Chapter Ten

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Livia laid in bed, Elliot and Jaseem sleeping not far from her in their areas. She opened her eyes and sat up, yawning as she got out of bed. Elliot rubbed his eyes as he woke up, Jaseem forcing himself out of bed. "Man, I wanna sleep in since we have no classes this week, but my body won't let me"Jaseem sighed. He brushed his teeth, Livia brushing her hair. Elliot squealed behind them, the duo turning. "LIVIA YOUR WINGS!"Elliot beamed. Livia stared, then looked in the mirror finding her wings fully healed. "How!!"Livia smiled touching her wings. "It's a miracle! An absolute miracle!"Elliot beamed touching her feathers. Livia laughed, letting out a happy squeal as she clapped. "Lets get dressed and show the others!"Elliot beamed. The trio finished brushing their teeth and washing their faces, hurrying out and getting dressed.

They ran out, but stopped looking at the paper on the hallway. "First years meeting in the Assembly Room?"Elliot says curiously. "Lets head there"Livia sighed dejected. "It's a first year gathering, Liv, the others will be there except Neige and Eric"Elliot reminds. "Oh right! Lets go!"Livia beamed. She walked beside them, giggling as they headed down the hall. "Hey guys!"Alison smiled Tiana beside him. "Oh, Liv, your wings!"Jerbo says. "I know right! Amazing! A miracle!"Livia beamed. "It is"Tiana smiled his expression softening. "Come on, lets head to he Assembly Room"Jerbo suggests turning away. Livia smiled, then stopped looking at Neige's room, surprised to see that he shared a room with Leo. She knocked, the others walking ahead.

The door cracked open, a tired Neige staring at her. "Go away"Neige orders. "Neige, are you okay?"Livia asks. "I SAID, GO AWAY!!"Neige spat. He slammed the door shut shocking her. "Liv..."Elliot stared startled. Livia stared, tears threatening to fall. "Oh Liv..."Tiana says as Livia wiped a stray tear away. Livia sniffed, rubbing her tears away then hurried from Neige's dorm room. She hurried straight into the Assembly Room that wasn't too far from he dormitory area, which just made her tuck her wings in and hurry to an empty area. "You alright?" She looked up, finding some fellow first years staring at her as her friends walked in. "Oh uhm, I'm fine.."Livia mutters. Elliot walked over to her, leaning against her concerned. "These your friends?"The male asks curiously.

"Yeah, I'm Elliot, that's Jaseem, Tiana, Alison and Jerbo, this here is our girl Livia"Elliot says noticing she seemed uncomfortable. "I'm Zalim, these are my pals, Rafael, Bailey, and Kaily"The male greets. "Nice names, I'm Prince Andy"Andy says walking over joining them. Livia stared at Bailey, noticing how blank his mind was...he was also able to block her just like Neige. "Students!" The group looked up, staring at Headmaster Ambrose. Livia stared at the teachers their emotions ranging from curious to excited to tired. "We have a few announcements for you first years, the first one is that classes will start up tomorrow, under a few requests"Headmaster Ambrose announces.

"Queen Maleficia has given us a few guards to watch the school and keep you students safe." Livia grinned, mentally thanking the queen for this. "Second announcement we have a new professor, he will take over P.E. class after our last professor retired"Headmaster Ambrose smiled. Cobra stepped forward, murmurs starting up at how scary he looked. Duchess walked over to him, Cobra lowering his head to press their cheeks together. "Last announcement, we have three new students sent to us"Headmaster Ambrose smiled. Three kids stepped up beside Cobra, their expressions ranging from happy, to stoic to bored. Livia stared at the male at the end of the line, his mind also blocking her mind reading. She frowned, this mind reading blocking was getting really annoying and she hardly EVER got annoyed.

"I'm Ben"The male greets. "Violet"The stoic girl greets. "Lassie"The beastman with furry ears waves. "Other girls"Elliot says surprised. "Queen Maleficia has convinced me to allow more girls into our school since NRC has a few girl students of their own there"Headmaster Ambrose informs looking over at Livia. He winked, earning a surprised look from her. "For now, you kids take the rest of the day to relax, the music, art, library and history rooms are opened"Duchess smiled. The gong went off, dismissing the first years. Livia walked towards the exit, until she felt something touching her tail. She looked behind her alarmed, finding a cat male smiling at her. "Hi! I'm Figaro!"The male beamed. "Oh, I'm Livia"Livia smiled finding him cute.

She walked beside him after the other first years, going to the courtyard. "Wanna hang out in the music room?"Kaily asks. "Sure!"Elliot beamed. "More new friends! Livia can make more friends as well! This is the best despite all the drama!" Livia smiled at Elliot, a bit amused that he was still worrying about her. "Oh Eric!"Livia calls hurrying over. "You're Neige's friend right?"Livia asks. Eric nodded, looking surprised. "What happened to Neige, is he okay..I hope he is." Livia hesitated then sighed. "Neige snapped at me earlier today"Livia informs. Eric stared in shock, looking alarmed. "Neige's unique magic is called Wish Kiss, he makes a wish and they mostly come true unless he kissed his fingers or what he wished for...and it seems he's used it too much, the drawback is that he gets tired and colder"Eric explains.

Livia stared in shock, putting the pieces together. "He healed my wings!!"Livia gasped. "That'd tire him out and activate his drawback"Eric nods. Livia bolted away, Eric looking startled. She quickly ran back to the dormitory, hurrying straight to Neige's room. "Neige!"Livia yells knocking on the room door. Neige cracked the door open, staring at her tiredly. "Can we talk?"Livia asks. He glanced away, then nodded opening the door enough for her to slip into the room. He shut the door, turning a lamp light on as he sat on his bed. "I wanted to ask why you healed my wings"Livia says. Neige yawned, causing guilt to rise up inside her at how tired he looked. "I like you, ever since I first saw you three days ago"Neige replies startling her.

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