Explanation (only if you don't understand the premise so far)

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So here's what's happening in this roleplay in case you haven't understood thus far:

-All the royals from all over the world meet up at one ball to celebrate the fact that there is going to be a selection amongst the royals of Aella and the royals around the world.

-However, all the royals who are participating get kidnapped that very night and are forced to participate in a selection for two of the rebel leaders children's hearts.

-If the royals don't win and are eliminated they will - most likely - be killed or taken to a prison. Unless they escape.

-Your job as roleplayers is to play as the royals and you will be competing for the hearts of the rebels - who I will play-

-The winners who get the son and daughter of the leader rebels to fall in love with them will get to be spared and not killed in the overthrowing of the government.

Yes, I know this is seriously messed up but I'm tired of all the exact same selection roleplays. This is like a selection roleplay meets the hunger games! Heheh.

And although I said that the selected are not allowed to hurt eachother in the rules they definetly are. After all if other selected die there is less competition! However, in the end only I can really chose who dies. (Wow this sounds like I have a total god complex.... Ooof okay sorry! I swear I don't!)

Anyways there will be many other important characters so please don't be offended if you get eliminated. Thanks!


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