~ 13 ~

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"I've got all my money on you
And though my dollars are few
I feel like a million bucks
And I give no fucks when I'm with you"
Million Bucks - Smallpools


Maeve surprises me by following us back to Boston. She convinced our parents to let her take a week off school to see Boston. She told me that she expects a full tour of the city and the college experience in a nutshell.

On the last day of Thanksgiving break, we return to Boston. We spend the day lounging around the penthouse and getting our internal clocks back on East Coast Time. I give Maeve a grand tour and show her around the rest of the building.

Classes start up again on Monday. Maeve is stuck in the penthouse all day since it's the official start of the second half of the first semester. I decide against sneaking her into my classes on the first day back.

The rest of the school week passes by uneventfully, like usual.

Each day, Blair and I take Maeve around the city to experience the late fall/early winter highlights.

Tuesday, we go to the New England Aquarium. I show her the penguin exhibit and the huge tank with the turtle. We also walk around The North End, since it's close to the aquarium. We take her to all of the best food spots, like Mike's Pastries to get one of their famous cannolis.

Wednesday, we take Maeve to the Frog Pond in the Commons. Since it's the first week in December, the Ice Skating Rink is set up. We spend a few hours of the afternoon skating. Afterward, we stroll through the Commons and Public Garden.

Thursday, we shop on Newbury Street and walk around downtown. I show her a few of the historical sights along the Freedom Trail too.


Friday approaches quickly. Maeve begs me to let her come to my classes. I give in to get her to shut up. She'll definitely be bored, but she's the one who wanted to attend classes.

"You ready to go?" I ask Maeve before we need to leave for European History.

"Yes," she says excitedly. "How do I look? Do you think I'll blend in?"

I take in her outfit. She is wearing one of my Harvard hoodies and leggings.

"For the most part," I reply. "It's obvious that you're too young to be a college student, though. If anyone gives you a hard time, just say that you're taking a tour before applying."

"Sounds good."

We arrive on campus and go to my history class.

"Hey, Maxwell, who's your twin?" Chase calls out as I take a seat between him and Kaden.

"Maeve, my younger sister."

"How you doin'?" He asks seductively.

Maeve giggles.

"She's like four years younger than you," I scowl at him. "Can you move down a seat, so Maeve can sit?"

"Sure, anything for the pretty ladies," he says.

"Just ignore him. You'll get used to it," I whisper to her.

She looks over to my right and sees Kaden. Maeve raises her eyebrows, silently asking if it's Kaden. I roll my eyes and nod.

She gets a mischievous look on her face.

"So you must be Kaden! It's nice to meet my sister's boyfriend!" She says.

"Hey," he says, lips curving in amusement.

"So sweetheart, when did we upgrade our relationship? Should I change my Facebook status?" He asks me quietly.

"She is just trying to stir up drama," I reply.

"Ferme ta gueule avant que je te fasse," I hiss to her. (Translation: Shut the fuck up before I make you.)

"Maeve decided to come to Boston this week and I'm showing her around. She wants to get the American college experience," I explain to the boys.

"You should come to the party tonight," Chase says. "Oh, don't forget to bring Grace."

I'm surprised Chase is still simping for Grace. His modus operandi is to go through girls like a bad golfer loses golf balls. 

"Can we go? Pretty please?" Maeve begs.

"Nous devons d'abord demander à Marc et Blair. Vous connaissez les règles," I remind her. (Translation: We need to ask Marc and Blair first. You know the rules.)

Class starts and ends before we know it. I can tell Maeve is getting bored, so I contact Marc to come pick her up. I proceed to the rest of my classes and then head home when calc is over.


"Okay, here are the rules for tonight," I tell Maeve. We are currently standing in the front yard of Theta Alpha. "You will stay with Blair or me the entire night. No wandering off. I don't want you to get lost since you are in an unfamiliar environment. You can have one drink. If you get drunk tonight, dad will kill me."

"Agreed," she nods her head eagerly.

Linking my arm through hers, I lead us into the frat house. I immediately seek out Kaden as we make our way through the crowd. This party is a lot tamer than the other ones I've been to.

I'm assuming it's because there's nothing to really celebrate, so fewer people showed up. There are still drunks dancing on tables, but far fewer than at previous parties.

Searching the room for any sign of Kaden or his usual crowd, I see him walking towards the kitchen. I pull Maeve with me to catch up with him.

"Owww where are you dragging me?"

"Kaden's over there," I reply over the music without turning around.

"Glad you guys could make it," Kaden says as we catch up with him. "I was getting beer and cups for beer pong. Wanna play?"

"Sure, we'd love to," I answer for us.

Kaden hands us two beers each to carry. He grabs the cups, and we follow him to the dining room.

"Do you know how to play?" Kaden asks.

"How about you go over the rules for Maeve?" I ask, not wanting to admit that I don't know how to play.

"Sure, so you basically try and get the ping pong balls in the cups. If you get it, the other team has to drink. If the other team gets it in one of your cups, you have to drink. Whoever clears all of the cups first obviously wins." He opens the beers and pours them in the cups as he explains.

The teams are Kaden and me vs. Maeve and James to make things more balanced.

I get to go first. I sink the ball in the first cup, making James drink.

"Beginners luck," James mutters.

It's Maeve's turn. Somehow she sinks the ball in one of our cups too.

"Have you guys been practicing or something?" Kaden jokes before chugging the contents.

"Maybe," I smirk.

Kaden shoots and misses. James takes his turn and misses too.

We go back and forth for about fifteen minutes before James and Maeve win. Our beginner's luck faded quickly. We were so bad, the game was pretty much between James and Kaden by the end.

After the game is over, I follow Kaden into the kitchen. We pass by a slightly drunk Blair on the way. I pass off babysitting duty to her so I can hang out with Kaden alone.

"So, what are you doing Sunday night?" He asks me casually.

"I don't have any plans as of now. What do you have in mind?"

"The date we never got around to rescheduling?" It comes out sounding more like a question rather than a statement.

I think it over for a few seconds.

Fuck what my parents tell me. They're not here to punish me. They don't even have to know.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I say with a grin.

His face instantly lights up. It makes me happy knowing I can elicit that kind of reaction from him.

"Can we have it at my apartment?" I ask, remembering that I need to keep a low profile. "We could do a game night and order some pizza."

"Sure, sweetheart. Be prepared to lose," he says.

"I never lose," I respond.

"Yeah, but I always win," he jokes.

"Mhmm, we'll have to see."


Sunday afternoon rolls around quickly.

Maeve left after lunch. We spent the morning watching Christmas movies and decorating the penthouse. Even though we're all going back to Amaria for the holidays, we wanted to get in the holiday spirit.

Kaden: Just got here. Which appt is yours?

Me: I'll come downstairs and get you.

I call out to Blair to let her know I'm going to go let Kaden up. I'm surprised that she doesn't come down with me; she must be doing something important.

Embracing my slight freedom, I get in the elevator and head to the lobby for the first time alone. It doesn't seem like a big deal to be alone, but coming from someone who is never alone, this is a huge deal.

When I get there, Kaden is waiting on one of the couches with a box of pizza.

"I hope you don't mind that I picked up a pizza on the way," he says.

"Not at all. What kind did you get?"

"Buffalo chicken. I asked Maeve and she said it's your favorite."

Awww he asked my sister about me.

"That's so sweet of you," I say as I give him a hug. "C'mon, let's go up."

We get in the elevator. I insert my key and soon we're at the penthouse.

"Sweet place," he says, looking around the living room.

"It's kind of embarrassing," I admit.

"Why?" He looks baffled.

"Not very typical for a college student. My parents forced me into getting this place. I think it's too fancy," I explain.

He nods in understanding.

"Anyways, let's eat. I'm starving," I declare as my stomach grumbles loudly.

We settle on the couch and start eating pizza.

"So I picked out Jenga and Bananagrams if that's okay with you," I say between bites.

"I'm awesome at Jenga," he replies.

When we finish eating, I dump the blocks on the table and start to construct the tower.

"Ladies first."

I examine the tower for a minute, poking for loose blocks. I slide one of the blocks out from the bottom and place it at the top. Kaden grabs one of the blocks near the top.

We go back and forth until all of the loose blocks are gone.

Kaden takes his turn and the tower comes crashing down.

He groans as we pick up the blocks that fell to the floor.

"I thought you said you never lose?" I tease.

"I threw the game to let you win," he says without skipping a beat.

"Sure you did," I laugh. "Just like how I used magic to make sure the tower fell during your turn."

We switch to Bananagrams after a few more rounds of Jenga.

I spread out the tiles on the table all face-up. The rules say to make words out of just a few tiles, but I have always played just by making words out of any available letter. It's a lot easier that way.

I watch Kaden out of the corner of my eye. He appears to be thinking hard.

"You ready?" I ask when all of the tiles are spread out.

This seems to shake him out of his stupor.

"Yeah," he says with a quick nod of his head.

I reach for letters to spell banana.

Kaden places an E under the B to spell be.

I spell Christmas using the last A.

He adds a Y to the M.

I add present to the board.

He then adds the word girlfriend to the board and looks at me expectantly.

It takes me a few to seconds to realize he just spelled out be my girlfriend.

It's official, my heart is melting.

This is so adorable. It's like something straight out of a romance novel.

I'm about to respond verbally, but I decide on spelling it out for him instead.

Yes, I add.

I lean over the table to kiss him. Our lips collide in a frenzy of pent-up desire. I let him take control of the kiss. His tongue slips into my mouth and starts caressing my tongue. He tastes of pizza and candy. It's intoxicating. We pull apart for air.

Somehow we end up on the couch with me straddling him.

Dazed, I get off his lap and snuggle into his side. He wraps an arm around me and pulls me close. I feel him place a kiss on the top of my head. We both sigh, content on being in each other's arms for now.

Fuck what my parents say about us.

I feel miles high whenever I'm with him. I sure as hell won't let anyone tell us how to love or live.

He is my sun peaking through the clouds on a sunny day; the stars in my night sky.


Thanks for reading chapter 13! Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

They're finally together!!! Yay!

Has anyone been to Boston? In the past few chapters, I've included many descriptions of the city. Should I include some pictures in a banner at the top for those of you who have no clue what I'm writing about? (I live in Massachusetts, so I'm pretty familiar with the area.)

As always, please let me know if you spot any grammatical errors or typos!

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