15. The hidden plans for a biggest thing...

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Almost 10 days right..... Since, I updated this story... Purposely delayed as the votes are not coming up... But considering to my loved ones demand and accepting my loyal voting buddies wishes , Im giving up and updating this story....

The more the number of votes, the updates will be quicker. . This story is nearing it closure and Im expecting some more support from you all....


Now to shot. 15:

Abhi is leaning on the royal couch and pragya is seen lying on abhi's broad chest... Abhi caress pragya's head and keeps on kissing her...

Pragya: Abhi... Im getting nervous and scared...

Abhi: what happened to my bold princess... You are a strong girl and why are you talking like this.... You are a brave warrior pragya..
I always adore your sword handling techinques, clever fighting tactics and how quick you are in accessing and handling the tricky and dangerous situations very bravely....

Now what is bothering to my princess... Moreover you are not alone... Im also with you... We have a strong weapon with us - our love... Then what ... even death can not near you when Im with you....

Pragya: I know that my abhi is always there for me... But what scares me is that I cant live without you.... I know our love is way too strong but if any wrong happens to our love, I cant even survive.....

We will be together like this na abhi.... We wont get separated right... I want you abhi and I cant imagine a life without you for a single second too....

Abhi pulls pragya closer : Hey my princess... Look up... Dont be weak pragya... No one can dare to separate us... We will be together forever.... I promise that we will get married soon and will stay happily together always....

Pragya: Abhi... What will happen to our kingdoms... Just think of that... My kingdom needs a king... Your kingdom needs a queen... You and I were declared to be the future king and queen..

What are we going to do now??? Its not possible to rule the kingdoms at the same time and we cant stay away from each other too... My head is spinning with these questions...

Im not bothering anything about what our parents reactions and Im not going to care about that even for a bit too... They have lose all the right on us when they have hidden our true identity and kept us in dark... They even cant take decisions on our lives as they did a big sin...

What makes me worried is that what will our citizens do and what will the future of our kingdoms???? Who is going to rule??? Cant figure out what we will be the pressureful situation we are going to handle... 😢😢😢😢

Abhi wipes pragya's tears and kisses her lovingly...

Abhi: pragya.. you believe me right..

Pragya: Yes...

Abhi: Then hear me...
🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇 (Convo muted)

pragya: My goodness... You are way too mind blowing abhi... How come you come up with this things... Abhi.... Really you are a genius..

No one can near your intelligence in decision making... Im so proud of you abhi.. You solved a biggest thing very easily.. Im so so happy.....

Abhi: pragya... Pragya .. dont shout dear .. all will wake up... For this itself, you are excited like this..

Pragya: This is not a simple thing abhi... You solved a big problem just like that... I cant explain in words abhi... That much Im happy...

Abhi: Ahaan... Why not you give some appreciation for my brilliance ...

Pragya: oye abhi... Im praising you only na....

Abhi: Nah.... Nah.. dont you know action speaks louder than words... Why not the lips that is praising me so much can say it directly to my lips... See my lips are wanting to have those dancing lips entwined with that....

pragya: Chee... 😊😊😊😊.... Naughty abhi...

Abhi: Grow up princess... We are secrectly meeting to romance only na... Now come on... dont make my mood off... Tommorrow is a big day na... We have to see the reactions of aaliya's parents... The secret message we have sent them would have created the commotions there...

So, its just a energy booster to both of us to face the war... Lets charge ourselves to handle the big battle... Princess. Pragya no moving off.... Come on...

Pragya blushes too hard and about to get up from the couch... But abhi pulls her with his strong hands and caged her lips with his and she too surrendered happily to the demands of her love without thinking what the fate has in stores for them....


Siddhan is getting restless and tossing in his bed... Sleep is far away from his eyes and he could not close his eyes even for a second too... His heart is thumping too hard as he is getting restless.... He is worried and thinking what will happen when aaliya
Chandini's parents King. Manudeep veera and queen Urmila kausalya comes over there...

Siddhan is not in a condition to hear a no from them... Though he and aaliya fall in love only for a short period of time, siddhan's heart is very happy and aaliya also likes him so much... He cant imagine a life without her...

Unable to rest anymore, siddhan gets up and dressed up and masked his face... He slowly sneaks out to the chamber in which aaliya is sleeping... He knows very well that pragya will be with abhi...

But to siddhan's surprise, bulbul is not there and only aaliya is sleeping in the royal bed... Siddhan smiles widely and slowly starts to trace his finger on aaliya's body...

Siddhan gasps in shock when aaliya pulls him closer but her eyes are closed... Siddhan could not assume what is happening there...

Aaliya: Atlast my siddhan ji has got the courage to come and meet me na...

Siddhan: Are you awake aaliya???

Aaliya: Yes... Something in me tells me that today you will come here for sure.... You are restless like me na... What will my parents say and how they will react???

Siddhan: Yes aaliya.... I cant sleep as Im quite nervous... You wont leave me na if your parents are not okay with our marriage...

Aaliya: How will I leave my patidev. siddhan???? Whatever happens Im only your patni... I know my parents pretty well.... My happiness means them to a lot....

Siddhan: Thank god... I feared unnecessarily... You sleep now princess... Let me make a move....

Aaliya: Dare to move from your place siddhan rana... Dont face the wrath of aaliya chandini... I have not seen a coward prince like you siddhan...

Siddhan: what's that aaliya???? Am I a coward??? Dont you know Im a brave warrior...

Aaliya: You are a brave warrior, I accept.... But you are a very big zero in romance... Huh... Who on earth will leave such a chance siddhan ji??? We too are alone here... But you want to go to your chamber... Oh god!!!! What am I going to do with this dumbo siddhan ji...

Siddhan : Ahaan.... I thought my aaliya is a scary cat and is very backward in love and romance... So, I did not wish to scare or trouble you... Now, I understood that my aaliya wants some romanctic times with me... Nkt bad... You will see how this siddhan is too good in romancing...

Siddhan starts to slowly close the gap between them and the place is filled with romance and love and the love birds are way too happy forgetting the destiny's cruel play...


The next day, a grand welcome is given to the king manudeep veera and queen Urmila kausalya of the elegant Miluna kingdom or the parents of aaliya chandini who have rushed up to the simhan kingdom to know about the wheareabouts of aaliya....

Anamika: Welcome to the simhan kingdom.... We are way too pleased to have you...

Manudeep: We are not come here to have good time with you all or to accept your welcome and all... Can you please explain me king Mithran singha ... how come aaliya is here???? Where is she????

Mithran: Calm down king Raguveer.... Aaliya is pretty well and she is treated with all love and dignity as she is goin to be our bahu and the future queen of the simhan kingdom...

Manudeep: What nonsense are you talking King. Mithran???? Aaliya is born for prince. Pragyan... Dont you know the verman dynasty is way too poweful than us...

Anamika: Aaliya and our son siddhan are loving each other and to say the truth even prince. Pragyan is okay with thier love and marriage.

Manudeep (shouts) : What is happening here??? I know pretty well about my aaliya and her love for pragyan... You all have done something to her.... I wont leave you all....

Urmila gasps in shock and Manudeep frozes and dumb struck to see aaliya dressed up beautifully like a bride .. she comes up with a blushy face holding siddhan's hand and their eyes itself shows their love on each other... Aaliya spots her parents and runs and hugs them....

Manudeep : Aaliya beta... You are fine right... They are talking something crap.... Where is pragyan and bulbul???

Why are you holding that man's hand and did they threaten you to do so??? Dont worry your papa has came na... No need to get scared... I will look after them...

Aaliya: No papa... You are mistaken... Im way too happy here.... My inlaws has accepted me as their own daughter and siddhan ji loves me truly...

Urmila: Aaliya what are you saying??? you are forgetting about pragyan.... You cant cheat him like that....

Aaliya: maa... Pragyan ji is okay with this marriage .... Indeed he is way too happy for us...

Manudeep: Impossible.... Nothing doing aaliya... Not a word more... Its my order ... we are starting right now and we are gonna fix your marriage soon with pragyan....

Bulbul, purab, pragya and abhi comes there holding hand in hand... Pragya understands what is going on there...

Pragya: When I myself dont have any problem, why are you forcing aaliya.... If we get married, its a big sin....

Manudeep : who are you??? Are you mad??? You are a girl and how can you marry my aaliya... Where is pragyan??? Princess. Bulbul you are here.... Did you know what is going on here...

Bulbul: Dont panic uncle... All is going pretty well... Siddhan and aaliya loves each other a lot... Aaliya cant marry pragyan because pragyan is not a boy yet she is a girl and there she is my little sister pragya or the faked pragyan.

Manudeep and urmila gasps in shock... Everyone explained what has happened till now....

Manudeep: Still I cant believe this... I cant even digest the fact that the royal prathipan and verman kings and queens will commit such a big thing and how can they cheat their own kids....

Rather than getting angry at them, Im really feeling pity for abhishekh and pragya.... poor kids .. how much they would have suffered????

We have to do something king mithran... Im ready to do anything to get back them justice.... We should not leave them for cheating and playing with all our emotions...

Mithran: manudeep ji... That we will discuss later... Before that tell us whether you are okay to accept our proposal to give your daughter's hand for our son siddhan....

Manudeep and urmila sees aaliya being nervous and siddhan is caringly consoling her that he will be always there for her.. They smiles brightly and nodded their heads...

Manudeep: what's there to say king. Mithran... See already they become one by hearts... Just the rituals alone left na... But I have one condition for this marriage ...

All are worried what will king. Manudeep's condition for the marriage....


The verman dynasty is shown... The king Arjuna Rathore and queen sunaina kumari (pragya and bulbul's parents) are way too shocked to read the message....

Same happens in the prathipan kingdom with queen. Madhurikka and acting king vijendra (abhi's parents) to receive such an unbelievable message from queen anamika...

So, what's in the message???

What is king Manudeep's condition for marriage???

What is abhi's reply or the solution given by abhi to pragya to solve the kingdom's problems for choosing the future king and queen????

Will abhi & pragya, purab and bulbul, siddhan and aaliya gets married and lives happily???

Will the biggest sinners are forgiven or will they be punished???

To know more stay tuned....

Again a long update with 2160+ words....

Forgive me for mistakes as its unedited...

Dont forget to cast your votes and pen down your views. ..


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Shutting the royal curtains for time being ....

Will be


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