~ 22 ~

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"Sometimes I think I think too much
Can't stop, my thoughts come all at once
Maybe I'm crazy maybe who knows
Could've been easy all along
But sometimes I think I think too much"
i think too much - Christian French


The first week of January passes by quickly.

The Danish stay for a few days after the party to have some meetings.

We sent out an official press release on January 3rd, announcing that Xander and I are in a relationship. Thankfully, we didn't sign any contracts. There's still hope for Kaden and I.

I don't understand the full reason for not signing contracts. I know it had something to do with bad press and wanting to give Xander and me an out if something terrible happens. We're just going to take things slow for now and revisit the contracts in six months. It's a good enough reason for me.

Xander's parents and brothers left after the business was taken care of. He is still here. I think he is planning on sticking around until I need to leave for Boston.

At ten o'clock, Xander and I have a meeting with Juliet about our engagements for the week. Since we're in a PR relationship, we have to make public appearances and be seen together.

Five minutes before the meeting is due to start, I go to my office.

"Good morning, your Highness," Juliet greets from her desk

"Morning," I reply. I sit down at my desk and turn my computer on

I hear footsteps and turn around.

"Morning guys," Xander says.

"Hey. You can sit right there." I point to the extra swivel chair next to me.

"Now that you guys are here, let's get started," Juliet says. She pulls up my calendar and a Google Doc on her computer.

"This week you have an appearance at the Carcalles Children's Orphanage scheduled. That's on Tuesday... Wednesday, we don't have anything scheduled in public," she scrolls through the calendar and switches to the Google Doc.

"What about Thursday and Friday?"

"Thursday... you are scheduled to walk around the streets of the city with a few guards. We have already notified Amaria Weekly about this. A few of the palace photographers will be taking photos for them, so no need to worry about insane paps."

It's not often that we call the press on ourselves. The primary benefit is being able to control the narrative. We never use this for political reasons; it's just for when we want to have pictures in a magazine without worrying about embarrassing photos.

"Thursday morning before you leave, you will have a brief meeting with one of the publicists to review the do's and don'ts. He will also show you a few poses to do."

"You guys are hardcore here," Xander says in amazement.

"Well, it's better than letting random paps mob us and get terrible photos."

He shrugs.

"Moving on," Juliet continues. "So most of Thursday is blocked off for interacting with the public. Then Friday, you have a final planning meeting for your birthday ball, your Highness."

I lean forwards, trying to see her screen. "What's on the agenda for that?"

"It says here that you need to approve the decorations, cuisine, and have a final fitting for your dress." She points to specific bullets on her screen as she speaks.

She turns to address Xander, "Your Highness, your presence is needed Friday afternoon. You will be Princess Kate's dance partner."

"Why do we need dancing lessons?" I already know how to ballroom dance.

"There was a complaint about both of your dancing skills at the Make-A-Wish Gala in December," Juliet tells me.

Xander laughs. My cheeks turn rosy.

"W-what?" I sputter.

"You heard correctly."

"I think she meant to ask why," Xander says.

"Oh, well according to these notes, someone on our team reported that your dancing was a little sloppy. The King and Queen requested for you to do some practice."

"I bet it was Marc," I grumble. "He can be such a dumbass."

"I wouldn't be surprised," Xander muses.


Tuesday morning, Xander and I arrive at the orphanage bright and early.

We walk inside, holding hands and smiling. I'm especially cognizant of my body language and facial expressions. I don't want to appear indifferent to the children or Xander today; one false step and could be a headline about me being ungrateful in a gossip magazine.

"Your Highnesses, welcome!" A bubbly woman greets us with a bow in the lobby. "We are delighted to have you here today. I know the children are looking forward to meeting you."

"We are looking forward to meeting the kids," Xander says diplomatically.

"Is it okay if we have photographers take pictures?" She asks.

I turn around to see what the guards have to say.

The stone-faced one offers me a curt nod.

"Yes, we just ask that all pictures are reviewed with our PR team before being released."

"We can work with that," she nods. "If you'll follow me, I can accompany you to the playroom."

We walk through a maze of hallways. Xander rests his hand on the small of my back. I continue to smile as I hear shutters clicking.

"It's right through this door," the woman says, as she unlocks it and pushes it open.

I enter, followed closely by Xander.

Glancing around the room, I notice there are about thirty kids of all ages in here. They seem to be between three and twelve years old. There are bookshelves and a large rug in one corner. Half of the kids are gathered on the rug, listening to a man read them a story from a rocking chair.

The other side of the room has toys. There are boys and girls playing with Legos. Some of the adults are helping a few toddlers play with building blocks. I see girls playing dress up in the fake kitchen; they must be playing house.

As our group walks in, a few heads snap in our direction.

Some of the older kids look at us in awe. I wave at them.

The woman who escorted us here claps a few times to get everyone's attention.

"Today, we have Princess Katherine and Prince Alexander here to play with you guys! Let's remember to use our listening ears and manners."

A little girl in a dress walks up to me. She tugs on my pant leg and I bend down to her level.

"Hi, what's your name?"

"Lily," she says, hugging her teddy bear. "Are you a real-life pwincess?"

"Hi, Lily. Yes, I am a princess. And Alexander is a prince." I point to Xander. She cranes her neck to look up at him.

"Where's your crown?"

"I left it at home today. I didn't want it to get dirty."

"Come play princess with me!" She giggles and drags me to her friends. She has a surprisingly strong grip for a toddler.

Xander goes to play legos with a few of the boys.

I play in the kitchen with a group of girls. They are all so cute.

"You're pretty. You look like Cinderella," one girl says, staring at me.

"Thank you, you are really pretty too. I think you look just like Belle."

She gasps. "Really?"

I nod.

"What about me?" Another girl asks.

I pretend to think hard for a second. "You look like Jasmine."

She squeals.

I play in the kitchen with the girls. They pretend to clean as I pretend to cook.

Interacting with the kids is one of my favorite parts of this job. I'm glad I can help cheer up the orphans and make their days better.


Friday morning, Xander and I go on our scheduled walk around the street of Carcalles.

Trailed by two guards and photographers, we walk through a park.

Xander carefully envelops my hand in his.

I reduce some of the distance between us. We're close enough to make the hand-holding look natural, but not too close that it looks inappropriate.

Call me calculated, but posture and body language are the difference between a suggestive and innocent photo. I'm not giving paps any chances to turn this into something it's not.

"So your birthday's coming up, huh?" Xander asks, trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, next week," I look up at him.

He nods.

We continue walking down the path in silence.

I observe people reading on benches, getting exercises, and the dogs catching frisbees.

Some heads turn as our posse walks by. Thankfully, people mind their own business and just smile at us. If we were in America, I know we would be getting mobbed and asked for pictures or autographs.

We walk until we reach the fountains.

I'm too caught up in observing my surroundings to notice that Xander has stopped.

I stumble forward and almost trip. How do I always make a fool of myself in public?

Fortunately, Xander catches me.

Unfortunately, he takes the opportunity to place a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I hear the camera shutters clicking rapidly.

"Do that again!" One of the photographers says.

I put on a fake smile and let Xander dip me dramatically. After, he stands behind me and squeezes me in a hug.

I'm glad the photographers are behind us, unable to see the uncomfortable look on my face.


When I'm done with my work for the week, I send Kaden a text.

Me: How are things going? Haven't heard from you much this week 🥺

The long-distance has started to take a toll on us.

It's hard to find time to talk, especially since Amaria is 6 hours ahead of Boston.

I always end up FaceTiming Kaden when he's sleeping or eating. Kaden does the same to me. We end up having stilted conversations.

He hasn't answered my texts since Tuesday. It's Friday.

Kaden is always a fast texter.

Is he ignoring me?

Did I do something wrong?

I'm probably overthinking, but it doesn't stop me from analyzing our previous conversations in my mind.

The thoughts invade my mind.

Did I offend him when I complained about not seeing him enough? Did I seem like a spoiled brat when I sent him tons of pictures from Italy? Is he getting bored with me? Am I being too needy or clingy?

I feel my phone vibrate. My heart skips a beat.

I check it.

Maeve: lol I found Duke eating my beauty blender
Maeve: [Attachment: 1 Video]

I inwardly deflate and go back to chewing on my fingernails.

My phone buzzes again. I flip it over, thinking it is Kaden.

Maeve: Want to take Duke on a walk with me?

Why did I even think it was Kaden? Maeve texted me less than a minute ago.

I shake my head and take a deep breath, clearing out the obsessive thoughts.

I'm being unreasonable. He's likely working or spending time with family.

I'm just making a mountain out of a molehill.

I think way too much.

Me: A walk is just what I need. I'll see you in a few


Thanks for reading chapter 22! Please vote and comment!

Do you have any feedback? This is my first time writing a book, so I'm trying to make it as good as humanly possible.

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