Chapter Six

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Livia stared at the woman, who stared back stunned. "Livia! Cobra's niece! Does she know if he's alive, can he come back to me and my babies! I miss him so much, it's been hard taking care of triplets without him." Livia opened her mouth to respond but felt as if she shouldn't for some reason. "Ms Duchess, hello"Eric greeted. "You kids should be in class, and Andy I must talk to you about your private etiquette classes"Duchess smiled. "We'll see you in history, Livia"Elliot waved smiling. "Will she be okay, I hope she'll be okay, I'm in the class down the hall so I can come if needed." Livia waved to her friends stepping into the classroom. "NO, DON'T GO IN THAT CLASSROOM!!!" She stopped, then flames filled her vision.

Screaming filled the air as the students in the etiquettes class started to burn. Livia screamed in pain, her wings burning from the fire around her. Screams echoed in every area of the room, students struggling to find their way out of the class. "GET THE HEADMASTER!" "THE ETIQUETTES CLASS IS ON FIRE!" "HOW MANY ARE IN THERE?!" Livia fell to the ground, clawing at her back as she screamed, the sound of running feet filling the air. She fell unconscious, a hand grabbing her, something wet falling on her. The smell of smoke cleared, the smell of water filling the air. Someone gently dragged her out, Elliot's shriek of terror filling the hall. Elliot sat on his knees, tears falling down his cheeks as he hovered his hand over Livia's arm. Several other professors dragged unconscious students out, setting them down and checking their pulses. "Two dead, Skylar and Chain"Ambrose says regretfully. Neige stared at Livia's wings in shock, covering his mouth. "Lets start contacting parents"Ambrose sighed.

Livia laid in the infirmary bed, sensing someone beside her. "Wish Kiss." A hand gently touched her burns, the pain slowly fading away. "LIVIA!" She groaned, opening her eyes. Black hair ducked out of view just as several pairs of heads appeared. "My baby!"Thea cried touching Livia's cheeks. "M..ama"Livia mutters. "I told you it wasn't a good idea to come here, it's the first day and she nearly burns to death!"Golden growled furiously. "Golden, calm down"Maria orders quietly. "You alright"Lilia asks concerned. "Who..left the"Livia asks looking around. "Oh Liv, your wings!"Meena gasps. Livia stared, Meena using a mirror to show Livia's wings, which were nearly gone. She shrieked, startling her family. "Liv, calm down!"Shadow yells his eyes wide as he reached for her.

Lilia poked Livia's temple, putting her to sleep. "Will she be okay"Copper asks worried. "She's really strong for someone so shy, she'll be okay!"Lilia assured his son. "Lets go see Ambrose"Thea suggests sounding broken. Thea walked in the lead of her family, Neige peeking out from behind the curtains. He walked over to Livia, looking at the last burn. "I wish for her burn to heal...Wish Kiss"Neige mutters. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, the burn fading away. He touched her burned wings, staring at it silently. "I wish for her wings to heal. Wish Kiss." He pressed a kiss to her wings, watching as they grew baby feathers. Footsteps echoed, Neige sitting down in a chair. Elliot came in with flowers, looking worried. "Woah, I didn't know healing spells were so effective, she looks as if it never happened...a-aside from her wings"Jaseem says surprised. "I used some extra healing spells!"Neige smiled.

"Thanks Neige, you're a lifesaver"Allison sighed. "Liv"Elliot mutters worriedly. "How is she?" Duchess walked over, looking a little pale. "Ms Duchess, are you okay?"Tiana asks startled. "Just scared, I was so shocked to see that raging fire"Duchess says. Jerbo gently patted her back, looking sympathetic. "Jerbo, explain to us something"Tiana scowled. "Why did you ask Livia about what she heard?"Tiana demanded. Elliot looked at Jerbo, realizing that Jerbo knew exactly when Livia heard the thought about the threat. "I'm also a mind reader"Jerbo sighed. "And I saw the future, where Livia burned to death in that classroom"Jerbo went on guilty. "Why didn't you tell us?!"Elliot gasps. "I'm sorry, you guys trusted Livia with reading your minds and I thought that you guys would dislike me if I had told you all"Jerbo sighed. "So what you're saying is, you wanted her dead"Jaseem snarled.

"NO, NO! THAT'S NOT IT!"Jerbo gasped shaking his head. "Then why didn't you warn her before she went in"Tiana demanded scowling at him. "I did, I reached out mentally and told her not to enter!"Jerbo says quickly. Suspicious, worried and wary eyes stared him down, Jerbo staring at his friends hoping this wasn't the moment he lost them. "No wait...he's right..."Duchess says. "I saw Livia stop with a look of surprise on her face and then the explosion went off!"Duchess says quickly. Neige watched them, then placed a hand on Livia's arm. Livia groaned, opening her eyes. "BESTIE!"Elliot beamed relieved. "Hey Elliot"Livia greets as he hugged her. She looked at her arms and legs, startled at the sight of her burns gone. Neige smiled at her, his mind still blank but something slipped through. "Think. Love. Her." Livia touched her wings, perking up when she felt new feathers growing. "How"Livia muttered.

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