~ 16 ~

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"I'll be there for you
(When the rain starts to pour)
I'll be there for you
(Like I've been there before)
I'll be there for you
('Cause you're there for me too)"
I'll Be There For You - The Rembrandts


Sunday morning, I wake up with a slight headache from the drinks last night. I'm not totally hungover, which is refreshing. I'm glad I don't have to make the trip back to Boston sick.

We're leaving around 11 o'clock to drop Amanda, Claire, and the makeup artists off at the airport for their flight back to Amaria. Then, we're going to begin the five-hour drive home. Most of today is going to be spent cramped up in a car.

Xander and I have plans to have breakfast together in his presidential suite.

I knock on his door, which is two rooms down from mine.

"Good morning," he says, stepping aside to let me enter.


"I was just about to order room service. What do you want?" He hands me the folded up menu from the drawer in the nightstand.

I skim it. There's eggs, french toast, waffles, pancakes, omelets, fresh fruit, and so much more. The detailed pictures are making my mouth water.

"Two Belgian Waffles and a side of strawberries."

He picks up the phone to place two orders of the waffles and strawberries.

"So when are you heading out?" I ask as I plop down on the spare bed.

"Tomorrow morning. I have some meetings to attend this afternoon at the UN. My brothers couldn't attend, so I got stuck representing Denmark. It'll be boring." He shrugs.

"Well at least it's good practice for the future," I add to stay positive. However, there really aren't many positive things about being stuck in meetings all afternoon.

"That's true."

A few minutes later, there is a knock on the door. John appears to open the door and let the housekeeping lady in.

She wheels a cart of two plates and a bowl in, all with metal plate covers on top.

She sets the small table in the kitchen and places the food on the table cloth before leaving.

I sit down and dig into my waffles and strawberries. They smell delectable.

"So I was thinking of coming to visit you in Boston sometime in January. Do you know what your schedule will look like yet?" Xander asks as he pours syrup on his waffles.

"I don't know my schedule exactly, but I know that classes start in the last week of January, so I'll be in Amaria most of the month. I recall receiving an email from Juliet to your assistant regarding setting up a February visit."

"Okay, cool."

"We'll definitely be seeing each other in January at the New Year's Party and my birthday party on the 22nd." I stab a strawberry with my fork and take a bite.

"I totally forgot about those events. I'm assuming I'm your date?" He asks, taking a bite of his food.

"I assume so. I've been told that there will be a press release about our 'relationship' shortly after New Year's. The email also said that we will be attending upcoming events together."

"I'm not sure how many events I can squeeze into my calendar and how often I will be able to travel to meet you, though," I add after a pause.

"That's okay, I remember what it was like trying to balance my duties with school."

"I forgot that you just graduated," I remark.

He nods as he chews.

"I was thinking of leasing an apartment somewhere in Back Bay, if that's alright with you. I don't want to impose and stay in your penthouse every visit."

"That is okay, but keep in mind that we don't mind hosting you guys."

"It was great staying with you, but next time I am going to have to bring more guards with me. There have been some death threats to my parents back home, so we are upping security measures for the time being. Anyway, there won't be space for my extra guys," he explains.

"That sucks. I hope everyone stays safe," I respond with a tight smile. I know first hand how paranoid threats can make you.

"Okay, let's stop with the business talk," he comments.


"So, what would you like for Christmas?"

"You don't need to get me anything," I say.

"Come on, I would be a bad fiancé if I didn't," he jokes.

The word fiancé hits me like a brick wall. We aren't engaged yet, but we might as well be.

I suddenly feel sick.

"So, what do you want? I was thinking we could exchange gifts before the Annual New Year's Eve Party at your place," he continues.

"How about we surprise each other?" I say to put an end to this nauseating conversation.

Any more conversation about our future together might cause me to explode in stress.

"Sounds good. I know just the thing."

Then why did he even ask me in the first place?

I smile at him and eat the last bit of my waffles.

"Well, this has been fun, but I really should get going. I have a few things to pack up before leaving." I fold my napkin and stand up.

"Bye, have a safe trip back to Boston," he says as he rises. I think he is going to give me a hug.

No, he is actually leaning in and looking at my lips. Please don't kiss me.

I act quickly and turn my head so his lips land on my cheek instead.

I give him an awkward hug before walking towards the door. Awkward seems to describe me a lot these days.

I turn around and wave goodbye before leaving.

Once I close the door, I lean against it and take a deep breath.


Eleven o'clock rolls around quickly. We check out of the hotel and make our way to the airport to drop the team from Amaria off.

After their plane takes off, we hit the road.

I spend most of the ride alternating between doing homework and reading my book. I don't do as much studying as I should be doing, especially since finals are coming up.

Around seven o'clock, we arrive back at the penthouse. We drove straight back, only stopping at a drive-through McDonald's for a quick lunch. The traffic leaving the city on the George Washington Bridge was horrendous. In hindsight, we should have expected it on a Sunday. It doesn't make sitting in traffic for an hour any more pleasant, though.

We unanimously decided on ordering a pizza for dinner. I know that I eat pizza way too often, but it's so convenient and delicious.

I decide on texting Grace to invite her over

Me: Hey, we're ordering a pizza for dinner. Want to join us? I was thinking I could maybe answer some of your questions

Grace: Sure, I'll be up in ten! 😊

Sure enough, ten minutes later, there is a knock at the back door.

I let Grace into the kitchen, where Blair and Marc are grabbing their pizza. Marc didn't order pineapple pizza this time, so there isn't a brawl over destroyed pizzas.

After we all load our plates with pizza, I direct Grace to the living room, where we can talk more privately. Marc and Blair are having a mini date night, so I want to give them their space. I also want to create a safe distance between us and Blair's bedroom.

"Okay, I know you must be extremely curious, so fire away. Nothing's off-limits for now."

"Thanks. So I did some research today. You're first in line, so you are going to be queen someday. Love that for you, by the way. Girl power," she says, flipping her hair.

"When will you become queen?"

"I don't know for certain, but it most likely will not be for awhile. My parents will end up turning the throne to me when they want to retire. It'll most likely happen before I turn thirty-five."

"So have your parents been the Queen and King for your whole life?" She takes a bite of her slice of cheese pizza.

"Not exactly. My paternal grandparents were the Queen and King of Amaria until a little after Maeve was born. So, I was like two when my parents took over. In Amaria, our Queens and Kings have the throne until they're sixty-years-old at most. Then the oldest child takes over, disregarding gender.

"My mother is originally from France and married my father a few years before I was born. It was arranged to be a political marriage, but they ended up falling in love beforehand. They got lucky, unlike most royals, who are stuck in loveless marriages."

"So was she a princess before being queen?" She asks as I bite into my pizza.

I finish chewing before responding.

"Yes, she was. Her older brother, my uncle, is the current King of France. My parents have known each other most of their lives, much like Xander and I."

"Speaking of Prince Alexander, is it true you will be marrying him?" She asks for confirmation.

"I came across some magazine articles about you two. There were pictures of y'all in the Commons and walking down Beacon Street. Apparently, there is rampant speculation of an oncoming engagement announcement. The magazines are practically making bets on when it will be announced."

"It's not set in stone, but there's a good chance I will. Most royal marriages are arranged." I pause to think about how I should word this.

"Well, the ones for the heirs typically are. We usually are moved around like pawns in a political chess game. The details still need to be worked out, but Xander and I will be officially in a relationship for a substantial amount of time before getting engaged."

"I don't mean to be rude, but why the hell are you dating Kaden if you are practically engaged to Alexander? If your relationship with Kaden is already doomed, then why lead him on and get attached?" She asks.

Honestly, I am still trying to figure that out myself.

It's because I have no self-control.

Obviously, that is not a sufficient response, so I go with the next best thing:

"Um, I was going to reject him, but I didn't want to hurt his feelings," I explain.

"Um, that sounded a lot better in my head," I rush out after an uncomfortable silence.

Grace is looking at me like I'm the village idiot.

"Honestly, Kate, I think you're making an enormous mistake. As Kaden's longtime friend, I think you should tell him the truth. I won't be taking sides in this, but I really don't want to see him get hurt. He doesn't deserve any of this," she says with disapproval evident on her face.

"I know." My face is heating up.

"I won't be saying anything, as it isn't my place to tell him. But, I am begging you to tell him before someone tells him for you. You're just going to inevitably end up destroying your relationship with him. Remember, you technically are cheating on him."

"You're right. I wish it wasn't so hard. I just don't know how to break it to him gently."

She gives me a sympathetic hug.

"I can't even imagine how stressed out you are right now. If I were you, I would rip the band-aid off. That way there is no ambiguity or misunderstandings. Get it over with before you cross the rubicon."

I nod, mulling it over. This could work. All I have to do is tell the whole truth.

How hard could it be? Just like ripping off a band-aid.

"Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what. I can't relate, but I like to think that I'm a good listener. Day or night, call me and I'll be there.

"Oh, you can trust me with your secret too. I won't breathe a word of this to anyone," she mimics locking her lips and tossing away the key.

"Thank you. You don't know how much your friendship means to me." I can feel the tears accumulating in my eyes.

Ugh, why do I have to get so damn emotional?

"Same to you, girl," she replies, getting choked up as well.

"Okay, I'm tired of being serious. Can I see some pictures of the palace? There weren't many on Google Images." Just like that, the topic and mood make a full 180.

I wipe my eyes and reach for my phone from the coffee table. I open a photo album of pictures.

"So this is the grand entrance..."


Thanks for reading chapter 16! Please don't forget to vote and comment! Each interaction helps my book get noticed <3

What are your thoughts so far? Is the book moving too fast? Any predictions? I have the next 10 chapters written, so guesses won't be influencing the plot lol.

Just wanted to give a little disclaimer: I am aware that France no longer has a monarchy. This is just a story, so I'm making things up, just like I did with Amaria. A lot of the "rules" and explanations of how things work as a royal are also bullshit. I am just basing it off what I have read in other Wattpad books and seen in movies.

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