Chapter Fifteen

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Livia beat her wings, flying across the ocean with a sling across her back containing food and some other items. She landed on a small patch of island she found, flicking her ear as she sighed. "Wow, you make it look so easy!" She gasped and looked up, finding ten figures flying over on brooms. They circled around her before landing. Elliot, Jaseem, Alison, Tiana, Neige, Rielle, Zalim, Kailey, Bailey and Rafael all looked at her, smiles on their faces. "We all made a plan, Liv, us ten will go with you to stop Azrak"Elliot smiled. "Lassie, Violet, Jerbo, Eric, and Andy are going to go rescue Ambert"Jaseem adds. "But"Livia says. "Hey, we wanna help, yes we're uncomfortable with your power but you are our friend"Zalim says. She placed a feather in his hair, surprising the male.

She plucked more feathers, giving them to Kailey, Bailey and Rafael. "Now your thoughts will be private"Livia smiled flicking her ear. "Thanks..."Kailey smiled placing a hand on her shoulder. "Where should we go first?"Bailey asks. "The Valley of Thorns, Queen Maleficia will help us"Livia replies. "Azrak was the story monster of fae children's books"Livia replies flicking her wing. "Alright, we go there first then!"Kailey nodded. "Let's get going!"Livia nodded. She flew into the air, her friends following on their broomsticks. "You sure she won't throw us into a dungeon?"Kailey asks. "Gran Gran Maleficia is protective of me, about as protective as Malleus but maybe probably yes"Livia says. Kailey laughed, shaking his head. "Oh boy!"Zalim laughed Livia grinning at them amused. She looked forward, flying in the lead.

Ben walked through the halls of school, yawning as he headed back to his dorm room. "Ben!" Duchess ran over with Cobra, their eyes wide. "Where's your friends, Livia and the others?!"Cobra demands. "Weren't they in their dorm rooms?"Ben asks. "We found this note, one from Elliot saying they're going after Azrak and then one from Eric saying their going to save Ambert"Cobra growled. "WHAT?! THEY'RE GONE?!"Ben gasped. "Seems like he's the only one who didn't figure anything out"Cobra snorted. "I-I HAVE TO GO FIND THEM!"Ben yells. "I don't think you should, kid"Cobra says. Ben nodded, looking nervous as the the professors went to question the others. "Want me to come with you, I know you're gonna follow them"Nightclaw asks walking over. "Yes please! We gotta find them!"Ben nodded.

"Let's wait till morning, it's too dark to go searching for them, even though it means they have a days head start"Nightclaw says. "No! No way, we go now! That way we can at least have them within our view!"Ben says. "And what are you gonna do, you're not dangerous, you won't be able to make them come back"Nightclaw frowned. "He's right." Leo walked over, his eyes narrowed. "We don't have time to wait, we need to go right now"Leo frowned. "What so you can reunite with your buddy"Ben demanded. "NO! I want revenge for him taking control of me!"Leo spat. "....and, I wanna help she did me"Leo mutters glancing away, his cheeks turning pink. "Woah, don't tell me you're also in love with Livia!"Ben gasped. "Also? Who else likes her"Leo frowned looking alarmed. "Neige, Jaseem and...uh...Eric"Ben replied. "Neige makes his affection for her clear, he follows her blindly. Eric is more subtle, he's more of a tsundere. Jaseem always seems more agitated when someone mentions Livia even when there's no danger"Ben went on.

"LET'S GO FIND THEM!"Leo yells hurrying away. "I think his new objective is competing with the others for Livia's heart"Nightclaw mutters. "I can tell, but she's in love with Neige"Ben nodded. "She is, wow I've never noticed, besides she always seem so uncomfortable when he's around her"Nightclaw echoed surprised. "I'm good at observing, Livia seems more shy around Neige whenever he's around, not to mention that she's always standing next to him and she looked VERY relieved that he was the first one to get his hands on her mind blocking feather"Ben explains. "Neige's love for Livia is genuine it's not a passing crush, he looks at Livia like how Cobra looks at Duchess, he gives her that 'I'm yours now and forever' and sometimes he gives her the 'Do you love me back' look which I find really amusing yet sad"Ben continues grabbing a broom. "Come on!"Leo shouts at the two. "Coming!"Ben calls. "Think they'll get closer?"Nightclaw asks. "Definitely"Ben nods smiling. Nightclaw flared her wings, taking off into the air. Ben pushed off the ground, lifting up into the air on his broom. The trio took off towards the ocean, unaware of Figaro following them.

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