quests?

[Robin]: Nope. I'm just going to hunt. I don't have time to bother talking with these people..

[Ritz]: Then let's go together. Let's meet at the Central square.

Kuvera and Ritz arrived at the Central square.

Both of them were knights wearing full platinum set armor along with peacock feathers that were plugged in the top of their helmet.


"Let's buy some food and then get busy hunting."

"Then let's go? Which mercenaries should we hire?"

"We can look for the Favela Mercenary Guild."

"Shall we take them with us? We are too weak. It's hard to raise a level......."

"Nowadays, people are begging others to let them join a party"

Robin, Kuvera, and Ritz were in levels of mid-300s.

Their equipments while being beginners were great that was why they hunted quickly back then. With just the help of their equipment, they were able to hunt higher level monsters without much difficulty.

However, as their levels grew higher, it also became harder for them to increase it. Problems like instantaneous judgement errors and lack of teamwork couldn't be covered by their high-level equipments.

This resulted in them being overwhelmed by the monsters in spite of their basic skills and stats.

Although their level was on the mid-300s, their fighting prowess itself was really on the weak side. So to overcome this, they hired mercenaries and Dark Gamers.


In Morata's Jewelry Exchange, a great thing was happening. The owner of the shop politely greeted the people who were looking at his stuff.

"Are you really going to sell these pieces?"

"Yes. How much might be the price?"

"The prices for these artworks are difficult for me to decide. It is even in the level where anyone would covet its worth. These would probably be sold out to the kings of the entire continent. Please tell me the value that you would like to receive."

The store owner was asking the person to determine the price of the things to be sold rather than doing it himself.

The items to be sold were either white or blue in color.

There were drawings of various plants, and depending on one's taste, there were also colorful patterns like golden dragons, Wy-3 who was spreading his wings through the floating white cloud and as well as Bingryong.

Weed didn't sell the Masterpiece and Magnum Opus ceramics that he created since he was planning on putting it up on the Art Center. Since there's a lot of residents in Morata, that fact is already enough to see that his income for the entrance fees would be on the increasing side.

Those common ceramics were really just intended to be disposed of and only gives a good price with the treatment of specialty products.

"These ceramics... determining their value is so difficult that it made me sweat blood. Going to the wide world, a lot of people are asking and hoping if they could just buy these for 798 gold each and would mean a lot to them if they receive it at that price."

Speaking of it as 800 gold would give it a feel of being too expensive so that's why he decreased the price by 2 gold!

Although ceramics wasn't Weed's specialty, most of the skills used were on a very high level.

If you also consider their artistic value, that price is what it was probably going to get.

" It's 798 gold... could you get it at that price?"

"You know Weed, the gap between us is really high so naturally I'm unable to get it."

"But, that money could just buy your armor there."

"If its cost is like armor for beginners, then I would buy. This level of work isn't really going to cost a lot of money as you said."

If the offered price was excessive, the trade was being cancelled. Sometimes, if the money that he asks for is more than the reasonable amount, he was being given penalties as an artist along with lowering of his reputation.

Weed was really sensitive about that fact and that's also why he is very reluctant sell it at that.

A shop owner said after a moment of contemplating.

"If this was under normal conditions, I would buy this for the correct value. But ceramics such as this are currently being seeked out by a lot of people. Although it would take time to separately sell them, needless to say, it's already enough for me to get it. We would now be able to put specialty products that hits the prices at 500 gold. Thank you for selling your ceramics, my Lord!"

– Your first trade has succeeded.Currently, whenever you sell goods, you would get 3 Honor stat.

The value of the ceramics was actually worth more than he thought.

However, the shop owner said as he continued.

"However, once I buy a bulk of these art pieces, I'm going to be lacking in funds. How about I give a downpayment of 220 for each of them first, will it be alright?"

"I will sell them."

The shop owners were being meticulous in checking each of the ceramics. They were looking for cracks or if the colors of the entirety was uneven or even if the patterns were displaced. Either way, the prices were being slashed more and more.

But still, these items were a little hard to find. And with his works, some purchased them at a higher price than others.

– You have reaped massive profits from selling large amounts of artworks.Fame has increased by 3589.Honor as Sculptor has increased by 9.Charm has increased by 7.The Local Reputation of Morata has increased by 1.

He received a profit of 268,000 gold!

As for Weed, he already created enough clamor with the residents of the other regions and Morata.

Now that his ceramics were being sold, it is going to be scattered in each of the regions within the continent and would meet their new owners.

There were even some people who were looking for Weed's ceramic plates.

Perhaps a lot of people that are to be born in Morata will have big dreams of becoming a Ceramist. This is because of the abundance of the good soil just scattered about and also with the Forge of Hestia being created along with a lot of investments in culture for the city which were also better than anywhere else you could found in the continent.

Since Morata will now sell a lot of good quality ceramics, it is going to be registered as a local specialty product. Now that precious items will receive a specialty product treatment, it would create a temporary trend within.

"Esteemed Lord, I thank you for your trade."

"You've done your business well."

Weed just came out from a trading post.

After the users heard the news that he appeared, they visited him together like a bee swarm.

"You must've earned a fortune from those trades."

"It's just pretty decent."

"Since its Weed-nim, it isn't something special, right? You can't be pleased by a deal like that."

Weed indeed sold ceramics and gained a large amount of money. He put his hands onto his mouth trying stop himself from laughing.

Even if it was just for a precious medicinal root, he would be slightly pleased by it.


While trying to maintain decency, he also still managed to look dignified and solemn.

The popularity of Weed in Royal Road has already reached the top. It is very rare to see people in Morata that don't like him.

The village elder of Morata walked with a cane.

"My Lord, I am here."

Weed established himself and toughened his expression.

This village elder who became the Earl of Morata brought back so much painful memories of spending a lot of his money!

"Due to the rule of this great Earl, this village has become a city and truly became a great place to live in."

"Of course, that's what we need to be doing."

"This land is now...."

The village elder stopped for a moment and had a look of having filled with regret.

'There's no way he's going to ask again...'

Given the economic scale of Morata, Weed was no longer that poor anymore that investments will shake him up. Although he achieved a lot of profits with it, making your hard-earned money disappear in an instant would also make one cringe.

And now, he didn't want to lose even one gold.

"This land has been welcomed by good development with the indomitable leadership of its Lord. The people who lived here were also hardworking and loyal. After the fall of Niflheim Empire, the people who were suffering from the monsters and cold still enjoyed an abundant and safe living, and all this thanks to the Lord."


Weed was becoming more anxious as he received more praises.

Surely enough, he had some request, trying to explain their background for very long.

From an early age, rather than praises, he was more familiar with scoldings.

"As long as it is with their Lord, even if it is a monster lair, they will follow you without hesitation. I say this on behalf of the residents. To ensure that the development and glory of Morata will continue, I am making an earnest request as Earl for the army to go to the higher place and touch the entirety of the North."


The Small Kingdom that Began in the Land of the North.The population and economic power of Morata has already succeeded that of a size of a city.The residents have faith that does not easily shaken the security and also enjoy religious freedom and cultural prosperity.After the collapse of the Niflheim Empire, you are considered the most developed city in the North.All the adventure and trade in Morata is already enough for this to be accomplished.Bring back the stability of the fallen lost people.The beginning of your Kingdom is going to be a small territory. It's going to be haunted by a bunch of monsters and due to the unknown dangers, it may not go as smoothly as expected.But, the residents are willing for this request because they believe that their Lord will dominate for the better future.Can you bring the big burden of leading Morata onto your shoulders?If you accepted the Elder's proposal, you will rise in place as the King of city states after your rough coronation.Morata and Vargo Fortress is going to be declared as a region of your Kingdom.Other than the town areas, the territorial expansion in the surrounding place will accelerate.Your political power will increase in the nearby areas.Although the size of your army is increasing, the residents will still feel anxiety. However, if the size of your army is too small, feeling this anxiety is much worse.You can arrange diplomatic actions with the other Kingdoms.In the internal affairs and construction areas, you could exercise your authority to be more powerful. You can now build the new buildings that are added.The result of these diplomatic negotiations may vary according to the King's Fame, and the event that will occur in these affairs will be depending on your Luck.

The Country's King!

Because of the birth of Haven Kingdom, some small countries that will belong to users will rise in place.

The difference them is, the Kingdom was already equipped, not like Morata that needs to be cultivated by the people in position.

Weed finished the calculations in his head.

This thing that came wasn't just a blessing for this person.

Entertainment, bribes, blind money, high status.

These things are indeed what was believed to bring spicy elements in life into this world.

"I will go forth and break through difficulties with the people of Morata and devote a lifetime living with it."

The dream of being a permanent dictator!

– You have accepted the King's seat.All your rights are born of after your coronation.The form of your Kingdom from a small city state could become a formal Kingdom depending on the size of your territory.Choose the name for your Kingdom.

"A name for the Kingdom..."

There was no apparent name that was quickly rising on Weed.

Yet, what he was thinking as the usual names of Yellowy, Wy-1, Wy-2, Wy-3, it would be best not to name the capital this way.

Probably, he's the first user to create a Kingdom in the north and is going to be ridiculed with a name like that.

But, Weed immediately decided for the name of his kingdom.

The Sculptor who unified the continent and created the Arpen Empire!

Even though their glory has passed for a number of years now, you could still raise something that is fallen if your mind pursued on achieving it.

– You have chosen 'Arpen' as the name of your Kingdom.The activities of your kingdom officially begins after the coronation finishes.Please decide for the amount of funds to be used for your coronation.A more luxurious and magnificent coronation would lead to a high Fame of your kingdom alongside with a high loyalty of your army.

Weed did not like those formalities.

Substance is not really important for him, if he is to calculate the up and downs of this coronation he'd rather have Morata be as it is.

"The cost of the coronation.... still anyway, I suppose 30 gold is what the ceremony just needs."

In his thinking, he just wanted to put and leave a glass of water to them. But still, its scale is significantly increased being a national event.

"I think that's just too small. His Majesty the King have an extreme strictness as Lord so the residents also have a certain bar of expectations from him. The diplomatic envoys from the foreign lands would also laugh at us and it's not even enough to inform the entire north about our Arpen Kingdom."

"I cherish the residents either as King or Lord of this place and that fact would not change. I'm simply paying the coronation at the minimum. And if there's even 10 gold that remains on the money, please use that money to pay for the maintenance and jobs of the poor residents of Morata."

"Okay then. It will proceed according to the Lord's will.

– You have chosen 30 gold for the cost of your coronation.

Weed then finished his day in Morata and with the help of Yurin, they moved to Vargo Fortress.

"I must use this money from those ceramics to build buildings."

Vargo Fortress was yet to be touched.

The Great Trees Square, Orcish Baths, Maroon Colored Streets were made.

He ordered for the building of the buildings of the the city of Ratzeburg where the four races lived together.

In addition to the advantage of their low construction costs, the different races also liked it. The Barbarians, Dwarves, and Elves living together could raise the effectiveness of these buildings.

"This is nice for its cheap price!"

The construction of the buildings in Ratzeburg had cost 150,000 gold while the remaining money was used to build markets, commodity exchanges, etc.

The lots of tradings from between the races increased the trading tax income.

He also built forges where the Dwarves could stay.

With the characteristics of the elves, he built the Archery Training Center for them to use. It made it possible for the improved accuracy and change of profession to Archers and Rangers.

"I suppose it would be best to level up as an archer here."

With monsters flocking to the city walls, an archer would be able to shoot unlimited times which was the best condition for their growth. The Archers are also able to increase their proficiency as much as they want in their skills like Penetrating Arrows and Tracking Arrows.

In order to give the Barbarians something, a Warrior Arena was also made. It was a place for teaching them things such as learning how to control the body and learning different skills.

"I guess that's roughly enough."

Weed then moved towards Thor, Kingdom of the Dwarves.


The Largest Dwarven City in the Norn Mountains.

Iron Hammer!

It is the capital of Thor Kingdom and also the largest producer of steel in the Versailles Continent.

After watching the little dwarves that were running around the fountain, Yurin said.

"The Dwarves are so cute together. They aren't even slow at running."

"Hadn't Dwarves shown up in the city before?"

"Even though sometimes I've seen many Dwarves in the tourist spots, this is first time I've seen them like this."

Together with Yurin, Weed headed to the authorities of Thor Kingdom.

In the Thor Kingdom, there are no kings, only alternating Dwarf Elders.

"Human adventurer. We have also heard about your name, do you have any important business? You may enter."

The Dwarves guarding the entrance willingly moved out of the way, due to Weed's high Fame.

Due to his virtues, he was able to immediately meet the Dwarf Elder.

"What brings you to come and see me?"

"I'm here to speak about your relations with the Orcs."

"Those orcs. There is no way we can get along with those dirty bastards who spout smelly snorts. Don't try to accomplish such a fool's errand."


Friendship with Dwarf ElderDwarf Einhand is annoyed about the Orcs.Dwarves and Orcs would fight with each other whenever they faced each other during their journeys.But if you became friendly with Einhand, he will lend his ears to listen to you.Difficulty: DQuest Limit:In order to do the Relation Improvement of the Orcs and Dwarvesquest, you must complete this quest first.

"Please try to listen a little more to my story. It's an important story."

– You have accepted the Quest.

Weed came to know about the character of Einhand through the boards.

'He really likes jewelry, custom-made armor and alcohol.'

If Weed wrote a thesis about flattery, he'd definitely get a Ph.D!

It may be recognized in a prestigious international journal.

He simply took out and showed him a ceramic cup.

"Although this is not really much of a big deal, I am offering this as a gift to Dwarf Elder whom I always admired."

"This thing... recently, these ceramics became very popular.. I can't believe you made this wonderful stuff. I really respect the skills of humans. But it's really a pity that Dwarves love metal more."

Einhand's evaluation in Weed has slightly increased.

The Dwarves has extraordinary Handicraft so if they saw an excellent piece, naturally they would like it.

"I'm not talented much. I think that putting your soul into the sword that you create is what truly makes it an outstanding masterpiece. And also, this is an item that I have discovered accidentally. Let's try it just once."

Weed took out a bottle of wine.

Inside it was the ale that he found in Montvertruria.

Several types of fruit were contained in the barrels and the Wyverns carried them over to Morata.

He made Wy-3 send a barrel to the Geomchis to look if it really tastes like wine. After that, he was immediately sent back for more.

Actually whenever the liquor bottle was opened, animals would gather responding to its smell. While Weed came to see the Dwarf, he purposely brought a bottle of the wine

The wrinkled eyes of Einhand frowned.

"I can't really understand those habits of people on drinking wine.. Who the hell is going to drink this thing that tastes sour?"

"I think so too. I only put the contents in this wine bottle because it's worthy to store it here."

"I am actually very strict about drinks. If you dare insult me with this and my tongue the tasted nothing but poor liquor, it's going to be regrettable that stories about this moment will be known."

Weed pulled out the cork.

'Ttak!' And the clear sound spread out along with the pungent aroma of the ale.

"Kueueuee! This, This smell....."

"This ale was found in Montverturia. If you want to, I could just tell the story later. I just hope you could taste a little of it. "

"So you say that this smell is what it really tastes like. This is my first time smelling this kind of fragrance. Is this drink really alcohol?"

This drink, wouldn't you want to drink it?

Weed poured the ale into the glasses that he brought along.

When he saw the bubbles rising up in the drink, Einhand's eyes trembled violently.

"Thank you! Keueuk. It's really a taste that kills."

– After drinking the ale, Einhand is in a good mood.Friendship with The Dwarf Elder has been completed.After the completion of this Friendship with The Dwarf Elder, the stubborn Einhand now finds human adventurers as favorable.Although he did a wonderful job, but the stories will seem to show something contrasting, about talents of human adventurers and ale.

The Dwarf being excessively praised and then the gifts, then a bribe liquor to top it off!

Even in Republic of Korea, bribery and alcohol weren't things that could be stopped.

Then, Weed started talking stories about the Orcs.

"Long ago, Dwarves, Humans, Elves and Orcs lived together by cooperating with each other."

The person who was listening to these words had differing expressions than normal. Weed was explaining about Ratzeburg.

Of course, It's centered largely around the Dwarves.

"It'd not be an exaggeration to say that Dwarves worked with iron just to feed the remaining three races."

"I didn't know there was such a thing that happened long ago. I've complete faith in your words"

"The Orcs are also aware of this and plan to get along with the Dwarves by sincerely apologising."

"So, I guess Orcs too have conscience in them."


Relation Improvement of the Orcs and Dwarves has been completed.The Dwarves have accepted the peace request of the Orcs.In the future, fights between the two would be reduced a little.– Friendship between Dwarves and Orcs has increased.– Fame has increased by 157.

Einhand said.

"Us generous Dwarves are going to also send a little present to those barbaric Orcs. I'll ask our blacksmiths to make glaives for the Orcs and send it to them."

"Orcs would also love it when they received the gift. Indeed, the Orcs could forever try but they would never catch up to a Dwarf's ability to create weapons."

The production and transportation of the glaives along with sending it to the Orcs became a quest that the users could take. If you think about it, this should probably bring the true sense of being successful in the relation improvement.

Of course, if this important transportation quest failed, it'd revert back and would be difficult for the two races to get close again.

Einhand said.

"Given the circumstances of the Orcs, I think it would be already enough if you teach us Dwarves about the way of sculpting."

"Among the humans, my skills are fine as well. How can I dare to keep up with the skills of Dwarves anyway?"

"No. Your name is well known among a lot of Dwarves.You've made considerable amount of work to lead the art of Continent Versailles."

Weed was becoming very proud about his skills and was about to praise himself but Dwarf Einhand continued.

"But whenever I see a sculpture, I feel disappointed."


"How much do you know about iron? To process and strengthen iron by using several kinds of materials is an easy task for us. It's no exaggeration to say we Dwarves bring prosperity to the human civilization."

Iron was an important material in the world.

It was used as the material for making most of the weapons and as a construction material too.

Iron is an essential material used for the development of a country.

"Most of the sculptors use materials, like trees and rocks that are easy to handle, to create sculptures. One can make a beautiful iron sculpture if he is skilled. As a sculptor, if you could create a sculpture that expresses the beauty of iron, you'd gain recognition among dwarves."


Dwarves Love Iron.If a sculptor wants to be recognized by the dwarves, he must be able to handle iron.You must possess remarkable skills to deal with iron.The level should be significant to the eyes of the dwarves.Difficulty: Sculpting Master Quest.Quest limit:Advanced Sculpting Level 8 or higher.Blacksmithing Skill must be Beginner level 8 or higher.After the completion of this quest, familiarity with Einhand will increase.

"Ah, well, did I drank too much beer last night? I've been seeing the wrong people. Quite a lot of people know that you already have the knowledge even regarding blacksmithing. There's no need for you to be doing this!"

– You have completed the quest– Fame has increased by 350– Blacksmithing Skill proficiency has increased.– Intimacy with the Dwarf Einhand has increased. It is already enough for you to share beer with him all night.

Weed was able to solve the quest immediately because of his high Blacksmithing Skill.

'So this was the destiny of being a Jack-of-all-trades Sculptor.'

Only a Jack-of-all-trades person could handle a variety of Sculpting materials.

Einhand spoke again.

"Kehehem, with your ability as a blacksmith, you are pretty comfortable to talk to. On top of us being Dwarves, there's also story about our weakness...."

"Is there something you're concerned about?"

Weed, who was cunning with his flattery and sweet words, changed his face with a serious expression and showed that he was seriously concerned.

His acting skills would even overshadow the real actors.

For money, he could even pull off an act of crying.

"Do you know about Kaybern?"

"Yes, I know about him."

Akryong Kaybern!

He's the longest resident of Thor Kingdom.

Dwarves have been living in these rugged mountains, and this region was in the territory of Kaybern.

Volume 27 Chapter 8

The Offering Work of the Dwarves

"We dwarves have to regularly give jewelry and gold bars to Kaybern. Kehehem. We couldn't help but do it if we want to keep on digging iron in the caves inside the territory of the Dragons."

"I understand. Though, Kaybern really is a bad guy, making you bribe him like that."

"I think so too... well, anyways we actually need to devote a tribute to him every three months."

Despite the vigorous production capacity and trading activities of the Dwarves in the Thor Kingdom, they still hadn't become one of the powers in the continent. This was because they were limited by them needing to devote a tribute for the dragons on a regular basis.

But, thanks to the protection of the Dragons, their mine development became faster since they didn't need to worry about monsters or outside aggressions which gave them the advantage of being safe.

"Also next month, we are to devote the offering... the other dragons aren't really a problem when it comes to receiving reasonable amounts. But for Kaybern, he is always very sensitive."

In the Thor Kingdom, the one who always brought a lot of trouble to the Dwarves among the five dragons was Dragon Kaybern.

Unless the Human, Elf or Orcs users were adventuring pretty recklessly, the times when they would see a dragon were very rare. Because Weed knew very well the damage they could do, naturally he never wandered about and he had also never met a dragon.

However, the Dwarves had undergone tremendous difficulties many times due to the Dragons coming to the villages demanding this and that. The Dwarves couldn't help but settle to the haunting of the Dragons which brought in a chaotic atmosphere.

"The demands of Kaybern have been getting worse. Although us Dwarves could just take out and give a large amount of the gems and gold that we dug from the mines, wouldn't it be better to give it to them as beautiful pieces? Whenever the Dragons are not satisfied with the offering of us Dwarves, we suffer a lot of hardships... Fortunately, you, Sculptor, I think that you could go and do something about it."


Treasure Offering to KaybernProduce 2800 pieces of jewelry and golden sculptures to be offered to Akryong Kaybern.Einhand will send four of his fellow dwarves to help.The sculptures should meet the taste of the dragons.If you are successful, you would be recognized by the Dwarves as a sculptor.Difficulty: Sculpting Master QuestQuest Limit:Sculpting Skill Advanced Level 8 or higherIt should be completed by the next month on the 25th.If you fail, Friendship with the Dwarves would decrease and you would lose their trust.To receive the whole quest again, you must increase your intimacy with the Dwarves by getting their trust back through commissions.

From today, there were still 52 days remaining.

'I just need to create 60 of them each day.'

A unimaginable workload!

"How could I just go and watch the Dwarves suffer? As a Sculptor, I will exert all my strength to carry this through."

– You have accepted the quest.

"Then I'll put my trust in you."

The gems have various sizes and the quality of the craftsmanship will also vary depending on its raw form. Then, he was going to create the golden sculptures by using the method of filling molds with melted gold.

"Since the Dragons like glistening stuff, the pieces must be eye-catching."

Weed then got into work.

In Iron Hammer, he borrowed basic equipments from Einhand that he could use.

A hammer that increases durability and a furnace that increases the sturdiness of the iron for purification of impurities was used.

Einhand, including some great blacksmiths of Iron Hammer also helped him.

They also had the work environment that was just suitable for it.

They just dug from the mines and carried the wagons that were filled with gems in their gemstone state.

"The first batch. Normally, I would be able to dig till about five wagons each batch.."

Weed was greedy.

"Gulp! If I run away swiftly after gathering everything...."

While in the quest, this sculptor was trying to run away with all the treasures of the Dwarves!

But then, the only thing that forbids him from doing it is that Kaybern will pursue him and Morata will receive the Dragons then a lot of people there will die. However, as he was in agony and having a tough expression from thinking about running away, the Dwarves passed by while nodding.

"Considering you're just a human, you really have enthusiasm regarding your work."

"I agree with those words."

To end this awkward moment, Weed finally took out Zahab's Sculpting Knife.

"Allow me to make one."

Ttang! Ttang! Ttang!

Weed looked back on all types of sculptures he made so far.

"Rather than particularly enhancing its artistic value, it's still important to satisfy the quantity in the end."

While maintaining the proper quality of the work, he also needs to meet the needed amount.

Weed made molds of animals and monsters.

He had made lots of molds for clay ceramics that were used for production. If he created the mold for the gold in a manner where it just needed to be filled in, the other blacksmiths could be assistants to help him with his work.

By pouring in the gold, they were able to create brilliant golden sculptures.

For a sculptor, it was a really enchanting experience.

"They say that no one could ever get tired of gold, it would never be enough, and anxiety would also creep in. Even if one is an owner of a jewelry shop, one still might not know happiness in life."

If Weed became an owner of a jewerly shop in the future, he would not know how to be calm and would always have unsleeping eyes in the shop from being worried about the thieves.

The gems were cut finely using the knife.

"For the gems, even a little margin of error is alright since you could just create it again."

Although Einhand said those words, making mistakes would degrade his reputation and credibility as a Sculptor. Once a gem had been cut, it couldn't be restored to its original state.

Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and others, the majority of these gems were being cut to create a constant angle on their surface. Depending on the size and angle of the cuts in the gem, it would also have varying brilliance.

Weed was already an expert in sculpting sculptures with glittering lights since he had also practiced a lot regarding Moonlight Sculpting.

"What could be the preferences of a dragon: they've always loved the appearance more than the artistic value itself."

Since the Dragon likes glittering gold and jewelry, he focused on satisfying that point.

As a sculptor, it was rather close to just simple labor.

However, opportunities like these, where he could handle this much gold and jewelry, were very rare.

Although his Sculpting mastery increased a little, his Faith stat also fell. Whenever he looked closely at the gold and gems, somehow, the dwarves' trust in him suddenly diminished.

While being in Iron Hammer, he was also provided with unlimited food but that was only whenever he was working.


The Hermes Guild called up their raid team to eliminate Weed again.

"It seems like this method is not very effective."

Weed was like a mudfish and was very difficult to catch, freely wandering around the Versailles Continent.

When their raid team had arrived in Bursilia, the Orcs had jumped on them on a large scale. Rather than them hitting Weed, it was them who badly received the counterattack of the Orcs.

Although with the power of the raid, they could have defeated the Orcs easily, it was because in just over an hour, they've already been attacked by the enemy 17 times that they lost.

"Revenge, chwichichichwis!"

Perhaps their idea was to fight while looking for Karichwi since they might not have known if he was in that mix of Orcs. As they were just looking for him while fighting, they didn't even know that it was already their end as a more fearsome Orc army came, pushed them out, and wiped out the raid. No matter how high level they were, their force were not capable in competing against that number of Orcs.

Eventually, the raid team gave up and was wiped out.

If from the beginning they chose to retreat from the Orcs, the results wouldn't have been the same. Although in the stance of the raid team, they were fighting aggressively as they didn't know what other strategies to use against Weed. In the end, they couldn't deal with the continuous attacks of the Orcs.

After the raid team was wiped out, the Orc Commanders gave some words.

"A lot of Orcs died, chwichichichwis. Go home and eat your meals then sleep, chwichichig!"

"Not only sleeping, waking up and eating, also, create lots of baby Orcs. Let us thrive, Orcs! "

And once again, Hermes Guild had suffered another disgrace. This time, they've neither defeated nor even fought with Weed. With that scene around the Orcs, the raid team had been pretty much annihilated. It was quite different from the situation that they had expected.

Because of this, a consensus had been made between the chief executives of the guild since it was extremely difficult for them to harass Weed.

"Send an assassination quest as what was planned, this information must not be known. If you see him, follow behind and pursue him since currently, he's like a ghost....."

"The location of the raid team has been already been known, they should just escape since it would be difficult for them to try and counterattack the Orcs. Wouldn't that be a much better idea for them?"

The chief executives of the guild were currently in a point of embarrassment.

They are one of the the great powers that rules Haven Kingdom and Kallamore Kingdom. Depending on the policy that they decide, the situation in the Central Continent would also vary.

However they were annoyed of the fact that their hands are always tied about this trivial thing of harassing Weed.

"How is Bard Ray-nim currently?"

"Currently, he's proceeding on his tenth quest."

"That's really quick progress. Isn't that even faster than Weed?"

"Information says he's being followed by his Royal Guards. They help behind the scenes which causes the time needed to be shortened by a lot. And Weed, according to the words of the spy we planted in Morata, he's staying in Morata for a while now. Regarding his whereabouts, it seems that he's just making ceramics for the meantime."

"I suppose his time is going be delayed by a lot. What about the activities on having Bard Ray obtain a new armor?"

"We are currently proceeding in it smoothly. There are no apparent obstacles in the dungeon excavation."

"If necessary, we are going to add more men to the tomb of Black Knight Teru in the Kallamore Kingdom region."

"Thank you for that. We hope to dig into it this week."

The Hermes Guild had gathered information about a certain dungeon in Kallamore Kingdom.
Adventurers, Thieves, Knights etc. were organized as excavators to actively dig and identify the location of the treasures.

As an adventurer who has the backing of the Hermes Guild, it would be easy for him to raise his skills along with finding treasures. Although of course most of the treasures are to be given over to the guild and are not to be his own possessions, even that degree of support is already pretty good for adventurers.

"However, the adventurers were also hearing information about rumors that are not good for our Kingdom."

"What is it?"

"Although we can't really help it since it's a war, but it seems that plundering the cities of Kallamore Kingdom has decreased our reputation more than what we had thought. And after the occupation, rather than being stable, there are increasing complaints and uprisings happening every time with the rebels."

"We can't help it. An arrow that is shot somewhere could never be stopped. How about the movements of the other guilds?"

"There are about 5 large Guilds that are following us on our backs. The Cloud Guild, Lion Star Guild, Roam Guild, Black Sword Mercenary Guild, Black Lion Guild. It seems like they have accepted and soon, they will belong to the Kingdom."

"In the end, it seems things are flowing just as expected."

There were also numerous of prestigious guilds that belonged in the Hegemony Alliance that was why their overall strength was still unclear.

If you included the Hermes Guild, these six large guilds built up a colossal power.

"The next Kingdom we are going to aim for is La Salle."

"Among our neighboring countries, their forces are rather weak."

"That's right. We will invade it like lightning then after the occupation, we will strike Britten Alliance Kingdom at once."

The chief executives were already preparing for the next war.

If they were to be successful in absorbing La Salle Kingdom and Britten Alliance Kingdom, they were definitely going to be an empire with absolute power.

"The Britten Alliance Kingdom probably wouldn't have a formidable resistance."

"Although it is just made up of several free cities and principalities, they are historically unified. As you know, that area also has a branch of the Cloud Guild."

"A confrontation is inevitable and we have already deliberated about it beforehand with the Cloud Guild."

"It is being prepared. I don't think they are going to expect us."

"The forces of the Britten Alliance Kingdom, what are they like?"

"The level of their elementalists and mages are great. Even their army has a lot of users."

"If their users resist us, then I guess this is going to be a long fight. Currently, it is not really recommended for this war to be a very long one."

"Once our guild has started its attack, the smart high-level users are going to surrender."

"While Bard Ray-nim attracts their attention, make sure that we are not careless with our preparations for the war."

"Well of course."

The chief executives went on with the meeting until late at night. They were the ones who frequently made the important decisions in their huge kingdom.

"Indeed, speaking of Weed..."

"What we just need is to use our numbers. However, only chasing him on the back like this isn't going to be really effective."

"As a mudfish, trying to get close and catch him is going to be impossible."

With the Sewing and Blacksmithing skills of Weed, he's been able to wear most armors. While using his Sculptural Transformation even for a moment would change his expression which was already close to being impossible to find.

It was really a difficult thing for them. Because with his ordinary face along with its bounty, it was hard for them to see him casually walking around.

In addition, he was fast enough on noticing their groups intercepting him. Even if the raid teams go around as the assassins follow behind, he would still not fall into their trap.

Among the the chief executives of Hermes Guild, Butler, a user who frequently used and came up with wretched and cruel ideas and plans, said.

"If we wish to eliminate Weed... and are having difficulty about it, why not stir up Morata and its residents?"

"Stir them up?"

"Send thieves and assassins to catch Weed as we send people to Morata to pillage and sabotage them...."

"We might deal substantial damage to them then."

"Although the other side has a much higher reputation, our Hermes Guild will give compensation to them for it. And if this assassination was to be committed secretly, they should be hidden in the capital."

Rafael made the decision.

The external affairs or operations of Hermes Guild is mostly influenced by his hand.



The Orcs crossed the sea and arrived in Morata.

"That smell just now smells good, chwichiiig!"

Weed was hoping for them to have a bad time on the sea and decrease their number.
However, they received a very kind care from the 3 Mad Sharks of Becky Nin. With the commercial activities going on near the harbor of Morata, the users and fishermen actively cooperated.

"These Orcs have come for the Northern Continent... And helping them, we would do Weed a great favor."

"Let's see to it that the Orcs have fish to eat. The Orcs might love some fish stew."

Fishing ships and trading ships moved as they followed the fleet of Heint.

The Orcs rode into the the ships as it went back on forth from East to West. The outgoing ships carried a lot of weight as it was full of Orcs. Although their sailing speed slowed down, in any case, all of them arrived safely.

"Kyaaa! These Orcs. They are so cute."

"It's really good to see Orcs here in the North."

"If you guys are hungry, would you like some Grass Porridge?"

The beginners of Morata and the Orcs have met with each other.

Although it was a meeting of Humans and Orcs, there was no prejudice between the races.

"I wanted to became an Orc."

"Yeah. we chose the Orc Race because we wanted to, there wasn't much places to go so we had to go to Morata."

The Orcs blowed off a snort as they came to the gates of Morata.

Since they ate well, their population has boomed to 175,000.

"There's a lot of stone sculptures, chiwchwis!"

"The Humans here sing so bad, chwiiiig!"

The Orcs haven't adapted that well yet with the culture of performances and arts.

"Cheap stuff, chiwchis!"

"I need to buy, this thing. chwiiiiig."

In the squares of Morata, they were selling according to the market price.

Because of the greed of the Orcs, they would even try to sell one wooden sword for 4000 gold that's why they thought the items there has a cheap price.

"I've bought it cheap, chwichichig!"

After the Orcs purchase the equipments, they have been trying to resell it for more than 70,000 gold. Of course, there would be no person who would buy that.

Currently, it was the time for the Orcs to have a settlement.

The Orcs who were on the square and streets of Morata, sat down and crowded around the gates.

Although the day had been difficult for them, the Orcs had been given some good news.

– In Vargo Fortress, there's a large statue of Orc Karichwi!

– The settlement of the Orcs made up of soil and stones is already completed.

– There are also camp for Orcs with baths and dining rooms.

Weed, using his authority as Lord, made an Orc village for them to live near Vargo Fortress.

It was on a perilous mountain area, a dangerous place where monsters show up and was usually avoided.

"Let's go, chwiiig. If only Karichwi was here, he would be able to help."

The Orcs moved to Vargo Fortress with the command of their commanders.

Vargo Fortress compared to the big city of Morata was far inferior to it.

Even with the completed buildings from Ratzeburg, from culture to commercial development including their buildings still paled in comparison.

"Good, we could run around freely, chwiis. We need a place to live, chwiis!"

The Orcs rather liked the rough ground, away from the city. They just hoped to live even in a hard place just enough to plant crops and fight with monsters.

Even if their survival was at risk, it was a place where they could enjoy their freedom!

The Orcs wanted to live as they overcome the environment with power of their race. And, they decided to settled down in Vargo Fortress.

The Dwarves, Barbarians, Elves, Orcs and Humans were seeing each other face to face in Vargo Fortress.


Weed continued to work along with the Dwarf Blacksmiths as they created treasures to be offered to the Dragons.

Kaybern's Sword DemandThe Dwarves must demonstrate all their skills to create and offer swords that the Dragons have demanded.If you do not meet the deadline for the demand, you will incite the anger of the Dragons.Difficulty: AQuest Limit:Blacksmithing Skill Advanced Level 4 or higher.Also, you must create swords of the highest class that is currently existing.

The best of the Dwarf Blacksmiths were involved.

If the Dwarves failed this production quest, the most dangerous thing would be those dragons.

Although, the reward for this is that they would be able to fully utilize the materials of the Thor Kingdom. Except for the fact that their properties are completely given up to the dragons, as a blacksmith, they are able to walk with both of their arms with the offerings.

Since Weed was not eligible to participate, he just learned techniques that might help him in creating the sculptures from other blacksmiths.

Although there were a lot of pieces he needed to make, the Dragons usually didn't take the artistic value as of importance. By focusing only with the quantity, he was able to help out in the work of the other Blacksmiths and be able to learn some techniques from them.

"You are pretty devoted. Well, I don't really have any reason not to teach you."

The Dwarven Blacksmiths didn't give him any of the high level secret methods, just those common techniques.

However, Weed who could be said to lived his life on flattering people, worked in the same space as Master Abu and taught him simple things one by one.

– You have learned to refine steel from Dwarf Ronhand.Your Blacksmithing Skill proficiency has increased.You can now produce a breastplate with higher defense.

The techniques he could learn from the Dwarves seem to be not that bad.

From how to create a brazier to techniques of beating the hammer, there were a lot of great things he learned regarding the production.

Since the Blacksmithing Skill has a very broad usage, learning it would help in a variety of aspects.

"You're not a dwarf. Well, the ale tastes quite good.....! I can't teach you my techniques... These side dishes are amazing. Where have you learned your cooking techniques? Although I don't recklessly accept disciples, by looking at your passion, I will just give you only the gist of the basic parts."


In Iron Hammer, the capital of the Thor Kingdom, there were no monster raids which was why there were no battles happening amongst the Dwarves.

Rather, the competition among the Dwarf users mainly took place inside their forges.

Selected users that dream to be the best Dwarf Blacksmith also created the swords.

Norn Mountains, Ulta Mountains, Saigorn Mountains. In these three mountains were where the high quality iron ores were being collected and what was raising the Blacksmithing Skills of the Dwarves.

"These freaking iron, I've already been beating these things until dark. Forhand, how many swords have you created?"

"I'm at 17. You?"

"21. Today, I'm gonna need to buy ale."

"My throat is pretty thirsty too, let's finish this up and go."

In Iron Hammer, the Dwarf Blacksmith users that have gathered together numbered quite a lot.
Gazing at the furnace just like every other day, hitting iron was usually something that didn't really require perseverance.

However it is really rewarding for a Blacksmith to have his weapons become a world famous product along with his name engraved on it. To be able to create outstanding weapons or armors would give one a sense of accomplishment!

However, with this tedious and repetitive work, one would go and get himself some ale. With their racial characteristics to blame, they would feel longing for the taste of ale whenever their satiety drops. As the dwarves long for ale, they would treat themselves in the capital. They would occupy all places including the taverns, trading posts and forges in the squares of Iron Hammer.

"Kehe... Good."

Weed drank his ale.

In Iron Hammer, Intermediate Class Blacksmiths and above in particular, were provided two glasses of ale for free.

"Finally, it's today."

It was the day when they would offer the treasures to the Dragons!

Fortunately, the required number jewelry and gold sculptures had already been done. Weed gave the gold sculptures that he made which were shining and glittering. Einhand also gave it a compliment.

"If it's this kind of work, even that strict Kaybern would also like it."

"Is it alright?"

"This much is good even for the eyes of a Dwarf."

Einhand and the Dwarves departed to give their offerings to the Dragons.

By now, they should've arrived to their destination, the lair of the Dragons.

After completing this commission, he would've completed his tenth stage of his Profession Master Quest.

"When is it going to be done."

Weed was gradually eating his share of the peanuts along with two glasses of ale which was given free of charge.

Over the past 52 days, he was doing nothing else but create sculptures. Naturally, one would also want to give a reward to himself.

"I need to take a break until evening. My blacksmithing skill has grown further and have also gained considerable earnings!"

For some time now, he never got any hunting experiences nor loot.

However, while he didn't want to use these expensive materials for his sculptures, his Sculpting Skill proficiency has increased.

His current Sculpting mastery was at Advanced Level 8 at 61.1%.

As his Handicraft Skill has also increased a lot, his Blacksmithing Skills even rose one step further.

"Well, I'm actually like an honest laborer. I think it's actually good if in the future there are only quests such as these."

Like this, he spent his time on a tavern waiting for a message window to float.

Treasure Offering to Kaybern has been completed.Kaybern did not praise the efforts of the Dwarves.But still, with the treasure transported by the Dwarves, they were also quite satisfied that's why they didn't kill them.The arrogant Dragons ignored the contributions of the Sculptor who created those art pieces.Quest Reward:You will receive it from Einhand.Your reputation as a Sculptor will increase for the Dwarves.Contribution Points has increased by 61.Title! You have received, 'The Great Sculptor the Dwarves Acknowledge'.The Dwarves are the most demanding race with regards to pieces.Even they wouldn't disregard the sculptures you've made.The Dwarves will regard your works with 6% higher of their original value whenever you trade.Your Fame will spread very fast among the Dwarves.

His quest was a success.

In any case, once you see them, you would know that the Dwarf race was very pitiful!

"It was really for the best that I did not chose to be a Dwarf."

While they do have the ability of dealing with iron and their god-like Handicraft, these Dwarves were living as they received the persecution of the Dragons.

Even the users of Royal Road, as their levels continued to climb up, they still didn't even know when it was possible for them on promising to hunt these Dragons. Although the Dwarves of the Kingdom of Thor could try and go together with all their power, if it fails, they would not be able to avoid the punishment of the Dragon.

In the worst case scenario, their Kingdom would also be gone, that's why they don't even try and gamble their hard work.

"Anyways, although this quest is taking a long time, this quest should be coming to its end now."

Weed was flattering a pretty Dwarf girl that was working in the tavern.

"I am hearing the compliments and words of a Master Sculptor who knows how to see beauty."

There was a female Dwarf who was sitting and whose height was smaller than Weed.

"Do you want some more peanuts?"

"If the lady would want to give some."

Giving Weed even just one glass of beer would make him cheerful.


The Dwarf transport came back safe and sound.

Weed met with Einhand and heard about the result of the quest.

"Kaybern... whew, he's really frightening."

"Did he look really scary?"

"Not really, it was his words that scared me. I couldn't even properly look at his face. That bloody voice and the surrounding atmosphere, it was already enough to make my heart tremble!"

The Dwarves that were included in the transport didn't really mind just cowering and looking into the ground. Due to the nature of the Dwarf Race, even though they were the only enemies of the Dragons in the vicinity, they could only cower from the horrors since they didn't really know what to do.

Even though the Dwarves normally have the characteristic of bravery, the Dragons were an exception. If one would look at the history of the Versailles Continent, the capital of the Dwarves never committed any riot against the Dragons.

They would be working till their death in the coal mines, or they would dig and create then decorate the jewelries to be offered.

All Dwarves who did not comply would become snacks for the Dragons. It was already an instinct of the race itself and it couldn't be denied that this fear was already carved within them.

"I didn't know that my sculptures were actually received easily."

"Well, If you look at me, he allowed me to live so it was alright I suppose. Anyways, a lot of you really worked hard."

"Not really. I did this work for the Dwarves."

"I'm giving this to you, a reward from our Kingdom."

Einhand handed over 3 white cloths to Weed.

– You have received 15 Mithril Piece.– You have obtained 6 top-class Adamantium Piece.– You have acquired 35 first-grade Iron Ores

"This is so much....."

Even Weed was surprised with his rewards.

"Us Dwarves will not forget this favor."

Even though they were persecuted by the Dragons, the Thor Kingdom was still basically on the rich side.

Also, since there were a lot of mines, the Dwarves could just hand over refined stuff that they mined.

'If I used this, I would be able to replace a lot of my defensive equipments.'

Weed could now create a better armor to wear.

This will make hunting on the battlegrounds be a bit more on the dangerous side.

While he could have higher defense it would lower agility while the lighter weight would help increase the effect of Agility but lower defence.

It would help to have his life not decreasing that much, if a person was less nervous on fighting whenever he attacks, one would be able to concentrate which will make his hunting speed faster.

'Why did they even select to play as the Dwarf race from the beginning?'

Weed's heart was even lighter than dry grass.

He decided to use the materials and set it up once the Forge of Hestia had been completed.

"As a Dwarf, I am very interested about your creative works. I have heard a lot of stories about you."

"What stories?"

"Legends say that you turned iron into gold."

"Eh, Einhand-nim!"

"Oh, this kind of thing is just necessary for our blacksmiths, I don't really need to say these stories to you. About sculpting, I know some strange stories regarding it. Us Dwarves have learned a secret.... I could tell you one."

Einhand seemed to be talking about where the quest will lead next.

"There are legends about sculptures that came to life from long ago. This story is about the birth of the elementals and I don't know if this leads to something that might be related to the supremacy of Sculpting or Swordsmanship. Do you still want to hear more of the stories?"

It was the story about the three Secrets Skills of Sculpting.

Weed was of course well aware of those three since he had also acquired them.

"Long ago, the sculptures have been given life and I'm very curious about this legend."

He looked and met with Zahab with his Radiant Sword, he could go and meet him again later.

He would probably be much welcomed for the things he had done for Queen Evane.

The elementals also created sculptures, it's not really not much of a question since they've already know it.

"From a distant past. There was the Arpen Empire that was built by the power of Art. During a time when war was repeated time and time again, he unified the continent into one glorious empire....."

This led to Einhand's long description about the history of Arpen Empire.

Weed was already bowing as he doze off.

It was like during middle school. This was how he was listening to the stories in class!

This technique was being used during his classes in the University and was also used in front of Einhand.

"It was just a barren land, where they prevent the invasion of monsters. There were a lot of things there that were made based on Sculpting. Could you even imagine it. The Emperor of Arpen Empire was actually said to be a Sculptor!"

Einhand shouted intensely with excitement.

Weed even tried made himself looked surprised at some times.

For a person with a profession of being a Sculptor, this splendid legend was enough to evoke a sense of pride!

"Ah! Is that so?"

Weed replied rather uninterested.

Before, he already knew a lot of information about Sculptural Lifeforms that's why things like these was not really that new to him at all.

It was just like those TV Specials with those films or comedy shows that were repeated each time on holidays every year.

"The great Arpen Empire very much liked the Dwarves. Since we also preferred being artists and engineers, we stayed and enjoy the flourishing empire that the humans have built."

Einhand then slowly said in a low gentle indifferent voice.

"The Emperor of Arpen Empire! He might even be the most amazing person in the history of the continent. His Sculptures are very special. If you want to find out more about the Sculptures of Life, try to find Raihand who studied the Arpen Empire in his lifetime. To where his current location is, I don't really know. Perhaps he is somewhere in the Ulta Mountains and Norn Mountains."


The Sculptures of the Arpen EmperorThe moment his sculptures were written in the history of the Continent, the Arpen Empire was born.Geihar Von Arpen.If you want to know more about the sculptures of the former emperor of the continent, find Raihand first.You will be able to hear more about the story.Difficulty: Sculpting Master QuestQuest Limit:Sculpting Skill Advanced Level 8 or higher.Sculpture Repair Skill needed.Sculptural Memories Skill needed.

His 11th quest had already started.

However, another message window rang out.


– Secret Sculpting Technique, you have already learned the sculpting technique of the Emperor Geihar Von Arpen.Since you already know the sculpting ways of Emperor Arpen, you can now proceed without needing to resolve the quest.The Sculptures of the Arpen Emperor has been completedAs the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, you already know everything.The sculpting of Geihar Von Arpen was already led through you.Fame has increased by 1,980Due to knowing this historical knowledge, Dignity has increased by 12.Due to your relationship with the Emperor Geihar you would be able to receive the respect of those who respect the Arpen Empire.All stats have increased by 2.

Volume 27 Chapter 9

A Meeting with a Sculptural Lifeform Race

Weed said to Einhand.

"The Sculptures of the Arpen Empire Emperor haven't disappeared yet. I have already learned it."

"Ah, that's great!"

Einhand had burst out an exclamation just like when he drank the delicious ale.

"If you are what you said, then you really ought to be called a Great Sculptor. Then, if I could ask you for one more favor, do you know the place called Ugoth?"

Weed have somewhat seen the said place.

In Thor Kingdom, it's the name of the region south of Saigorn Mountains. The Dwarf Warriors block the monsters in the border regions while there are also a lot of high-level adventurers visiting this place because of the numerous undiscovered dungeons that are yet to be found here.

A message window flashed in front of Weed.

– You have chosen Sculpture Life Bestowal for your Sculpting Master QuestThe rest of your Profession Master Quest is going to be determined by commissions related to Sculptural Lifeforms.

"Anyway, some Dwarves there have talked with the Goblins."

"What did they say?"

"They said that whenever they walk as they sing songs, they would occasionally see small creatures among the bushes."

"What was their size?"

"About half of a squirrel? They're probably not monsters, though, we Dwarves have actually never met them. I think it would be better if you investigate what's in there. I don't really think it's something major so just look it up whenever you're not busy. If you have the time, then just check it out."

"Well, I'm going to go look at it whenever I'm not busy today."

Although Weed answered like that, he thought that it was something that is needed to be found.

These kinds of hints are sometimes connected to huge events or rewards. Of course, although that is very much unlikely to be the case, it was still worth to check it out.

"And in Ugoth, because there has been a swarm of monsters recently, a lot of Dwarves are currently in danger. If you could make strong Sculptural Lifeforms as if they were made of steel like in the past Arpen Empire, I think you would be able to regain peace and order in Ugoth. Although, yes, it is a shameless favor, but could you give a little bit of help to the Dwarves in Ugoth? "

"Of course, I'll see to it and do my best."

Weed thought it was just a simple Combat Quest.

Although it was something rare for a Sculpting Quest, it may be a commission that will give him a heavier burden as it was a quest regarding Sculpture Life Bestowal.

"And also, you would do a great deal of help for us by doing this. So if you help Ugoth, us Dwarves won't even know what valuable gift we would give."


Protectors of UgothA hidden force of the Arpen Empire!If a Sculptor knows how to use Sculpture Life Bestowal, he would be able to do a great deal of help for the Dwarves of Saigorn Mountains.Enter with 10 or more Sculptural Lifeforms and lead them to help restore the peace in Ugoth.The Dwarves will reward you for this favor.And, you may be able to find something else in Ugoth. Although, it might also be one of the lies of the Goblins as well.....If you encounter these strange creatures, it will lead to the next stage of the chain quest.Difficulty: Sculpting Master Quest.Quest Limit:Advanced Sculpting Level 8 or higher.Sculpture Life Bestowal Skill needed.Playing Skill Level – It requires the cooperation of a Bard with Singing Skill of Intermediate Level or higher.You need to hunt 500 monsters to complete the quest.

Weed didn't actually remember anymore the levels of the monsters in Ugoth

Even if the place would have quite a high level of difficulty, if it were those Sculptural Lifeforms, it wouldn't really be a commission that would take a long time. However, in the long run, having taken Sculpture Life Bestowal for his Profession Master Quest, he was a little worried that the Combat Quests are going to be more and more difficult.

In fact, he didn't really have much faith about continuing his quest with his Sculptural Lifeforms.

"As incompetent guys, bringing them all here would just do nothing.... If I want to move forward with these guys and in my quest, it's going to be difficult."


"I don't really know why was I even born. Meooooo."

"Pick Light Wing. He's loyal to master."

The Sculptural Lifeforms were gathered together by Weed as they were being scolded.


All the Barbarians around Vargo Fortress were anxious about a certain place.

"No Warrior has gone in there and come out alive."

"Legends say that a devil lives in there."

"That place has an awful smell of rotting corpses along with an ominous aura flowing around it. If you want to take your life, there are much better ways to do it."

Therefore, the Geomchi instructors and practitioners received a quest from the Barbarians.

"Uh, can we do this?"

"Even if we fail, we're not going to die."

"Your brains aren't on your foreheads, so use it as we strike them."

"We will follow the words of Master."

The Barbarians said that they were difficult monsters that is why they would flock them and defeat them with sheer numbers.

Since there was no need for all 505 persons to do it, they divided their number and was scattered through different dungeons.

"ABSOLUTELY DO NOT ENTER THIS PLACE. Well, those words are something we should worry about."

"Where is the entrance located?"

"Some human warriors even say that the trees above prevent us from calling out."

"Then that would be fun. I will fight first!"

"Those guys have awfully strong claws. At least it weakens them when it rains since its sight is not that good in the rain, if you use that...."

"In any case, is it just that way that I could kill it? Even if the rain does not come, I'm still going to fight."

*Fight* *Fight* *Fight*

"Go faster!"

"Let's welcome the monster gladly."

The Geomchis rushed in as they endured and clutched their injuries.

They run, crush, and fight as they do each dungeon and overwhelmingly reduce the time to accomplish it in the shortest time possible.

"We don't need to complicate things. Just kill everything that is an enemy."

"The idea of Master is right!"

As usual, they exceeded being heroic in battle as they died one after another.

Geomchi489 is a person who belonged to what could be said as an elite class of the society.

From an early age, he had demonstrated the characteristics of being a promising genius and it continued till middle school, high school until early graduation.

And, he left the best University in the Republic of Korea and became an exchange student to study abroad for a government scholarship. He won mathematical championships; he was also well known in the academic community to the extent of publishing his own journal paper.

He was guaranteed to be employed as one of the chief executives in a company and had even mastered the art of overspeeding on a highway without getting caught by surveillance cameras!

Geomchi489 has a lot of self-distress in his life.

'Like this, I'm going to be promoted by the director which is earlier than others even than the vice director.... also the director. Earn salaries of hundred millions and also earn bonuses that will depend on the stocks. The companies will also give out personal cars, and later on I would climb up to be the CEO or Vice president of the company.'

Although he seemed to live a successful life, he never felt the joy of living. On the television, what appeared wasn't that interesting as it showed something about a group.

It was about a dojang where they could come for exercise, and grabbing the chance would allow them to see the path of the sword.

His whole body felt a burning passion to welcome the sword.

Since then, the sword became his hobby and he started attending the dojang. Although drops of sweat came out as he worked hard, he still enjoyed training his body.

However, there were some minor side effects.

Being with the other practitioners or just wearing his uniform gave him a habit of using violence more than his head.

"Kill them!"

He didn't care about the knowledge he accumulated from the society. If someone grabs the sword along with the practitioners, then one would naturally become ignorant.

The correct and wrong decisions are what matters little thought is given to other matters.

If one had the courage to throw one's life away, giving importance to the body rather than the knowledge, a life in ignorance could be rather fun.

"Look. If you try, it's possible isn't it!"

"Yes, Master."

"Being under command of Master is really.... a blessing of the Versailles Continent."

The surviving instructors and practitioners were busy flattering Geomchi.

The seniors cooperated with each other while raising their levels at a high speed. They also gained and distributed information about the new hunting grounds around Vargo Fortress.

Geomchi3 saw Zephyr and his colleagues as they wandered around the shops.

"Hey, Zephyr."

"Yes, hyung."

"Are you doing anything?"


Geomchi3 was gritting as it was really urgent. Although Zephyr had a challenge that was needed to be completed by tomorrow, he was unable to make himself say it.

"I'm not."

"Then, let's hunt together."

"Well... Let's do it then, hyung-nim. But, there's also Pale-nim and the others."

Zephyr knew that the Geomchis were very ignorant as he saw it whenever they were hunting.

But, they were not strangers who didn't know things about Vargo Fortress.

When the Barbarians said a word to them about a place, the Geomchis went along with the practitioners and completely swept the monsters in there!

They exhibited their combat skills and hunting speed which was enough to cause the Barbarians to be amazed.

Like this, whenever they take part in hunting, it was an obvious fact that one would likely die.

If he came alone without Pale, Surka, Irene and Romuna, and got sandwiched between the practitioners, he might collapse because of exhaustion without having any partner to share his pain.

"Alright. Then, we will start when we are all together."

Like that, they have decided to hunt altogether!

Geomchi2 has been reunited with Seechwi who was surrounded by Orcs.

"It's been a while, chwiiig!"

"You did a lot of effort just to come this far."

Both of them hugged each other tightly as they shared their warmth.

Looking at it, although it was awkward as it was a display of affection between an Orc and a Human, it was an affectionate feeling for the two.

"I have to go for hunting now...."

"Let's go together, chwichichwiik!"

Orc Commander Seechwi led the Orcs and joined the hunt.

Elite Orc Champions entered the dungeon and hunted. As the Orc Champions traveled beyond their Rugged Mountains, they grew while fighting with monsters.

And Seoyoon also hunted along with the practitioners. In other words, they were a disaster.

Anyway, since she has only been making ceramics and sculptures for a while now with Weed, she wanted to raise her level by hunting along with the Geomchis.

The profession of Seoyoon, the more she fights the more powerful she becomes, a Beserker!

Not only does the power of her skills were great, as soon as she finishes an entire dungeon, she would immediately go to another dungeon. She goes around attracting a large number of monsters while the Geomchi instructors and practitioners just watched from the sides looking at her ability to slaughter.

"That girl is stronger than us....."

"Our hunting abilities seems to be unable to keep up in comparison with hers."

"No! This can't be! Even if we lose to her at eating meat we can't lose at fighting. Let's go!"

Geomchi, the instructors and the practitioners became more ignorant.


In order for Weed to complete the Ugoth Quest, he needed to call 1 Bard.

"So I must not do this alone and also need cooperate with a user of different profession. And the Bard should also be a fairly high level and must have at least Intermediate level of skill."

He could always ask for help when regards to Bards since they dominate Morata more than in any other city. Although there were lots of talented people in Morata, people would run towards him even barefooted if it was Weed who called. Unfortunately, his skill level wasn't that high yet.

"If it's Bellot, she's going to be enough since it just needs to be Intermediate."

Weed sent a whisper to Bellot.

– Excuse me, are you free right now?

– Heek heek.

– Bellot-nim?

– Whew. Sorry, did you just call me?

She still had her usual charm, though the only difference was she was in a hurry which was not the usual Bellot.

– Right now, if you have some time....

– Weed-nim! I have time, I absolutely have!

– If I could just have a moment, I need you to help me on something

– Just so I could escape here. Then... I would have a lot of time.

It was the first time that something about having lots of time for a man came out from the mouth of Bellot.

At her current situation, she was interrupted as she was fighting with Hwaryeong and the Geomchis.

Although her level rose quite easily, she was still quite pleased. Their hunt will not end even after their current hunt while she was already exhausted and wobbly on playing and singing songs.

– Then, I will ask and contact Yurin to take you with her.

– Please do, and come a little faster.


Weed, Bellot, the 6 Wyverns, Goldman, Yellowy, Eunsae, and Light Wing arrived together in Ugoth. Gold Bird also came along because of Eunsae.

Ugoth was located in one of 6 areas of the Dwarves, he rode a Wyvern to the sky and overlooked the buildings where the Dwarves lived. Of course, the Dwarves became even smaller. However, this is also where they built lots of armors, weapons and others.

The Adventurers who visited roamed around the busy streets away from the races.

"First, we're going to catch monsters, you alright with that?"

Bellot sighed deeply.

"So. I'm going to hunt again?"

She just escaped from the tigers and actually came to the lion!

"It's just 500 monsters, we should be able to get this done and catch them easily."

"Did you just say 500?"

Bellot took out her instrument and was ready to play.

The combat abilities of a Bard are actually on a decent side. However, the bodies of the Sculptures of Life didn't move from their places. She was just playing something that would significantly boost the potential of the Sculptural Lifeforms when...

"Kaeaek. Somehow, what I hear are just noises."


The Wyverns didn't like music because of their brutal and hurried nature. However, Eunsae liked it enough that she danced about as she chirped.

As the strings of Bellot's instrument strummed, Eunsae did an adorable dance.

However, the adorable and cute movements of Eunsae weren't appreciated by the insensitive Weed.

"Are you drunk?"

"Twit twit!"

Eunsae turned her head and showed a sulky look.

The Wyverns were suspicious and thought that they had been left behind while the others got to drink.

"In any case, let the battle begin!"

The price he needed to pay for the Quest was mobilizing his Sculptural Lifeforms.

The Wyverns, who could also be called the Lord of the Heavens, flew even on the low mountains.

Weed and Goldman were armed with bows and shot any monsters that were wandering in the woods. If their arrows just grazed though the monsters and survived, the Wyverns would immediately follow them with an assault.

"I'll play a quick rhythm."

Since Bellot played at a higher speed, the Wyverns felt that they were lighter along with enhanced agility and moved quickly.

The monsters of Ugoth were suitable prey for the Sculptural Lifeforms. Occasionally, when he found places where lots of monsters gathering around, Weed would jump to the ground.

"Radiant Sword!"

Weed rode Yellowy as they rallied in and win battles.

– Remaining Monsters: 264

The hunt progressed quickly.

Although there are high-level monsters in the areas of Ugoth, they were quite fragile from the combination of the Wyverns.


Eunsae called up a mysterious fog.

Although it was normally used in a siege, it was still possible to use it even in these high mountain areas. It was a technique that endangers the monsters by confusing which also boosts the morale of the soldiers.

In Vargo Fortress, this technique of Eunsae was something that is used very often for the soldiers and Sculptural Lifeforms for them fight with an advantage.

Bellot, who was riding Wy-1, showed a clear smile as she was playing.

"So pretty."

The mysterious fog shrouded the Saigorn Mountains and stretched out as the monsters lost their sense of direction and wandered around.

Although Bellot had a lot of combat experience, she was still isolated in the fog while the Wyverns had the great idea of assaulting anyone with the shape of a monster.

However, Weed said casually.

"Hey, I cannot look for japtem... cancel your skill."


"Anyways, I didn't tell you to do this."

Since she cast her skill needlessly, Eunsae could only suffer the scolding.

Eunsae, who considered Weed as a father since birth, twisted her beak in dismay and sulked, in time it actually became crooked now.

And so, they ended up fighting 500 monsters until the evening.


– You have completed the target number of monsters in theGuardians of Ugoth quest.You can receive your compensation for your commission by going into town to look for the Dwarf.

Although it was also a fact that they hunted more quickly, it still took some time for them to distinguish the monsters.

Because it was related to the quest it was better to hunt higher level monsters than lower ones since they might receive better rewards from the dwarves,.

"Now Bellot-nim, I'll be needing your time."

"What's the matter?"

Weed's Quest was probably just getting started.

Since, if he didn't find the small creatures that the Goblins have told about, then it wouldn't lead to another quest.


As Weed hunted around Ugoth, he looked carefully at his surroundings.

It was a place of lush greenery and yet, it is said that the Goblins are living in a nearby cave.

"Then, I'll start here."

Bellot sang as she played her instrument.

Going for a walk in a deep dark mountain path~

Stepping on the falling leaves making a rustling sound

And as I walk I lost my way

This trip will lead me somewhere

I don't know what's coming out

I tremble as I sing a song

Whenever I hear the wolves

In the night, her voice spread in all directions.

Although Bellot's ability to handle instruments was considerable as a Bard, her voice was the one which was particularly beautiful and clear.

But occasionally, some creatures, except for the Goblins, would take a look and peek on them then escape. And the small creatures among the bushes also didn't show up.

Bellot thought to herself.

'This is embarrassing.'

Of course, although they had Sculptures of Life with them, the idea of singing while being alone with a man brings a pretty strange atmosphere.

She felt nothing but shyness and throbbing!

"Even now, there's still nothing that's coming out. I'll just continue to sing."

As Bellot continued her singing, she hoped that something would occasionally hear her music and show up.

Since they were near the cave of the goblins, other monsters don't usually come out which was why it had quite a desolate atmosphere.

Yellowy and the Wyverns fell down and dozed off as they fell asleep.

Eventually, Weed intruded.

"There seems to be something wrong with the song."


Although her job in reality wasn't really a singer, Bellot was still a proud Bard inside Royal Road.

"The tone accuracy and my playing, I don't think I really had any mistakes there?"

Weed shook his head.

"I didn't mean it like that. Let me just recall and sing the lines in the song once again."

"..... Let me have this one."

Weed's singing was the worst of the worst.

Although Bellot also knew this very well, she just decided to follow him and didn't react even after he tried to sing some of her songs.

Weed just changed the lyrics of the songs that she will sing.

"The song will be like this."

"The lyrics are a bit... How will I put this?"

She can't bear to say it since the lyrics were already embarrassing enough to even try and just say it on its own!

However, there seems to have a high probability that the Wyverns and Yellowy will like them upon hearing them.

"Well, let me sing it then."

A jewel is buried in a deep dark mountain path~

The fallen leaves below make a rustling sound

I cooked a bunch of delicious food.

No one also comes here.

A song that nobody listens to.

A song you mustn't hear.

Don't come here to hear.

Weed was thinking as he listened to the beautiful song of Bellot.

'This will make the Goblins come....'

Her singing skills were quite on the decent side.

The song has a refreshing feeling to it without any messy tune nor any careless high notes.

It was very nice to listen to along with her clear playing. If her proficiency is already enough, Weed would most likely find those little creatures.

'Maybe there's a problem with the lyrics?'

Weed immediately saw something that moved.

When Bellot already changed the lyrics of her song, the reactions of his Sculptural Lifeforms also changed.


Yellowy who was down with his sleepy eyes dug into the ground using his hind feet.

(T/N: Digging SFX)

Yellowy was trying to find if whether or not there was really a gem.

Of course, it was also true for the Wyverns, even Eunsae and Golden Bird chirped and released their hunger chirps.

*rustle* *rustle*

And then, a gentle shake resounded from the bushes.

Weed was able to find the creatures that were smaller than a pine cone that were squinting in the bushes.


You have found the Ellyons, a Sculptural Lifeform race that was given life by the Emperor Geihar Von Arpen.Ellyon is a race that belongs to the fairies.Since they have a very long life, it's hard to find a case where someone dies of old age from them.Their body size is very small while they also love music and sculptures.The foods that they eat are mainly dew and grains that they gather during dawn.They are peaceful creatures and aren't interested in fighting. They don't even have a territory that separates them from others.They love this place and didn't seriously damage the nature.– Due to this rediscovery, maximum Health has increased by 1000.Mana has increased by 500.All stats has increased by 2.– You can report this new race that you have found to a King or Lord.If the cities and countries knew about the Ellyons, your Knowledge and Affinity to Nature will increase.Guardians of Ugoth has been completed.Goblins being honest, that fact is something that one would find hard to believe. But what they said was true.– Sculpting Skill proficiency has increased.– You have a good reputation with the with the Goblins.If you talk with them, they will give you stories about what they know.– Luck has increased by 7– You have completed the Protector of Ugoth Quest.You can now proceed to the next stage of your Sculpting Master Quest.


Bard Ray had to pay 400 defensive troops to take defense in Kraton Castle.

Even if the castle fortifications could be used, the troops fighting for the other side was 10 times greater than them.

The soldiers were being trained and had brought out their new equipments like throwing spears and swords!

There were only 20 days till all of their enemies marched towards them.

During that time, the soldiers were being trained and the residents were either forcefully recruited or being commanded to do renovations.

Of course, since they lack war supplies, it was just barely possible for them to increase their production capacity.

"I made a mistake, I'm sorry."

Even though Bard Ray was the one who directed their training, the soldiers were still unable to follow along easily.

"If you do not listen...."

Bard Ray took out his sword then brandished it.

Then, the soldier who made the mistake changed into a gray light then disappeared.

".. you will die. Keep it into your mind."

– The soldiers of Kraton Castle has been reduced to 399– The fear of the Lord has spread among the soldiers.Notoriety has increased.The effect of leadership is going to temporarily improve.


BardRay was already in the eleventh stage of his Black Knight's Quest.

As the difficulty his quests gradually rose, the support of Hermes Guild also increased accordingly.

The preemptive soldiers for the next quests were given simple items to wear with low-level restrictions such as magic rings, magic daggers, leather armor which was given to them for them to own as their payment.

Although most of his Black Knight Quests are just nothing but blindly fighting to survive, being able to manage troops was a common thing.

He even has his status as the King of Haven Kingdom and along with his charisma and leadership, he was already on a level where you can't even envy him.

However, it was not enough to immediately turn those soldiers into Elite troops.

In preparation for the upcoming battle along with the plans, a lot of things have changed.

"Have the residents focused on the production of bows and arrows. And, add more people to the wall to repair it overnight."

"The complaints of the residents will increase."

"This work is for themselves."

Although the fatigue and complaints of the residents kept on increasing day by day, Bard Ray could only manage to suppress the rebellions.

The accumulated information that he gained as he ruled the territories of Kallamore Kingdom became useful here.

All of the residents were already dying as they are being abused, unable to take a break.

The soldiers also, those who didn't follow the proper training were being sent to the hazardous walls to do repair work.

When the 20 days passed by, the enemy was already done preparing for battle.

Soldiers of Kraton Castle: 620 PeopleDiscipline: They may engage in war out of fear of their KingMorale: Low

The enemies came marching towards the castle and the soldiers had put on a strong resistance.

As they dropped stones and shot their arrows, they also fought the enemies who came up on the wall.

That moment of Bard Ray's Quest was being broadcasted live on every game broadcasting stations.

"Once again, he's literally just massacring them as if they were monsters!"

He is currently demonstrating an even more overwhelming strength in comparison with all of the combat capabilities he'd previously shown as he dominates the battlefield.

"The soldiers, who are not that quite suitable for fighting are giving a pretty good fight."

The soldiers who rushed towards Bard Ray still fought while tying him in place in spite of having to sacrifice themselves.

Although they backed off a little bit since they don't want to get injured, only by killing the Lord would they put an end to this fighting and it's either they will be killed or be lucky enough to survive.

Eventually, Bard Ray was safe and kept his Kraton Castle which will probably start new legends. A status window appeared and he has obtained the Lightning Spear and a Lightning Armor Set.

His Black Knight Quest proceeded to its next step.

Of course, the part in which BardRay accepted the quest wasn't disclosed in the broadcast.

"Thy Knight, thine cruelty couldn't be told as inevitable for peace. For thy sword of the Black Knight, there is a monster near Melbourne Mines on Treipeak Fort. If you have thy sword, you are able to learn the swordsmanship known as Destruction. To wake up this monster, thou must seek the gem from the Earth Shaker."

Bard Ray laughed coldly.

"Melbourne is... in the area of Black Lion Guild."



Bellot was tightly clutching her two hands.

The Fairy Ellyon was wearing green clothes along with a hat which was so cute and really adorable.

"This is so nice."

She twinkled her eyes as she didn't know what to do with this cute thing.

Also, having discovered the Ellyons together with Weed, she was also given similar rewards.

As a Bard, she will be the first one to sing a song about the Ellyons. And through this song, she would earn greater fame that which would make it possible for her to attract more audience.

Ever since their biggest day of adventure when they visited Jigolaths, she has pretty much been standing by till today.

Weed went down to the Ellyon and lowered his body.

At first he thought that there were only 1 of it, but inside the bush, there was actually more than 30 of them.


Weed spoke and said hello to them.

During the era of Emperor Geihar Von Arpen, there were lots of Sculptural Lifeforms in his Golden Age of Sculpting.

Since he had discovered one of the Sculptural Lifeform race, he couldn't help but be excited.

– A human.

– He has spotted us.

– Shall we hide again?

– He doesn't give a good impression. I think he's a bad man.

According to the reports of the Goblins, they do not run away. But looking at Weed, it looked like the Ellyons were trying to run away.

However, someone among them said.

– Look at those. They're the same as us.

– They are like art created by children.

The Ellyons came and cheerily jumped up and down on Yellowy and rubbed their face on the bodies of the Wyverns.

"Moooooooo. They smell."

Yellowy and Wyverns felt ticklish and shook their bodies.

Eunsae jumped off as it looked towards the little fairies, showed a prim air, then flew away as it smiled and went up to the branches.

Weed raised an Ellyon with his finger.

"Ellyon Information Window!"

– You have observed the Sculptural Lifeform.You cannot check some detailed information.Name: Ronnie EllyonRace: FairyPreference: NatureLevel: 51Occupation: Dew Drinks LeaderTitle: The Secretly Wandering RascalFame: 2A creature that was created by Emperor Geihar.They are good at farming and also have the ability to dig for minerals.They love music and arts.Although they have a few combat skills, it couldn't be seen by the eyes of the wicked.+Unknown+Unknown

Weed looked at the Ellyon closely with his eyes.

As he looked at it closely, the more that it looked like an innocent kid.

It was a fairy girl that was dressed up like a little girl.

– Let me go.

Weed put the Ellyon to the ground.

Suddenly, the Ellyons gathered together and there were 100 small creatures that surrounded Weed in a circle.

Weed and Bellot didn't run away as the Sculptural Lifeforms did a mysterious thing.

– I'll let you know something about us.

They heard the voice of the Ellyons.

Then, a vision flowed in the eyes of Weed.


Ever since the death of Emperor Geihar, the one who unified the Versailles Continent, the civilization of the Arpen Empire crumbled rapidly.

Due to the disputes between his children and his Knights, the great empire has scattered away and each of the Sculptural Lifeform had to leave.

"Let's search for new grounds to live on....."

"The day will come when the arts and culture in this Continent will bloom again."

"May peace always be with you."

The Sculptural Lifeforms, who left the Empire to collapse, experienced dangers and stayed hidden on the continent.

The Dwarves who lived in their underground world, deeper than a subterranean city, ascended to the skies and prayed.

They went to the seas, large islands, mountains and forests that the Humans have not yet explored and even swamps.

Although the Sculptural Lifeforms that Emperor Arpen created were tenacious, they became completely dispersed out.

The Ellyons was in charge of the Empire's farming, mineral extraction along with its lakes and ponds.

Even without fighting they still had the ability to adapt to things.

They adjusted to the mountains with those rocks and earth while avoiding monsters and managing to stay alive so far.


We have been waiting our days for Sculptor who would be the successor of Emperor Arpen to visit us.

Despite the friendly statement, Weed didn't feel very bad.

The way of speaking just reminds him of when dust gets caught in his eyes.

'Sculpting Master Quest. As I've discovered Ratzeburg, my reputation as a Sculptor and creating Sculptures had a positive effect and have spread towards each of the races. Back then, when I chose Sculpture Life Bestowal, I'm really going to meet the Sculptural Lifeform Race.'

– We could live a longer time compared to the elves. However, our strength have weakened a lot. To return us back into our original selves, we need the strength of the Sapphire of Melbourne.

Weed flinched as his body trembled.

"Wait you can't possibly mean....."

– Wouldn't you obtain this Sapphire for us and make a sculpture with it?


The Ellyons Wants SapphireIn the Haineph Mountains of the Tullen Kingdom, there is the human-made Fort named Treipeak.This fort served as a protection of the Melbourne Mines from monsters and other kingdoms.While angry spirits haunt the mines, this is also where you could enter and excavate the finest of sapphires which could be used in creating sculptures.Difficulty: Sculpting Master Quest.Reward: Loyalty of the EllyonsQuest Limit:Advanced Sculpting Level 8 or higher.Mining Skill is requiredA Magnum Opus Sapphire Sculpture

The Melbourne Mines boasts to be the the continent's largest depository of iron and sapphires.

If a person gains ownership of these mines, that person will gain astronomical wealth and power.

As a place of never-ending war between the guilds, it has its famous Oden Fort.

Currently, that territory belongs to the Black Lion Guild.

– We have already lived for a long time and we also miss the art and culture of the Arpen Empire. If you then decided to create this sculpture for us, I could only believe in your words then. If you give fresh fruits to the spirits, they will not actually fight.

Weed nodded his head.

"Then, don't worry about creating the sculpture and just wait for it."

– You have accepted the quest.

– Thank you.

"No. Only this much is what can I do for you guys...."

The Sculpting Master Quest, he would give his best efforts to the Ellyons since he might be repaid tenfold for his efforts.


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